
  • 修订记录 表1 修订记录 日期 版本 修订内容 2024-07-12 1.0.13 支持设置打点日志上传开关 2024-05-17 1.0.12 支持开启外邀第三方能力 移动端会中支持查看会议信息 2023-12-19 1.0.11 支持手机版 Android的微信浏览器和手机版 iOS的微信浏览器 RTP支持TCP 2023-07-06 1.0.10 支持同声传译(加入不同语言房间) 支持被邀打开摄像头、麦克风,共享 解决与会者列表中可能出现两个相同用户的问题 2023-01-06 1.0.9 解决MacOS13 Safari共享兼容性问题 2022-11-05 1.0.8 增加设置离会跳转链接 增加设置停止录制提示语 解决与新版本软终端配合兼容性问题 2022-06-29 1.0.7 解决chrome 103版本共享兼容性问题 2022-05-05 1.0.6 增加setLang接口,首次商用发布 2021-08-31 1.0.1 增加npm安装方式 2021-07-31 1.0.0 首次公测发布 父主题: Web SDK
  • Web SDK下载 SDK下载后可参考3.4章节进行包完整性校验。 表1 Web UI SDK资源下载路径 版本 日期 资源 下载链接 说明 1.0.13 2024-07-12 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.13.zip 完整性校验 hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.13-sha256 - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.13.tgz 完整性校验 hwmeeting-1.0.13-sha256 - 1.0.12 2024-05-17 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.12.zip 完整性校验 hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.12-sha256 - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.12.tgz 完整性校验 hwmeeting-1.0.12-sha256 - 1.0.11 2023-12-19 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.11.zip 完整性校验 hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.11-sha256 - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.11.tgz 完整性校验 hwmeeting-1.0.11-sha256 - 1.0.10 2023-07-06 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.10.zip - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.10.tgz 1.0.9 2023-01-06 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.9.zip - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.9.tgz 1.0.8 2022-11-05 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.8.zip - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.8.tgz 1.0.7 2022-06-29 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.7.zip - Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.7.tgz 1.0.6 2022-05-05 Web UI SDK hwmsdk-webrtc-1.0.6.zip 第一个商用版本 Web UI SDK npm包 hwmeeting-1.0.6.tgz 父主题: SDK下载
  • 操作步骤 1.在"Web SDK下载"章节中,“表1 Web UI SDK资源下载路径”中下载的SDK的包; 2.下载SDK包到本地; 3.打开本地命令提示符框,输入如下命令,在本地生成已下载的SDK包的SHA256值,其中,“D:\hwmeeting-1.0.13.tgz”为SDK包的本地存放路径和SDK包名,请根据实际情况修改。 certutil -hashfile D:\hwmeeting-1.0.13.tgz SHA256 命令执行结果示例,如下所示: SHA256 的 D:\hwmeeting-1.0.13.tgz 哈希: 28812170e45fdb23d29ac4fee2cf93e9f0bc49419966f485834b758c18ae2f55 CertUtil: -hashfile 命令成功完成。 对比查询的SDK包的SHA256值和下载后的SDK包的SHA256值。如果一致,则表示下载过程不存在篡改和丢包。
  • Android菜单功能说明 场景 按钮ID 类名 路径 按钮名称 描述 底部菜单项 hwmconf_menu_audience_join AudienceJoinMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 观众观看 网络研讨会场景下,会中主持人开启观众观看按钮 hwmconf_menu_hands HandsMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 举手/手放下 会中与会者/观众举手、手放下按钮 hwmconf_menu_invite InviteMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 邀请 主持人会中邀人按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_video_btn CameraMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 视频 会中打开/关闭摄像头按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_mic_btn MicMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 静音/取消静音 会中打开/关闭麦克风按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_chat_btn ChatMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 聊天 会中打开聊天界面按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_participants_btn ParticipantMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 与会者 会中打开与会者列表界面按钮 hwmconf_menu_share_conf_link ShareConfLinkMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 分享 会中分享会议信息按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_share_screen ShareMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 共享 会中发起共享按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_speaker_btn SpeakerMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 扬声器/听筒 会中扬声器/听筒切换按钮 hwmconf_menu_trans_video TransVideoMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 转视频通话 点对点语音呼叫转视频通话按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_vote_btn VoteBtnMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 投票 会中投票按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_more_btn MoreMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ 更多 会中会控更多按钮 更多菜单项 hwmconf_more_menu_audio_to_video CallAudioToVideoMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/call/ 视频会议 点对点语音通话转视频通话按钮 hwmconf_more_menu_video_to_audio CallVideoToAudioMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/call/ 转语音通话 点对点视频通话转语音通话按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_chat_btn ChatMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 聊天 会中打开聊天界面按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_cloud_live CloudLiveMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 直播 会中开始/结束直播按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_conf_setting ConfSettingMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 会议设置 会议设置按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_connect_audio ConnectAudioMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 选择音频 开启音频 扬声器无法静音 hwmconf_inmeeting_disconnect_audio DisconnectAudioMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 断开音频 会中断开音频来控制扬声器静音 hwmconf_inmeeting_hands_up_toast HandsUpOrDownMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 举手/手放下 会中与会者/观众举手、手放下按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_simul_interpret InterpretMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 传译 会中同声传译功能按钮,跳转设置同声传译语言等 hwmconf_inmeeting_invite_btn InviteMoreMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 邀请与会者 邀请与会者 hwmconf_inmeeting_recording_start OpenOrCloseRecordMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 录制 会中开启/暂停 会议云录制 hwmconf_participant_release_host ReleaseOrRequestChairManMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 申请/释放主持人 申请/释放主持人 按钮 hwmconf_more_menu_start_or_stop_share StartOrStopShareMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 共享 会中发起/停止 屏幕共享给他人 hwmconf_subtitle_btn SubtitlesMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 开启字幕 会中开启/关闭 实时翻译字幕功能 hwmconf_more_menu_switch_camera SwitchCameraMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 切换摄像头 前后摄像头切换按钮 hwmconf_inmeeting_virtual_bg VirtualBackgroundMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 虚拟背景 虚拟背景按钮,点击进入会中虚拟背景设置界面 hwmconf_inmeeting_vote VoteMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 投票 会中投票按钮 设置菜单项 hwmconf_confsetting_camera_direction RouterMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 自动(摄像头方向) 会中设置摄像头采集角度 hwmconf_confsetting_network_detect RouterMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 网络检测 会中检测当前的网络环境 hwmconf_confsetting_camera_restriction RouterMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 视频权限 会中主持人设置允许/禁止与会者自行开启摄像头或强制全员开启 hwmconf_confsetting_local_record_permission RouterMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 本地录制权限 会中主持人设置仅主持人/全体成员/允许部分成员录制 hwmconf_confsetting_beauty SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 美颜 会中开启美颜 hwmconf_confsetting_video_mirror SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 视频镜像 会中开启视频镜像 hwmconf_confsetting_hide_self SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 会中小画面 会中是否显示右上角小画面 hwmconf_confsetting_noise_reduction SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 音频降噪 会中开启音频降噪,在嘈杂环境中,减少噪音,使您的声音更清晰 hwmconf_confsetting_high_resolution SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 高清视频优先 会中开启高清视频优先 hwmconf_confsetting_whistle_detection SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 检测到啸叫自动静音 会中检测到啸叫自动静音 hwmconf_confsetting_lock_meeting SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 锁定会议 会议锁定后,与会方无法主动入会,仅可通过主持人邀请入会 hwmconf_confsetting_enable_waiting_room SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 开启等候室 开启后,所有允许入会的来宾先进入等候室,待主持人允许后才能加入会议 hwmconf_confsetting_allow_unmute SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 允许解除静音 会中主持人允许与会者解除静音 hwmconf_confsetting_allow_sharing SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 允许共享 会中主持人允许与会者发起共享 hwmconf_confsetting_allow_rename SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 允许改名 会中主持人允许与会者改名 hwmconf_confsetting_enable_brighten SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 暗场景增强 暗场景增强,在视频场景光照不足时,改善视频体验 hwmconf_confsetting_allow_open_camera SwitchMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 允许开启视频 会中主持人设置允许打开/关闭摄像头 hwmconf_confsetting_picture_ratio TextMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 画面比例 会中设置画面比例,支持自适应显示/显示原始大小 hwmconf_confsetting_allow_join_conf TextMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 入会范围 会中主持人设置入会范围,支持设置所有人/仅企业内人员/仅会议邀请人员 hwmconf_confsetting_preempt_share_type TextMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 抢占共享权限 会中主持人设置支持/禁止与会者发起共享并停止其他人正在进行的共享 hwmconf_confsetting_chat_permission TextMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 聊天设置 会中主持人设置允许与会者自由聊天/仅允许公开聊天/仅允许私聊主持人/全员禁言 hwmconf_confsetting_subtitles_language TextMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 字幕翻译语言 会中设置字幕翻译语言为中文/英语/德语 hwmconf_confsetting_chat_message_remind TextMenu HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml 聊天消息提醒 会中设置聊天消息提醒为弹幕/气泡/不提醒 与会者列表界面右上角菜单栏 hwmconf_participant_participants_add ContantMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/more/ 通讯录 点击跳转自定义通讯录界面 hwmconf_participant_download_link_share ParticipantShareMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/more/ 分享 点击分享 点击与会者弹窗菜单 hwmconf_participant_item_admit AdmitMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 准入 主持人准入等候室成员 hwmconf_menu_attendee_profile AttendeeProfileMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 查看详情 查看与会者个人详情 (注:通过实现 IUserProfileHandle 接口可以自定义跳转与会者个人详情页) hwmconf_participant_item_auto_admit AutoAdmitMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 本次会议自动准入 主持人允许与会者本次会议自动从等候室准入 hwmconf_ctrl_back_to_main_conf BackToMainConfMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 返回主会场 与会者从分组会议返回主会场 hwmconf_participant_item_broadcast BroastAndCacelMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 广播/取消广播 主持人广播/取消广播与会者 hwmconf_participant_item_call_other_numbers CallOtherNumberMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 呼叫其他号码 支持会中呼叫与会者其他号码 hwmconf_ctrl_end_conf EndConfMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 结束全体会议 主持人结束全体会议 hwmconf_participant_item_hang_up HangupMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 挂断 主持人挂断会中与会者 hwmconf_participant_item_invite_screen_share InviteOrCancelShareMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 邀请共享 主持人邀请与会者共享 hwmconf_ctrl_leave_conf LeaveConfMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 离开会议/离开等待 与会者离开会议/离开等待 hwmconf_participant_item_move_to_waiting_room MoveToWaitingRoomMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 移至等候室 主持人将与会者移至等候室 hwmconf_participant_item_mute_unmute MuteOrUnmuteMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 静音/取消静音 主持人静音/取消静音与会者 hwmconf_participant_item_chat_with PrivateChatMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 私聊 私聊与会者 hwmconf_participant_item_redial RecallMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 重新呼叫 会中主持人重新呼叫与会者 hwmconf_participant_item_remove RemoveMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 移除 会中主持人移除与会者 hwmconf_menu_rename RenameMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 改名 会中改名 hwmconf_participant_item_report ReportMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 举报 举报 hwmconf_participant_item_watch SelectWatchOrCacnelMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 选看/取消选看 会中与会者选看/取消选看他人 hwmconf_menu_set_attendee SetAttendeeMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 设为观众 网络研讨会,主持人将嘉宾设为观众 hwmconf_participant_item_set_chair SetChairmanMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 设为主持人 主持人设他人为主持人 hwmconf_participant_item_set_cohost SetOrCancelCoHostMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 设为联席主持人 主持人设他人为联席主持人 hwmconf_menu_set_panelist SetPaneListMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 设为嘉宾 网络研讨会,主持人设观众为嘉宾 hwmconf_menu_allow_speak_or_not AllowSpeakerOrNotMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 禁止说话 会中主持人禁止与会者解除静音发言 hwmconf_participant_allow_unmute_self AllowUnmuteOrNotMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 允许与会者解除静音 会中主持人允许与会者解除静音 hwmconf_participant_item_local_record GrantOrCancelLocalRecordMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 允许录制 会中主持人允许/禁止与会者本地录制 hwmconf_ctrl_trans_chair_and_leave_conf TransferChairAndLeaveMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ 离开会议并指定主持人 会中主持人离开会议并指定主持人 (注:通过openSDKConfig.setSupportTransferChairOnLeave(true) 方法设置离会时显示指定主持人功能按钮:"true":显示,"false": 不显示,默认不显示) 与会者列表界面底部菜单栏 hwmconf_participant_unmute_all CancelAllMuteMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ 取消全场静音 会中主持人取消全场静音 hwmconf_participant_bottom_hands_down HandsDownMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ 手放下 与会者/主持人将与会者手放下 hwmconf_participant_bottom_hands_up HandsupMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ 举手 与会者举手 hwmconf_participant_more_btn MoreMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ 更多 与会者列表界面底部菜单栏更多按钮 hwmconf_participant_mute_all MuteAllMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ 全场静音 会中主持人全场静音 hwmconf_participant_apply_chair RequestChairmanMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ 申请主持人 与会者申请主持人 与会者列表界面底部更多菜单栏 hwmconf_participant_lock_meeting LockOrUnlockConfMenu com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ 锁定会议 会议锁定后,与会方无法主动入会,仅可通过主持人邀请入会 父主题: 界面定制
  • 错误码表 表1 错误码说明 错误码 错误描述 -1 Unknown error.:未知错误 0 Success.:成功 100000429 server flow control.:服务端流控错误 111070001 Request error.:请求错误 111070002 Insufficient permissions.:权限不足 111070003 System processing failure.:系统处理失败 111070004 Meeting authentication failed.:校验失败 111070005 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 111070006 Personal cloud meeting room does not exist.:个人云会议室不存在 111070007 Meeting access number does not exist.:会议接入号不存在 111070008 Meeting notification could not be sent.:会议通知模板配置错误 111070009 Meeting password cannot be left blank.:会议密码不能为空 111070010 Insufficient permissions to view this meeting.:权限不足,无法查看会议 111070100 Get started meeting exception.:获取召开会议异常 111070101 Start meeting exception.:开始会议异常 111070102 Apply IVR resource exception.:申请IVR资源异常 111070103 Start IVR meeting exception.:开始IVR会议异常 111070104 Apply site resource exception.:申请会场资源异常 111070105 Start sub meeting exception.:开始子会议异常 111070106 Add channel exception.:创建级联通道异常 111070107 Move and apply site resource exception.:移动会场申请资源异常 111070108 Start meeting exception.:开启会议异常 111070109 Get started cloud meeting exception.:获取召开云会议室会议异常 111070110 Invite site exception.:邀请会场异常 111070111 Request token is null.:请求token为空 111070112 Rename site exception.:重命名会场异常 111070113 Hangup site exception.:会场挂断异常 111070114 Mass hangup site exception.:会场批量挂断异常 111070115 Delete attendee exception.:删除与会者异常 111070116 Mass delete attendee exception.:批量删除与会者异常 111070117 Book cycle meeting exception.:预定周期会议异常 111070118 Modify cycle meeting exception.:修改周期会议异常 111070119 Create cycle meeting exception.:创建周期会议异常 111070120 Region data not found.:区域信息获取失败 111070121 Forbidden subscribe.:禁止订阅 111070122 Cancel subscribe fail.:取消订阅失败 111071001 Sysportal service exception.:Sysportal服务运行异常 111071002 Conf service exception.:Conf服务运行异常 111071003 Failed to create the meeting. Try again later.:创建会议失败,请稍后重试 111071004 This cloud meeting room does not allow guests to join before the host.:VMR会议不允许来宾在主持人入会前入会 111071005 This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议时间冲突,该时间段此会议室已有预约会议 111071006 Insufficient cloud meeting time.:VMR会议时长不足 111071007 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约关系不存在 111071008 Cannot query meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 111071009 Cannot change cloud meeting into immediate meeting.:不支持修改VMR会议为立即会议 111071010 Cannot modify cloud meeting flag.:不支持修改云会议室标识 111071011 The cloud meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:VMR会议未到准备时间点 111071012 Not cloud meeting.:非VMR会议 111071013 Start time less than current time.:会议开始时间不能早于系统当前时间 111071014 Start time over max schedule time.:会议开始时间超出最大预订时间范围 111071015 Duration over range.:时长超出范围 111071016 Cycle ID list null exception.:取消周期会议ID列表不能为空 111071017 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出范围 111071018 Invalid media type.:媒体类型非法 111071019 Invalid meeting type.:会议类型非法 111071020 Cycle params null exception.:周期会议时,必须携带周期会议参数 111071021 Duration over range.:会议时长超出范围 111071022 Subject length too long.:会议主题超长 111071023 Group URI length too long.:groupuri超长 111071024 Invalid email address format.:邮箱地址不合法 111071025 Invalid mobile number format.:手机号不合法 111071026 Department name too long.:部门名称过长 111071027 Invalid welcome voice enable value.:入会欢迎词开关不在范围内 111071028 Invalid enter voice enable value.:入会提示音开关不在范围内 111071029 Invalid leave voice enable value.:离会提示音开关不在范围内 111071030 Invalid reminders value.:会议提醒非法 111071031 Invalid allow record value.:会议是否启用网络录制取值非法 111071032 Invalid auto record value.:会议是否自动启动录制取值非法 111071033 Invalid user type value.:会预定者的用户类型非法 111071034 Invalid encrypt mode value.:加密类型非法 111071035 Invalid language value.:语言非法 111071036 Invalid auto prolong value.:是否自动延长会议取值非法 111071037 VmrID too long.:vmrid超长 111071038 Invalid record type value.:录播类型非法 111071039 Live address too long.:主流直播地址超长 111071040 Aux address too long.:辅流直播地址超长 111071041 Null start date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,起始日期为空 111071042 Null end date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,结束日期为空 111071043 Invalid cycle type value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,周期类型非法 111071044 Invalid interval for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,interval非法 111071045 Null point for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point为空 111071046 Invalid point value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point非法 111071047 Invalid vmr flag value.:vmrFlag非法 111071048 Invalid record auxStream.:recordAuxStream非法 111071049 Invalid multiStream flag.:multiStreamFlag非法 111071050 Invalid audience flag.:audienceFlag非法 111071051 Invalid liveChannel ID.:liveChannelID不存在 111071052 Anonymous login is locked. Try again later.:匿名登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071053 Link login is locked. Try again later.:链接登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071054 Not enough Meeting ID.:会议ID不足 111071055 Failed to apply meeting ID.:会议ID申请失败 111071056 Failed to release meeting ID.:会议ID释放失败 111071057 Live room is used.:直播房间已被占用 111071058 The meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:当前会议还未召开,请耐心等待 111071059 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出上限 111071060 The enterprise cannot create meetings because it has not purchased any concurrent meeting resources.:企业未配置并发会议资源,无法使用个人会议ID和随机会议ID发起会议 111071061 Parameter verify failed.:参数校验失败 111071062 Json conversion failed.:JSON转换失败 111071063 Not cloud meeting room owner.:非云会议室拥有者 111071064 This cloud meeting room has been started for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议冲突,当前已有会议正在召开 111071065 This meeting cannot be modified because it is already started.:正在召开会议,无法编辑会议详情 111071066 Attendees amount over range.:与会方数量超出上限 111071067 This meeting cannot be canceled because it is already started.:会议正在召开中,不允许取消会议 111071068 Meeting password encrypt failed.:会议密码加密失败 111071069 No meeting during this period.:选定的时间中没有会议 111071070 Sub cycle meeting cannot modify live room.:周期会议子会议不允许修改直播房间 111071071 Stop online meeting exception.:结束会议失败 111071072 Meeting is ended.:会议已经结束 111071073 Not allow anonymous user.:会议不允许匿名用户呼入 111071074 Only allow user in organization.:会议只允许企业内用户呼入 111071075 Only allow invited user.:会议只允许被邀请用户呼入 111071076 Batch export task for history meeting list during this period.:当前有正在执行的批量导出任务 111071077 Only allow invited user and user in organization.:会议只允许被邀请或者企业内用户用户呼入 111071078 Max current participants amount reached.:企业单会议并发方数已达上限 111071079 Invalid CTD param.:ctd会议参数不合法 111071080 Invalid guest password.:来宾密码不合法 111071081 Guest password conflict with meeting ID.:来宾密码与会议ID冲突 111071082 Max meeting amount reached.:会议数达到上限 111071083 Invalid meeting random number.:无效的会议随机数 111071084 Max export history meeting list times reached.:导出历史会议次数超出允许的值 111071085 Max multi view layouts reached.:会议多画面布局超出限制 111071086 Max multi view invalid manual type.:会议多画面模式非法 111071087 Max multi view sub view amount