调优后表的评估 加载时间减少了24.7%。 分布方式对加载的影响明显,Hash分布方式提升加载效率,Replication分布方式会降低加载效率。在CPU和I/O均充足的情况下,压缩级别对加载效率影响不大。通常,列存表的加载效率比行存要高。 存储占用减少了64.3%。 压缩级别、列存和Hash分布均能够节省存储空间。Replication表会明显加大存储占用,但是可以减小网络开销。通过对小表采用Replication方式,是使用小量空间换取性能的正向做法。 查询性能(速度)提升了54.4%,即查询时间减少了54.4%。 查询性能方面的提升源于对存储方式、分布方式和分布列的优化。在多字段表,统计分析类查询场景下,列存可以提升查询性能。对于Hash分布表,在读/写数据时可以利用各个节点的IO资源,提升表的读/写速度。 重写查询和配置工作负载管理 (WLM) 通常可进一步提升查询性能。有关更多信息,请参阅优化查询性能概述。 基于调优表实践的具体步骤,您可以进一步应用“基于表结构设计和调优提升 GaussDB (DWS)查询性能”中的优秀实践方法来改进表的分配,以达到您所期望的数据加载、存储和查询方面的效果。
清除资源 在完成本次实践之后,应删除集群。 如果需要保留集群,删除SS表,请执行以下命令。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DROP TABLE store_sales; DROP TABLE date_dim; DROP TABLE store; DROP TABLE item; DROP TABLE time_dim; DROP TABLE promotion; DROP TABLE customer_demographics; DROP TABLE customer_address; DROP TABLE household_demographics; DROP TABLE customer; DROP TABLE income_band;
设计调优后第二次创建表 本节所附为调优表实践中进行了存储方式、压缩级别、分布方式和分布列选择后,二次建表语法。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 CREATE TABLE store_sales ( ss_sold_date_sk integer , ss_sold_time_sk integer , ss_item_sk integer not null, ss_customer_sk integer , ss_cdemo_sk integer , ss_hdemo_sk integer , ss_addr_sk integer , ss_store_sk integer , ss_promo_sk integer , ss_ticket_number bigint not null, ss_quantity integer , ss_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) , ss_list_price decimal(7,2) , ss_sales_price decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_discount_amt decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_sales_price decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_list_price decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_tax decimal(7,2) , ss_coupon_amt decimal(7,2) , ss_net_paid decimal(7,2) , ss_net_paid_inc_tax decimal(7,2) , ss_net_profit decimal(7,2) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY hash (ss_item_sk); CREATE TABLE date_dim ( d_date_sk integer not null, d_date_id char(16) not null, d_date date , d_month_seq integer , d_week_seq integer , d_quarter_seq integer , d_year integer , d_dow integer , d_moy integer , d_dom integer , d_qoy integer , d_fy_year integer , d_fy_quarter_seq integer , d_fy_week_seq integer , d_day_name char(9) , d_quarter_name char(6) , d_holiday char(1) , d_weekend char(1) , d_following_holiday char(1) , d_first_dom integer , d_last_dom integer , d_same_day_ly integer , d_same_day_lq integer , d_current_day char(1) , d_current_week char(1) , d_current_month char(1) , d_current_quarter char(1) , d_current_year char(1) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE store ( s_store_sk integer not null, s_store_id char(16) not null, s_rec_start_date date , s_rec_end_date date , s_closed_date_sk integer , s_store_name varchar(50) , s_number_employees integer , s_floor_space integer , s_hours char(20) , s_manager varchar(40) , s_market_id integer , s_geography_class varchar(100) , s_market_desc varchar(100) , s_market_manager varchar(40) , s_division_id integer , s_division_name varchar(50) , s_company_id integer , s_company_name varchar(50) , s_street_number varchar(10) , s_street_name varchar(60) , s_street_type char(15) , s_suite_number char(10) , s_city varchar(60) , s_county varchar(30) , s_state char(2) , s_zip char(10) , s_country varchar(20) , s_gmt_offset decimal(5,2) , s_tax_precentage decimal(5,2) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE item ( i_item_sk integer not null, i_item_id char(16) not null, i_rec_start_date date , i_rec_end_date date , i_item_desc varchar(200) , i_current_price decimal(7,2) , i_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) , i_brand_id integer , i_brand char(50) , i_class_id integer , i_class char(50) , i_category_id integer , i_category char(50) , i_manufact_id integer , i_manufact char(50) , i_size char(20) , i_formulation char(20) , i_color char(20) , i_units char(10) , i_container char(10) , i_manager_id integer , i_product_name char(50) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE time_dim ( t_time_sk integer not null, t_time_id char(16) not null, t_time integer , t_hour integer , t_minute integer , t_second integer , t_am_pm char(2) , t_shift char(20) , t_sub_shift char(20) , t_meal_time