医疗智能体 EIHealth-获取数据库实例:命令示例

时间:2025-02-12 14:53:01



  • 获取数据库实例列表
    health get db instance# 返回结果如下Database  ID   Template   Source Project  Creator  Number of Records  Created  Modified demo-01   xxx  template1  project-01       EIHealth  1234               xxx      xxx demo-02   xxx  template1  project-02      EIHealth 347                xxx      xxx
  • 获取模板详情
    health get db instance 12345# 返回结果如下{  "id": "xxxx",  "name": "job-1622803262953",  "description": "database instance for drug screening, do not delete",  "template": {    "id": "xxxx",    "name": "job-1622803262953-d69d2162",    "description": "template for drug screening, study name is study-rbqr5mvgrqm086kz, job name is job-1622803262953",    "source_project_name": "drug-screening-demo-01",    "source_project_id": "xxxx",    "source_template_id": "",    "creator": "ei_eihealth_02",    "columns": [      {        "name": "drugs",        "type": "String",        "description": "The name of the drug",        "nullable": false,        "primary": true,        "searchable": true,        "unique": true,        "tips": ""      },      {        "name": "Nsp10_6zct_pure",        "type": "Double",        "description": "The binding energy between the ligand and receptor",        "nullable": true,        "primary": false,        "searchable": false,        "unique": false,        "tips": ""      },      {        "name": "NSP13_pure",        "type": "Double",        "description": "The binding energy between the ligand and receptor",        "nullable": true,        "primary": false,        "searchable": false,        "unique": false,        "tips": ""      },      {        "name": "Average",        "type": "Double",        "description": "The average of the binding energy",        "nullable": false,        "primary": false,        "searchable": false,        "unique": false,        "tips": ""      },      {        "name": "Standard_Deviation",        "type": "Double",        "description": "The standard deviation of the binding energy",        "nullable": true,        "primary": false,        "searchable": false,        "unique": false,        "tips": ""      }    ],    "create_time": "2021-06-04T10:41:32Z",    "primary_key": "drugs",    "is_prefab": false  },  "creator": "ei_eihealth_02",  "create_time": "2021-06-04T10:43:25Z",  "update_time": "2021-06-04T10:43:26Z",  "data_count": 2,  "source_project_name": "drug-screening-demo-01",  "source_project_id": "xxxx",  "source_id": "",  "is_prefab": false}
  • 查询数据
    health get db instance 12345 --data --limit 2# 返回结果如下drugs                 nsp3   mpro  average  standard_deviation    _row_numPyridoxal-phosphate   -5.1   -4.7  -4.9     0.2                   8496Tetrahydrofolic-acid  -7.8   -8.3  -8.05    0.25                  8495
  • 按列查询数据
    health get db instance 12345 --data --limit 2 --columns drugs;nsp3;mpro# 返回结果如下drugs                 nsp3   mpro   _row_numPyridoxal-phosphate   -5.1   -4.7   8496  Tetrahydrofolic-acid  -7.8   -8.3   8495