
  • 日志搜索的常用操作 日志搜索的常用操作有添加告警、选择时间段展示日志、刷新等操作,具体请参见表1。 表1 常用操作 操作 说明 创建快速查询 单击,创建快速查询。 刷新日志 单击对日志进行刷新,有两种方式刷新方式:手动刷新和自动刷新。 手动刷新:单击“手动刷新”可直接对日志进行刷新 自动刷新:选择自动刷新的间隔时间,将对日志进行自动刷新。间隔时间范围为15秒、30秒、1分钟和5分钟。 复制 单击,复制日志内容。 查看上下文 单击,查看日志上下文。 简化字段详情 单击,查看简化字段详情。 换行 单击换行,开启换行功能后,搜索的日志内容将换行显示。 说明: 默认换行开启,默认展示行数为2行。 下载日志 单击“”,在弹出的下载日志页面中进行本地下载。 本地下载:将日志文件直接下载到本地,单次下载支持最大5000条日志。 在下拉框中选择“.csv”或“.txt”,单击“开始下载日志”,可将日志导出至本地。 说明: 选择以 CS V格式导出日志后,本地以表格形式保存日志的具体标签信息。 选择导出TXT格式日志后,本地会以.txt格式保存日志的日志内容。 JSON设置 鼠标悬浮在按钮上,单击“JSON设置”,在弹出的JSON设置页面中,设置格式化显示。 说明: 默认开启格式化,JSON默认展开层级为2层。 开启格式化按钮:设置JSON默认展开层级,最大设置为10层。 关闭格式化按钮:对于JSON格式的日志,将不会格式化层级显示。 日志折叠设置 鼠标悬浮在按钮上,单击“日志折叠设置”,在弹出的日志折叠设置页面中,设置长日志字符个数。 日志超过设置的长日志字符个数时,超出字符将被隐藏,单击“展开”按钮可查看全部内容。 说明: 默认开启自动折叠长日志,字符个数默认为400个。 日志时间展示 鼠标悬浮在按钮上,单击“日志时间展示”,在弹出的日志折叠设置页面中,设置是否展示毫秒、是否展示时区。 说明: 默认开启展示毫秒。
  • 日志出现重复/丢失的原因 日志出现重复 原因一:日志文件转储,且转储文件仍被匹配到。 详细说明:如果配置日志路径文件名中有通配符,如配置为/tmp/*.log,当/tmp/test.log文件转储为/tmp/test.001.log后,因仍被通配规则匹配到,会被视为新文件,则会被重新采集。 日志出现丢失 原因一:日志文件的存在时间小于5秒。 详细说明:CCI感知日志文件的周期为5秒。日志文件从创建到被删除或重命名的时间小于5秒,则可能该日志文件不会被采集。 父主题: 日志采集类
  • SDK列表 表1提供了LTS服务支持的SDK列表,您可以在GitHub仓库查看SDK更新历史、获取安装包以及查看指导文档。 其中Java和Go语言的SDK,请在GitHub仓库里/services/lts/目录下查看。 表1 SDK列表 编程语言 Github地址 参考文档 Java huaweicloud-sdk-java-v3 Java SDK使用指导 Python huaweicloud-sdk-python-v3 Python SDK使用指导 Go huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3 Go SDK使用指导 Node.js huaweicloud-sdk-nodejs-v3 Node.js SDK使用指导 .NET huaweicloud-sdk-net-v3 .NET SDK使用指导 PHP huaweicloud-sdk-php-v3 PHP SDK使用指导 C++ huaweicloud-sdk-cpp-v3 C++ SDK使用指导
  • 短语搜索 短语搜索用于准确匹配目标短语,例如搜索语句abc def,不区分先后顺序,将匹配所有同时包含abc和def的日志。短语搜索和关键词搜索的区别请参考表2。 短语搜索:在关键词搜索语法的基础上实现,短语搜索能够区分关键词的顺序,用于精准匹配目标短语,搜索结果更加精确。短语搜索适用于英文短语、中文短语的搜索,不支持模糊搜索。 关键词搜索:关键词搜索是基于分词实现,通过分词符先将搜索内容拆分为多个关键词,然后匹配日志。关键词搜索不会区分多个关键词在日志中出现的顺序,因此只要日志中按照搜索的与或非逻辑能命中关键词,该日志就会被搜索到。 表2 搜索区别 搜索方式 短语搜索 关键词搜索 搜索区别 区分关键词的顺序,用于精准匹配目标短语,搜索结果更加精确。 不区分关键词的顺序,按照搜索逻辑命中关键词即可。 举例说明 假设您的日志流中存在2条原始日志,如下: 原始日志1:this service is lts 原始日志2:lts is service 短语搜索:#"is lts",会命中1条日志。 关键词搜索:is lts,会命中2条日志。 短语搜索:#"lts is",会命中1条日志。 关键词搜索:lts is,会命中2条日志。 表3 搜索方式 搜索方式 说明 全文搜索 #"abc def" content:#"abc def" 说明: content为日志原文对应的内置字段,#"abc def"等同于content:#"abc def",默认匹配日志原文的内容。 字段搜索 key:#"abc def" 说明: value参数不可为空。 字段搜索和not运算符配合使用时,还会匹配到不包含该字段的日志。 短语搜索不支持搭配模糊搜索。 短语搜索中的星号(*)和问号(?)会被视为普通字符,因此短语搜索不支持搭配模糊搜索,可以用来搜索日志中的星号(*)和问号(?)。 短语搜索不支持对分词符进行搜索。 例如搜索语句#"var/log",其中 / 为分词符,搜索语句等同于#"var log",会搜索包含目标短语var log的日志。同理,搜索语句#"var:log"、#"var;log"等搜索的也是包含目标短语var log的日志。 中文搜索推荐采用短语搜索。 由于中文默认采用的是一元分词,每个汉字单独分词,搜索时会匹配同时包含搜索语句中每一个汉字的日志,本身便具有模糊搜索的特性,当需要更加精确的结果时,推荐采用短语搜索。
  • 短语搜索 短语搜索用于准确匹配目标短语,例如搜索语句#"abc def",区分先后顺序,将匹配所有同时包含abc、def,且abc位于def前面的日志。短语搜索和关键词搜索的区别请参考表2。 短语搜索:在关键词搜索语法的基础上实现,短语搜索能够区分关键词的顺序,用于精准匹配目标短语,搜索结果更加精确。短语搜索适用于英文短语、中文短语的搜索,不支持模糊搜索。 关键词搜索:关键词搜索是基于分词实现,通过分词符先将搜索内容拆分为多个关键词,然后匹配日志。关键词搜索不会区分多个关键词在日志中出现的顺序,因此只要日志中按照搜索的与或非逻辑能命中关键词,该日志就会被搜索到。 表2 搜索区别 搜索方式 说明 示例 短语搜索 区分关键词的顺序,用于精准匹配目标短语,搜索结果更加精确。 假设您的日志流中存在两条原始日志,如下: 原始日志1:this service is lts 原始日志2:lts is service 则搜索:#"is lts",会命中1条日志;搜索:#"lts is",会命中1条日志。 关键词搜索 不区分关键词的顺序,按照搜索逻辑命中关键词即可。 假设您的日志流中存在两条原始日志,如下: 原始日志1:this service is lts 原始日志2:lts is service 则搜索:is lts,会命中2条日志;搜索:lts is,会命中2条日志。 使用限制如下: 短语搜索不支持搭配模糊搜索。 短语搜索中的星号(*)和问号(?)会被视为普通字符,因此短语搜索不支持搭配模糊搜索,可以用来搜索日志中的星号(*)和问号(?)。 短语搜索不支持对分词符进行搜索。 例如搜索语句#"var/log",其中 / 为分词符,搜索语句等同于#"var log",会搜索包含目标短语var log的日志。同理,搜索语句#"var:log"、#"var;log"等搜索的也是包含目标短语var log的日志。 中文搜索推荐采用短语搜索。 由于中文默认采用的是一元分词,每个汉字单独分词,搜索时会匹配同时包含搜索语句中每一个汉字的日志,本身便具有模糊搜索的特性,当需要更加精确的结果时,推荐采用短语搜索。
  • Web应用防火墙 支持记录防护日志吗? 在WAF管理控制台,您可以免费查看最近30天的防护日志、下载5天内的所有防护 域名 的防护日志数据。 如果您需要长期保存防护日志,您可以将WAF的防护日志记录到单独收费的 云日志 服务(Log Tank Service,简称LTS)上。LTS默认存储日志的时间为7天,存储时间可以在1~30天之间进行设置,超出存储时间的日志数据将会被自动删除,对于需要长期存储的日志数据(日志持久化),LTS提供转储功能,可以将日志转储至 对象存储服务 (OBS)或者 数据接入服务 (DIS)中长期保存。 有关查看防护日志的详细操作,请参见查看防护日志。 有关下载防护日志的详细操作,请参见下载防护事件数据。 有关WAF日志配置到LTS的详细操作,请参见开启全量日志。 父主题: 防护日志