reached.:会议多画面子画面个数超出限制 111071088 Max multi view sub view numbers reached.:会议多画面子画面会场数超出限制 111071089 Webinar and common meeting cannot be converted to each other.:网络研讨会不能修改为普通会议,普通会议也不能修改为网络研讨会 111071090 Not allow add audience.:不支持添加观众 111071091 Meeting password authentication failed.:密码错误 111071092 File export task failed.:导出文件任务失败 111071093 File export task is downloading.:导出文件正在处理中 111071094 Not allow audience to join.:会议不允许观众入会 111071095 Need to get WEBINAR_CONF_DTO object.:需要获取WEBINAR_CONF_DTO对象 111071096 User-defined languages over range.:自定义语言个数超出范围 111071097 Your enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation.:企业不支持同声传译 111071098 Need to set interpreter groups.:需要设置传译组信息 111071099 Invalid interpretation language.:传译组语言非法 111071100 Max languages in a meeting are reached.:单会议最大支持16种语言 111071101 This interpreter group ID already exists.:传译组的组号重复 111071102 Max interpreters in the interpreter group reached.:传译组中传译员的个数达到上限 111071103 This interpreter already exists in an interpreter group.:传译员重复 111071104 Invalid interpreter account.:传译员账号不存在 111071105 Guest password conflict with chairman password.:来宾密码与主持人密码冲突 111071106 Meeting is holding.:云会议室已有会议正在召开 111071107 Invalid audience password.:观众密码不合法 111071108 Audience password conflict with meeting id.:观众密码与会议ID冲突 111071109 Audience password conflict with chairman password.:观众密码与主持人密码冲突 111071110 Only RTC meeting support E2E encrypt.:非RTC会议不支持端到端加密 111071111 Audience password conflict with guest password.:观众密码与来宾密码冲突 111071112 Cloud meeting room ID type cannot be modified.:不支持修改会议ID类型 111071113 Cloud meeting room type cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR类型 111071114 Cloud meeting room flag cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR标识 111071116 conf number over max allowed.:超出最大在线会议数限制 111071119 Sub cycle meeting modify time over range.:周期会议修改时间超出范围 111071147 Server region is change.:服务器站点变更 111071151 Share VMR not enough.:无共享云会议室资源 111071152 not allow join external crop conf.:被呼叫方所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072001 Application for meeting resources failed.:申请资源失败 111072002 Failed to release meeting resources.:释放资源失败 111072003 The meeting is ending.:会议正在结束 111072004 The meeting is starting.:会议正在开始 111072005 The meeting has not yet started.:会议还未开始 111072006 The meeting has ended.:会议已经结束 111072007 Site invitation failed.:邀请会场失败 111072008 Site does not exist.:会场不存在 111072009 Failed to disconnect the site.:挂断会场失败 111072010 Coming soon...:功能暂未支持,敬请期待... 111072011 Meeting status incorrect.:会议状态非法 111072012 Site control operation failed.:会场会控操作失败 111072013 The cloud meeting room is in use by another meeting.:当前VMR会议非目标会议 111072014 The meeting has ended.:VMR会议已过期 111072015 The meeting has not yet started.:VMR会议还未开始 111072016 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约记录不存在 111072017 Meeting has no attendee.:会议与会者不存在 111072018 Application for chairman password exception.:申请主持人密码错误 111072019 Not found site which can be moved exception.:没有找到可以移动的会场 111072020 The current meeting is not a recording meeting. Recording is not supported.:非录播会议不支持录制 111072021 System processing failure.:录播调度失败 111072022 Insufficient recording resources in the system.:录播资源不足 111072023 There are no participants in this meeting.:会议中没有与会人 111072024 Operation failed. No sites have joined this meeting.:请确保会议中已有会场入会 111072025 Voice meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot be displayed in custom continuous presence.:手动设置的多画面中无法显示语音会场 111072028 At least one site must have custom continuous presence configured.:手动设置的多画面中需最少设置一个会场 111072029 At most one presentation pane is allowed in custom continuous presence.:手工设置的多画面最多只允许一个辅流子画面 111072030 In the voice-activated continuous presence mode, each pane can only support a single user.:声控多画面模式下,每个子画面最多只允许一个用户 111072031 The number used for the site to join the meeting cannot be left blank.:与会者的入会号码不允许为空 111072032 The number used for the site to join the meeting is too long.:与会者的入会号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072033 The format of the number used for joining the meeting is incorrect. (Correct format: User name name/IP address:Port number or Country code plus phone number):与会者的入会号码格式非法(支持SIP、TEL号码格式) 111072034 Length of site name too long.:与会者的名称长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072035 The site role type is outside the allowed range.:与会者的角色类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072036 Length of site email address too long.:与会者的邮箱地址长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072037 Length of site mobile number too long.:与会者的手机号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072038 The value for whether a site is muted after it first joins the meeting is outside the allowed range.:与会者入会后是否静音的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072039 The value for whether to automatically invite a site is outside the allowed range.:与会者是否自动邀请的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072040 The host's site viewing type is outside the allowed range.:主持人选看类型取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072041 The value of the continuous presence setting mode is outside the allowed range.:设置多画面方式取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072042 The polling time is outside the allowed range.:轮询显示时间取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072043 The pane type cannot be left blank.:画面类型不允许为空 111072044 Invalid pane type.:画面类型非法 111072045 The value of the switch is outside the allowed range.:开关项取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072046 The site name cannot be left blank.:与会者的名称不允许为空 111072047 Site name too long.:与会者的名称超过系统允许的最大值 111072048 Continuous presence is not supported. Ask the administrator to configure related data on the MCU.:不支持多画面,请联系管理员开启MCU配置 111072049 Response timed out. Try again later.:等待响应超时 111072050 Meeting locked.:会议被锁定 111072051 The meeting display mode is empty.:会议显示模式为空 111072052 The meeting display mode is outside the allowed range.:会议显示模式不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072053 The meeting pane type is outside the allowed range.:会议画面类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072054 The banner or caption type is empty.:横幅或字幕类型为空 111072055 The banner or caption content is empty.:横幅或字幕的内容为空 111072056 The banner or caption content cannot exceed 2,000 bytes.:横幅或字幕的内容长度超过2000字节 111072057 The request message body is empty.:请求消息体为空 111072058 The pane index is greater than the total number of panes.:子画面索引大于画面总数 111072059 Meeting has no host.:会议中没有主持人 111072060 Regular participants cannot perform this operation.:当前普通与会方类型不支持该操作 111072061 You have set host polling and cannot select a specific site to view or set continuous presence.:前主持人正在轮询观看会场,不能单独选看其他会场或会议多画面 111072062 You cannot select a site to view on the web page. Perform the operation on the terminal.:当前主持人与会方类型不支持该操作 111072063 Applying for recording resources...:录制资源重新申请错误码 111072064 Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.:会控登录锁定 111072065 The meeting ID or password is incorrect. Check the ID and password and try again.:会议不存在或密码错误 111072066 The enterprise has not purchased any recording storage space.:企业未购买录播空间 111072067 Insufficient enterprise recording storage space.:企业录播空间已满 111072068 Failed to start live broadcast. Try again later.:启动直播失败 111072069 Not allow to hand up for host.:不允许指定会议主持人举手发言 111072070 The operation is not allowed for guest.:来宾不允许进行该操作 111072071 The operation is only allowed for yourself.:仅能对自己进行操作 111072072 Not allow to apply host for attendees who do not have meeting control abilites.:没有会控能力的与会者不允许设置为主持人 111072073 Notify message is expired.:推送消息已过期 111072074 Only participants with a number registered on HUAWEI CLOUD can be set as the host.:云下会场不能成为主持人 111072075 Hung up site for meeting ended.:会议结束挂断会场 111072076 Hung up site by host.:主持人挂断会场 111072077 Hung up site because host deleted site.:主持人删除会议挂断会场 111072078 Hung up site because meeting is recreated.:重建会议挂断会场 111072079 Hung up site for moving site failed.:移动会场失败挂断会场 111072080 Hung up site for inviting site cross region failed.:跨region邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072081 Hung up site for invitation exception.:邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072082 Hung up site for joining meeting repeatedly.:会场重复入会挂断会场 111072083 Lock sharing failed.:锁定共享失败 111072084 This site does not support 1-screen layout.:云下会场禁止设置在多画面一画面中 111072085 Not support realtime subtitle.:会议不支持实时字幕 111072086 Realtime subtitle pid is null.:会议实时字幕指定发言人列表为空 111072087 Invalid realtime subtitle pid.:会议实时字幕指定发言人ID有误或已离会 111072088 Failed to set realtime subtitle.:会议实时字幕设置失败 111072089 Not allow audience to change speaker status.:不允许观众解闭音 111072090 Allow/forbid audience to speak only for audience.:主持人允许/禁止观众说话接口只能操作观众 111072091 This meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation.:会议不支持同声传译 111072092 Interpreter group is empty.:会议当前传译组为空,请先配置传译组 111072093 This meeting has not enable simultaneous interpretation.:会议未开启同声传译 111072094 This site is not interpreter.:当前会场非传译员 111072095 This site has not yet confirmed interpreter identity.:传译员未确认身份 111072096 Invalid site language.:会场选择的语言非法 111072097 This site is confirmed interpreter.:当前会场是已确认的传译员 111072098 This site listen channel is different from speak channel.:普通会场听说频道不一致 111072099 Failed to set interpretation languages. Try again.:设置会议语言频道失败 111072100 Failed to set interpretation channel. Try again.:设置会场语言频道失败 111072101 Max participant amount reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111072102 Max allowed handup amount reached.:观众超过最大允许举手数 111072103 Max allowed speaking amount reached.:观众超过最大允许发言数 111072104 Failed to set virtual audio CS D site.:设置级联通道虚拟语言会场失败 111072105 This meeting does not support cohost.:该会议未启用联席主持人 111072106 This site does not support cohost.:该会场不支持联席主持人 111072107 Host cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置主持人为联席主持人 111072108 Audience cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置观众为联席主持人 111072109 Need to check cohost permission.:需要去主会议所在region判断是否为联席主持人 111072110 Cohost cannot operate host.:联席主持人不能操作主持人 111072111 This site does not support share invitation.:当前会场不支持邀请共享能力 111072201 Hung up site because heart beat failed.:与终端心跳中断导致挂断会场 111072202 Insufficient audience cloud meeting room logic resources.:观众数超过VMR套餐中的观众最大并发资源数 111072203 Insufficient participant cloud meeting room logic resources.:主持人与嘉宾超过VMR套餐中的最大并发资源数 111072204 Insufficient webinar resources, so started failed.:网络研讨会套餐已经有在线会议,被占用,激活失败 111072205 Only RTC conf support local record.:非RTC会议不支持本地录制 111072206 Invalid E2E encryption parameter.:端到端加密参数非法 111072207 Not allow to switch role in webinar.:网络研讨会不允许进行角色转换 111072208 The client version used by the user is too early. Cannot start local recording.:客户端不支持本地录制 111072211 Meeting is under AR assist.:会议已经在进行AR协作 111072213 Audience cannot be set to host.:观众不能设置为主持人 111072214 Rename param contains sensitive words.:改名涉及敏感词错误 111072222 Indicates record start exception.:启动云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072223 Indicates record paused exception.:暂停云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072224 Indicates record stop exception.:停止云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072225 Indicates live start exception.:启动直播失败,请联系管理员 111072226 Indicates live stop exception.:停止直播失败,请联系管理员 111072227 Indicates sensitive words.:信息中包含敏感词 111072403 Not support AUX conf.:不支持新辅流会议 111072504 Max participants in a single meeting reached.:达到系统单个会议人数上限 111072507 waiting room user is leaved.:等候室准入用户已经离会 111072508 waiting room user is joined.:等候室准入用户已经准入 111072512 This site does not support screen shots.:当前会场不支持禁止截屏 111072516 This apply for new mmrId reach limit.:请求更换mmrId达到上限 111072520 Turn on Prohibit mobile viewing and sharing, and prohibit inviting mobile sharing.:开启禁止移动端看共享,禁止邀请移动端共享 111072521 Not allow invitation from external organization.:当前被邀用户不允许被外部成员呼叫入会 111072531 Not allow join external crop conf.:企业已限制加入外部会议,可联系企业管理员处理 111072532 Not allow invitation from external crop.:当前被邀用户所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072599 Conference manager is valid, not support offline join.:当前管理面正常,不允许离线操作 111073001 User does not exist.:用户不存在 111073002 Department does not exist.:组织不存在 111073003 Invalid username format.:用户非法 111073004 Invalid department name format.:组织非法 111073005 Could not query department.:查询组织失败 111073006 Application for anonymous user failed.:申请匿名用户失败 111073007 Invalid cloud meeting room package status.:VMR套餐状态非法 111073008 Failed to Release anonymous user.:释放匿名用户失败 111073009 Not support cycle meeting for welinkC.: WeLink C 不支持预约周期会议 111073010 Not support cloud meeting room for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约VMR会议 111073011 Failed to get Welink token.:获取WeLink Proxy Token失败 111073012 Failed to Get M to M token.:获取机机账号Token失败 111073013 Invalid webinar cloud meeting package status.:网络研讨会VMR套餐状态非法 111073014 Max extend times for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长次数超出VMR试用套餐可延长的最大次数 111073015 Max extend duration for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长时间超出VMR试用套餐单次会议最大时长 111073016 Not support auto extend meeting for cloud meeting trial version.:VMR试用套餐不支持自动延长 111074001 This meeting host already exists.:IDO主持人已经存在 111074002 No meeting host permissions.:无IDO主持人权限 111074003 Failed to extend the meeting. Max meeting duration reached.:延长会议失败,会议已达到最大时长 111074004 Failed to extend the meeting. The service processing is abnormal.:延长会议失败,服务处理异常 111075001 Failed to start timer.:启动定时器失败 111075002 Failed to end timer.:停止定时器失败 111075003 Json parse failed.:json转换异常 111076001 Released by host.:会场被终端主持人挂断 111076002 Released by portal host.:会场被portal主持人挂断 111076003 Max number of participants reached.:超出VMR最大方数 111076004 Insufficient enterprise resources.:企业并发数不足 111076005 Not answered.:会场无响应 111076006 User does not exist.:会场不存在 111076007 Offline.:会场离线 111076008 Busy.:忙 111076009 Rejected by user.:拒接 111076010 Released by user.:会场挂断 111076011 Insufficient meeting resources in the system.:媒体资源不足 111076012 Outbound calling disabled.:PSTN服务未开通 111076013 Application for address token failed.:申请地址本鉴权信息失败 111076014 Call failed.:SIP呼叫超时 111076015 Max number of participants reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111076017 Invalid user.:用户失效 111076018 Invalid enterprise.:企业失效 111076019 Invalid SP.:SP失效 111076022 Not allow joining by scanning for hard device.:企业配置来宾不允许扫码邀请硬终端入会* 111076028 Not allow conf control.:会议正在进行AR协作,禁止共享/分组会议/释放主持人等会控操作* 111076029 Not allow AR Assist.:会议正在进行共享/分组会议, 禁止进行AR协作* 111076040 Network error need restart share.:网络异常,需要重新发起共享 111076045 Invite user expiration.:被叫用户失效 111076099 Common error.:通常失败 111077001 RSE server info does not exist.:RSE录播相关错误码 111077101 Not support AI record.:会议不支持AI会议纪要 111077102 Reapplying for AI record resource.:正在重新申请会议纪要资源 111077103 Insufficient AI record resource.:AI会议纪要资源不足 111077104 In AI recording, the meeting cannot stop live or recording.:会议处于AI会议纪要状态,不允许停止录制/直播 111077201 Record file does not exist or have no permission.:录播文件已删除或您无权观看,请确认后重试 111077202 RSE authentication failed.:RSE机机鉴权失败 111078000 No available region in multi region.:没有可用Region 111078001 No available global in multi region.:没有可用Global 111078002 Dispatch region error in multi region.:多region 分发region错误 111079000 Failed to phrase big data param query xml.:大参数查询xml解析失败 111079001 Failed to phrase anonymous assign xml.:匿名账号分配xml解析失败 111080001 Bad request.:请求消息参数错误 111080002 Insufficient permissions.:用户无权限进行该操作 111080004 Site data not found or deleted.:会场不存在或已被删除 111080090 Common error.:IM通用错误 111080096 The sender information is invalid.:IM发送者信息非法 111080097 Basic conference information is missing.:会议基础信息缺失 111080098 User site information is missing.:用户会场信息缺失 111080099 Invalid IM channel.:IM频道非法 111080100 Forbid chat.:禁止聊天 111080101 Invalid chat target.:聊天目标非法 111080102 Allow public chat only.:仅允许公开聊天 111080104 Invalid msgId.:查询msgId非法 111080105 Invalid message type.:消息类型非法 111080106 The message content is too long.:消息内容过长 111080205 Message sending is controlled.:消息发送被流控 111081001 Site is inviting.:会场正在通话中 111081002 Site meeting does not exist or is ended.:会场所在会议不存在或已结束 111081003 Failed to apply site resource.:申请会场资源失败 111081004 Failed to release site resource.:释放会场资源失败 111081005 Failed to apply site media resource.:申请会场媒体资源失败 111081006 Authentication failed.:认证失败 111081007 Meeting is locked.:会议已经被锁定 111081009 Login is locked because max authentication times reached.:会议鉴权失败次数已达上限被锁定 111081010 Waiting user restrictions.:等候用户限制 111082001 Not support this control.:不支持该会控 111082002 No response.:无响应 111082003 Site not exist.:会场不存在 111082004 Site unavailable.:会场离线 111082005 Site busy.:会场正忙 111082006 Site refused.:会场拒接 111082007 Site leave.:会场挂断 111082008 PSTN service is closed.:PSTN服务关闭 111082009 SIP invitation timeout.:SIP呼叫超时 111083001 RSE does not exist.:RSE设备不存在 111084001 Failed to execute DTMF.:执行DTMF失败 111084002 Get started meeting exception.:启动会议异常 111084003 Call MCU side exception.:呼叫MCU端异常 111084004 Join call exception.:加入呼叫异常 111084005 Invite exception.:邀请异常 111084006 Call terminal side exception.:呼叫端侧异常 111084007 Answer exception.:应答异常 111084008 Common CTL exception.:通用CTL异常 111084009 Hangup exception.:挂断异常 111084010 Notify capability exception.:通知能力异常 111084011 Update MT exception.:更新MT异常 111084012 Negotiate exception.:协商异常 111084013 Not support this meeting.:不支持该会议 111084014 Not allowed join meeting in RTC inviting because guests are not invited.:RTC外邀入会,来宾不在被邀请名单中,拒绝入会 111089002 Failed to phrase URI join xml.:链接入会XML解析失败 111090001 Failed to join data meeting.:数据入会失败 111090002 Join data meeting overtime.:数据入会超时 111100001 Failed to get slider image.:获取滑块图片失败 111100002 Slider check failed.:滑块校验失败 111100003 Invalid random number.:无效的随机数 111100004 Invalid slider token.:无效滑块token 111100005 Need to check slider.:需要滑块校验 111100006 Invalid SMS phone number.:非法的手机号 111100007 Failed to send verification code.:发送验证码失败 111100008 Verification code expired.:验证码已过期 111100009 Verification code error.:验证码错误 111100010 Max verification code check times reached.:验证码错误超过最大次数 111100011 The uuid is invalid, you need to re-verify the phone number.:uuid无效,需要重新验证手机号 111100012 The meeting is not on this site.:会议不在本站点 111100013 Need to verify the mobile phone number. Overseas access to China, free enterprises need to verify the mobile phone verification code.:需要验证手机号,海外接入国内,免费企业需要进行手机验证码校验 111110001 Failed to add IM group.:添加群组失败 111110002 Failed to disband IM group.:删除群组失败 111110003 Failed to add IM member.:添加成员失败 111110004 Failed to remove IM member.:删除成员失败 111111007 hangup for rejoin mmr failed.:mmr重入会失败挂断 111111008 hangup for joinconf conflict.:多端入会冲突,导致离开会议 111112001 Failed to enter the waiting room.:入等候室失败 111112002 Failed to exit the waiting room.:出等候室失败 111112003 Waiting room cache operation failed.:等候室缓存操作失败 111112004 Co-hosts cannot be moved into the waiting room.:联席主持人不能被移入等候室 111112005 Not allowed to enable waiting room.:不允许启用等候室 111112008 Not support this feature according to client capabilities.:客户端能力不支持此特性 111113001 can not find application.:找不到应用信息 111113002 application exist.:应用已存在,目前一个会议只能关联一种应用 111113003 not required to create application.:无权限创建应用 111113004 need verify id.:应用操作需要实名认证(用户需要绑定手机) 111113005 get token failed.:获取应用用户token失败 111113006 url illegal.:应用服务URL地址非法 111113101 shimo doc has not used.:石墨文档应用未启用 111113102 call shimo doc server failed.:调用石墨文档服务失败 111113103 get shimo token failed.:获取石墨应用级token失败 111113104 not in conf,has no right to apply.:用户不在会议中,无权限申请权限 111113105 account has been stoped.:企业账号被停用 111114001 projection link verify failed.:投屏链路校验失败 111114020 content moderation failed.: 内容审核 不通过 111500301 breakout conf surpass limit.:分组会议子会议超过上限 111500302 breakout conf name error.:分组会议子会议名称错误 111500303 breakout Start failed.:分组会议启动失败 111500304 breakout not exist when delete:分组会议中没有子会议(删除) 111500305 breakout not exist when start.:分组会议中没有子会议(启动) 111500306 breakout is closing by host:分组会议结束中(主持人停止) 111500307 breakout is closing by host:分组会议已经结束或未启动(加入时) 111500308 Attendee in target conf:移动用户在目标分组 111500309 Chair in current conf:主持人在当前分组中(请求帮助) 111500310 not support breakout conf:不支持分组会议(启动时 启动接口) 111500311 breakout conf starting or started:分组会议已经启动或启动中(重复启动) 