流水线 CODEARTS PIPELINE-查询流水线日志:响应示例

时间:2023-12-06 10:17:33


状态码: 200


  "has_more" : false,
  "end_offset" : "25705",
  "start_offset" : "6132",
  "log" : "[2023/11/24 21:49:32.198 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : 该步骤开始执行。\n[2023/11/24 21:49:32.201 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : ================== start to do VmExecutionStep ==================\n[2023/11/24 21:49:32.207 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : [frame] start to send status data to service.\n[2023/11/24 21:49:32.225 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : [frame] finish to save status data to service.\n[2023/11/24 21:49:32.777 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : slave arch: amd64\n[2023/11/24 21:49:33.330 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : download file result: SUC CES S\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.547 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== flow agent launched in [octopus_container] ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== use env job loader ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] start to do status callback\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] successfully callback to flow service\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] step begin: [1/1]-[执行Shell]\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] start to use official executor [official_shell_plugin]\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] ###############################@@@ 【step start】 @@@###############################\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== start to use script executor ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== start to execute shell pre function [make temp dir] ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== shell pre function [make temp dir] current temp dir:[/data/workspace/6ce8600f396c4d5ba5290201ba9fd762/7a1a7bb1b5e74d1c944d8b8971621033] ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== end to execute shell pre function [make temp dir] successfully ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== start to execute custom shell ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] 1\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== finish to use script executor with status success ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] ################################@@@ 【step end】 @@@################################\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] finish to use official executor\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] step 执行Shell succeed. \n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] start to do data callback with context:[{1eaa92ecea2a42cab78e5269963a48c1 6ce8600f396c4d5ba5290201ba9fd762 7a1a7bb1b5e74d1c944d8b8971621033      0}]\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] successfully callback to flow service\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] current step, duration time: [0.030766842]\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] start to do status callback\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] successfully callback to flow service\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.548 GMT+08:00] [2023-11-24 21:49:36] [INFO] =========== flow agent end ===========\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.563 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : [frame] start to send status data to service.\n[2023/11/24 21:49:36.563 GMT+08:00] [INFO] [real_stage:执行Shell] : 该步骤执行完成。",
  "location" : "jenkins",
  "step_run_id" : "7a1a7bb1b5e74d1c944d8b8971621033"