
  • 响应示例 状态码: 200 带分页的标准响应体 { "msg": null, "code": 0, "data": { "pageVO": { "totalRows": 70, "curPage": 1, "pageSize": 1, "resultMode": 0, "startIndex": 1, "endIndex": 1, "orderBy": null, "filterStr": null, "totalPages": 70 }, "result": [ { "rejectDecisionLogic": null, "enableAutoRefreshForm": 0, "lastUpdatedBy": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35", "endNodeValueSource": null, "lastUpdateDate": 1714024735000, "isResetStatus": 0, "creationUserAccount": "isc_ipdc_hwx", "reserve1": null, "showStartCarbonCopy": 0, "lastUpdateUserAccount": "isc_ipdc_hwx", "reserve3": null, "includeEndNode": null, "reserve2": null, "templateId": "Test0425", "creationDate": 1714024632000, "displayMode": "vertical", "templateStatus": "STARTED", "createdBy": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35", "templateName": "Test0425", "showTips": 0, "showTodoTaskNum": 0, "templateVersion": "4", "id": 1520, "navJson": "{}" } ] }, "orderID": "c7b7950885794e5c99c1699f70b49235" }
  • 响应参数 状态码: 200 表2 响应Body参数 参数 参数类型 描述 msg String 接口响应信息 code Integer 接口返回码 data Data object 返回数据 orderID String 请求跟踪流水号 表3 Data 参数 参数类型 描述 pageVO PageVO object 分页 result Array of Result objects - 表4 PageVO 参数 参数类型 描述 totalRows Integer 共多少数据 curPage Integer 当前第几页 pageSize Integer 每页大小 resultMode Integer - startIndex Integer 开始序号 endIndex Integer 结束序号 orderBy String - filterStr String - totalPages Integer 共多少页 表5 Result 参数 参数类型 描述 rejectDecisionLogic String 驳回处理逻辑 enableAutoRefreshForm Integer 表单内容区自动刷新开关 lastUpdatedBy String 最后更新人userID endNodeValueSource String 结束节点取值来源 lastUpdateDate Integer 最后更新时间 isResetStatus Integer 重新提交是否重置已完成的状态 creationUserAccount String 创建人短工号 reserve1 String - showStartCarbonCopy Integer 启动流程是否抄送 lastUpdateUserAccount String 更新人短工号 reserve3 String - includeEndNode String 包含结束节点 reserve2 String - templateId String 流程模板ID creationDate Integer 创建时间 displayMode String 导航树展示方式 templateStatus String 流程模板状态 createdBy String 创建人userID templateName String 流程模板名称 showTips Integer 是否展示Tips提示 showTodoTaskNum Integer 是否展示任务数量 templateVersion String 流程模板版本 id Integer 流程模板配置表ID navJson String 流程模板导航节点json
  • URI GET /services/workflow/navtree/processConfig/findMaxTemplates/{pageSize}/{curPage} 示例接口地址:{ 域名 (有文根需带文根)}/pdmcore/ipdcworkflowservice/services/workflow/navtree/processConfig/findMaxTemplates/2/1 表1 路径参数 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 pageSize 是 String 分页大小 curPage 是 String 当前页数
  • 响应示例 状态码: 200 { "code": 0, "data": { "processInstanceId": "867272db-037c-11ef-8a3a-fa163eaf0a4f", "businessKey": "P10000391", "taskList": [ { "processDefinitionId": "Test0425:6:16af0ffb1a224173923d045b9ff8ed60", "processInstanceId": "867272db-037c-11ef-8a3a-fa163eaf0a4f", "suspensionState": 1, "taskDefinitionKey": "Activity_06c4khx", "transferSign": false, "businessKey": "P10000391", "name": "用户任务", "assignee": "xxx@ipdctest.huaweiapaas.com", "id": "86733638-037c-11ef-8a3a-fa163eaf0a4f", "priority": 50 } ], "processDefinitionName": "Test0425", "version": 6 }, "orderID": "8d8aca68fade4c63aed344a47c6a0f25" }
  • 请求示例 [{ "blockType": "start_process", "nodeId": "", "blockId": "", "data": [{ "processTemplateName": "Test0425", "processTemplateVersion": "6" }] }, { "nodeId": "StartEvent_1", "blockType": "participant", "blockId": "eb3b8c37", "data": [{ "mainReview": "1008600000063295115", "expertReview": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35" }] }, { "nodeId": "StartEvent_1", "blockType": "attachment", "blockId": "67c0f8e6", "data": [] }, { "nodeId": "StartEvent_1", "blockType": "EcChangeTypeTemplate", "blockId": "fee5a374", "data": [{ "EcChangeType": "1212", "Version": "2222" }] }]