111500312 subconf not exist:子会议不存在 111500313 not support in mainconf:主会中用户不支持此操作(请求帮助) 111500314 breakout conf state illegal:分组会议状态异常(缓存误删) 111500315 action forbidden by status:分组会议静态、动态操作由于状态原因,不支持当前操作 111500316 apply chair failed due to host in subconf:主持人在分组中,不能申请为主持人 111500317 apply sub conf id failed:申请分组的会议id失败 111500318 query main conf failed:获取主会议信息失败 111500319 attendee not found:没有找到用户信息 111500320 sub conf stop failed:分组会议停止失败 111502000 subject faile and leave conf start:订阅失败需要离会的错误码起始值 111502099 subject faile and leave conf end:订阅失败需要离会的错误码结束值 112010001 Common failure.:通用失败 112010002 Null param.:参数为空 112010003 Participant not found.:未找到参与者 112010004 Meeting not found.:会议不存在 112010005 SIP invite information timeout.:invite消息超时 112010006 SIP invite information failed.:invite消息失败 112010007 SIP information timeout.:info响应超时 112010008 SIP information failed.:info响应失败 112010009 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010010 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010011 Failed to invite MRS .:呼叫mrs失败 112010012 Failed to invite participant.:呼叫终端失败 112010013 Data meeting join information failed.:数据入会Info失败 112010014 Failed to start meeting.:召开会议失败 112010015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 112010016 User rejects.:用户拒绝 112010017 User is busy.:用户忙 112010018 No call permission.:没有呼叫权限 112010019 Unknown callee.:未知被叫人 112010020 No user response.:没有用户响应 112010021 Join meeting timed out.:加入会议超时 112010022 Session has been released.:会话已释放 112010023 Callee is not registered.:被叫人未注册 112010024 SIP invite timed out.:SIP邀请超时 112010025 User Session timer times out and hangs up.:用户Session timer 超时挂断 112010026 The participant bye hangs up on the MRS side.:与会者腿MRS侧bye挂断 112010027 The participant bye hangs up on terminal side.:与会者腿终端侧bye挂断 112010028 No RTP stream hang up.:无码流挂断 112030001 No Upscale vmr.:无高档可用的VMR资源 112100000 Sysportal exception.:系统异常 112100001 Bad request.:请求异常 112100002 Illegal request.:非法请求 112100003 Data not found.:数据未获取到 112100004 Data duplication.:数据重复 112100006 The requested type is not supported.:请求的类型不支持 112100007 Failed to save notification template.:保存通知模板失败 112100008 Failed to save data.:保存数据失败 112100009 Failed to query data.:查询数据失败 112100010 Failed to delete data.:删除数据失败 112100011 Password reset required.:需要重置密码 112100012 Incorrect old password.:旧密码错误 112100013 The new password cannot be the same as the old password.:新密码不能与旧密码相同 112100014 Insufficient password complexity and low security.:密码复杂度不够,安全性低 112100015 The length does not meet the requirements.:长度不符合要求 112100016 RSE is in meeting.:RSE在会议中 112100017 RSE to be deleted.:RSE待删除 112100018 Failed to query the meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 112100019 User has been locked out. Try again later.:用户已被锁定,请稍后重新登录 112100022 The live room channel name exists.:频道名称已存在 112100023 Failed to modify system configuration items for duplicated meeting ID prefix.:修改系统配置项失败,会议ID前缀重复 112100024 CONFID prefix can only be added, not modified or deleted.:CONFID前缀只能增加,不能修改和删除 112100025 The live room channel url exists.:直播房间地址已存在 112100026 The live room has been occupied.:直播房间已被使用 112100027 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 112100028 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 112100029 The request is missing header or param.:请求缺失头域 112100030 The Live main stream URL already exists.:音视频推流地址已存在 112100031 The Live auxiliary stream URL already exists.:辅流演示推流地址已存在 112100032 Password is weak.:密码为弱密码 112100033 The live room is occupied.:直播房间被占用 112100034 Save part of attendees since max attendees size reached.:因为与会者数量超出上限只保存部分 112100035 Failed to export data.:导出数据失败 112100036 Failed to import data.:导入数据失败 112100037 Max file size reached.:文件大小超出上限 112100038 LVS target address exists.:lvs的目标地址已存在 112100039 LVS port existed.:lvs端口重复 112100040 Not allow to modify global standby config.:Global只有主机可以修改配置; 112100041 MCU insulation IP address exists.:mcu隔离的IP已经存在 112100042 MCU insulation IP address cannot be modified.:mcu隔离的IP不能修改 112100043 SBC address exists.:SBC配置的地址已经存在 112100044 Internal exception.:内部错误异常 112100045 System config delete exception.:系统配置不允许被删除 112100046 No ISBC access address.:企业id无法获取关联SBC地址 112100047 Media type need to be HD because the organization enable Full HD capability.:企业已开启全高清功能,媒体设置不能低于1080P/8M 112100061 Same interpreter language abbreviation exists.:语言缩写重复 112100062 Same interpreter language name exists.:语言名称重复 112100063 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured, or MCU meeting exsists when modifying mcu connection settings.:修改MCU连接配置告警,以下两种场景会导致:1.MCU存在会议 2.修改类型为MIXED未配置隔离 112100064 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured when adding mcu connection settings.:新增MCU连接配置告警,MCU类型为MIXED且未配置隔离 112100065 MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation config or disbanding enterprise.:修改MCU隔离配置时,解除企业绑定时MCU类型为MIXED 112100066 MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation config.:删除MCU隔离配置时,MCU类型为MIXED 112100067 This gateway type is incompatible with MCU.:MCU与网关类型不兼容 115021001 Insufficient media resource.:媒体资源不足 115021002 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 115021003 Media resource does not exist.:媒体资源不存在 115021005 Insufficient media bandwidth resource.:带宽资源不足 115021006 Media device fault.:设备故障 115022000 Insufficient common logic resource.:通用的逻辑资源不足 115022001 Insufficient meeting resources in the enterprise.:企业会议并发方数不足 115022002 Insufficient logic port resource.:逻辑资源端口资源不满足 115022003 Live broadcast resources have not been purchased or are insufficient.:企业直播推流方数不足 115022004 Media device does not exist.:媒体设备不存在 115022005 The cloud recording ports purchased by enterprises have been used up.:企业购买的云录制端口已经用完 115023001 Insufficient ID resources.:ID资源不足 115024001 RMS service exception.:RMS服务异常 115025001 The live room has already been occupied.:直播房间已经被使用 115025002 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 115025003 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 115026001 MCU meeting exists.:MCU有会议 115029001 Invalid common parameter.:通用参数值不合法 115029002 Null parameter.:参数值为空 115029003 service is not available.:服务不可用 115029004 Configuration exception.:配置异常 115029005 Duplicately apply resources.:重复申请资源 115029006 Waiting for applying resources.:等待申请资源中 115029999 Unknown error.:未知错误 118000000 User authentication failed.:用户鉴权失败 118000001 User token authentication failed.:usg token 鉴权失败 118000002 User authentication account lockout.:usg鉴权账号锁定 200000001 Server is busy. Please try again later.:服务器正忙 请稍后再试 200000002 Internal error. Please contact SRE.:服务器正忙 请联系SRE 200000003 Invalid parameter. Please check whether the parameters are valid.:请求参数错误 请检查参数是否合法 200000004 Illegal request. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:非法请求 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 200000005 Forbidden access during the version upgrade.:系统正在升级,暂时不可访问。如对您造成不便,十分抱歉 200000026 Url permission valid failed.:分权分域接口权限校验失败 200000030 No department permission.:分权分域部门权限校验失败 201020023 This user is already the owner of another corporation and cannot create a new corporation for it.:该用户已经是其他企业的所有者,无法为其创建新的企业 201040005 Max number of users reached. Please check the purchased meeting users.:用户总数超过限制,请检查购买的会议用户 201040016 Password security is low. Please set another password.:密码安全性低,请设置其他密码 201040031 Activation code overdue.:激活码过期 201040033 The device under this enterprise has been activated and cannot be reactivated.:该企业下设备已激活,不可再次激活 201040034 This device has been activated in another enterprise and cannot be reactivated again.:该设备在其他企业下已激活,不可再次激活 201040037 The number of activation codes has reached the resource limit.:激活码数量已达资源上限 201040041 User not activated.:用户未激活 201040042 Pre-authentication expired.:预验证失效 201040043 This user is the owner of another corporation and cannot be invited.:该用户是其他企业的所有者,暂无法邀请 201040044 Invalid invite connection.:邀请连接非法 201040045 User is already in waiting list.:用户已经在等待列表 201040046 User already exists.:用户已存在 201040047 Account modification is not allowed.:不允许修改账户 201040049 IdeaHub resource exceeds the inactive limit.:IdeaHub资源超过非激活数量限制 201040063 The user name cannot contain sensitive words..:用户名称不能包含敏感词 201050004 The device does not support active codes.:设备类型不支持激活码 201050010 The maximum number of device activation code resets within one day has been reached.:一天内重置设备激活码次数已达到最大值(5次) 201050012 Activation code does not exist.:激活码不存在 201050015 Invalid activation code.:激活码错误 201050016 Trial activation code cannot be deleted.:试用激活码,不可删除 201050021 Activation failed.:激活失败 201050022 Terminal does not allow unbinding.:终端不允许解绑 201050027 IdeaManager not enabled.:未启用IdeaManager 201080000 VMR resource unavailable.:云会议资源不可用 201080006 The host password and the guest password cannot be the same. Please confirm the input parameters.:主持人密码和来宾密码不能相同 请确认输入参数 201080017 Same as meeting password.:和会议密码相同 201510001 No invite permission to get an invite code.:没有邀请权限去获取邀请码 201510003 Invalid application.:申请失效 205030005 The device type does not exist.:设备类型不存在 206010000 User name or password error.:用户名或密码错误 206010007 Account is not activated, no permission to log in.:账号未激活,无权限登录 206010008 User information does not exist or is not activated, no permission to log in.:用户信息不存在或者未激活,无权登录 206010010 Failed to get verification code, Please contact SRE.:获取验证码失败 请联系SRE 206010011 Verification code must be filled.:验证码不能为空 206010012 Verification code check failed.:验证码校验失败 206010013 Jump login failed. Please contact SRE.:跳转登录失败 请联系SRE 206010014 Domain not exist.:企业 域名 不存在 206010022 SSO login failed. Please contact SRE.:SSO登录失败 请联系SRE 206010023 SSO login is not supported.:不支持sso登录 206010024 Invalid authentication type.:认证类型非法 206010025 APPID verification failed.:APPID校验失败 206010027 Authentication type error.:校验类型错误 206010029 Network error.:网络异常 206010030 APPID does not allow automatic registration.:APPID不允许自动注册 206010031 APPID auto registration failed.:APPID自动注册失败 206010036 Normal users cannot log in.:普通用户无法登录 206010042 Huawei account authentication failed.:华为账户认证失败 206010057 APPID authentication expires.:APPID认证过期 206010058 APPID account is not bound.:APPID账户未绑定 206010064 Site mismatch.:站点不匹配 206010065 Phone number conflict.:电话冲突 206010066 E-mail conflict.:邮箱冲突 206010070 The number of users has reached the maximum.:用户数超过上限 206010071 WeChat authentication failed.:微信鉴权失败 206010074 International sites support site changing re-login.:国际站点支持切站点重登 206010075 Account has been unbound.:账号已经解绑 206010079 no fixed link found:设备和大屏没有建立固定链路 206010080 jwt invalid:jwt Token 失效 206010090 Need agreed sign privacy:需要同意签署隐私协议,返回的信息data中携带第三方用户缓存信息key 206010091 Third user info has invalid:第三方用户缓存信息失效 206020000 Invalid authentication information. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:鉴权信息无效 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 206020001 Token is created by disaster recovery site.:token是容灾站点创建 206020002 Token is invalid due to being kicked.:token由于被踢失效 206030000 The user does not exist.:系统中不存在该用户 206030001 The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Please obtain a new one.:验证码错误或失效,请重新获取 206030002 Incorrect verification code.:验证码错误 206030003 Failed to send the verification code.:发送验证码失败 206030004 Try to get a new verification code 180s later.:请在180秒后重新发送验证码 206030005 The password cannot be changed.:系统不支持修改密码 206030006 The old password is incorrect.:旧密码错误 206030007 The length of the new password does not meet the requirements.:新密码长度不符合要求 206030008 The password complexity does not meet the requirements.:密码复杂度不满足要求 206030009 The new password must be different from the previous old passwords.:设置的密码不能与最近旧密码相同 206030010 The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively.:密码不能包含3个以上重复字符 206030011 The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change.:修改密码后,5分钟内不能更新密码 206030012 The password cannot contain the account or the reverse order of the account.:密码不能与账号或其逆序账号相同 206030013 At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords.:新密码相较于旧密码至少要有两个不同的字符 206030014 Invalid password format.:密码格式不正确 206030015 The user is locked and will be locked in 60s.:用户已被锁定,请60秒后重试 206030016 Have no right to reset other's password.:没有权限重置密码 206030018 The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum(10 times).:一天内忘记密码次数达到最大值(10次) 206030019 The number of incorrect verification code input has reached the maximum, Please get it again.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 206030023 Failed to send verification code. Please contact SRE.:发送验证码失败 请联系SRE 206030028 The system has enabled SSO login and does not support changing the password. Please retry after the system has disabled SSO login.:系统已开启SSO登录,不支持修改密码 系统关闭SSO登录后重试 206030031 Forgot password for Huawei account.:华为账号忘记密码 206040000 No corresponding terminal type.:无对应的终端类型 206060008 Sending verification code is locked.:发送校验码锁定 206060009 Slider verification required.:需要滑块校验 206060010 Invalid slider token.:滑块token非法 206060011 Request parameter arror.:请求参数错误 206060012 Sending SMS is not supported.:不支持发送短信 206060013 Repeated sending is not supported.:不支持重复发送 206060014 Invalid verification code.:验证码非法 206060015 Max verification codes check times reached.:验证码次数超过最大次数 206060017 Failed to bind Huawei account.:华为账户绑定失败 211000062 verify activation credential failed.:二维码已过期 211000092 not allow activate device.:企业开启第三方2C自运营模式后禁止扫码激活设备 211030046 Not the ideahub activation code.:不是ideahub激活码 211030050 auth fail too many times, locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已锁定 211030052 auth fail too many times, permanently locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已永久锁定 211060003 The maximum times of log uploads has been reached.:日志上传次数达到最大限制 222020001 not allow cross copr pair.:不允许跨企业配对 222020002 The device has been bound.:其他设备已绑定该大屏 222020003 pair failed double check:二次验证码失效 222020004 pair code invalid.:配对码失效 222020005 offine pair already exist.:已有离线临时链路 222020006 offine fixed pair already exist .:已有离线固定链路 222020010 projection code illegal .:投屏码非法 222020011 ip has been locked.:ip锁定 222020012 Cross corp .:跨企业 222020013 double check reach max time.:二次验证码输入错误次数达到上限 225020001 obs upload image not exist.:obs上传的图片对象不存在 225030002 obs upload image is repetition.:obs上传的图片唯一标识符重复, 同一图片重复发起审核任务 230010001 not support.:不支持当前业务 230010002 verify code and business mismatch.:验证码和业务不匹配 230010003 need user not exist.:用户不存在 230010004 try again later.:请稍后尝试 230010005 verify code is invalid.:验证码失效 230010006 verify code error.:验证码错误 230010007 get new verify code.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 411000001 Common failure.:失败 411000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 411000003 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 411000004 A meeting already exists.:已经有会议存在 411000005 Meeting state error.:会议状态异常 411000006 Failed to get device.:获取设备异常 411000007 Failed to set device.:设置设备异常 411000008 No device available.:无可用设备 411000009 This operation is only supported on mobile.:只有移动端支持该操作 411000010 Network access error.:网络接入错误 411000011 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 411000012 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 411000013 Initialization failed.:初始化失败 411000014 User does not exist.:用户不存在 411000015 Did not join the data meeting.:未加入数据会议 411000016 Neither meeting nor call exists.:会议和呼叫均不存在 411000017 SVN port detection failed.:svn端口探测不通 411000018 Failed to write file.:写文件失败 411000019 RTC does not support STG mode.:RTC不支持STG模式 411000020 Failed to load RTC library. RTC meeting is not supported.:rtc库加载失败,不支持rtc会议 411000021 The meeting is in the audience pause state when changing roles.:转角色的时候会议正处于观众暂停观看状态 411000022 Not in call.:不在呼叫中 411000023 Meeting or call does not exist.:会议或者呼叫不存在 411000024 Pairing state not allowed.:配对状态不允许 411000025 Pairing request failed.:配对请求失败 411000026 Pairing exceeds limit.:配对超出限制 411000027 Pairing common error.:配对通用错误 411000028 Pairing and joining the meeting failed.:配对入会失败 411000029 Pairing and joining the meeting is busy.:配对入会忙 411000030 Pairing and joining the meeting is invalid.:配对入会无效 411000031 Multiple clicks at the same time to pair and join the meeting error.:同时多次点击入会错误 411000032 Pairing is not established or is being established.:配对未建立或正在建立中 411000033 The camera is not turned on in the third-party capture mode.:第三方采集模式下摄像头未打开 411000034 RTC engine creation failed.:RTC 引擎创建失败 411000035 Not in a meeting.:不在会议中 411000036 mute self failed.:静音自己失败并且采用了保护 411000037 still in setting language channel:当前正处于切换频道中, 请稍后重试 411000100 End the meeting with no stream due to disconnection of network.:无码流结束会议网络断开 411000101 End the meeting with no stream because fail to re-join meeting.:无码流结束会议重入会失败 411000102 Null pointer exception.:空指针异常 411000103 Parameters cannot be empty.:参数不许为空 411000104 Indicates encrypt and decrtpt func not match.:加解密算法不匹配 411000105 Indicates Loading User-Defined DLLs failed .:加载用户自定义dll失败 411000106 Indicates Applition not support shimo docs .:企业配置不支持打开石墨文档 411000107 Indicates notification of render fail .:数据会议UI渲染失败 411000108 End the meeting with mmr media rejoin failed.:mmr重入会失败 411000109 Audio is disconnected.:音频断开中 411000110 Second monitor disconnected.:共享副屏的时候,副屏被断开 412100001 The message processing thread is not initialized.:消息处理线程未初始化 412100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412100003 Timeout.:超时 412100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 412100005 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100006 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 412100007 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 412100008 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 412100009 Server error.:服务器异常 412100010 Account is locked.:账号被锁定 412100011 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 412100012 Server CA certificate verification failed.:服务器CA证书校验失败 412100013 Network error.:网络异常 412100014 Server redirect.:服务器返回重定向地址 412100015 Account is not activated.:账号未激活 412100016 JSON parsing error.:JSON解析失败 412100017 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 412100018 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 412100019 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 412100020 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 412100021 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 412100022 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 412100023 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 412100024 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve gateway.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析网关 412100025 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve host.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析主机 412100026 The authentication process failed. Unable to connect.