char(20) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE promotion ( p_promo_sk integer not null, p_promo_id char(16) not null, p_start_date_sk integer , p_end_date_sk integer , p_item_sk integer , p_cost decimal(15,2) , p_response_target integer , p_promo_name char(50) , p_channel_dmail char(1) , p_channel_email char(1) , p_channel_catalog char(1) , p_channel_tv char(1) , p_channel_radio char(1) , p_channel_press char(1) , p_channel_event char(1) , p_channel_demo char(1) , p_channel_details varchar(100) , p_purpose char(15) , p_discount_active char(1) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE customer_demographics ( cd_demo_sk integer not null, cd_gender char(1) , cd_marital_status char(1) , cd_education_status char(20) , cd_purchase_estimate integer , cd_credit_rating char(10) , cd_dep_count integer , cd_dep_employed_count integer , cd_dep_college_count integer ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY hash (cd_demo_sk); CREATE TABLE customer_address ( ca_address_sk integer not null, ca_address_id char(16) not null, ca_street_number char(10) , ca_street_name varchar(60) , ca_street_type char(15) , ca_suite_number char(10) , ca_city varchar(60) , ca_county varchar(30) , ca_state char(2) , ca_zip char(10) , ca_country varchar(20) , ca_gmt_offset decimal(5,2) , ca_location_type char(20) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY hash (ca_address_sk); CREATE TABLE household_demographics ( hd_demo_sk integer not null, hd_income_band_sk integer , hd_buy_potential char(15) , hd_dep_count integer , hd_vehicle_count integer ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication; CREATE TABLE customer ( c_customer_sk integer not null, c_customer_id char(16) not null, c_current_cdemo_sk integer , c_current_hdemo_sk integer , c_current_addr_sk integer , c_first_shipto_date_sk integer , c_first_sales_date_sk integer , c_salutation char(10) , c_first_name char(20) , c_last_name char(30) , c_preferred_cust_flag char(1) , c_birth_day integer , c_birth_month integer , c_birth_year integer , c_birth_country varchar(20) , c_login char(13) , c_email_address char(50) , c_last_review_date char(10) ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY hash (c_customer_sk); CREATE TABLE income_band ( ib_income_band_sk integer not null, ib_lower_bound integer , ib_upper_bound integer ) WITH (ORIENTATION = column,COMPRESSION=middle) DISTRIBUTE BY replication;
创建初始表 此小节所附为本Tutorial首次创建表时所用到的表创建语法。这些表没有设置存储方式、分布键、分布方式和压缩方式。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 CREATE TABLE store_sales ( ss_sold_date_sk integer , ss_sold_time_sk integer , ss_item_sk integer not null, ss_customer_sk integer , ss_cdemo_sk integer , ss_hdemo_sk integer , ss_addr_sk integer , ss_store_sk integer , ss_promo_sk integer , ss_ticket_number bigint not null, ss_quantity integer , ss_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) , ss_list_price decimal(7,2) , ss_sales_price decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_discount_amt decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_sales_price decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_list_price decimal(7,2) , ss_ext_tax decimal(7,2) , ss_coupon_amt decimal(7,2) , ss_net_paid decimal(7,2) , ss_net_paid_inc_tax decimal(7,2) , ss_net_profit decimal(7,2) ) ; CREATE TABLE date_dim ( d_date_sk integer not null, d_date_id char(16) not null, d_date date , d_month_seq integer , d_week_seq integer , d_quarter_seq integer , d_year integer , d_dow integer , d_moy integer , d_dom integer , d_qoy integer , d_fy_year integer , d_fy_quarter_seq integer , d_fy_week_seq integer , d_day_name char(9) , d_quarter_name char(6) , d_holiday char(1) , d_weekend char(1) , d_following_holiday char(1) , d_first_dom integer , d_last_dom integer , d_same_day_ly integer , d_same_day_lq integer , d_current_day char(1) , d_current_week char(1) , d_current_month char(1) , d_current_quarter char(1) , d_current_year char(1) ) ; CREATE TABLE store ( s_store_sk integer not null, s_store_id char(16) not null, s_rec_start_date date , s_rec_end_date date , s_closed_date_sk integer , s_store_name varchar(50) , s_number_employees