  • 使用须知 文档数据库服务的审计日志功能默认是关闭的,您可以根据业务需要开启审计日志,开启后系统记录读写操作的审计信息,可能会有5%-15%的性能影响。 开启审计日志会收取一定费用,收费详情请参见产品价格详情。 文档数据库服务会去检测已生成的审计日志,若审计日志超过用户自定义的保留天数,则将其删除。建议审计日志保存180天以上,用于审计回溯和问题分析等场景。 审计策略修改后,文档数据库服务将按照新的策略执行审计,原审计日志的保留天数以修改后审计策略的保留天数为准。 审计日志不建议删除,如需删除,请先确保审计日志删除后仍然符合您所在地或者企业的安全合规要求,建议删除前下载日志文件在本地备份。审计日志删除后不可恢复,请谨慎操作。 您可以通过文档数据库服务查看、下载和删除DDS实例审计日志,详情请参见通过文档数据库服务查看审计日志;也可以按照日志配置管理配置后,在LTS服务查看DDS实例审计日志的详细信息,包括搜索日志、日志可视化、下载日志和查看实时日志等功能,详情请参见通过云日志服务查看审计日志。 审计日志默认每小时生成一次,如果日志大小超过最大限制10MB,则会额外生成新的审计日志。 客户数据需要使用UTF-8编码格式,对于非UTF-8格式数据,对应语句的审计结果可能会有缺失、遗漏或乱码等非预期现象。
  • 事件样例 如下提供了查询副本集状态信息的样例,详细的字段解释可参考事件结构。 { "atype": "replSetGetStatus", "ts": { "$date": "2022-06-29T07:23:29.077+0000" }, "local": { "ip": "", "port": 8636 }, "remote": { "ip": "", "port": 50860 }, "users": [ { "user": "rwuser", "db": "admin" } ], "roles": [ { "role": "root", "db": "admin" } ], "param": { "command": "replSetGetStatus", "ns": "admin", "args": { "replSetGetStatus": 1, "forShell": 1, "$clusterTime": { "clusterTime": { "$timestamp": { "t": 1656487409, "i": 117 } }, "signature": { "hash": { "$binary": "PTJhGQ6cr8RyzuqbevXfG0xWj/c=", "$type": "00" }, "keyId": { "$numberLong": "7102437926763495425" } } }, "$db": "admin" } }, "result": 0 }
  • time_to_target_rpo 参数说明:双集群异地灾备模式下,设置主集群发生异常发生时到已归档到OBS的恢复点所允许的time_to_target_rpo秒。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:整型,0~3600(秒) 双集群异地灾备模式下,主集群日志将被归档到OBS。0是指不开启日志流控,1~3600是指设置主集群发生异常发生时到已归档到OBS的恢复点所允许的time_to_target_rpo秒,保证主集群因灾难崩溃时,最多可能丢失的数据的时长在允许范围内。time_to_target_rpo设置时间过小会影响主机的性能,设置过大会失去流控效果。 默认值:10
  • archive_timeout 参数说明:表示归档周期。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 超过该参数设定的时间时强制切换WAL段。 由于强制切换而提早关闭的归档文件仍然与完整的归档文件长度相同。因此,将archive_timeout设为很小的值将导致占用巨大的归档存储空间,建议将archive_timeout设置为60秒。 取值范围:整型,0 ~ 1073741823‬,单位为秒,其中0表示禁用该功能。 默认值:0
  • 内核错误信息 ER RMS G: "unsupported syntax: ENCRYPTED WITH in this operation" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "client encryption feature is not supported this operation." ACTION: "Check client encryption feature whether supported this operation." ERRMSG: "invalid grant operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Grant options cannnot be granted to public." ACTION: "Grant grant options to roles." ERRMSG: "unrecognized object kind: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "unrecognized GrantStmt.targtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The target type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported target types." ERRMSG: "invalid grant operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Grant to public operation is forbidden in security mode." ACTION: "Don't grant to public in security mode." ERRMSG: "unrecognized object type" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid grant/revoke operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Column privileges are only valid for relations in GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Use the column privileges only for relations." ERRMSG: "invalid AccessPriv node" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unrecognized GrantStmt.objtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "undefined client master key" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "The client master key does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the client master key exists." ERRMSG: "undefined column encryption key" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "The column encryption key does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the column encryption key exists." ERRMSG: "large object %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "The large object does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the large object exists." ERRMSG: "redundant options" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The syntax 'schemas' is redundant in ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "redundant options" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The syntax 'roles' is redundant in ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "option '%s' not recognized" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The option in ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement is not supported." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "unrecognized GrantStmt.objtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid alter default privileges operation" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Default privileges cannot be set for columns." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax." ERRMSG: "unrecognized objtype: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for default privileges." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "could not find tuple for default ACL %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unexpected default ACL type: %d" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for default privilege." ACTION: "Check ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid object id" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "undefined column" SQLSTATE: 42703 CAUSE: "The column of the relation does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the column exists." ERRMSG: "column number out of range" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for attribute %d of relation %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for relation %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unsupported object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "Index type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "unsupported object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "Composite type is not supported for GRANT/REVOKE." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "wrong object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "GRANT/REVOKE SEQUENCE only support sequence objects." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "invalid privilege type USAGE for table" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "GRANT/REVOKE TABLE do not support USAGE privilege." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types for tables." ERRMSG: "invalid privilege type %s for column" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "The privilege type is not supported for column object." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types for column object." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for database %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for foreign-data wrapper %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for foreign server %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for function %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for language %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "Grant/revoke on untrusted languages if forbidden." SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Grant/revoke on untrusted languages if forbidden." ACTION: "Support grant/revoke on trusted C languages" ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for large object %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for namespace %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "Role %s has not privilege to grant/revoke node group %s." SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "Role has not privilege to grant/revoke node group." ACTION: "Must have sysadmin privilege." ERRMSG: "Can not grant CREATE privilege on node group %u to role %u in node group %u." SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "Role has not privilege to grant CREATE privilege node group." ACTION: "Must have sysadmin privilege." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for tablespace %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for type %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cannot set privileges of array types" SQLSTATE: 0LP01 CAUSE: "Cannot set privileges of array types." ACTION: "Set the privileges of the element type instead." ERRMSG: "wrong object type" SQLSTATE: 42809 CAUSE: "GRANT/REVOKE DOMAIN only support domain objects." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for client master key %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for column encryption key %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "cache lookup failed for directory %u" SQLSTATE: 29P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unrecognized privilege type '%s'" SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "The privilege type is not supported." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types." ERRMSG: "unrecognized privilege: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The privilege type is not supported." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported privilege types." ERRMSG: "unrecognized AclResult" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "permission denied for column '%s' of relation '%s'" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "Insufficient privileges for the column." ACTION: "Select the system tables to get the acl of the column." ERRMSG: "role with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "unrecognized objkind: %d" SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "The object type is not supported for privilege check." ACTION: "Check GRANT/REVOKE syntax to obtain the supported object types." ERRMSG: "attribute %d of relation with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42703 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "the column has been dropped" SQLSTATE: 42703 CAUSE: "The column does not exist." ACTION: "Check whether the column exists." ERRMSG: "relation with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42P01 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "invalid group" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "database with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 3D000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "directory with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "function with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42883 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "client master key with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "language with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "large object %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "schema with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 3F001 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "node group with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "tablespace with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "foreign-data wrapper with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "foreign server with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "type with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "operator with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42883 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "column encryption key with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42705 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "operator class with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "operator family with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "text search dictionary with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "text search configuration with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "collation with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "conversion with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "synonym with OID %u does not exist" SQLSTATE: 42704 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "package can not create the same name with schema." SQLSTATE: 22023 CAUSE: "Package name conflict" ACTION: "Please rename package name" ERRMSG: "type is not exists %s." SQLSTATE: 22023 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "This input type is not supported for tdigest_in()" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "input type is not supported" ACTION: "Check tdigest_in syntax to obtain the supported privilege types" ERRMSG: "Failed to apply for memory" SQLSTATE: 53200 CAUSE: "palloc failed" ACTION: "Check memory" ERRMSG: "Failed to get tde info from relation '%s'." SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "SPI_connect failed: %s" SQLSTATE: SP001 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Analyze the error message before the error" ERRMSG: "permission