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法连接 412100027 The authentication process failed. Operation times out.:认证鉴权过程失败,操作超时 412100028 Message length too long.:消息长度太大 412100029 Base64 encryption failed.:base64加密失败 412100030 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100031 Secure function error.:安全函数失败 412100032 Firewall detection parameter error.:防火墙检测参数错误 412100033 Failed to create STG tunnel.:创建STG隧道失败 412100034 Failed to update STG service.:更新STG服务失败 412100035 Encryption failed.:加密失败 412100036 Do not allow duplicate downloads.:不允许重复下载 412100037 File operation failed.:文件操作失败 412100038 The request message returns empty.:请求消息返回空 412100039 The number of detection servers is 0 error.:探测服务器数为0错误 412100040 Failed to get local IP address.:获取本地IP失败 412100041 XXX.:登录模块消息未初始化 412100042 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 412100043 Not logged in, not available:此业务未登录不可用 412100044 manger server degrade,you can still join conf in this case.:服务器降级,接入方收到该错误码可以继续调用入会接口离线入会 412100045 XXX:升级版本过程中取消下载 412200001 Internal error.:内部错误 412200002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412200003 Network timeout.:网络超时 412200004 Network Error.:网络错误 412200005 Need to bind mobile phone.:需要绑定手机 412200006 Need to bind email.:需要绑定邮箱 412200007 Has initialized already.:重复初始化 412200008 State machine execution failed.:状态机执行失败 412200009 Failed to start timer.:开启定时器失败 412200010 The user is prompted to change the password when logging in for the first time.:首次登录,提示用户修改密码 412200011 Unknown authentication type.:未知鉴权类型 412200012 need repair controller:需要重新配对 412200013 need repair controller:验证后重新请求 412200014 need repair controller:换取凭证失败失败需要重新配对 412200015 not support media separate:环境不支持媒体分离 412200016 media separate plugin disconnect:媒体分离插件未连接 412200017 request media separate log timeout:收集媒体分离日志超时 412200018 request media separate log failed:收集媒体分离日志失败 412200019 request media separate log is already start:收集媒体分离日志已经开始 412200020 tc module version is not support request media separate log:tc插件版本不支持收集媒体分离日志 413000001 Common error.:一般错误 413000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 413000003 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 413000004 System error.:系统错误 413000005 Message sending error.:发送消息错误 413000006 Get system configuration error.:获取系统配置错误 413000007 Physical network error.:物理网络错误 413000008 Network access error.:网络接入错误 413000009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 413000010 Call state error.:呼叫状态错误 413000011 Other operation in progress error.:正在进行其他操作错误 413000012 Requesting the master to start call error.:请求主控进行呼叫开始错误 413000013 Requesting audio resource error.:申请音频资源错误 413000014 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 413000015 Record call error.:记录通话记录错误 413000016 Media process error.:媒体进程返回的错误 413000017 Maximum number of calls reached.:超过最大呼叫路数 413000018 SIP account ID does not exist.:SIP账户ID不存在 413000019 Call ID does not exist.:呼叫ID不存在 413000020 Failed due to registering.:正在注册中导致失败 413000021 Registration failed.:注册失败 413000022 Deregistration failed.:注销失败 413000023 Setting account information error.:设置账户信息错误 413000024 Setting SIP account error.:设置SIP账号失败 413000025 Reporting SIP account information error.:上报SIP账号信息失败 413000026 Server information error.:服务器信息错误 413000027 SIP account information error.:账户信息错误 413000028 SIPC execution error.:SIPC执行错误 413000029 Not registered error.:未注册错误 413000030 Call Sip interface to subscribe error.:调用Sip接口订阅失败 413000031 Canceling subscription error.:注销订阅中错误 413000032 Subscribing error.:订阅中错误 413000033 Only one local meeting is allowed.:只允许一个本地会议 413000034 Local meeting is not created.:本地会议未创建 413000035 The participant line does not match the chair account.:与会者线路与主持人账户不匹配 413000036 Local meeting state error.:本地会议状态错误 413000037 Failed to report the linkage state of the IP Phone.:IP Phone端联动状态上报失败 413000038 Meeting ID does not exist.:会议ID不存在 413000039 Video hold error.:视频保持失败 413000040 Video unhold error.:视频恢复失败 413000041 The maximum number of server meeting reached.:服务器会议个数超出 413000042 Get AA random number error.:获取AA随机数失败 413000043 AA login error.:AA登录失败 413000044 Meeting type mismatch.:会议类型不匹配 413000045 Failed to start video meeting.:视频会议开启失败 413000046 AA no master server.:AA无主服务器 413000047 Password error.:密码错误 413000048 Username error.:用户名错误 413000049 User is logged in.:用户已登录 413000050 Account is locked.:账户已锁定 413000051 Terminal type mismatch.:终端类型不匹配 413000052 Parsing XML error.:解析XML错误 413000053 Connecting to server error.:连接服务器错误 413000054 Get media configuration error.:获取媒体配置失败 413000055 Get service permission error.:获取业务权限失败 413000056 Insufficient service permission.:业务权限不足失败 413000057 Network environment error.:网络环境错误 413000058 Service conflict.:业务冲突 413000059 Connection timeout.:连接超时 413000060 Unknown error.:未知错误 413000061 Add ringing information error.:添加振铃信息失败 413000062 Delete ringing information error.:删除加振铃信息失败 413000063 Create ringing number error.:创建振铃号码失败 413000064 VVM parameter error.:VVM参数错误 413000065 Getting registered service error.:获取登记业务错误 413000066 Getting voicemail error.:获取语音邮箱错误 413000067 Attendee already exists.:与会者已经存在 413000068 Attendee does not exist.:与会者不存在 413000069 Create server video meeting window error.:创建服务器视频会议窗口失败 413000070 Video window already exists.:视频窗口已存在 413000071 Getting meeting list error.:获取会议列表失败 413000072 Operating requires host privileges.:需要主持人权限才能操作 413000073 No video device to operate.:没有视频设备可以操作 413000074 Refresh registration is not turned off.:没有关闭刷新注册 413000075 Online state report error.:在线状态上报失败 413000076 Network address subscription report error.:网络地址本订阅notify上报失败 413000077 Telepresence account was force unregistered. Information report error.:智真账号被踢,info上报失败 413000078 TLS root certificate error.:TLS根证书错误 413000079 AD authentication error.:AD鉴权失败 413000080 Meeting list is getting.:会议列表正在获取中 413000081 Prohibited calls.:禁止呼叫 413000082 The maximum number of calls has been reached.:呼叫数达上限 413000083 The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached.:加密呼叫数达上限 413000084 The maximum number of video calls has been reached and needs to downgrade to audio.:超出视频呼叫数,需要降为音频 413000085 H323 account ID does not exist.:H323账户ID不存在 413000086 H323 account information error.:H323账户信息错误 413000087 H323 account information report failed.:H323账号信息上报失败 413000088 Insufficient local resources.:本端资源不足 413000089 The calling protocol is not supported.:不支持该呼叫协议 413000090 Setting H323 account information error.:设置H323账户信息错误 413000091 Mediax meeting access number reporting failed.:mediax会议接入号上报界面失败 413000092 Mediax VMR information reporting failed.:上报Mediax VMR信息到界面失败 413000093 IMS meeting list information reporting failed.:上报获取IMS会议列表信息到界面失败 413000094 TUP initialization is not complete.:tup初始化未完成 413000095 Message return value error.:消息返回值错误 413000096 Message content too large error.:消息内容太大错误 413000097 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 413000098 message response is empty error.:消息响应为空错误 413000099 Account is not enabled.:账号未启用 413000100 Create call control implement error.:创建呼叫控制类错误 413000101 Already in call.:已经在呼叫中 413000102 Call does not exist.:呼叫不存在 413000103 Failed to get media configuration information.:获取媒体配置信息失败 413000104 Failed to set third-party capture. Calling HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU failed.:设置第三方采集失败, 调用HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU返回失败 413000105 not config call ability.:企业没有配置点对点能力 413000106 not mcu call and conf.:不支持MCU呼叫和会议能力 414100001 Common error.:一般错误 414100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 414100003 Timeout.:超时 414100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 414100005 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 414100006 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 414100007 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 414100008 Server error.:服务器异常 414100009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 414100010 Start timer error.:开启定时器错误 414100011 The meeting control block is full. Please release the control block that is not in use.:会控控制块已满,请释放没在使用的控制块 414100012 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 414100013 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 414100014 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 414100015 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 414100016 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 414100017 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 414100018 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 414100019 Curl proxy exception.:curl代理异常 414100020 Curl host exception.:curl主机异常 414100021 Curl connection exception.:curl连接异常 414100022 Curl operation timed out.:curl操作超时 414100023 Message length too long.:会控消息内容过大 414100024 Failed to create thread.:创建线程失败 414100025 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 414100026 JSON parsing failed.:解析json体失败 414100027 WS token is empty.:ws token值为空 414100028 Return JSON data error.:返回json数据异常 414100029 Failed to create meeting control block.:创建会议控制块失败 414100030 Failed to get meeting control block.:获取会议控制块失败 414100031 Failed to get meeting control block by CallId.:通过CallId获取会议控制块失败 414100032 Destroying the meeting control block failed.:销毁会议控制块失败 414100033 Temporary creating meeting information not found.:找不到创会临时信息 414100034 Failed to get participant ID.:获取参会者ID失败 414100035 Failed to get MT by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取MT失败 414100036 Failed to get self information by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取selfinfo失败 414100037 Failed to get participant information by MT.:通过MT获取会议成员信息失败 414100038 Manual invitation required.:需要手动邀请 414100039 The major parameters of the meeting have been reported.:已上报过会议大参数 414100040 Subtitles are not supported.:不支持字幕 414100041 Meeting Hang Up - Timeout.:会议挂断 - 超时 414100042 Meeting Hang Up - No Streaming.:会议挂断 - 无码流 414100043 Meeting hung up - Hung up by the host.:会议挂断 - 被主持人挂断 414100044 Meeting Hang Up - Meeting has ended.:会议挂断 - 会议已结束 414100045 End of meeting due to leave meeting.:离会导致的会议结束 414100046 Message queue processing function registration failed.:消息队列处理函数注册失败 414100047 Message queue processing function deregistration failed.:消息队列处理函数去注册失败 414100048 Meeting ended due to reject meeting.:拒绝会议导致的会议结束 414100049 Meeting ended by self.:自己结束会议导致的会议结束 414100050 The meeting control module is not initialized.:会控模块未初始化 414100051 The watching special site reaches the maximum.:选看的特殊会场超过限制 414100052 The watching HD site reaches the maximum.:选看的高清会场超过限制 414100053 The watching SD site reaches the maximum.:选看的标清会场超过限制 414100054 The watching specification reaches the maximum.:选看的规格超过限制 414100055 Watching internal errors.:选看内部错误 414100056 Duplicated watch render.:选看的句柄重复 414100057 HTTP request error.:HTTP请求错误 414100058 Websocket request timeout.:websocket请求超时 414100059 Loading failed.:加载错误 414100061 The meeting ends due to the timeout of guest waiting before meeting or the timeout of the meeting control heartbeat.:会前等待页面时间超时或者会控心跳超时导致的会议结束 414100062 The meeting ends due to being canceled.:会议被取消预约导致的会议结束 414100063 The meeting ends due to network error when guest waiting before meeting.:会前等待页面网络异常导致的会议结束 414100064 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 414100065 self is chairman.:已是主持人 414100066 self is cohost.:已是联席主持人 414100067 no cohost and chairman.:无主持人和联席主持人 414100068 no supported cohost and chairman.:无支持的主持人和联席主持人 414100069 Invalid user, enterprise or SP.:用户,企业或SP失效 414100070 not support offline join.:当前不支持离线入会 414100071 start confctrl websocket failed.:会控websocket建链失败 414100072 offline join query user token failed.:离线入会获取用户token失败 414100073 offline join query conference information failed.:离线入会获取会议信息失败 414100074 Chair end conf.:主持人结束会议 414100075 Timeover end conf.:会议到时间结束会议 414100076 callee refused.:被叫拒接 414100077 callee timeout.:被叫超时 414100078 force open camera conf hangup.:强制视频会议挂断 414100079 signal proxy address is not matched with site url.:信令代理与站点地址不匹配 414100080 conf end for projection failed.:投屏失败导致会议结束 414100081 conf end for projection end.:投屏结束导致会议结束 414100082 conf end for cancel..:投屏协商中大屏取消 414100083 Indicates end projection by sender with two members.:两方投屏端结束投屏 414100084 Indicates end projection by receiver.:大屏端结束投屏 414100085 projection by sender with multi members.:多方投屏会议投屏端结束投屏 414100086 Opposite end hung up.:对端已挂断 415000001 DB is not initialized.:db未初始化 415000002 Common failure.:失败 415000003 Proxy detection has not been completed.:代理探测还没有完成 416000001 Invalid parameter.:参数错误 416000002 Track module is not initialized.:打点模块未初始化 416000003 Track event does not exist.:打点事件不存在 416000004 Not logged in.:未登录 416000005 Upload is not enabled.:未开启上传 419100001 Invalid parameter.:错误参数 419100002 Incorrect URI.:错误号码 419100003 Memory allocation failed.:内存分配失败 419100004 SDP error.:SDP错误 419100005 Connection does not exist.:连接不存在 419100006 Connection failure.:连接失效 419100007 Operation forbidden.:禁止操作 419100008 State error.:状态错误 419100009 No corresponding line data.:无对应线路数据 419100010 No corresponding registered instance.:无对应注册实例 419100011 No corresponding call instance.:无对应呼叫实例 419100012 No corresponding subscription instance.:无对应订阅实例 419100013 No corresponding Refer instance.:无对应Refer实例 419100014 No corresponding DIM instance.:无对应DIM实例 419100015 Failed to create header.:创建头域失败 419100016 Failed to parse header.:解析头域失败 419100017 Header not found.:没有找到头域 419100018 No SDP message body.:没有sdp消息体 419100019 Failed to get capability.:获取能力失败 419100020 Failed to compare capability.:比较能力失败 419100021 Failed to open logical channel.:打开逻辑通道失败 419100022 Encoding SDP failed.:编码SDP失败 419100023 Decoding SDP failed.:解码SDP失败 419100024 Negotiate to unsupported SDP.:协商到不支持的SDP 419100025 TPTD initialization failed.:TPTD初始化失败 419100026 TPT initialization failed.:TPT初始化失败 419100027 TXN initialization failed.:TXN初始化失败 419100028 UA initialization failed.:UA初始化失败 419100029 GLUE initialization failed.:GLUE初始化失败 419100030 HLLM initialization failed.:HLLM初始化失败 419100031 VCOM initialization failed.:VCOM初始化失败 419100032 SDP initialization failed.:SDP初始化失败 419100033 Multiple instance error.:多实例错误 419100034 Insufficient registration control blocks.:注册控制块不足 419100035 Insufficient subscription control blocks.:订阅控制块不足 419100036 Insufficient call control blocks.:通话控制块不足 419100037 Insufficient IM control blocks.:对话外控制块不足 419100038 Failed to parse URI xml to string.:解析xml的uri失败 419100039 Encryption negotiation failed.:加密协商失败 419100040 Local capabilities are not configured.:没有设置本地能力 419100041 BFCP token error.:bfcp令牌错误 419100042 DNS resolution error.:dns解析错误 419100043 Failed to get subscription state.:获取订阅状态失败 419100044 IPv4 is not supported.:不支持IPv4 419100045 IPv6 is not supported.:不支持IPv6 419100046 Unsupported host type.:不支持的主机类型 419100047 Failed to get timer.:获取定时器失败 419200001 Failed to get memmory.:内存不足 419200002 Msg is mull.:消息空指针 419200003 Invalid msg.:消息无效 419200004 Failed to receive.:消息接收失败 419200005 Time out.:消息处理超时 419200006 Not init.:未初始化 419200007 No dest:没有接收端 419200008 No app name.:无应用名称 419200009 Rehandle.:重复处理 419200010 Trace msg.:trace信息 419200011 Failed send.:消息发送失败 419200012 Bad func.:函数异常 419200013 Msg notify.: 消息通知 419200014 Failed find.:无法查找到 419200015 no msg.:没有消息 419200016 Failed to get module Id.:无法找到模块ID 419200017 tag not exist.:标签不存在 419200018 Queue has full:队列已满 419200019 tag already exist.:标签已存在 419200020 unknow error.:未知错误 420000001 Cannot receive sharing invitations.:无法接收共享邀请 420000002 ReportDTO parameter verification failed.:reportDTO参数校验失败 420000003 Report folder creation failed.:举报文件夹创建失败 420000004 Report folder compression failure.:举报文件夹压缩失败 420000005 The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty.:待上传的ZIP文件路径为空 420000006 The size of the ZIP file to be uploaded reaches the maximum.:待上传的ZIP文件大小超过限制 420000007 The same person reported more than 100 times within 24 hours.:同一个人24小时内举报次数超过100次 430100001 Common Error.:通用错误 430100002 Invalid parameters.:参数错误 430100003 SIP connection check failed.:SIP连接检查失败 430100004 Timeout.:超时 430100005 In process.:接口正在处理中 430100006 Not initialized or initialization is not complete.:未初始化或初始化尚未完成。 430100007 Not supported in this release.:此版本不支持。 430100008 Operation interrupt.:操作中断。 430100009 Contact not found.:联系人不存在 430100010 Args length overrun.:参数长度超限 430100011 APPID info illegal.:APPID 信息入参不合法 430100012 E2EEncrypt algorithm error.:端到端加密算法不对称 430200001 unlogin.:未登录 430200002 Repeated login.:重复登录 430200003 SIP connection timeout.:SIP连接超时 430200004 Invalid login password.:用于登录的密码参数不合法 430200005 Password or account empty.:账号或密码不能都为空 430300001 The calling number, account number or third-party account number cannot be empty.:呼叫号码、账号或者第三方账号不能为空 430300002 Call account empty.:点对点呼叫账号为空 430300003 Call nickname empty.:点对点呼叫名字为空 430400001 Password required to join the meeting.:加入会议需要密码 430400002 Time zone error.:时区错误 430400003 The meeting duration is less than 1.:会议时长小于1 430400004 Joining the conference is interrupted.:入会被中断 430400005 Password input at least 4 digits.:密码输入至少4位 430400006 User voluntarily cancels.:用户主动取消 430400007 The guest password illegal.:来宾密码非法 430400008 Not in conference or in call.:不在会议或呼叫中 430400009 Already exist conf or call.:已存在一路会议或呼叫 430400010 ConfId empty.:会议id不能为空 430400011 Subject too long.:会议主题长度不能超过50 430400012 VMR host password length illegal.:主持人密码长度不合法 430400013 VMR name empty.:VMR名字为空 430400014 Conf starttime early.:会议的开始时间早于当前时间 430400015 Share is locked.:共享被锁定 430400016 Not in data conference.:不在数据会议中 430400017 Role not support operation:角色不支持该操作 430400018 Scan code expired:二维码过期 430400019 Scan code not support:二维码不支持 430400020 Version is outdated:大屏版本低 430500001 HTTP request, server exception.:HTTP请求,服务器异常 430500002 HTTP request, Connecting to the server times out.:HTTP请求,连接服务器超时 430500003 network unavailable.:网络不可用 430500004 file type illegal.:文件类型不合法 430600001 Leave conf due to background freezing.:应用后台冻结导致离会 600000001 video layout mode is not supported.:视频布局模式不支持 600000002 pair erro.:配对错误 600000003 pair link is not exist.:配对链路不存在 600000004 cmd is not support.:命令不支持 600000005 action is running.:正在执行 600000006 mcu is not supported.:不支持mcu 600000007 operate mic error not in conf.:不在会议中 600000008 operate mic error no permission .:没有操作麦克风权限 600000009 operate mic error not allow unmute.:不允许取消静音 600000010 operate mic error audience not allow speak.:不允许开麦 600000011 operate camera error no permission.:观众无开启摄像头权限 600000012 operate camera error not allow open.:不允许开启摄像头 600000013 operate camera error not allow open low video bw.:低带宽不允许开启摄像头 600000014 param is incorrect.:音量参数不对 600000015 operate camera error require all attendees to open camera.:关闭摄像头失败,当前会议强制开启摄像头 600000016 Low performance cloud desktop devices will have restrictions on opening cameras.:低性能 云桌面 设备会中限制打开摄像头 600000017 spk sys api error.:扬声器系统api调用出错 510000403 Server forbidden.:服务器拒绝 510000404 Not found.:未发现 510000480 Temporary unavailable.:临时失效 510000486 Busy here.:这里忙 510000487 Request terminated.:请求终止 510000488 Request is not acceptable here.:这里请求不可接受 510000603 Decline.:丢弃 510000841 Hangup without toast.:挂断不弹框 510000842 Conference is locked.:会议被锁定 910000001 Server error.:服务器异常 910000002 SFU service failure.:sfu服务故障 910000003 Service unavaliable 503.:服务不可达503 910000004 Internal error.:内部错误 910000005 Kicked off.:被踢 910000006 Signature expired.:签名过期 910000007 Reconnect timeout.:重连超时 910000008 Network detection.:网络检测,UI不需要关注该错误码,不对外体现 910000009 User is removed.:用户移除 910000010 The room is dismissed.:房间解散 910000013 The app sleeps for a long time.:App长时间休眠 910000014 Auth failed.:鉴权失败 910000015 Auth retry.:鉴权重试 910000016 Auth clock sync.:时钟同步 910000017 Url not right.:Url错误 990000001 Internal error.:内部错误 990000002 Message too large.:消息长度太大 990000003 Insufficient memory.:内存不足 990000004 Failed to send message synchronously.:同步发送消息失败 990000005 Parameter error.:参数错误 990000006 Call ID order error.:呼叫ID时序错误 990000007 Failed to set local screen.:设置本端画面失败 990000008 Failed to open remote screen.:开启远端画面失败 990000009 Device configuration failed.:设备配置失败 990000010 Initializing.:初始化中 990000011 Deinitializing.:去初始化中 990000012 Uploading log.:正在日志上传中 990000013 Failed to get media port.:获取媒体端口失败 990000014 The maximum number view window reached .:选看窗口超过规格数 990000015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 990000016 Server no response.:服务器没有响应 990000017 Role switch failed.:角色切换失败 990000018 Failed to join room.:加入房间失败 990000019 Failed to join room. Status is busy.:非空闲状态 990000020 Failed to join room. Server error.:加入房间失败,服务器异常 990000021 Failed to join room. Service unavaliable.:加入房间失败,服务不可达 990000022 Failed to join room. Authentication failed.:加入房间失败,鉴权失败 990000023 Failed to join room. Authentication retry.:加入房间失败,鉴权重试 990000024 Failed to join room. Clock synchronization.:加入房间失败,时钟同步 990000025 Failed to join room. URL error.:加入房间失败,url错误 990000026 Kicked off.:被踢 990000027 Share failed.:共享失败 990000028 Currently in external media output mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为外部媒体输出模式,禁用该操作 990000029 Reconnection failed.:重连失败 990000030 Server break down.:服务器宕机 990000031 Signature has expired.:签名已过期 990000032 Failed to set remote window mode.:设置远端窗口模式失败 990000033 Failed to subscribe or unsubscribe audio.:订阅或取消订阅音频失败 990000034 Failed to connect to other room.:连接其他房间失败 990000035 Failed to disconnect other room.:断开连接其他房间失败 990000036 Role switching is not allowed.:不允许角色切换 990000037 Currently in third-party capture mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为第三方采集模式,禁用该操作 990000038 Failed to set third-party audio capture.:设置第三方音频采集失败 990000039 Failed to set third-party video capture.:设置第三方视频采集失败 990000040 Failed to set share sound switch.:设置共享声音开关失败 990000041 Failed to start or stop upstream audio stream.:启停上行音频流失败 990000042 Failed to start or stop upstream video stream.:启停上行视频流失败 990000043 User is removed.:用户被移除 990000044 The room is dismissed.:房间被解散 990000045 Failed to set remote View.:设置远端View失败 990000052 Failed to join room because room full.:房间已满,加入失败 990000053 mmr network error.:mmr网络问题
