资源编排服务 RFS-APIG.ApiGroup:blueprint样例

时间:2025-01-26 10:35:28


inputs:  apiName:    default: api321b  apigroupName:    default: test_group321b  throttleName:    default: throttle321node_templates:  throttle1:    type: HuaweiCloud.APIG.Throttle    properties:      name:         get_input: throttleName      remark: test throttle of aos plugin      apiCallLimits: 10      appCallLimits: 7      userCallLimits: 9      timeInterval: 100      timeUnit: MINUTE       api-group1:    properties:      name:        get_input: apigroupName      remark: test group of aos plugin    type: HuaweiCloud.APIG.ApiGroup  api1:    properties:      authType: NONE      backendApi:        remark: test backend        reqMethod: GET        reqProtocol: HTTP        reqUri: '/test/{aaa}'        timeout: 10000        urlDomain:      backendType: HTTP      cors: false      groupId:        get_attribute:          - api-group1          - refID      matchMode: NORMAL      name:        get_input: apiName      remark: test api of aos plugin      reqMethod: GET      reqProtocol: HTTP      reqUri: '/test/{aaa}'      strategyId:         get_attribute:          - throttle1          - refID    requirements:      - groupId:          node: api-group1      - strategyId:          node: throttle1    type: HuaweiCloud.APIG.APItosca_definitions_version: huaweicloud_tosca_version_1_0     