华为云会议 Meeting-华为云会议隐私声明变更说明:The following describes changes of earlier versions.

时间:2025-02-12 15:02:16

The following describes changes of earlier versions.

[Version Changes]

We have updated the Privacy Statement to improve your experience with this service. Please read the following to learn more about the relevant changes.

  1. Added the SmartRooms and IdeaHub access scenarios.
    • Added the description of Personal Data collection, permissions, and path of disabling automatic collection in SmartRooms and IdeaHub access scenarios in Article "How We Collect Your Personal Data."
    • Added the description of third-party SDKs in Article "Third-Party Service Providers and Their Services."
  2. Added the user experience improvement program.
    • Added the description of joining and exiting the user experience improvement program in Article "How We Use Your Personal Data."
  3. Adjusted the report retention period for better public environment.
    • Changed the report retention period from 30 days to 6 months in Section "Data Storage and Retention."

Updated: June 1, 2022

View Huawei Cloud Meeting Privacy Statement