  • 错误码表 表1 错误码说明 错误码 错误描述 -1 Unknown error.:未知错误 0 Success.:成功 100000429 server flow control.:服务端流控错误 111070001 Request error.:请求错误 111070002 Insufficient permissions.:权限不足 111070003 System processing failure.:系统处理失败 111070004 Meeting authentication failed.:校验失败 111070005 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 111070006 Personal cloud meeting room does not exist.:个人云会议室不存在 111070007 Meeting access number does not exist.:会议接入号不存在 111070008 Meeting notification could not be sent.:会议通知模板配置错误 111070009 Meeting password cannot be left blank.:会议密码不能为空 111070010 Insufficient permissions to view this meeting.:权限不足,无法查看会议 111070100 Get started meeting exception.:获取召开会议异常 111070101 Start meeting exception.:开始会议异常 111070102 Apply IVR resource exception.:申请IVR资源异常 111070103 Start IVR meeting exception.:开始IVR会议异常 111070104 Apply site resource exception.:申请会场资源异常 111070105 Start sub meeting exception.:开始子会议异常 111070106 Add channel exception.:创建级联通道异常 111070107 Move and apply site resource exception.:移动会场申请资源异常 111070108 Start meeting exception.:开启会议异常 111070109 Get started cloud meeting exception.:获取召开云会议室会议异常 111070110 Invite site exception.:邀请会场异常 111070111 Request token is null.:请求token为空 111070112 Rename site exception.:重命名会场异常 111070113 Hangup site exception.:会场挂断异常 111070114 Mass hangup site exception.:会场批量挂断异常 111070115 Delete attendee exception.:删除与会者异常 111070116 Mass delete attendee exception.:批量删除与会者异常 111070117 Book cycle meeting exception.:预定周期会议异常 111070118 Modify cycle meeting exception.:修改周期会议异常 111070119 Create cycle meeting exception.:创建周期会议异常 111070120 Region data not found.:区域信息获取失败 111070121 Forbidden subscribe.:禁止订阅 111070122 Cancel subscribe fail.:取消订阅失败 111071001 Sysportal service exception.:Sysportal服务运行异常 111071002 Conf service exception.:Conf服务运行异常 111071003 Failed to create the meeting. Try again later.:创建会议失败,请稍后重试 111071004 This cloud meeting room does not allow guests to join before the host.:VMR会议不允许来宾在主持人入会前入会 111071005 This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议时间冲突,该时间段此会议室已有预约会议 111071006 Insufficient cloud meeting time.:VMR会议时长不足 111071007 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约关系不存在 111071008 Cannot query meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 111071009 Cannot change cloud meeting into immediate meeting.:不支持修改VMR会议为立即会议 111071010 Cannot modify cloud meeting flag.:不支持修改云会议室标识 111071011 The cloud meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:VMR会议未到准备时间点 111071012 Not cloud meeting.:非VMR会议 111071013 Start time less than current time.:会议开始时间不能早于系统当前时间 111071014 Start time over max schedule time.:会议开始时间超出最大预订时间范围 111071015 Duration over range.:时长超出范围 111071016 Cycle ID list null exception.:取消周期会议ID列表不能为空 111071017 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出范围 111071018 Invalid media type.:媒体类型非法 111071019 Invalid meeting type.:会议类型非法 111071020 Cycle params null exception.:周期会议时,必须携带周期会议参数 111071021 Duration over range.:会议时长超出范围 111071022 Subject length too long.:会议主题超长 111071023 Group URI length too long.:groupuri超长 111071024 Invalid email address format.:邮箱地址不合法 111071025 Invalid mobile number format.:手机号不合法 111071026 Department name too long.:部门名称过长 111071027 Invalid welcome voice enable value.:入会欢迎词开关不在范围内 111071028 Invalid enter voice enable value.:入会提示音开关不在范围内 111071029 Invalid leave voice enable value.:离会提示音开关不在范围内 111071030 Invalid reminders value.:会议提醒非法 111071031 Invalid allow record value.:会议是否启用网络录制取值非法 111071032 Invalid auto record value.:会议是否自动启动录制取值非法 111071033 Invalid user type value.:会预定者的用户类型非法 111071034 Invalid encrypt mode value.:加密类型非法 111071035 Invalid language value.:语言非法 111071036 Invalid auto prolong value.:是否自动延长会议取值非法 111071037 VmrID too long.:vmrid超长 111071038 Invalid record type value.:录播类型非法 111071039 Live address too long.:主流直播地址超长 111071040 Aux address too long.:辅流直播地址超长 111071041 Null start date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,起始日期为空 111071042 Null end date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,结束日期为空 111071043 Invalid cycle type value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,周期类型非法 111071044 Invalid interval for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,interval非法 111071045 Null point for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point为空 111071046 Invalid point value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point非法 111071047 Invalid vmr flag value.:vmrFlag非法 111071048 Invalid record auxStream.:recordAuxStream非法 111071049 Invalid multiStream flag.:multiStreamFlag非法 111071050 Invalid audience flag.:audienceFlag非法 111071051 Invalid liveChannel ID.:liveChannelID不存在 111071052 Anonymous login is locked. Try again later.:匿名登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071053 Link login is locked. Try again later.:链接登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071054 Not enough Meeting ID.:会议ID不足 111071055 Failed to apply meeting ID.:会议ID申请失败 111071056 Failed to release meeting ID.:会议ID释放失败 111071057 Live room is used.:直播房间已被占用 111071058 The meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:当前会议还未召开,请耐心等待 111071059 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出上限 111071060 The enterprise cannot create meetings because it has not purchased any concurrent meeting resources.:企业未配置并发会议资源,无法使用个人会议ID和随机会议ID发起会议 111071061 Parameter verify failed.:参数校验失败 111071062 Json conversion failed.:JSON转换失败 111071063 Not cloud meeting room owner.:非云会议室拥有者 111071064 This cloud meeting room has been started for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议冲突,当前已有会议正在召开 111071065 This meeting cannot be modified because it is already started.:正在召开会议,无法编辑会议详情 111071066 Attendees amount over range.:与会方数量超出上限 111071067 This meeting cannot be canceled because it is already started.:会议正在召开中,不允许取消会议 111071068 Meeting password encrypt failed.:会议密码加密失败 111071069 No meeting during this period.:选定的时间中没有会议 111071070 Sub cycle meeting cannot modify live room.:周期会议子会议不允许修改直播房间 111071071 Stop online meeting exception.:结束会议失败 111071072 Meeting is ended.:会议已经结束 111071073 Not allow anonymous user.:会议不允许匿名用户呼入 111071074 Only allow user in organization.:会议只允许企业内用户呼入 111071075 Only allow invited user.:会议只允许被邀请用户呼入 111071076 Batch export task for history meeting list during this period.:当前有正在执行的批量导出任务 111071077 Only allow invited user and user in organization.:会议只允许被邀请或者企业内用户用户呼入 111071078 Max current participants amount reached.:企业单会议并发方数已达上限 111071079 Invalid CTD param.:ctd会议参数不合法 111071080 Invalid guest password.:来宾密码不合法 111071081 Guest password conflict with meeting ID.:来宾密码与会议ID冲突 111071082 Max meeting amount reached.:会议数达到上限 111071083 Invalid meeting random number.:无效的会议随机数 111071084 Max export history meeting list times reached.:导出历史会议次数超出允许的值 111071085 Max multi view layouts reached.:会议多画面布局超出限制 111071086 Max multi view invalid manual type.:会议多画面模式非法 111071087 Max multi view sub view amount reached.:会议多画面子画面个数超出限制 111071088 Max multi view sub view numbers reached.:会议多画面子画面会场数超出限制 111071089 Webinar and common meeting cannot be converted to each other.:网络研讨会不能修改为普通会议,普通会议也不能修改为网络研讨会 111071090 Not allow add audience.:不支持添加观众 111071091 Meeting password authentication failed.:密码错误 111071092 File export task failed.:导出文件任务失败 111071093 File export task is downloading.:导出文件正在处理中 111071094 Not allow audience to join.:会议不允许观众入会 111071095 Need to get WEBINAR_CONF_DTO object.:需要获取WEBINAR_CONF_DTO对象 111071096 User-defined languages over range.:自定义语言个数超出范围 111071097 Your enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation.:企业不支持同声传译 111071098 Need to set interpreter groups.:需要设置传译组信息 111071099 Invalid interpretation language.:传译组语言非法 111071100 Max languages in a meeting are reached.:单会议最大支持16种语言 111071101 This interpreter group ID already exists.:传译组的组号重复 111071102 Max interpreters in the interpreter group reached.:传译组中传译员的个数达到上限 111071103 This interpreter already exists in an interpreter group.:传译员重复 111071104 Invalid interpreter account.:传译员账号不存在 111071105 Guest password conflict with chairman password.:来宾密码与主持人密码冲突 111071106 Meeting is holding.:云会议室已有会议正在召开 111071107 Invalid audience password.:观众密码不合法 111071108 Audience password conflict with meeting id.:观众密码与会议ID冲突 111071109 Audience password conflict with chairman password.:观众密码与主持人密码冲突 111071110 Only RTC meeting support E2E encrypt.:非RTC会议不支持端到端加密 111071111 Audience password conflict with guest password.:观众密码与来宾密码冲突 111071112 Cloud meeting room ID type cannot be modified.:不支持修改会议ID类型 111071113 Cloud meeting room type cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR类型 111071114 Cloud meeting room flag cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR标识 111071116 conf number over max allowed.:超出最大在线会议数限制 111071119 Sub cycle meeting modify time over range.:周期会议修改时间超出范围 111071147 Server region is change.:服务器站点变更 111071151 Share VMR not enough.:无共享云会议室资源 111071152 not allow join external crop conf.:被呼叫方所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072001 Application for meeting resources failed.:申请资源失败 111072002 Failed to release meeting resources.:释放资源失败 111072003 The meeting is ending.:会议正在结束 111072004 The meeting is starting.:会议正在开始 111072005 The meeting has not yet started.:会议还未开始 111072006 The meeting has ended.:会议已经结束 111072007 Site invitation failed.:邀请会场失败 111072008 Site does not exist.:会场不存在 111072009 Failed to disconnect the site.:挂断会场失败 111072010 Coming soon...:功能暂未支持,敬请期待... 111072011 Meeting status incorrect.:会议状态非法 111072012 Site control operation failed.:会场会控操作失败 111072013 The cloud meeting room is in use by another meeting.:当前VMR会议非目标会议 111072014 The meeting has ended.:VMR会议已过期 111072015 The meeting has not yet started.:VMR会议还未开始 111072016 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约记录不存在 111072017 Meeting has no attendee.:会议与会者不存在 111072018 Application for chairman password exception.:申请主持人密码错误 111072019 Not found site which can be moved exception.:没有找到可以移动的会场 111072020 The current meeting is not a recording meeting. Recording is not supported.:非录播会议不支持录制 111072021 System processing failure.:录播调度失败 111072022 Insufficient recording resources in the system.:录播资源不足 111072023 There are no participants in this meeting.:会议中没有与会人 111072024 Operation failed. No sites have joined this meeting.:请确保会议中已有会场入会 111072025 Voice meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot be displayed in custom continuous presence.:手动设置的多画面中无法显示语音会场 111072028 At least one site must have custom continuous presence configured.:手动设置的多画面中需最少设置一个会场 111072029 At most one presentation pane is allowed in custom continuous presence.:手工设置的多画面最多只允许一个辅流子画面 111072030 In the voice-activated continuous presence mode, each pane can only support a single user.:声控多画面模式下,每个子画面最多只允许一个用户 111072031 The number used for the site to join the meeting cannot be left blank.:与会者的入会号码不允许为空 111072032 The number used for the site to join the meeting is too long.:与会者的入会号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072033 The format of the number used for joining the meeting is incorrect. (Correct format: User name name/IP address:Port number or Country code plus phone number):与会者的入会号码格式非法(支持SIP、TEL号码格式) 111072034 Length of site name too long.:与会者的名称长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072035 The site role type is outside the allowed range.:与会者的角色类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072036 Length of site email address too long.:与会者的邮箱地址长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072037 Length of site mobile number too long.:与会者的手机号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072038 The value for whether a site is muted after it first joins the meeting is outside the allowed range.:与会者入会后是否静音的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072039 The value for whether to automatically invite a site is outside the allowed range.:与会者是否自动邀请的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072040 The host's site viewing type is outside the allowed range.:主持人选看类型取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072041 The value of the continuous presence setting mode is outside the allowed range.:设置多画面方式取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072042 The polling time is outside the allowed range.:轮询显示时间取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072043 The pane type cannot be left blank.:画面类型不允许为空 111072044 Invalid pane type.:画面类型非法 111072045 The value of the switch is outside the allowed range.:开关项取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072046 The site name cannot be left blank.:与会者的名称不允许为空 111072047 Site name too long.:与会者的名称超过系统允许的最大值 111072048 Continuous presence is not supported. Ask the administrator to configure related data on the MCU.:不支持多画面,请联系管理员开启MCU配置 111072049 Response timed out. Try again later.:等待响应超时 111072050 Meeting locked.:会议被锁定 111072051 The meeting display mode is empty.:会议显示模式为空 111072052 The meeting display mode is outside the allowed range.:会议显示模式不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072053 The meeting pane type is outside the allowed range.:会议画面类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072054 The banner or caption type is empty.:横幅或字幕类型为空 111072055 The banner or caption content is empty.:横幅或字幕的内容为空 111072056 The banner or caption content cannot exceed 2,000 bytes.:横幅或字幕的内容长度超过2000字节 111072057 The request message body is empty.:请求消息体为空 111072058 The pane index is greater than the total number of panes.:子画面索引大于画面总数 111072059 Meeting has no host.:会议中没有主持人 111072060 Regular participants cannot perform this operation.:当前普通与会方类型不支持该操作 111072061 You have set host polling and cannot select a specific site to view or set continuous presence.:前主持人正在轮询观看会场,不能单独选看其他会场或会议多画面 111072062 You cannot select a site to view on the web page. Perform the operation on the terminal.:当前主持人与会方类型不支持该操作 111072063 Applying for recording resources...:录制资源重新申请错误码 111072064 Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.:会控登录锁定 111072065 The meeting ID or password is incorrect. Check the ID and password and try again.:会议不存在或密码错误 111072066 The enterprise has not purchased any recording storage space.:企业未购买录播空间 111072067 Insufficient enterprise recording storage space.:企业录播空间已满 111072068 Failed to start live broadcast. Try again later.:启动直播失败 111072069 Not allow to hand up for host.:不允许指定会议主持人举手发言 111072070 The operation is not allowed for guest.:来宾不允许进行该操作 111072071 The operation is only allowed for yourself.:仅能对自己进行操作 111072072 Not allow to apply host for attendees who do not have meeting control abilites.:没有会控能力的与会者不允许设置为主持人 111072073 Notify message is expired.:推送消息已过期 111072074 Only participants with a number registered on HUAWEI CLOUD can be set as the host.:云下会场不能成为主持人 111072075 Hung up site for meeting ended.:会议结束挂断会场 111072076 Hung up site by host.:主持人挂断会场 111072077 Hung up site because host deleted site.:主持人删除会议挂断会场 111072078 Hung up site because meeting is recreated.:重建会议挂断会场 111072079 Hung up site for moving site failed.:移动会场失败挂断会场 111072080 Hung up site for inviting site cross region failed.:跨region邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072081 Hung up site for invitation exception.:邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072082 Hung up site for joining meeting repeatedly.:会场重复入会挂断会场 111072083 Lock sharing failed.:锁定共享失败 111072084 This site does not support 1-screen layout.:云下会场禁止设置在多画面一画面中 111072085 Not support realtime subtitle.:会议不支持实时字幕 111072086 Realtime subtitle pid is null.:会议实时字幕指定发言人列表为空 111072087 Invalid realtime subtitle pid.:会议实时字幕指定发言人ID有误或已离会 111072088 Failed to set realtime subtitle.:会议实时字幕设置失败 111072089 Not allow audience to change speaker status.:不允许观众解闭音 111072090 Allow/forbid audience to speak only for audience.:主持人允许/禁止观众说话接口只能操作观众 111072091 This meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation.:会议不支持同声传译 111072092 Interpreter group is empty.:会议当前传译组为空,请先配置传译组 111072093 This meeting has not enable simultaneous interpretation.:会议未开启同声传译 111072094 This site is not interpreter.:当前会场非传译员 111072095 This site has not yet confirmed interpreter identity.:传译员未确认身份 111072096 Invalid site language.:会场选择的语言非法 111072097 This site is confirmed interpreter.:当前会场是已确认的传译员 111072098 This site listen channel is different from speak channel.:普通会场听说频道不一致 111072099 Failed to set interpretation languages. Try again.:设置会议语言频道失败 111072100 Failed to set interpretation channel. Try again.:设置会场语言频道失败 111072101 Max participant amount reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111072102 Max allowed handup amount reached.:观众超过最大允许举手数 111072103 Max allowed speaking amount reached.:观众超过最大允许发言数 111072104 Failed to set virtual audio CSD site.:设置级联通道虚拟语言会场失败 111072105 This meeting does not support cohost.:该会议未启用联席主持人 111072106 This site does not support cohost.:该会场不支持联席主持人 111072107 Host cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置主持人为联席主持人 111072108 Audience cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置观众为联席主持人 111072109 Need to check cohost permission.:需要去主会议所在region判断是否为联席主持人 111072110 Cohost cannot operate host.:联席主持人不能操作主持人 111072111 This site does not support share invitation.:当前会场不支持邀请共享能力 111072201 Hung up site because heart beat failed.:与终端心跳中断导致挂断会场 111072202 Insufficient audience cloud meeting room logic resources.:观众数超过VMR套餐中的观众最大并发资源数 111072203 Insufficient participant cloud meeting room logic resources.:主持人与嘉宾超过VMR套餐中的最大并发资源数 111072204 Insufficient webinar resources, so started failed.:网络研讨会套餐已经有在线会议,被占用,激活失败 111072205 Only RTC conf support local record.:非RTC会议不支持本地录制 111072206 Invalid E2E encryption parameter.:端到端加密参数非法 111072207 Not allow to switch role in webinar.:网络研讨会不允许进行角色转换 111072208 The client version used by the user is too early. Cannot start local recording.:客户端不支持本地录制 111072211 Meeting is under AR assist.:会议已经在进行AR协作 111072213 Audience cannot be set to host.:观众不能设置为主持人 111072214 Rename param contains sensitive words.:改名涉及敏感词错误 111072222 Indicates record start exception.:启动云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072223 Indicates record paused exception.:暂停云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072224 Indicates record stop exception.:停止云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072225 Indicates live start exception.:启动直播失败,请联系管理员 111072226 Indicates live stop exception.:停止直播失败,请联系管理员 111072227 Indicates sensitive words.:信息中包含敏感词 111072403 Not support AUX conf.:不支持新辅流会议 111072504 Max participants in a single meeting reached.:达到系统单个会议人数上限 111072507 waiting room user is leaved.:等候室准入用户已经离会 111072508 waiting room user is joined.:等候室准入用户已经准入 111072512 This site does not support screen shots.:当前会场不支持禁止截屏 111072516 This apply for new mmrId reach limit.:请求更换mmrId达到上限 111072520 Turn on Prohibit mobile viewing and sharing, and prohibit inviting mobile sharing.:开启禁止移动端看共享,禁止邀请移动端共享 111072521 Not allow invitation from external organization.:当前被邀用户不允许被外部成员呼叫入会 111072531 Not allow join external crop conf.:企业已限制加入外部会议,可联系企业管理员处理 111072532 Not allow invitation from external crop.:当前被邀用户所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072599 Conference manager is valid, not support offline join.:当前管理面正常,不允许离线操作 111073001 User does not exist.:用户不存在 111073002 Department does not exist.:组织不存在 111073003 Invalid username format.:用户非法 111073004 Invalid department name format.:组织非法 111073005 Could not query department.:查询组织失败 111073006 Application for anonymous user failed.:申请匿名用户失败 111073007 Invalid cloud meeting room package status.:VMR套餐状态非法 111073008 Failed to Release anonymous user.:释放匿名用户失败 111073009 Not support cycle meeting for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约周期会议 111073010 Not support cloud meeting room for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约VMR会议 111073011 Failed to get Welink token.:获取WeLink Proxy Token失败 111073012 Failed to Get M to M token.:获取机机账号Token失败 111073013 Invalid webinar cloud meeting package status.:网络研讨会VMR套餐状态非法 111073014 Max extend times for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长次数超出VMR试用套餐可延长的最大次数 111073015 Max extend duration for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长时间超出VMR试用套餐单次会议最大时长 111073016 Not support auto extend meeting for cloud meeting