
  • 错误码参考 表1 HwmErrCode枚举说明 retCode retMsg 描述 0 success. 成功 1 fail. 失败 10000 SDK internal error. SDK内部错误 10001 Network error. 网络错误,如SSL证书等问题导致的接口不通。 10002 Not joined meeting. 还未入会 10003 You have joined the meeting 已经入会 10004 Invalid parameter. 非法参数 10005 No Permission Role. 角色不允许操作 10006 The config is not supported 此配置不支持 10007 Invalid Url 停止录制提示语中的URL非法 20000 Meeting Control Service Internal System Error. 会议控制服务异常 20001 Invalid Password or Conference Not Exist. 会议ID或者密码错误 20002 The conference has ended. 会议已结束 20003 Guests are not allowed to join the conference first. 不允许嘉宾在主持人前入会 20004 The conference has been locked. 会议已锁定 20005 Please use the RTC type enterprise. 请检查企业类型是否为RTC企业 20006 Anonymous join is not allowed. 不允许匿名入会 20007 Only enterprise users can join the conference. 仅企业内的用户可以入会 20008 Only invited users are allowed to join the conference. 仅受邀请的用户可以入会 20009 Only invited users or enterprise users are allowed to join the conference. 仅企业内或受邀请的用户可以入会 20010 The conference resource is in use. 会议资源正在被使用中 20011 No region is available. 当前Region不可用 20012 The client does not support some feature. 该会议不支持Web入会 20013 Not allow to unmute. 不允许解除静音 20014 The sharing function is locked. 共享功能已被锁定 20015 Cannot start a new sharing because others are sharing. 其他人正在共享,无法发起新的共享 20016 The Host does not allow the audience to speak and cannot unmute 主持人未允许观众说话,无法取消静音 20017 Please wait until the conference starts. 请等待会议开始后再进行操作 20018 Loudspeakers are not allowed to be turned on during intermission. 观众中场休息时不允许开关扬声器 20019 The number of conference resources purchased by the enterprise has reached the upper limit. Please contact the administrator. 达到会议资源最大数量。请联系管理员。 20020 Not allow to open camera. 不允许打开摄像头 30000 Call RTC SDK exception SDK内部错误(RTC-SDK 错误) 30001 Failed to open the camera device. 打开摄像头设备失败 30002 Failed to open the audio device. 打开麦克风设备失败 30003 Failed to share. 共享失败 50000 USG Internal System Error. 用户管理服务异常 50001 Invalid Token. 鉴权失败,非法Token 父主题: 公共结构参考