integer , s_floor_space integer , s_hours char(20) , s_manager varchar(40) , s_market_id integer , s_geography_class varchar(100) , s_market_desc varchar(100) , s_market_manager varchar(40) , s_division_id integer , s_division_name varchar(50) , s_company_id integer , s_company_name varchar(50) , s_street_number varchar(10) , s_street_name varchar(60) , s_street_type char(15) , s_suite_number char(10) , s_city varchar(60) , s_county varchar(30) , s_state char(2) , s_zip char(10) , s_country varchar(20) , s_gmt_offset decimal(5,2) , s_tax_precentage decimal(5,2) ) ; CREATE TABLE item ( i_item_sk integer not null, i_item_id char(16) not null, i_rec_start_date date , i_rec_end_date date , i_item_desc varchar(200) , i_current_price decimal(7,2) , i_wholesale_cost decimal(7,2) , i_brand_id integer , i_brand char(50) , i_class_id integer , i_class char(50) , i_category_id integer , i_category char(50) , i_manufact_id integer , i_manufact char(50) , i_size char(20) , i_formulation char(20) , i_color char(20) , i_units char(10) , i_container char(10) , i_manager_id integer , i_product_name char(50) ) ; CREATE TABLE time_dim ( t_time_sk integer not null, t_time_id char(16) not null, t_time integer , t_hour integer , t_minute integer , t_second integer , t_am_pm char(2) , t_shift char(20) , t_sub_shift char(20) , t_meal_time char(20) ) ; CREATE TABLE promotion ( p_promo_sk integer not null, p_promo_id char(16) not null, p_start_date_sk integer , p_end_date_sk integer , p_item_sk integer , p_cost decimal(15,2) , p_response_target integer , p_promo_name char(50) , p_channel_dmail char(1) , p_channel_email char(1) , p_channel_catalog char(1) , p_channel_tv char(1) , p_channel_radio char(1) , p_channel_press char(1) , p_channel_event char(1) , p_channel_demo char(1) , p_channel_details varchar(100) , p_purpose char(15) , p_discount_active char(1) ) ; CREATE TABLE customer_demographics ( cd_demo_sk integer not null, cd_gender char(1) , cd_marital_status char(1) , cd_education_status char(20) , cd_purchase_estimate integer , cd_credit_rating char(10) , cd_dep_count integer , cd_dep_employed_count integer , cd_dep_college_count integer ) ; CREATE TABLE customer_address ( ca_address_sk integer not null, ca_address_id char(16) not null, ca_street_number char(10) , ca_street_name varchar(60) , ca_street_type char(15) , ca_suite_number char(10) , ca_city varchar(60) , ca_county varchar(30) , ca_state char(2) , ca_zip char(10) , ca_country varchar(20) , ca_gmt_offset decimal(5,2) , ca_location_type char(20) ) ; CREATE TABLE household_demographics ( hd_demo_sk integer not null, hd_income_band_sk integer , hd_buy_potential char(15) , hd_dep_count integer , hd_vehicle_count integer ) ; CREATE TABLE customer ( c_customer_sk integer not null, c_customer_id char(16) not null, c_current_cdemo_sk integer , c_current_hdemo_sk integer , c_current_addr_sk integer , c_first_shipto_date_sk integer , c_first_sales_date_sk integer , c_salutation char(10) , c_first_name char(20) , c_last_name char(30) , c_preferred_cust_flag char(1) , c_birth_day integer , c_birth_month integer , c_birth_year integer , c_birth_country varchar(20) , c_login char(13) , c_email_address char(50) , c_last_review_date char(10) ) ; CREATE TABLE income_band ( ib_income_band_sk integer not null, ib_lower_bound integer , ib_upper_bound integer ) ;
选择分布方式 依据步骤2:测试初始表结构下的系统性能并建立基线中所基线的各表大小,分布方式设置如下: 表名 行数 分布方式 Store_Sales 287997024 Hash Date_Dim 73049 Replication Store 402 Replication Item 204000 Replication Time_Dim 86400 Replication Promotion 1000 Replication Customer_Demographics 1920800 Hash Customer_Address 1000000 Hash Household_Demographics 7200 Replication Customer 1981703 Hash Income_Band 20 Replication
选择分布列 当表的分布方式选择了Hash分布策略时,分布列选取至关重要。在这一步中,建议按照选择分布列选择分布键: 选择各表的主键作为Hash表分布键。 表名 记录数 分布方式 分布键 Store_Sales 287997024 Hash ss_item_sk Date_Dim 73049 Replication - Store 402 Replication - Item 204000 Replication - Time_Dim 86400 Replication - Promotion 1000 Replication - Customer_Demographics 1920800 Hash cd_demo_sk Customer_Address 1000000 Hash ca_address_sk Household_Demographics 7200 Replication - Customer 1981703 Hash c_customer_sk Income_Band 20 Replication -