trial version.:VMR试用套餐不支持自动延长 111074001 This meeting host already exists.:IDO主持人已经存在 111074002 No meeting host permissions.:无IDO主持人权限 111074003 Failed to extend the meeting. Max meeting duration reached.:延长会议失败,会议已达到最大时长 111074004 Failed to extend the meeting. The service processing is abnormal.:延长会议失败,服务处理异常 111075001 Failed to start timer.:启动定时器失败 111075002 Failed to end timer.:停止定时器失败 111075003 Json parse failed.:json转换异常 111076001 Released by host.:会场被终端主持人挂断 111076002 Released by portal host.:会场被portal主持人挂断 111076003 Max number of participants reached.:超出VMR最大方数 111076004 Insufficient enterprise resources.:企业并发数不足 111076005 Not answered.:会场无响应 111076006 User does not exist.:会场不存在 111076007 Offline.:会场离线 111076008 Busy.:忙 111076009 Rejected by user.:拒接 111076010 Released by user.:会场挂断 111076011 Insufficient meeting resources in the system.:媒体资源不足 111076012 Outbound calling disabled.:PSTN服务未开通 111076013 Application for address token failed.:申请地址本鉴权信息失败 111076014 Call failed.:SIP呼叫超时 111076015 Max number of participants reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111076017 Invalid user.:用户失效 111076018 Invalid enterprise.:企业失效 111076019 Invalid SP.:SP失效 111076022 Not allow joining by scanning for hard device.:企业配置来宾不允许扫码邀请硬终端入会* 111076028 Not allow conf control.:会议正在进行AR协作,禁止共享/分组会议/释放主持人等会控操作* 111076029 Not allow AR Assist.:会议正在进行共享/分组会议, 禁止进行AR协作* 111076040 Network error need restart share.:网络异常,需要重新发起共享 111076045 Invite user expiration.:被叫用户失效 111076099 Common error.:通常失败 111077001 RSE server info does not exist.:RSE录播相关错误码 111077101 Not support AI record.:会议不支持AI会议纪要 111077102 Reapplying for AI record resource.:正在重新申请会议纪要资源 111077103 Insufficient AI record resource.:AI会议纪要资源不足 111077104 In AI recording, the meeting cannot stop live or recording.:会议处于AI会议纪要状态,不允许停止录制/直播 111077201 Record file does not exist or have no permission.:录播文件已删除或您无权观看,请确认后重试 111077202 RSE authentication failed.:RSE机机鉴权失败 111078000 No available region in multi region.:没有可用Region 111078001 No available global in multi region.:没有可用Global 111078002 Dispatch region error in multi region.:多region 分发region错误 111079000 Failed to phrase big data param query xml.:大参数查询xml解析失败 111079001 Failed to phrase anonymous assign xml.:匿名账号分配xml解析失败 111080001 Bad request.:请求消息参数错误 111080002 Insufficient permissions.:用户无权限进行该操作 111080004 Site data not found or deleted.:会场不存在或已被删除 111080090 Common error.:IM通用错误 111080096 The sender information is invalid.:IM发送者信息非法 111080097 Basic conference information is missing.:会议基础信息缺失 111080098 User site information is missing.:用户会场信息缺失 111080099 Invalid IM channel.:IM频道非法 111080100 Forbid chat.:禁止聊天 111080101 Invalid chat target.:聊天目标非法 111080102 Allow public chat only.:仅允许公开聊天 111080104 Invalid msgId.:查询msgId非法 111080105 Invalid message type.:消息类型非法 111080106 The message content is too long.:消息内容过长 111080205 Message sending is controlled.:消息发送被流控 111081001 Site is inviting.:会场正在通话中 111081002 Site meeting does not exist or is ended.:会场所在会议不存在或已结束 111081003 Failed to apply site resource.:申请会场资源失败 111081004 Failed to release site resource.:释放会场资源失败 111081005 Failed to apply site media resource.:申请会场媒体资源失败 111081006 Authentication failed.:认证失败 111081007 Meeting is locked.:会议已经被锁定 111081009 Login is locked because max authentication times reached.:会议鉴权失败次数已达上限被锁定 111081010 Waiting user restrictions.:等候用户限制 111082001 Not support this control.:不支持该会控 111082002 No response.:无响应 111082003 Site not exist.:会场不存在 111082004 Site unavailable.:会场离线 111082005 Site busy.:会场正忙 111082006 Site refused.:会场拒接 111082007 Site leave.:会场挂断 111082008 PSTN service is closed.:PSTN服务关闭 111082009 SIP invitation timeout.:SIP呼叫超时 111083001 RSE does not exist.:RSE设备不存在 111084001 Failed to execute DTMF.:执行DTMF失败 111084002 Get started meeting exception.:启动会议异常 111084003 Call MCU side exception.:呼叫MCU端异常 111084004 Join call exception.:加入呼叫异常 111084005 Invite exception.:邀请异常 111084006 Call terminal side exception.:呼叫端侧异常 111084007 Answer exception.:应答异常 111084008 Common CTL exception.:通用CTL异常 111084009 Hangup exception.:挂断异常 111084010 Notify capability exception.:通知能力异常 111084011 Update MT exception.:更新MT异常 111084012 Negotiate exception.:协商异常 111084013 Not support this meeting.:不支持该会议 111084014 Not allowed join meeting in RTC inviting because guests are not invited.:RTC外邀入会,来宾不在被邀请名单中,拒绝入会 111089002 Failed to phrase URI join xml.:链接入会XML解析失败 111090001 Failed to join data meeting.:数据入会失败 111090002 Join data meeting overtime.:数据入会超时 111100001 Failed to get slider image.:获取滑块图片失败 111100002 Slider check failed.:滑块校验失败 111100003 Invalid random number.:无效的随机数 111100004 Invalid slider token.:无效滑块token 111100005 Need to check slider.:需要滑块校验 111100006 Invalid SMS phone number.:非法的手机号 111100007 Failed to send verification code.:发送验证码失败 111100008 Verification code expired.:验证码已过期 111100009 Verification code error.:验证码错误 111100010 Max verification code check times reached.:验证码错误超过最大次数 111100011 The uuid is invalid, you need to re-verify the phone number.:uuid无效,需要重新验证手机号 111100012 The meeting is not on this site.:会议不在本站点 111100013 Need to verify the mobile phone number. Overseas access to China, free enterprises need to verify the mobile phone verification code.:需要验证手机号,海外接入国内,免费企业需要进行手机验证码校验 111110001 Failed to add IM group.:添加群组失败 111110002 Failed to disband IM group.:删除群组失败 111110003 Failed to add IM member.:添加成员失败 111110004 Failed to remove IM member.:删除成员失败 111111007 hangup for rejoin mmr failed.:mmr重入会失败挂断 111111008 hangup for joinconf conflict.:多端入会冲突,导致离开会议 111112001 Failed to enter the waiting room.:入等候室失败 111112002 Failed to exit the waiting room.:出等候室失败 111112003 Waiting room cache operation failed.:等候室缓存操作失败 111112004 Co-hosts cannot be moved into the waiting room.:联席主持人不能被移入等候室 111112005 Not allowed to enable waiting room.:不允许启用等候室 111112008 Not support this feature according to client capabilities.:客户端能力不支持此特性 111113001 can not find application.:找不到应用信息 111113002 application exist.:应用已存在,目前一个会议只能关联一种应用 111113003 not required to create application.:无权限创建应用 111113004 need verify id.:应用操作需要实名认证(用户需要绑定手机) 111113005 get token failed.:获取应用用户token失败 111113006 url illegal.:应用服务URL地址非法 111113101 shimo doc has not used.:石墨文档应用未启用 111113102 call shimo doc server failed.:调用石墨文档服务失败 111113103 get shimo token failed.:获取石墨应用级token失败 111113104 not in conf,has no right to apply.:用户不在会议中,无权限申请权限 111113105 account has been stoped.:企业账号被停用 111114001 projection link verify failed.:投屏链路校验失败 111114020 content moderation failed.:内容审核不通过 111500301 breakout conf surpass limit.:分组会议子会议超过上限 111500302 breakout conf name error.:分组会议子会议名称错误 111500303 breakout Start failed.:分组会议启动失败 111500304 breakout not exist when delete:分组会议中没有子会议(删除) 111500305 breakout not exist when start.:分组会议中没有子会议(启动) 111500306 breakout is closing by host:分组会议结束中(主持人停止) 111500307 breakout is closing by host:分组会议已经结束或未启动(加入时) 111500308 Attendee in target conf:移动用户在目标分组 111500309 Chair in current conf:主持人在当前分组中(请求帮助) 111500310 not support breakout conf:不支持分组会议(启动时 启动接口) 111500311 breakout conf starting or started:分组会议已经启动或启动中(重复启动) 111500312 subconf not exist:子会议不存在 111500313 not support in mainconf:主会中用户不支持此操作(请求帮助) 111500314 breakout conf state illegal:分组会议状态异常(缓存误删) 111500315 action forbidden by status:分组会议静态、动态操作由于状态原因,不支持当前操作 111500316 apply chair failed due to host in subconf:主持人在分组中,不能申请为主持人 111500317 apply sub conf id failed:申请分组的会议id失败 111500318 query main conf failed:获取主会议信息失败 111500319 attendee not found:没有找到用户信息 111500320 sub conf stop failed:分组会议停止失败 111502000 subject faile and leave conf start:订阅失败需要离会的错误码起始值 111502099 subject faile and leave conf end:订阅失败需要离会的错误码结束值 112010001 Common failure.:通用失败 112010002 Null param.:参数为空 112010003 Participant not found.:未找到参与者 112010004 Meeting not found.:会议不存在 112010005 SIP invite information timeout.:invite消息超时 112010006 SIP invite information failed.:invite消息失败 112010007 SIP information timeout.:info响应超时 112010008 SIP information failed.:info响应失败 112010009 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010010 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010011 Failed to invite MRS.:呼叫mrs失败 112010012 Failed to invite participant.:呼叫终端失败 112010013 Data meeting join information failed.:数据入会Info失败 112010014 Failed to start meeting.:召开会议失败 112010015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 112010016 User rejects.:用户拒绝 112010017 User is busy.:用户忙 112010018 No call permission.:没有呼叫权限 112010019 Unknown callee.:未知被叫人 112010020 No user response.:没有用户响应 112010021 Join meeting timed out.:加入会议超时 112010022 Session has been released.:会话已释放 112010023 Callee is not registered.:被叫人未注册 112010024 SIP invite timed out.:SIP邀请超时 112010025 User Session timer times out and hangs up.:用户Session timer 超时挂断 112010026 The participant bye hangs up on the MRS side.:与会者腿MRS侧bye挂断 112010027 The participant bye hangs up on terminal side.:与会者腿终端侧bye挂断 112010028 No RTP stream hang up.:无码流挂断 112030001 No Upscale vmr.:无高档可用的VMR资源 112100000 Sysportal exception.:系统异常 112100001 Bad request.:请求异常 112100002 Illegal request.:非法请求 112100003 Data not found.:数据未获取到 112100004 Data duplication.:数据重复 112100006 The requested type is not supported.:请求的类型不支持 112100007 Failed to save notification template.:保存通知模板失败 112100008 Failed to save data.:保存数据失败 112100009 Failed to query data.:查询数据失败 112100010 Failed to delete data.:删除数据失败 112100011 Password reset required.:需要重置密码 112100012 Incorrect old password.:旧密码错误 112100013 The new password cannot be the same as the old password.:新密码不能与旧密码相同 112100014 Insufficient password complexity and low security.:密码复杂度不够,安全性低 112100015 The length does not meet the requirements.:长度不符合要求 112100016 RSE is in meeting.:RSE在会议中 112100017 RSE to be deleted.:RSE待删除 112100018 Failed to query the meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 112100019 User has been locked out. Try again later.:用户已被锁定,请稍后重新登录 112100022 The live room channel name exists.:频道名称已存在 112100023 Failed to modify system configuration items for duplicated meeting ID prefix.:修改系统配置项失败,会议ID前缀重复 112100024 CONFID prefix can only be added, not modified or deleted.:CONFID前缀只能增加,不能修改和删除 112100025 The live room channel url exists.:直播房间地址已存在 112100026 The live room has been occupied.:直播房间已被使用 112100027 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 112100028 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 112100029 The request is missing header or param.:请求缺失头域 112100030 The Live main stream URL already exists.:音视频推流地址已存在 112100031 The Live auxiliary stream URL already exists.:辅流演示推流地址已存在 112100032 Password is weak.:密码为弱密码 112100033 The live room is occupied.:直播房间被占用 112100034 Save part of attendees since max attendees size reached.:因为与会者数量超出上限只保存部分 112100035 Failed to export data.:导出数据失败 112100036 Failed to import data.:导入数据失败 112100037 Max file size reached.:文件大小超出上限 112100038 LVS target address exists.:lvs的目标地址已存在 112100039 LVS port existed.:lvs端口重复 112100040 Not allow to modify global standby config.:Global只有主机可以修改配置; 112100041 MCU insulation IP address exists.:mcu隔离的IP已经存在 112100042 MCU insulation IP address cannot be modified.:mcu隔离的IP不能修改 112100043 SBC address exists.:SBC配置的地址已经存在 112100044 Internal exception.:内部错误异常 112100045 System config delete exception.:系统配置不允许被删除 112100046 No ISBC access address.:企业id无法获取关联SBC地址 112100047 Media type need to be HD because the organization enable Full HD capability.:企业已开启全高清功能,媒体设置不能低于1080P/8M 112100061 Same interpreter language abbreviation exists.:语言缩写重复 112100062 Same interpreter language name exists.:语言名称重复 112100063 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured, or MCU meeting exsists when modifying mcu connection settings.:修改MCU连接配置告警,以下两种场景会导致:1.MCU存在会议 2.修改类型为MIXED未配置隔离 112100064 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured when adding mcu connection settings.:新增MCU连接配置告警,MCU类型为MIXED且未配置隔离 112100065 MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation config or disbanding enterprise.:修改MCU隔离配置时,解除企业绑定时MCU类型为MIXED 112100066 MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation config.:删除MCU隔离配置时,MCU类型为MIXED 112100067 This gateway type is incompatible with MCU.:MCU与网关类型不兼容 115021001 Insufficient media resource.:媒体资源不足 115021002 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 115021003 Media resource does not exist.:媒体资源不存在 115021005 Insufficient media bandwidth resource.:带宽资源不足 115021006 Media device fault.:设备故障 115022000 Insufficient common logic resource.:通用的逻辑资源不足 115022001 Insufficient meeting resources in the enterprise.:企业会议并发方数不足 115022002 Insufficient logic port resource.:逻辑资源端口资源不满足 115022003 Live broadcast resources have not been purchased or are insufficient.:企业直播推流方数不足 115022004 Media device does not exist.:媒体设备不存在 115022005 The cloud recording ports purchased by enterprises have been used up.:企业购买的云录制端口已经用完 115023001 Insufficient ID resources.:ID资源不足 115024001 RMS service exception.:RMS服务异常 115025001 The live room has already been occupied.:直播房间已经被使用 115025002 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 115025003 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 115026001 MCU meeting exists.:MCU有会议 115029001 Invalid common parameter.:通用参数值不合法 115029002 Null parameter.:参数值为空 115029003 service is not available.:服务不可用 115029004 Configuration exception.:配置异常 115029005 Duplicately apply resources.:重复申请资源 115029006 Waiting for applying resources.:等待申请资源中 115029999 Unknown error.:未知错误 118000000 User authentication failed.:用户鉴权失败 118000001 User token authentication failed.:usg token 鉴权失败 118000002 User authentication account lockout.:usg鉴权账号锁定 200000001 Server is busy. Please try again later.:服务器正忙 请稍后再试 200000002 Internal error. Please contact SRE.:服务器正忙 请联系SRE 200000003 Invalid parameter. Please check whether the parameters are valid.:请求参数错误 请检查参数是否合法 200000004 Illegal request. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:非法请求 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 200000005 Forbidden access during the version upgrade.:系统正在升级,暂时不可访问。如对您造成不便,十分抱歉 200000026 Url permission valid failed.:分权分域接口权限校验失败 200000030 No department permission.:分权分域部门权限校验失败 201020023 This user is already the owner of another corporation and cannot create a new corporation for it.:该用户已经是其他企业的所有者,无法为其创建新的企业 201040005 Max number of users reached. Please check the purchased meeting users.:用户总数超过限制,请检查购买的会议用户 201040016 Password security is low. Please set another password.:密码安全性低,请设置其他密码 201040031 Activation code overdue.:激活码过期 201040033 The device under this enterprise has been activated and cannot be reactivated.:该企业下设备已激活,不可再次激活 201040034 This device has been activated in another enterprise and cannot be reactivated again.:该设备在其他企业下已激活,不可再次激活 201040037 The number of activation codes has reached the resource limit.:激活码数量已达资源上限 201040041 User not activated.:用户未激活 201040042 Pre-authentication expired.:预验证失效 201040043 This user is the owner of another corporation and cannot be invited.:该用户是其他企业的所有者,暂无法邀请 201040044 Invalid invite connection.:邀请连接非法 201040045 User is already in waiting list.:用户已经在等待列表 201040046 User already exists.:用户已存在 201040047 Account modification is not allowed.:不允许修改账户 201040049 IdeaHub resource exceeds the inactive limit.:IdeaHub资源超过非激活数量限制 201040063 The user name cannot contain sensitive words..:用户名称不能包含敏感词 201050004 The device does not support active codes.:设备类型不支持激活码 201050010 The maximum number of device activation code resets within one day has been reached.:一天内重置设备激活码次数已达到最大值(5次) 201050012 Activation code does not exist.:激活码不存在 201050015 Invalid activation code.:激活码错误 201050016 Trial activation code cannot be deleted.:试用激活码,不可删除 201050021 Activation failed.:激活失败 201050022 Terminal does not allow unbinding.:终端不允许解绑 201050027 IdeaManager not enabled.:未启用IdeaManager 201080000 VMR resource unavailable.:云会议资源不可用 201080006 The host password and the guest password cannot be the same. Please confirm the input parameters.:主持人密码和来宾密码不能相同 请确认输入参数 201080017 Same as meeting password.:和会议密码相同 201510001 No invite permission to get an invite code.:没有邀请权限去获取邀请码 201510003 Invalid application.:申请失效 205030005 The device type does not exist.:设备类型不存在 206010000 User name or password error.:用户名或密码错误 206010007 Account is not activated, no permission to log in.:账号未激活,无权限登录 206010008 User information does not exist or is not activated, no permission to log in.:用户信息不存在或者未激活,无权登录 206010010 Failed to get verification code, Please contact SRE.:获取验证码失败 请联系SRE 206010011 Verification code must be filled.:验证码不能为空 206010012 Verification code check failed.:验证码校验失败 206010013 Jump login failed. Please contact SRE.:跳转登录失败 请联系SRE 206010014 Domain not exist.:企业域名不存在 206010022 SSO login failed. Please contact SRE.:SSO登录失败 请联系SRE 206010023 SSO login is not supported.:不支持sso登录 206010024 Invalid authentication type.:认证类型非法 206010025 APPID verification failed.:APPID校验失败 206010027 Authentication type error.:校验类型错误 206010029 Network error.:网络异常 206010030 APPID does not allow automatic registration.:APPID不允许自动注册 206010031 APPID auto registration failed.:APPID自动注册失败 206010036 Normal users cannot log in.:普通用户无法登录 206010042 Huawei account authentication failed.:华为账户认证失败 206010057 APPID authentication expires.:APPID认证过期 206010058 APPID account is not bound.:APPID账户未绑定 206010064 Site mismatch.:站点不匹配 206010065 Phone number conflict.:电话冲突 206010066 E-mail conflict.:邮箱冲突 206010070 The number of users has reached the maximum.:用户数超过上限 206010071 WeChat authentication failed.:微信鉴权失败 206010074 International sites support site changing re-login.:国际站点支持切站点重登 206010075 Account has been unbound.:账号已经解绑 206010079 no fixed link found:设备和大屏没有建立固定链路 206010080 jwt invalid:jwt Token 失效 206010090 Need agreed sign privacy:需要同意签署隐私协议,返回的信息data中携带第三方用户缓存信息key 206010091 Third user info has invalid:第三方用户缓存信息失效 206020000 Invalid authentication information. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:鉴权信息无效 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 206020001 Token is created by disaster recovery site.:token是容灾站点创建 206020002 Token is invalid due to being kicked.:token由于被踢失效 206030000 The user does not exist.:系统中不存在该用户 206030001 The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Please obtain a new one.:验证码错误或失效,请重新获取 206030002 Incorrect verification code.:验证码错误 206030003 Failed to send the verification code.:发送验证码失败 206030004 Try to get a new verification code 180s later.:请在180秒后重新发送验证码 206030005 The password cannot be changed.:系统不支持修改密码 206030006 The old password is incorrect.:旧密码错误 206030007 The length of the new password does not meet the requirements.:新密码长度不符合要求 206030008 The password complexity does not meet the requirements.:密码复杂度不满足要求 206030009 The new password must be different from the previous old passwords.:设置的密码不能与最近旧密码相同 206030010 The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively.:密码不能包含3个以上重复字符 206030011 The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change.:修改密码后,5分钟内不能更新密码 206030012 The password cannot contain the account or the reverse order of the account.:密码不能与账号或其逆序账号相同 206030013 At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords.:新密码相较于旧密码至少要有两个不同的字符 206030014 Invalid password format.:密码格式不正确 206030015 The user is locked and will be locked in 60s.:用户已被锁定,请60秒后重试 206030016 Have no right to reset other's password.:没有权限重置密码 206030018 The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum(10 times).:一天内忘记密码次数达到最大值(10次) 206030019 The number of incorrect verification code input has reached the maximum, Please get it again.