时间:2024-12-19 14:11:09


  • 修改列名
    -- 建表
    openGauss=# CREATE TABLE test_alt2(c1 INT,c2 INT);
    -- 修改列名
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 RENAME c1 TO id;
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 RENAME COLUMN c2 to areaid; 
    -- 查看
    openGauss=# \d test_alt1
       Table "public.test_alt1"
     Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
     id     | integer | 
     areaid | integer | 
  • 增加列
    -- 表test_alt1增加列
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS test_alt2 ADD COLUMN name VARCHAR(20);
    -- 查看
    openGauss=# \d test_alt2
               Table "public.test_alt1"
      Column  |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id       | integer               | 
     areacode | integer               | 
     name     | character varying(20) |
  • 修改列的数据类型
    -- 修改test_alt1表中name字段的类型
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE test_alt1 MODIFY name VARCHAR(50);
    -- 查看
    openGauss=# \d test_alt1
              Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     areaid | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(50) | 
    -- 修改test_alt1表中name字段的类型
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 ALTER COLUMN name TYPE VARCHAR(25);
    -- 查看
    openGauss=# \d test_alt2
              Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     areaid | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(25) | 
  • 删除列
    -- 删除test_alt1中areaid字段
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 DROP COLUMN areaid;
    -- 查看
    openGauss=# \d test_alt2
              Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers 
     id     | integer               | 
     name   | character varying(25) | 
  • 修改字段存储模式
    openGauss=# \d+ test_alt2
                                  Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
     id     | integer               |           | plain    |              | 
     name   | character varying(25) |           | extended |              | 
    Has OIDs: no
    Options: orientation=row, storage_type=USTORE
    openGauss=# ALTER TABLE test_alt2 ALTER COLUMN name SET STORAGE PLAIN;
    openGauss=# \d+ test_alt2
                                 Table "public.test_alt2"
     Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description 
     id     | integer               |           | plain   |              | 
     name   | character varying(25) |           | plain   |              | 
    Has OIDs: no
    Options: orientation=row, storage_type=USTORE
    openGauss=# DROP TABLE test_alt2;