云容器引擎 CCE-通过动态存储卷使用文件存储:常见问题

时间:2024-05-31 08:37:37


挂载SFS 3.0存储时,出现挂载超时的问题,报错如下:

MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "***" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = [30834707-b8fc-11ee-ba7a-fa163eaacb17] failed to execute cmd: "systemd-run --scope  mount -t nfs -o proto=tcp -o vers=3 -o timeo=600 -o noresvport -o nolock ***.sfs3.cn-east-3.myhuaweicloud.com:/*** /mnt/paas/kubernetes/kubelet/pods/add9a323-10e2-434f-b151-42675f83860e/volumes/kubernetes.io~csi/***/mount". outputs: Running scope as unit run-1597979.scope.; error: signal: killed. please check whether the volumeAttributes of related PersistentVolume of the volume is correct and whether it can be mounted.


使用SFS 3.0文件存储前,需要提前创建 VPC终端节点 。如果未创建VPC终端节点,集群会无法访问SFS 3.0文件存储导致挂载超时失败。配置VPC终端节点的方法请参见配置VPC终端节点