denied for terminate snapshot thread" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "The user does not have system admin privilege" ACTION: "Grant system admin to user" ERRMSG: "terminate snapshot thread failed" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "Execution failed due to: %s" ACTION: "check if snapshot thread exists" ERRMSG: "terminate snapshot thread failed" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "restart wdr snapshot thread timeoutor The thread did not respond to the kill signal" ACTION: "Check the wdr snapshot thread is restarted" ERRMSG: "set lockwait_timeout failed" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "permission denied for create WDR Snapshot" SQLSTATE: 42501 CAUSE: "The user does not have system admin privilege" ACTION: "Grant system admin to user" ERRMSG: "WDR snapshot request can not be accepted, please retry later" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "wdr snapshot thread does not exist" ACTION: "Check if wdr snapshot thread exists" ERRMSG: "Cannot respond to WDR snapshot request" SQLSTATE: OP001 CAUSE: "Execution failed due to: %s" ACTION: "Check if wdr snapshot thread exists" ERRMSG: "query(%s) can not get datum values" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "create sequence failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check if sequence can be created" ERRMSG: "update snapshot end time stamp filled" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "query can not get datum values" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "SPI_connect failed: %s" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "query(%s) execute failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "clean table of snap_%s is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "analyze table failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "insert into tables_snap_timestamp start time stamp is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "insert data failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful and check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "update tables_snap_timestamp end time stamp is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "clean snapshot id %lu is failed in snapshot table" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful and check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "clean snapshot failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "can not create snapshot stat table" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "create WDR snapshot data table failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "insert into tables_snap_timestamp start time stamp failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "insert into snap_%s is failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "update tables_snap_timestamp end time stamp failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "create index failed" SQLSTATE: 22000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the query can be executed" ERRMSG: "analyze table, connection failed: %s" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "snapshot thread SPI_connect failed: %s" SQLSTATE: XX000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check whether the snapshot retry is successful" ERRMSG: "Distributed key column can't be transformed" SQLSTATE: 42P10 CAUSE: "There is a risk of violating uniqueness when transforming distribution columns." ACTION: "Change transform column." ERRMSG: "cannot convert %s to %s" SQLSTATE: 42804 CAUSE: "There is no conversion path in pg_cast." ACTION: "Rewrite or cast the expression." ERRMSG: "create matview on TDE table failed" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "create materialized views is not supported on TDE table" ACTION: "check CREATE syntax about create the materialized views" ERRMSG: "schema name can not same as package" SQLSTATE: 22023 CAUSE: "schema name conflict" ACTION: "rename schema name" ERRMSG: "Unrecognized commandType when checking read-only attribute." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Fail to generate subquery plan." SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Unrecognized node type when processing qual condition." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Unrecognized node type when processing const parameters." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE is not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "GROUP BY cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "GROUP BY uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Unrecognized node type when extracting index." SQLSTATE: XX004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Ordering operator cannot be identified." SQLSTATE: 42883 CAUSE: "Grouping set columns must be able to sort their inputs." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "DISTINCT cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "DISTINCT uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Failed to locate grouping columns." SQLSTATE: 55000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Resjunk output columns are not implemented." SQLSTATE: 20000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "PARTITION BY cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "PARTITION BY uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "ORDER BY cannot be implemented." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "ORDER BY uses unsupported datatypes." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Failed to deconstruct sort operators into partitioning/ordering operators." SQLSTATE: D0011 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Pool size should not be zero" SQLSTATE: 22012 CAUSE: "Compute pool configuration file contains error." ACTION: "Please check the value of 'pl' in cp_client.conf." ERRMSG: "Failed to get the runtime info from the compute pool." SQLSTATE: 22004 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "Version is not compatible between local cluster and the compute pool." SQLSTATE: XX008 CAUSE: "Compute pool is not installed appropriately." ACTION: "Configure compute pool according to manual." ERRMSG: "No optional index path is found." SQLSTATE: 01000 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "MERGE INTO on replicated table does not yet support using distributed tables." SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Modify SQL statement according to the manual." ERRMSG: "Fail to find ForeignScan node!" SQLSTATE: P0002 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "sql advisor don't support none table, temp table, system table." SQLSTATE: 42601 CAUSE: "sql advisor don't support none table, temp table, system table." ACTION: "check query component" ERRMSG: "Invalid autonomous transaction return datatypes" SQLSTATE: P0000 CAUSE: "PL/SQL uses unsupported feature." ACTION: "Contact Huawei Engineer." ERRMSG: "new row for relation '%s' violates check constraint '%s'" SQLSTATE: 23514 CAUSE: "some rows copy failed" ACTION: "check table defination" ERRMSG: "new row for relation '%s' violates check constraint '%s'" SQLSTATE: 23514 CAUSE: "some rows copy failed" ACTION: "set client_min_messages = info for more details" ERRMSG: "get gauss home path is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "gauss home path not set" ACTION: "check if $GAUSSHOME is exist" ERRMSG: "unable to open kms_iam_info.json file" SQLSTATE: 58P03 CAUSE: "file not exist or broken" ACTION: "check the kms_iam_info.json file" ERRMSG: "can not get password plaintext" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "file not exist or broken" ACTION: "check the password cipher rand file" ERRMSG: " IAM info json key is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "IAM info value error" ACTION: "check tde_config kms_iam_info.json file" ERRMSG: "get internal password is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "cipher rand file missing" ACTION: "check password cipher rand file" ERRMSG: "KMS info json key is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS info value error" ACTION: "check tde_config kms_iam_info.json file" ERRMSG: "unable to get json file" SQLSTATE: 58P03 CAUSE: "parse json file failed" ACTION: "check the kms_iam_info.json file format" ERRMSG: "get JSON tree is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "get KMS JSON tree failed" ACTION: "check input prarmeter or config.ini file" ERRMSG: "failed to get json tree" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "config.ini json tree error" ACTION: "check input prarmeter or config.ini file" ERRMSG: "failed to set the value of json tree" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "config.ini json tree error" ACTION: "check input prarmeter or config.ini file" ERRMSG: "http request failed" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "http request error" ACTION: "check KMS or IAM connect or config parameter" ERRMSG: "get iam token or iam agency token is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "connect IAM failed" ACTION: "check if your env can connect with IAM server" ERRMSG: "KMS dek json key is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS return value error" ACTION: "check KMS config paramenter" ERRMSG: "get kms dek is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "connect KMS failed" ACTION: "check if your env can connect with KMS server" ERRMSG: "get http header is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "http request failed" ACTION: "check IAM config parameter" ERRMSG: "create KMS dek failed" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS error" ACTION: "check KMS connect or config parameter" ERRMSG: "get KMS dek failed" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "KMS error" ACTION: "check KMS connect or config parameter" ERRMSG: "get KMS DEK is NULL" SQLSTATE: XX005 CAUSE: "get KMS dek_plaintext failed" ACTION: "check KMS network or cipher is right" ERRMSG: "create matview with TDE failed" SQLSTATE: 0A000 CAUSE: "TDE feature is not supported for Create materialized views" ACTION: "check CREATE syntax about create the materialized views" ERRMSG: "failed to add item to the index page" SQLSTATE: XX002 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Check WARNINGS for the details." ERRMSG: "index row size %lu exceeds maximum %lu for index '%s'" SQLSTATE: 54000 CAUSE: "Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed." ACTION: "Consider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing." ERRMSG: "fail to insert a tuple to an orderd index, the ordered tuple list is corrupted" SQLSTATE: XX002 CAUSE: "System error." ACTION: "Contact engineer to support." ERRMSG: "Tag field is too long." SQLSTATE: 54000 CAUSE: "Tag buffer overflow." ACTION: "Shorten tag Key." 父主题: 错误日志信息参考
  • log_truncate_on_rotation 参数说明:logging_collector设置为on时,log_truncate_on_rotation设置日志消息的写入方式。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 示例如下: 假设日志需要保留7天,每天生成一个日志文件,日志文件名设置为server_log.Mon、server_log.Tue等。第二周的周二生成的日志消息会覆盖写入到server_log.Tue。设置方法:将log_filename设置为server_log.%a ,log_truncate_on_rotation设置为on,log_rotation_age设置为1440,即日志有效时间为1天。 取值范围: 布尔型 on表示 GaussDB 以覆盖写入的方式写服务器日志消息。 off表示GaussDB将日志消息附加到同名的现有日志文件上。 默认值:off
  • log_rotation_age 参数说明:logging_collector设置为on时,log_rotation_age决定创建一个新日志文件的时间间隔。当现在的时间减去上次创建一个服务器日志的时间超过了log_rotation_age的值时,将生成一个新的日志文件。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:整型,0 ~ 35791394,单位为min。其中0表示关闭基于时间的新日志文件的创建。 默认值:1440(min)
  • log_rotation_size 参数说明:logging_collector设置为on时,log_rotation_size决定服务器日志文件的最大容量。当日志消息的总量超过日志文件容量时,服务器将生成一个新的日志文件。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:整型,0 ~ INT_MAX / 1024,单位为kB。 0表示关闭基于容量的新日志文件的创建。 建议该值大小设置级别至少为MB级,利于日志文件的及时划分。 默认值:20MB
  • log_destination 参数说明:GaussDB支持多种方法记录服务器日志,log_destination的取值为一个逗号分隔开的列表(如log_destination="stderr,csvlog")。 该参数属于SIGHUP类型参数,请参考表1中对应设置方法进行设置。 取值范围:字符串 有效值为stderr、csvlog、syslog、eventlog。 取值为stderr,表示日志打印到屏幕。 取值为csvlog,表示日志的输出格式为“逗号分隔值”即CSV (Comma Separated Value)格式。使用csvlog记录日志的前提是将logging_collector设置为on,请参见使用CSV格式写日志。 取值为syslog,表示通过操作系统的syslog记录日志。 GaussDB使用 syslog的LOCAL0 ~ LOCAL7记录日志,请参见syslog_facility。使用syslog记录日志需在操作系统后台服务配置文件中添加代码: 1 local0.* /var/log/omm 默认值:stderr