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 206030023 Failed to send verification code. Please contact SRE.:发送验证码失败 请联系SRE 206030028 The system has enabled SSO login and does not support changing the password. Please retry after the system has disabled SSO login.:系统已开启SSO登录,不支持修改密码 系统关闭SSO登录后重试 206030031 Forgot password for Huawei account.:华为账号忘记密码 206040000 No corresponding terminal type.:无对应的终端类型 206060008 Sending verification code is locked.:发送校验码锁定 206060009 Slider verification required.:需要滑块校验 206060010 Invalid slider token.:滑块token非法 206060011 Request parameter arror.:请求参数错误 206060012 Sending SMS is not supported.:不支持发送短信 206060013 Repeated sending is not supported.:不支持重复发送 206060014 Invalid verification code.:验证码非法 206060015 Max verification codes check times reached.:验证码次数超过最大次数 206060017 Failed to bind Huawei account.:华为账户绑定失败 211000062 verify activation credential failed.:二维码已过期 211000092 not allow activate device.:企业开启第三方2C自运营模式后禁止扫码激活设备 211030046 Not the ideahub activation code.:不是ideahub激活码 211030050 auth fail too many times, locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已锁定 211030052 auth fail too many times, permanently locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已永久锁定 211060003 The maximum times of log uploads has been reached.:日志上传次数达到最大限制 222020001 not allow cross copr pair.:不允许跨企业配对 222020002 The device has been bound.:其他设备已绑定该大屏 222020003 pair failed double check:二次验证码失效 222020004 pair code invalid.:配对码失效 222020005 offine pair already exist.:已有离线临时链路 222020006 offine fixed pair already exist .:已有离线固定链路 222020010 projection code illegal .:投屏码非法 222020011 ip has been locked.:ip锁定 222020012 Cross corp .:跨企业 222020013 double check reach max time.:二次验证码输入错误次数达到上限 225020001 obs upload image not exist.:obs上传的图片对象不存在 225030002 obs upload image is repetition.:obs上传的图片唯一标识符重复, 同一图片重复发起审核任务 230010001 not support.:不支持当前业务 230010002 verify code and business mismatch.:验证码和业务不匹配 230010003 need user not exist.:用户不存在 230010004 try again later.:请稍后尝试 230010005 verify code is invalid.:验证码失效 230010006 verify code error.:验证码错误 230010007 get new verify code.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 411000001 Common failure.:失败 411000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 411000003 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 411000004 A meeting already exists.:已经有会议存在 411000005 Meeting state error.:会议状态异常 411000006 Failed to get device.:获取设备异常 411000007 Failed to set device.:设置设备异常 411000008 No device available.:无可用设备 411000009 This operation is only supported on mobile.:只有移动端支持该操作 411000010 Network access error.:网络接入错误 411000011 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 411000012 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 411000013 Initialization failed.:初始化失败 411000014 User does not exist.:用户不存在 411000015 Did not join the data meeting.:未加入数据会议 411000016 Neither meeting nor call exists.:会议和呼叫均不存在 411000017 SVN port detection failed.:svn端口探测不通 411000018 Failed to write file.:写文件失败 411000019 RTC does not support STG mode.:RTC不支持STG模式 411000020 Failed to load RTC library. RTC meeting is not supported.:rtc库加载失败,不支持rtc会议 411000021 The meeting is in the audience pause state when changing roles.:转角色的时候会议正处于观众暂停观看状态 411000022 Not in call.:不在呼叫中 411000023 Meeting or call does not exist.:会议或者呼叫不存在 411000024 Pairing state not allowed.:配对状态不允许 411000025 Pairing request failed.:配对请求失败 411000026 Pairing exceeds limit.:配对超出限制 411000027 Pairing common error.:配对通用错误 411000028 Pairing and joining the meeting failed.:配对入会失败 411000029 Pairing and joining the meeting is busy.:配对入会忙 411000030 Pairing and joining the meeting is invalid.:配对入会无效 411000031 Multiple clicks at the same time to pair and join the meeting error.:同时多次点击入会错误 411000032 Pairing is not established or is being established.:配对未建立或正在建立中 411000033 The camera is not turned on in the third-party capture mode.:第三方采集模式下摄像头未打开 411000034 RTC engine creation failed.:RTC 引擎创建失败 411000035 Not in a meeting.:不在会议中 411000036 mute self failed.:静音自己失败并且采用了保护 411000037 still in setting language channel:当前正处于切换频道中, 请稍后重试 411000100 End the meeting with no stream due to disconnection of network.:无码流结束会议网络断开 411000101 End the meeting with no stream because fail to re-join meeting.:无码流结束会议重入会失败 411000102 Null pointer exception.:空指针异常 411000103 Parameters cannot be empty.:参数不许为空 411000104 Indicates encrypt and decrtpt func not match.:加解密算法不匹配 411000105 Indicates Loading User-Defined DLLs failed .:加载用户自定义dll失败 411000106 Indicates Applition not support shimo docs .:企业配置不支持打开石墨文档 411000107 Indicates notification of render fail .:数据会议UI渲染失败 411000108 End the meeting with mmr media rejoin failed.:mmr重入会失败 411000109 Audio is disconnected.:音频断开中 411000110 Second monitor disconnected.:共享副屏的时候,副屏被断开 412100001 The message processing thread is not initialized.:消息处理线程未初始化 412100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412100003 Timeout.:超时 412100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 412100005 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100006 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 412100007 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 412100008 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 412100009 Server error.:服务器异常 412100010 Account is locked.:账号被锁定 412100011 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 412100012 Server CA certificate verification failed.:服务器CA证书校验失败 412100013 Network error.:网络异常 412100014 Server redirect.:服务器返回重定向地址 412100015 Account is not activated.:账号未激活 412100016 JSON parsing error.:JSON解析失败 412100017 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 412100018 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 412100019 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 412100020 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 412100021 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 412100022 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 412100023 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 412100024 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve gateway.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析网关 412100025 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve host.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析主机 412100026 The authentication process failed. Unable to connect.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法连接 412100027 The authentication process failed. Operation times out.:认证鉴权过程失败,操作超时 412100028 Message length too long.:消息长度太大 412100029 Base64 encryption failed.:base64加密失败 412100030 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100031 Secure function error.:安全函数失败 412100032 Firewall detection parameter error.:防火墙检测参数错误 412100033 Failed to create STG tunnel.:创建STG隧道失败 412100034 Failed to update STG service.:更新STG服务失败 412100035 Encryption failed.:加密失败 412100036 Do not allow duplicate downloads.:不允许重复下载 412100037 File operation failed.:文件操作失败 412100038 The request message returns empty.:请求消息返回空 412100039 The number of detection servers is 0 error.:探测服务器数为0错误 412100040 Failed to get local IP address.:获取本地IP失败 412100041 XXX.:登录模块消息未初始化 412100042 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 412100043 Not logged in, not available:此业务未登录不可用 412100044 manger server degrade,you can still join conf in this case.:服务器降级,接入方收到该错误码可以继续调用入会接口离线入会 412100045 XXX:升级版本过程中取消下载 412200001 Internal error.:内部错误 412200002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412200003 Network timeout.:网络超时 412200004 Network Error.:网络错误 412200005 Need to bind mobile phone.:需要绑定手机 412200006 Need to bind email.:需要绑定邮箱 412200007 Has initialized already.:重复初始化 412200008 State machine execution failed.:状态机执行失败 412200009 Failed to start timer.:开启定时器失败 412200010 The user is prompted to change the password when logging in for the first time.:首次登录,提示用户修改密码 412200011 Unknown authentication type.:未知鉴权类型 412200012 need repair controller:需要重新配对 412200013 need repair controller:验证后重新请求 412200014 need repair controller:换取凭证失败失败需要重新配对 412200015 not support media separate:环境不支持媒体分离 412200016 media separate plugin disconnect:媒体分离插件未连接 412200017 request media separate log timeout:收集媒体分离日志超时 412200018 request media separate log failed:收集媒体分离日志失败 412200019 request media separate log is already start:收集媒体分离日志已经开始 412200020 tc module version is not support request media separate log:tc插件版本不支持收集媒体分离日志 413000001 Common error.:一般错误 413000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 413000003 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 413000004 System error.:系统错误 413000005 Message sending error.:发送消息错误 413000006 Get system configuration error.:获取系统配置错误 413000007 Physical network error.:物理网络错误 413000008 Network access error.:网络接入错误 413000009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 413000010 Call state error.:呼叫状态错误 413000011 Other operation in progress error.:正在进行其他操作错误 413000012 Requesting the master to start call error.:请求主控进行呼叫开始错误 413000013 Requesting audio resource error.:申请音频资源错误 413000014 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 413000015 Record call error.:记录通话记录错误 413000016 Media process error.:媒体进程返回的错误 413000017 Maximum number of calls reached.:超过最大呼叫路数 413000018 SIP account ID does not exist.:SIP账户ID不存在 413000019 Call ID does not exist.:呼叫ID不存在 413000020 Failed due to registering.:正在注册中导致失败 413000021 Registration failed.:注册失败 413000022 Deregistration failed.:注销失败 413000023 Setting account information error.:设置账户信息错误 413000024 Setting SIP account error.:设置SIP账号失败 413000025 Reporting SIP account information error.:上报SIP账号信息失败 413000026 Server information error.:服务器信息错误 413000027 SIP account information error.:账户信息错误 413000028 SIPC execution error.:SIPC执行错误 413000029 Not registered error.:未注册错误 413000030 Call Sip interface to subscribe error.:调用Sip接口订阅失败 413000031 Canceling subscription error.:注销订阅中错误 413000032 Subscribing error.:订阅中错误 413000033 Only one local meeting is allowed.:只允许一个本地会议 413000034 Local meeting is not created.:本地会议未创建 413000035 The participant line does not match the chair account.:与会者线路与主持人账户不匹配 413000036 Local meeting state error.:本地会议状态错误 413000037 Failed to report the linkage state of the IP Phone.:IP Phone端联动状态上报失败 413000038 Meeting ID does not exist.:会议ID不存在 413000039 Video hold error.:视频保持失败 413000040 Video unhold error.:视频恢复失败 413000041 The maximum number of server meeting reached.:服务器会议个数超出 413000042 Get AA random number error.:获取AA随机数失败 413000043 AA login error.:AA登录失败 413000044 Meeting type mismatch.:会议类型不匹配 413000045 Failed to start video meeting.:视频会议开启失败 413000046 AA no master server.:AA无主服务器 413000047 Password error.:密码错误 413000048 Username error.:用户名错误 413000049 User is logged in.:用户已登录 413000050 Account is locked.:账户已锁定 413000051 Terminal type mismatch.:终端类型不匹配 413000052 Parsing XML error.:解析XML错误 413000053 Connecting to server error.:连接服务器错误 413000054 Get media configuration error.:获取媒体配置失败 413000055 Get service permission error.:获取业务权限失败 413000056 Insufficient service permission.:业务权限不足失败 413000057 Network environment error.:网络环境错误 413000058 Service conflict.:业务冲突 413000059 Connection timeout.:连接超时 413000060 Unknown error.:未知错误 413000061 Add ringing information error.:添加振铃信息失败 413000062 Delete ringing information error.:删除加振铃信息失败 413000063 Create ringing number error.:创建振铃号码失败 413000064 VVM parameter error.:VVM参数错误 413000065 Getting registered service error.:获取登记业务错误 413000066 Getting voicemail error.:获取语音邮箱错误 413000067 Attendee already exists.:与会者已经存在 413000068 Attendee does not exist.:与会者不存在 413000069 Create server video meeting window error.:创建服务器视频会议窗口失败 413000070 Video window already exists.:视频窗口已存在 413000071 Getting meeting list error.:获取会议列表失败 413000072 Operating requires host privileges.:需要主持人权限才能操作 413000073 No video device to operate.:没有视频设备可以操作 413000074 Refresh registration is not turned off.:没有关闭刷新注册 413000075 Online state report error.:在线状态上报失败 413000076 Network address subscription report error.:网络地址本订阅notify上报失败 413000077 Telepresence account was force unregistered. Information report error.:智真账号被踢,info上报失败 413000078 TLS root certificate error.:TLS根证书错误 413000079 AD authentication error.:AD鉴权失败 413000080 Meeting list is getting.:会议列表正在获取中 413000081 Prohibited calls.:禁止呼叫 413000082 The maximum number of calls has been reached.:呼叫数达上限 413000083 The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached.:加密呼叫数达上限 413000084 The maximum number of video calls has been reached and needs to downgrade to audio.:超出视频呼叫数,需要降为音频 413000085 H323 account ID does not exist.:H323账户ID不存在 413000086 H323 account information error.:H323账户信息错误 413000087 H323 account information report failed.:H323账号信息上报失败 413000088 Insufficient local resources.:本端资源不足 413000089 The calling protocol is not supported.:不支持该呼叫协议 413000090 Setting H323 account information error.:设置H323账户信息错误 413000091 Mediax meeting access number reporting failed.:mediax会议接入号上报界面失败 413000092 Mediax VMR information reporting failed.:上报Mediax VMR信息到界面失败 413000093 IMS meeting list information reporting failed.:上报获取IMS会议列表信息到界面失败 413000094 TUP initialization is not complete.:tup初始化未完成 413000095 Message return value error.:消息返回值错误 413000096 Message content too large error.:消息内容太大错误 413000097 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 413000098 message response is empty error.:消息响应为空错误 413000099 Account is not enabled.:账号未启用 413000100 Create call control implement error.:创建呼叫控制类错误 413000101 Already in call.:已经在呼叫中 413000102 Call does not exist.:呼叫不存在 413000103 Failed to get media configuration information.:获取媒体配置信息失败 413000104 Failed to set third-party capture. Calling HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU failed.:设置第三方采集失败, 调用HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU返回失败 413000105 not config call ability.:企业没有配置点对点能力 413000106 not mcu call and conf.:不支持MCU呼叫和会议能力 414100001 Common error.:一般错误 414100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 414100003 Timeout.:超时 414100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 414100005 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 414100006 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 414100007 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 414100008 Server error.:服务器异常 414100009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 414100010 Start timer error.:开启定时器错误 414100011 The meeting control block is full. Please release the control block that is not in use.:会控控制块已满,请释放没在使用的控制块 414100012 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 414100013 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 414100014 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 414100015 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 414100016 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 414100017 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 414100018 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 414100019 Curl proxy exception.:curl代理异常 414100020 Curl host exception.:curl主机异常 414100021 Curl connection exception.:curl连接异常 414100022 Curl operation timed out.:curl操作超时 414100023 Message length too long.:会控消息内容过大 414100024 Failed to create thread.:创建线程失败 414100025 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 414100026 JSON parsing failed.:解析json体失败 414100027 WS token is empty.:ws token值为空 414100028 Return JSON data error.:返回json数据异常 414100029 Failed to create meeting control block.:创建会议控制块失败 414100030 Failed to get meeting control block.:获取会议控制块失败 414100031 Failed to get meeting control block by CallId.:通过CallId获取会议控制块失败 414100032 Destroying the meeting control block failed.:销毁会议控制块失败 414100033 Temporary creating meeting information not found.:找不到创会临时信息 414100034 Failed to get participant ID.:获取参会者ID失败 414100035 Failed to get MT by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取MT失败 414100036 Failed to get self information by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取selfinfo失败 414100037 Failed to get participant information by MT.:通过MT获取会议成员信息失败 414100038 Manual invitation required.:需要手动邀请 414100039 The major parameters of the meeting have been reported.:已上报过会议大参数 414100040 Subtitles are not supported.:不支持字幕 414100041 Meeting Hang Up - Timeout.:会议挂断 - 超时 414100042 Meeting Hang Up - No Streaming.:会议挂断 - 无码流 414100043 Meeting hung up - Hung up by the host.:会议挂断 - 被主持人挂断 414100044 Meeting Hang Up - Meeting has ended.:会议挂断 - 会议已结束 414100045 End of meeting due to leave meeting.:离会导致的会议结束 414100046 Message queue processing function registration failed.:消息队列处理函数注册失败 414100047 Message queue processing function deregistration failed.:消息队列处理函数去注册失败 414100048 Meeting ended due to reject meeting.:拒绝会议导致的会议结束 414100049 Meeting ended by self.:自己结束会议导致的会议结束 414100050 The meeting control module is not initialized.:会控模块未初始化 414100051 The watching special site reaches the maximum.:选看的特殊会场超过限制 414100052 The watching HD site reaches the maximum.:选看的高清会场超过限制 414100053 The watching SD site reaches the maximum.:选看的标清会场超过限制 414100054 The watching specification reaches the maximum.:选看的规格超过限制 414100055 Watching internal errors.:选看内部错误 414100056 Duplicated watch render.:选看的句柄重复 414100057 HTTP request error.:HTTP请求错误 414100058 Websocket request timeout.:websocket请求超时 414100059 Loading failed.:加载错误 414100061 The meeting ends due to the timeout of guest waiting before meeting or the timeout of the meeting control heartbeat.:会前等待页面时间超时或者会控心跳超时导致的会议结束 414100062 The meeting ends due to being canceled.:会议被取消预约导致的会议结束 414100063 The meeting ends due to network error when guest waiting before meeting.:会前等待页面网络异常导致的会议结束 414100064 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 414100065 self is chairman.:已是主持人 414100066 self is cohost.:已是联席主持人 414100067 no cohost and chairman.:无主持人和联席主持人 414100068 no supported cohost and chairman.:无支持的主持人和联席主持人 414100069 Invalid user, enterprise or SP.:用户,企业或SP失效 414100070 not support offline join.:当前不支持离线入会 414100071 start confctrl websocket failed.:会控websocket建链失败 414100072 offline join query user token failed.:离线入会获取用户token失败 414100073 offline join query conference information failed.:离线入会获取会议信息失败 414100074 Chair end conf.:主持人结束会议 414100075 Timeover end conf.:会议到时间结束会议 414100076 callee refused.:被叫拒接 414100077 callee timeout.:被叫超时 414100078 force open camera conf hangup.:强制视频会议挂断 414100079 signal proxy address is not matched with site url.:信令代理与站点地址不匹配 414100080 conf end for projection failed.:投屏失败导致会议结束 414100081 conf end for projection end.:投屏结束导致会议结束 414100082 conf end for cancel..:投屏协商中大屏取消 414100083 Indicates end projection by sender with two members.:两方投屏端结束投屏 414100084 Indicates end projection by receiver.:大屏端结束投屏 414100085 projection by sender with multi members.:多方投屏会议投屏端结束投屏 414100086 Opposite end hung up.:对端已挂断 415000001 DB is not initialized.:db未初始化 415000002 Common failure.:失败 415000003 Proxy detection has not been completed.:代理探测还没有完成 416000001 Invalid parameter.:参数错误 416000002 Track module is not initialized.:打点模块未初始化 416000003 Track event does not exist.:打点事件不存在 416000004 Not logged in.:未登录 416000005 Upload is not enabled.:未开启上传 419100001 Invalid parameter.:错误参数 419100002 Incorrect URI.:错误号码 419100003 Memory allocation failed.:内存分配失败 419100004 SDP error.:SDP错误 419100005 Connection does not exist.:连接不存在 419100006 Connection failure.:连接失效 419100007 Operation forbidden.:禁止操作 419100008 State error.:状态错误 419100009 No corresponding line data.:无对应线路数据 419100010 No corresponding registered instance.:无对应注册实例 419100011 No corresponding call instance.:无对应呼叫实例 419100012 No corresponding subscription instance.:无对应订阅实例 419100013 No corresponding Refer instance.:无对应Refer实例 419100014 No corresponding DIM instance.:无对应DIM实例 419100015 Failed to create header.:创建头域失败 419100016 Failed to parse header.:解析头域失败 419100017 Header not found.:没有找到头域 419100018 No SDP message body.:没有sdp消息体 419100019 Failed to get capability.:获取能力失败 419100020 Failed to compare capability.:比较能力失败 419100021 Failed to open logical channel.:打开逻辑通道失败 419100022 Encoding SDP failed.:编码SDP失败 419100023 Decoding SDP failed.:解码SDP失败 419100024 Negotiate to unsupported SDP.:协商到不支持的SDP 419100025 TPTD initialization failed.:TPTD初始化失败 419100026 TPT initialization failed.:TPT初始化失败 419100027 TXN initialization failed.:TXN初始化失败 419100028 UA initialization failed.:UA初始化失败 419100029 GLUE initialization failed.:GLUE初始化失败 419100030 HLLM initialization failed.:HLLM初始化失败 419100031 VCOM initialization failed.:VCOM初始化失败 419100032 SDP initialization failed.:SDP初始化失败 419100033 Multiple instance error.:多实例错误 419100034 Insufficient registration control blocks.:注册控制块不足 419100035 Insufficient subscription control blocks.:订阅控制块不足 419100036 Insufficient call control blocks.:通话控制块不足 419100037 Insufficient IM control blocks.:对话外控制块不足 419100038 Failed to parse URI xml to string.:解析xml的uri失败 419100039 Encryption negotiation failed.:加密协商失败 419100040 Local capabilities are not configured.:没有设置本地能力 419100041 BFCP token error.:bfcp令牌错误 419100042 DNS resolution error.:dns解析错误 419100043 Failed to get subscription state.:获取订阅状态失败 419100044 IPv4 is not supported.:不支持IPv4 419100045 IPv6 is not supported.:不支持IPv6 419100046 Unsupported host type.:不支持的主机类型 419100047 Failed to get timer.:获取定时器失败 419200001 Failed to get memmory.:内存不足 419200002 Msg is mull.:消息空指针 419200003 Invalid msg.:消息无效 419200004 Failed to receive.:消息接收失败 419200005 Time out.:消息处理超时 419200006 Not init.:未初始化 419200007 No dest:没有接收端 419200008 No app name.:无应用名称 419200009 Rehandle.:重复处理 419200010 Trace msg.:trace信息 419200011 Failed send.:消息发送失败 419200012 Bad func.:函数异常 419200013 Msg notify.:消息通知 419200014 Failed find.:无法查找到 419200015 no msg.:没有消息 419200016 Failed to get module Id.:无法找到模块ID 419200017 tag not exist.:标签不存在 419200018 Queue has full:队列已满 419200019 tag already exist.:标签已存在 419200020 unknow error.:未知错误 420000001 Cannot receive sharing invitations.:无法接收共享邀请 420000002 ReportDTO parameter verification failed.:reportDTO参数校验失败 420000003 Report folder creation failed.:举报文件夹创建失败 420000004 Report folder compression failure.:举报文件夹压缩失败 420000005 The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty.:待上传的ZIP文件路径为空 420000006 The size of the ZIP file to be uploaded reaches the maximum.:待上传的ZIP文件大小超过限制 420000007 The same person reported more than 100 times within 24 hours.:同一个人24小时内举报次数超过100次 430100001 Common Error.:通用错误 430100002 Invalid parameters.:参数错误 430100003 SIP connection check failed.:SIP连接检查失败 430100004 Timeout.:超时 430100005 In process.:接口正在处理中 430100006 Not initialized or initialization is not complete.:未初始化或初始化尚未完成。 