  • URI POST /console/servicetask/api/localMethod/start_process/startProcessInstance 示例接口地址:{域名(有文根需带文根)}/pdmcore/ipdcworkflowservice/console/servicetask/api/localMethod/start_process/startProcessInstance
  • 请求参数 表1 请求Body参数 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 [数组元素] 否 Array of DefinitionArrayParam objects DefinitionArrayParam 表2 DefinitionArrayParam 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 blockId 否 String 区块ID或页面组件的ref nodeId 否 String 节点ID blockType 否 String 区块类型:xdm/业务组件serverKey。为xdm时需要将数据保存到xdm对应模块中,详情参见表3 data 否 JSONArray object 携带模型数据
  • 响应参数 状态码: 200 表3 响应Body参数 参数 参数类型 描述 code Integer 接口返回码 data Data object 接口响应数据 orderID String 请求跟踪流水号 表4 Data 参数 参数类型 描述 processInstanceId String 流程实例ID businessKey String 申请单key taskList Array of TaskList objects 任务列表 processDefinitionName String 流程模板定义名称 version Integer 流程模板定义版本 表5 TaskList 参数 参数类型 描述 processDefinitionId String 流程模板ID processInstanceId String 实例ID suspensionState Integer 挂起状态 taskDefinitionKey String 任务节点key businessKey String 业务单据ID name String 名称 assignee String 审核人 priority Integer 优先级
  • 支持的授权项 策略包含系统策略和自定义策略,如果系统策略不满足授权要求,管理员可以创建自定义策略,并通过给用户组授予自定义策略来进行精细的访问控制。策略支持的操作与API相对应,授权项列表说明如下: 权限:允许或拒绝在特定条件下对指定资源进行某项操作。 对应API接口:自定义策略实际调用的API接口。 授权项:自定义策略中支持的Action,在自定义策略中的Action中写入授权项,可以实现授权项对应的权限功能。 依赖的授权项:部分Action存在对其他Action的依赖,需要将依赖的Action同时写入授权项,才能实现对应的权限功能。 IAM 项目(Project)/企业项目(Enterprise Project):自定义策略的授权范围,包括IAM项目与企业项目。授权范围如果同时支持IAM项目和企业项目,表示此授权项对应的自定义策略,可以在IAM和企业管理两个服务中给用户组授权并生效。如果仅支持IAM项目,不支持企业项目,表示仅能在IAM中给用户组授权并生效,如果在企业管理中授权,则该自定义策略不生效。关于IAM项目与企业项目的区别,详情请参见:IAM与企业管理的区别。
  • 响应示例 状态码: 200 findDraftList返参 { "msg" : null, "code" : 0, "data" : [ { "lastUpdateDate" : 1710851310295, "modifier" : "1008600000065234815", "processTemplateName" : "ProcessSyyy240122_01", "templateId" : "ProcessSyyy240122_01", "productLine" : null, "currentUserId" : 0, "bizCategory" : null, "bizSeqExtAttrs" : [ ], "lastUpdateUserCN" : null, "processTitle" : "ProcessSyyy240122_01_2024-03-19T20:28:29.303+0800", "bizSeqExtType" : "WfBusinessSeq", "id" : "611656531317895168", "state" : "DRAFT", "lastUpdatedBy" : "1008600000065234815", "processInstanceId" : null, "entityType" : "business", "holdableList" : [ "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfFormData", "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfAttachment", "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfBusinessObject" ], "finished" : false, "creationDate" : 1710851081514, "ccByUuid" : null, "processTemplateNameCn" : "流程实例表格表单NULL校验", "reserve10" : null, "scope" : "otc", "rowIdx" : -1, "lifeCycleState" : null, "reserve9" : null, "creationUserCN" : "", "reserve8" : null, "creator" : "1008600000065234815", "product" : null, "reserve5" : null, "reserve4" : null, "appName" : "WfWorkflowDemoService", "processTemplateVersion" : "7", "reserve7" : null, "reserve6" : null, "reserve1" : null, "subItem" : null, "reserve3" : null, "reserve2" : null, "creationUserUuid" : "1008600000065234815", "createdBy" : "1008600000065234815", "businessKey" : "P10011128", "ccBy" : null, "comment" : null, "productTeam" : null, "lifeCycleStateKey" : null, "parentBusinessKey" : null, "taskId" : null }, { "lastUpdateDate" : 1710834762166, "modifier" : "1008600000065234815", "processTemplateName" : "Test0220", "templateId" : "Test0220", "productLine" : null, "currentUserId" : 0, "bizCategory" : null, "bizSeqExtAttrs" : [ ], "lastUpdateUserCN" : null, "processTitle" : "Test0220_2024-03-19T15:52:42.114+0800", "bizSeqExtType" : "WfBusinessSeq", "id" : "601704798319812608", "state" : "DRAFT", "lastUpdatedBy" : "1008600000065234815", "processInstanceId" : null, "entityType" : "business", "holdableList" : [ "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfFormData", "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfAttachment", "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfBusinessObject" ], "finished" : false, "creationDate" : 1708478403070, "ccByUuid" : null, "processTemplateNameCn" : "Test0220", "reserve10" : null, "scope" : "otc", "rowIdx" : -1, "lifeCycleState" : null, "reserve9" : null, "creationUserCN" : "", "reserve8" : null, "creator" : "1008600000065234815", "product" : null, "reserve5" : null, "reserve4" : null, "appName" : "WfWorkflowDemoService", "processTemplateVersion" : "1", "reserve7" : null, "reserve6" : null, "reserve1" : null, "subItem" : null, "reserve3" : null, "reserve2" : null, "creationUserUuid" : "1008600000065234815", "createdBy" : "1008600000065234815", "businessKey" : "P10010662", "ccBy" : null, "comment" : null, "productTeam" : null, "lifeCycleStateKey" : null, "parentBusinessKey" : null, "taskId" : null } ], "pageInfo" : { "totalRows" : 29, "curPage" : 1, "pageSize" : 2, "totalPages" : 15 }, "orderID" : "a6903f8109d547faaff11134dd872585" }
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  • URI GET /services/workflow/findDraftList/{pageSize}/{curPage} 示例接口地址:{域名(有文根需带文根)}/pdmcore/ipdcworkflowservice/services/workflow/findDraftList/2/1 表1 路径参数 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 pageSize 是 String 分页大小 curPage 是 String 当前页数
  • 响应参数 状态码: 200 表4 响应Body参数 参数 参数类型 描述 code Integer 接口返回码 data Data object 接口响应数据 orderID String 请求跟踪流水号 表5 Data 参数 参数类型 描述 currentUserCN String 当前用户 lastUpdateDate Integer 最新修改时间 modifier String 修改人UUID processTemplateName String 流程模板名称 templateId String 流程模板编号 currentUserUuid String 当前用户UUID currentUserId Integer 当前用户ID bizSeqExtAttrs Array of strings 业务对象拓展属性集合 lastUpdateUserCN String 最新修改用户 processTitle String 流程实例名称 bizSeqExtType String 业务对象拓展类型名称 state String 状态 creationUserCN String 创建用户 lastUpdatedBy Integer 最新更新人 creator String 创建人UUID processTemplateVersion String 流程模板版本 finished Boolean 流程是否完成 creationDate Integer 创建日期 creationUserUuid String 创建人UUID createdBy Integer 创建人
  • 响应示例 状态码: 200 接口返参 { "code": 0, "data": { "currentUserCN": "isc_ipdc_hwx", "lastUpdateDate": 1714016191581, "modifier": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35", "processTemplateName": "Test0425", "templateId": "Test0425", "currentUserUuid": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35", "currentUserId": 0, "bizSeqExtAttrs": [], "lastUpdateUserCN": " ", "scope": "otc", "rowIdx": -1, "processTitle": "Test0425_2024-04-25T11:36:31.527+0800", "bizSeqExtType": "WfBusinessSeq", "id": "624931966843621376", "state": "DRAFT", "creationUserCN": " ", "creator": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35", "appName": "IpdcWorkflowService", "entityType": "business", "processTemplateVersion": "1", "holdableList": [ "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfFormData", "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfAttachment", "com.huawei.it.plm.workflow.framework.model.WfBusinessObject" ], "finished": false, "creationDate": 1714016191581, "creationUserUuid": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35", "holderId": 624931966843621376, "businessKey": "P10000372", "holderType": "business" }, "orderID": "947bef1124974ea8bf5f380a0ca291a5" }
  • 请求示例 [{ "blockType": "start_process", "nodeId": "", "blockId": "", "data": [{ "processTemplateName": "Test0425", "processTemplateVersion": "4" }] }, { "nodeId": "StartEvent_1", "blockType": "participant", "blockId": "256cf56f", "data": [{ "mainReview": "05209014da3a49faa68056102da7ba35" }] }, { "nodeId": "StartEvent_1", "blockType": "attachment", "blockId": "67c0f8e6", "data": [] }, { "nodeId": "StartEvent_1", "blockType": "EcChangeTypeTemplate", "blockId": "fee5a374", "data": [{ "EcChangeType": "11", "Version": "22" }] }]