430100007 Not supported in this release.:此版本不支持。 430100008 Operation interrupt.:操作中断。 430100009 Contact not found.:联系人不存在 430100010 Args length overrun.:参数长度超限 430100011 APPID info illegal.:APPID 信息入参不合法 430100012 E2EEncrypt algorithm error.:端到端加密算法不对称 430200001 unlogin.:未登录 430200002 Repeated login.:重复登录 430200003 SIP connection timeout.:SIP连接超时 430200004 Invalid login password.:用于登录的密码参数不合法 430200005 Password or account empty.:账号或密码不能都为空 430300001 The calling number, account number or third-party account number cannot be empty.:呼叫号码、账号或者第三方账号不能为空 430300002 Call account empty.:点对点呼叫账号为空 430300003 Call nickname empty.:点对点呼叫名字为空 430400001 Password required to join the meeting.:加入会议需要密码 430400002 Time zone error.:时区错误 430400003 The meeting duration is less than 1.:会议时长小于1 430400004 Joining the conference is interrupted.:入会被中断 430400005 Password input at least 4 digits.:密码输入至少4位 430400006 User voluntarily cancels.:用户主动取消 430400007 The guest password illegal.:来宾密码非法 430400008 Not in conference or in call.:不在会议或呼叫中 430400009 Already exist conf or call.:已存在一路会议或呼叫 430400010 ConfId empty.:会议id不能为空 430400011 Subject too long.:会议主题长度不能超过50 430400012 VMR host password length illegal.:主持人密码长度不合法 430400013 VMR name empty.:VMR名字为空 430400014 Conf starttime early.:会议的开始时间早于当前时间 430400015 Share is locked.:共享被锁定 430400016 Not in data conference.:不在数据会议中 430400017 Role not support operation:角色不支持该操作 430400018 Scan code expired:二维码过期 430400019 Scan code not support:二维码不支持 430400020 Version is outdated:大屏版本低 430500001 HTTP request, server exception.:HTTP请求,服务器异常 430500002 HTTP request, Connecting to the server times out.:HTTP请求,连接服务器超时 430500003 network unavailable.:网络不可用 430500004 file type illegal.:文件类型不合法 430600001 Leave conf due to background freezing.:应用后台冻结导致离会 600000001 video layout mode is not supported.:视频布局模式不支持 600000002 pair erro.:配对错误 600000003 pair link is not exist.:配对链路不存在 600000004 cmd is not support.:命令不支持 600000005 action is running.:正在执行 600000006 mcu is not supported.:不支持mcu 600000007 operate mic error not in conf.:不在会议中 600000008 operate mic error no permission .:没有操作麦克风权限 600000009 operate mic error not allow unmute.:不允许取消静音 600000010 operate mic error audience not allow speak.:不允许开麦 600000011 operate camera error no permission.:观众无开启摄像头权限 600000012 operate camera error not allow open.:不允许开启摄像头 600000013 operate camera error not allow open low video bw.:低带宽不允许开启摄像头 600000014 param is incorrect.:音量参数不对 600000015 operate camera error require all attendees to open camera.:关闭摄像头失败,当前会议强制开启摄像头 600000016 Low performance cloud desktop devices will have restrictions on opening cameras.:低性能云桌面设备会中限制打开摄像头 600000017 spk sys api error.:扬声器系统api调用出错 510000403 Server forbidden.:服务器拒绝 510000404 Not found.:未发现 510000480 Temporary unavailable.:临时失效 510000486 Busy here.:这里忙 510000487 Request terminated.:请求终止 510000488 Request is not acceptable here.:这里请求不可接受 510000603 Decline.:丢弃 510000841 Hangup without toast.:挂断不弹框 510000842 Conference is locked.:会议被锁定 910000001 Server error.:服务器异常 910000002 SFU service failure.:sfu服务故障 910000003 Service unavaliable 503.:服务不可达503 910000004 Internal error.:内部错误 910000005 Kicked off.:被踢 910000006 Signature expired.:签名过期 910000007 Reconnect timeout.:重连超时 910000008 Network detection.:网络检测,UI不需要关注该错误码,不对外体现 910000009 User is removed.:用户移除 910000010 The room is dismissed.:房间解散 910000013 The app sleeps for a long time.:App长时间休眠 910000014 Auth failed.:鉴权失败 910000015 Auth retry.:鉴权重试 910000016 Auth clock sync.:时钟同步 910000017 Url not right.:Url错误 990000001 Internal error.:内部错误 990000002 Message too large.:消息长度太大 990000003 Insufficient memory.:内存不足 990000004 Failed to send message synchronously.:同步发送消息失败 990000005 Parameter error.:参数错误 990000006 Call ID order error.:呼叫ID时序错误 990000007 Failed to set local screen.:设置本端画面失败 990000008 Failed to open remote screen.:开启远端画面失败 990000009 Device configuration failed.:设备配置失败 990000010 Initializing.:初始化中 990000011 Deinitializing.:去初始化中 990000012 Uploading log.:正在日志上传中 990000013 Failed to get media port.:获取媒体端口失败 990000014 The maximum number view window reached .:选看窗口超过规格数 990000015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 990000016 Server no response.:服务器没有响应 990000017 Role switch failed.:角色切换失败 990000018 Failed to join room.:加入房间失败 990000019 Failed to join room. Status is busy.:非空闲状态 990000020 Failed to join room. Server error.:加入房间失败,服务器异常 990000021 Failed to join room. Service unavaliable.:加入房间失败,服务不可达 990000022 Failed to join room. Authentication failed.:加入房间失败,鉴权失败 990000023 Failed to join room. Authentication retry.:加入房间失败,鉴权重试 990000024 Failed to join room. Clock synchronization.:加入房间失败,时钟同步 990000025 Failed to join room. URL error.:加入房间失败,url错误 990000026 Kicked off.:被踢 990000027 Share failed.:共享失败 990000028 Currently in external media output mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为外部媒体输出模式,禁用该操作 990000029 Reconnection failed.:重连失败 990000030 Server break down.:服务器宕机 990000031 Signature has expired.:签名已过期 990000032 Failed to set remote window mode.:设置远端窗口模式失败 990000033 Failed to subscribe or unsubscribe audio.:订阅或取消订阅音频失败 990000034 Failed to connect to other room.:连接其他房间失败 990000035 Failed to disconnect other room.:断开连接其他房间失败 990000036 Role switching is not allowed.:不允许角色切换 990000037 Currently in third-party capture mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为第三方采集模式,禁用该操作 990000038 Failed to set third-party audio capture.:设置第三方音频采集失败 990000039 Failed to set third-party video capture.:设置第三方视频采集失败 990000040 Failed to set share sound switch.:设置共享声音开关失败 990000041 Failed to start or stop upstream audio stream.:启停上行音频流失败 990000042 Failed to start or stop upstream video stream.:启停上行视频流失败 990000043 User is removed.:用户被移除 990000044 The room is dismissed.:房间被解散 990000045 Failed to set remote View.:设置远端View失败 990000052 Failed to join room because room full.:房间已满,加入失败 990000053 mmr network error.:mmr网络问题
  • 操作步骤 下载SDK和Demo源码 参考“SDK下载”章节,下载SDK的ZIP包。 解压ZIP包到DEMO文件夹下,得到如图1所示的文件及目录。 Demo示例工程的目录结构如图2所示。 图1 SDK ZIP包解压后的目录结构 拷贝SDK aar文件 拷贝图1目录下的libs文件夹中所有aar资源到Demo工程的libs文件夹中,如图2所示 图2 Demo示例工程的目录结构 编辑和运行 打开Android Studio 打开Demo示例工程,如图3所示。 打开后如图4所示。 图3 工程目录 图4 工程目录 打开gradle-wrapper.properties,确认是否可以下载到gradle,如果不可以则可以手动到该网址下载,配置成本地依赖. 图5 配置gradle-wrapper.properties 图6 配置本地gradle 打开build.gradle,查看是否可以连接到google,如果不可以则注释掉其他,并且添加自己可用的maven仓。 图7 配置maven 编译并运行demo工程 申请App ID App ID申请步骤请参考“App ID鉴权介绍”。申请审批完成后将获得一个App ID。 将配置文件userinfo.properties中的APP_ID替换为申请到的App ID。如下图所示: 图8 替换App ID 使用demo 登录 点击“登录”按钮,并输入华为云会议账号和密码。 图9 Android Demo登录前后界面 创建会议 点击“创建会议”按钮,创建会议。 图10 Android Demo创建会议界面 会中界面 图11 Android Demo会中界面
  • 操作步骤 下载SDK和Demo源码 按照“SDK下载”章节,下载Electron SDK的ZIP包(如hwmsdk-electron-70.16.5.zip)。 解压ZIP包,得到如下文件及目录。 图1 SDK包目录结构 环境准备 1.Nodejs 2. 如确认Nodejs已经安装,请先配置npm镜像 安装依赖前先配置npm镜像,以提高安装速度,执行以下命令: npm config set registry http://registry.npm.taobao.org/ npm config set electron_mirror https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/ 1. 如果已经安装node,请先确定自己node版本是32位还是64位,可以执行cmd/shell命令查看node版本的位数,结果:x64为64位, ia32为32位。 $ node -p "process.arch" 2. 如果没有安装node,可到nodejs官网下载对应版本。 3. 如果上述镜像地址不能访问,则更换成如下地址,可正常使用Electron Demo registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com/ electron_mirror=https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/electron/ 4. 如果命令报错npm error `electron_mirror` is not a valid npm option,可在%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%目录下.npmrc文件手动添加,如:registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org/ electron_mirror=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/ 申请App ID,并替换Demo中的App ID App ID申请步骤请参考“App ID鉴权介绍”。申请审批完成后将获得一个App ID。 将"hwmsdk-electron\packages\hwmsdk-electron-demo\src\demoConfig.js"中的DEFAULT_APPID替换为申请到的App ID。如下图所示: 图2 替换App ID 运行Electron Demo 1.运行hwmsdk-electron目录下编译Demo工程的bat或sh脚本。脚本会安装相应的环境,拷贝sdk库和HwmUisdk.node,将ts转为js,并触发编译,然后运行demo。 如果需要运行Windows 32位demo,node版本是32位,执行run_demo_win32.bat 如果需要运行Windows 64位demo,node版本是64位,执行run_demo_x64.bat 如果需要运行Mac demo,执行run_demo_mac.sh bat或sh脚本的作用: 编译ts接口,生成js和types文件。 将对应平台的的SDK文件拷贝到对应的目录下("sdk/win32"、"sdk/x64"、"sdk/mac")。 运行Demo。 图3 Electron Demo主界面 使用Electron Demo 点击“Init”初始化SDK。(ExePath只有64位Demo才需要填) 图4 初始化SDK ExePath是Windows SDK的HwmSdk所在的绝对路径,示例路径:“D:\path\to\hwmsdk-electron-demo-win-x64-100.5.5\hwmsdk-electron-x64\resources\sdk\x64\HwmSdk\HwmSdk.exe”。 图5 登录 图6 创建会议
  • 环境要求 在Electron Demo的编译运行过程中请满足如下环境要求。 表1 Windows环境要求 环境和工具名称 版本要求 说明 操作系统 Windows 10专业版 硬件要求: CPU:i5-2400四核 3.1GHz及以上 内存:4GB及以上 Python 3.x 可选,仅在需要重新编译addon插件时才需要 Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio 2017 可选,仅在需要重新编译addon插件时才需要 Node.js 16.20.0及以上,64位 NA Electron 13.6.7及以上 NA 测试资源及App ID申请 NA 请参见“开发前准备”。 Node.js和Electron的版本配套关系,请参考https://www.electronjs.org/zh/docs/latest/tutorial/electron-timelines 表2 Mac环境要求 环境和工具名称 版本要求 说明 操作系统 MacOS 10.15 NA XCode 12.0及以上 NA Node.js 16.20.0及以上 NA Electron 13.6.7至24.8.8 NA 测试资源及App ID申请 NA 请参见“开发前准备”。
  • 错误码表 表1 错误码说明 错误码 错误描述 -1 Unknown error.:未知错误 0 Success.:成功 100000429 server flow control.:服务端流控错误 111070001 Request error.:请求错误 111070002 Insufficient permissions.:权限不足 111070003 System processing failure.:系统处理失败 111070004 Meeting authentication failed.:校验失败 111070005 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 111070006 Personal cloud meeting room does not exist.:个人云会议室不存在 111070007 Meeting access number does not exist.:会议接入号不存在 111070008 Meeting notification could not be sent.:会议通知模板配置错误 111070009 Meeting password cannot be left blank.:会议密码不能为空 111070010 Insufficient permissions to view this meeting.:权限不足,无法查看会议 111070100 Get started meeting exception.:获取召开会议异常 111070101 Start meeting exception.:开始会议异常 111070102 Apply IVR resource exception.:申请IVR资源异常 111070103 Start IVR meeting exception.:开始IVR会议异常 111070104 Apply site resource exception.:申请会场资源异常 111070105 Start sub meeting exception.:开始子会议异常 111070106 Add channel exception.:创建级联通道异常 111070107 Move and apply site resource exception.:移动会场申请资源异常 111070108 Start meeting exception.:开启会议异常 111070109 Get started cloud meeting exception.:获取召开云会议室会议异常 111070110 Invite site exception.:邀请会场异常 111070111 Request token is null.:请求token为空 111070112 Rename site exception.:重命名会场异常 111070113 Hangup site exception.:会场挂断异常 111070114 Mass hangup site exception.:会场批量挂断异常 111070115 Delete attendee exception.:删除与会者异常 111070116 Mass delete attendee exception.:批量删除与会者异常 111070117 Book cycle meeting exception.:预定周期会议异常 111070118 Modify cycle meeting exception.:修改周期会议异常 111070119 Create cycle meeting exception.:创建周期会议异常 111070120 Region data not found.:区域信息获取失败 111070121 Forbidden subscribe.:禁止订阅 111070122 Cancel subscribe fail.:取消订阅失败 111071001 Sysportal service exception.:Sysportal服务运行异常 111071002 Conf service exception.:Conf服务运行异常 111071003 Failed to create the meeting. Try again later.:创建会议失败,请稍后重试 111071004 This cloud meeting room does not allow guests to join before the host.:VMR会议不允许来宾在主持人入会前入会 111071005 This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议时间冲突,该时间段此会议室已有预约会议 111071006 Insufficient cloud meeting time.:VMR会议时长不足 111071007 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约关系不存在 111071008 Cannot query meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 111071009 Cannot change cloud meeting into immediate meeting.:不支持修改VMR会议为立即会议 111071010 Cannot modify cloud meeting flag.:不支持修改云会议室标识 111071011 The cloud meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:VMR会议未到准备时间点 111071012 Not cloud meeting.:非VMR会议 111071013 Start time less than current time.:会议开始时间不能早于系统当前时间 111071014 Start time over max schedule time.:会议开始时间超出最大预订时间范围 111071015 Duration over range.:时长超出范围 111071016 Cycle ID list null exception.:取消周期会议ID列表不能为空 111071017 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出范围 111071018 Invalid media type.:媒体类型非法 111071019 Invalid meeting type.:会议类型非法 111071020 Cycle params null exception.:周期会议时,必须携带周期会议参数 111071021 Duration over range.:会议时长超出范围 111071022 Subject length too long.:会议主题超长 111071023 Group URI length too long.:groupuri超长 111071024 Invalid email address format.:邮箱地址不合法 111071025 Invalid mobile number format.:手机号不合法 111071026 Department name too long.:部门名称过长 111071027 Invalid welcome voice enable value.:入会欢迎词开关不在范围内 111071028 Invalid enter voice enable value.:入会提示音开关不在范围内 111071029 Invalid leave voice enable value.:离会提示音开关不在范围内 111071030 Invalid reminders value.:会议提醒非法 111071031 Invalid allow record value.:会议是否启用网络录制取值非法 111071032 Invalid auto record value.:会议是否自动启动录制取值非法 111071033 Invalid user type value.:会预定者的用户类型非法 111071034 Invalid encrypt mode value.:加密类型非法 111071035 Invalid language value.:语言非法 111071036 Invalid auto prolong value.:是否自动延长会议取值非法 111071037 VmrID too long.:vmrid超长 111071038 Invalid record type value.:录播类型非法 111071039 Live address too long.:主流直播地址超长 111071040 Aux address too long.:辅流直播地址超长 111071041 Null start date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,起始日期为空 111071042 Null end date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,结束日期为空 111071043 Invalid cycle type value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,周期类型非法 111071044 Invalid interval for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,interval非法 111071045 Null point for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point为空 111071046 Invalid point value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point非法 111071047 Invalid vmr flag value.:vmrFlag非法 111071048 Invalid record auxStream.:recordAuxStream非法 111071049 Invalid multiStream flag.:multiStreamFlag非法 111071050 Invalid audience flag.:audienceFlag非法 111071051 Invalid liveChannel ID.:liveChannelID不存在 111071052 Anonymous login is locked. Try again later.:匿名登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071053 Link login is locked. Try again later.:链接登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071054 Not enough Meeting ID.:会议ID不足 111071055 Failed to apply meeting ID.:会议ID申请失败 111071056 Failed to release meeting ID.:会议ID释放失败 111071057 Live room is used.:直播房间已被占用 111071058 The meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:当前会议还未召开,请耐心等待 111071059 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出上限 111071060 The enterprise cannot create meetings because it has not purchased any concurrent meeting resources.:企业未配置并发会议资源,无法使用个人会议ID和随机会议ID发起会议 111071061 Parameter verify failed.:参数校验失败 111071062 Json conversion failed.:JSON转换失败 111071063 Not cloud meeting room owner.:非云会议室拥有者 111071064 This cloud meeting room has been started for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议冲突,当前已有会议正在召开 111071065 This meeting cannot be modified because it is already started.:正在召开会议,无法编辑会议详情 111071066 Attendees amount over range.:与会方数量超出上限 111071067 This meeting cannot be canceled because it is already started.:会议正在召开中,不允许取消会议 111071068 Meeting password encrypt failed.:会议密码加密失败 111071069 No meeting during this period.:选定的时间中没有会议 111071070 Sub cycle meeting cannot modify live room.:周期会议子会议不允许修改直播房间 111071071 Stop online meeting exception.:结束会议失败 111071072 Meeting is ended.:会议已经结束 111071073 Not allow anonymous user.:会议不允许匿名用户呼入 111071074 Only allow user in organization.:会议只允许企业内用户呼入 111071075 Only allow invited user.:会议只允许被邀请用户呼入 111071076 Batch export task for history meeting list during this period.:当前有正在执行的批量导出任务 111071077 Only allow invited user and user in organization.:会议只允许被邀请或者企业内用户用户呼入 111071078 Max current participants amount reached.:企业单会议并发方数已达上限 111071079 Invalid CTD param.:ctd会议参数不合法 111071080 Invalid guest password.:来宾密码不合法 111071081 Guest password conflict with meeting ID.:来宾密码与会议ID冲突 111071082 Max meeting amount reached.:会议数达到上限 111071083 Invalid meeting random number.:无效的会议随机数 111071084 Max export history meeting list times reached.:导出历史会议次数超出允许的值 111071085 Max multi view layouts reached.:会议多画面布局超出限制 111071086 Max multi view invalid manual type.:会议多画面模式非法 111071087 Max multi view sub view amount reached.:会议多画面子画面个数超出限制 111071088 Max multi view sub view numbers reached.:会议多画面子画面会场数超出限制 111071089 Webinar and common meeting cannot be converted to each other.:网络研讨会不能修改为普通会议,普通会议也不能修改为网络研讨会 111071090 Not allow add audience.:不支持添加观众 111071091 Meeting password authentication failed.:密码错误 111071092 File export task failed.:导出文件任务失败 111071093 File export task is downloading.:导出文件正在处理中 111071094 Not allow audience to join.:会议不允许观众入会 111071095 Need to get WEBINAR_CONF_DTO object.:需要获取WEBINAR_CONF_DTO对象 111071096 User-defined languages over range.:自定义语言个数超出范围 111071097 Your enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation.:企业不支持同声传译 111071098 Need to set interpreter groups.:需要设置传译组信息 111071099 Invalid interpretation language.:传译组语言非法 111071100 Max languages in a meeting are reached.:单会议最大支持16种语言 111071101 This interpreter group ID already exists.:传译组的组号重复 111071102 Max interpreters in the interpreter group reached.:传译组中传译员的个数达到上限 111071103 This interpreter already exists in an interpreter group.:传译员重复 111071104 Invalid interpreter account.:传译员账号不存在 111071105 Guest password conflict with chairman password.:来宾密码与主持人密码冲突 111071106 Meeting is holding.:云会议室已有会议正在召开 111071107 Invalid audience password.:观众密码不合法 111071108 Audience password conflict with meeting id.:观众密码与会议ID冲突 111071109 Audience password conflict with chairman password.:观众密码与主持人密码冲突 111071110 Only RTC meeting support E2E encrypt.:非RTC会议不支持端到端加密 111071111 Audience password conflict with guest password.:观众密码与来宾密码冲突 111071112 Cloud meeting room ID type cannot be modified.:不支持修改会议ID类型 111071113 Cloud meeting room type cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR类型 111071114 Cloud meeting room flag cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR标识 111071116 conf number over max allowed.:超出最大在线会议数限制 111071119 Sub cycle meeting modify time over range.:周期会议修改时间超出范围 111071147 Server region is change.:服务器站点变更 111071151 Share VMR not enough.:无共享云会议室资源 111071152 not allow join external crop conf.:被呼叫方所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072001 Application for meeting resources failed.:申请资源失败 111072002 Failed to release meeting resources.:释放资源失败 111072003 The meeting is ending.:会议正在结束 111072004 The meeting is starting.:会议正在开始 111072005 The meeting has not yet started.:会议还未开始 111072006 The meeting has ended.:会议已经结束 111072007 Site invitation failed.:邀请会场失败 111072008 Site does not exist.:会场不存在 111072009 Failed to disconnect the site.:挂断会场失败 111072010 Coming soon...:功能暂未支持,敬请期待... 111072011 Meeting status incorrect.:会议状态非法 111072012 Site control operation failed.:会场会控操作失败 111072013 The cloud meeting room is in use by another meeting.:当前VMR会议非目标会议 111072014 The meeting has ended.:VMR会议已过期 111072015 The meeting has not yet started.:VMR会议还未开始 111072016 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约记录不存在 111072017 Meeting has no attendee.:会议与会者不存在 111072018 Application for chairman password exception.:申请主持人密码错误 111072019 Not found site which can be moved exception.:没有找到可以移动的会场 111072020 The current meeting is not a recording meeting. Recording is not supported.:非录播会议不支持录制 111072021 System processing failure.:录播调度失败 111072022 Insufficient recording resources in the system.:录播资源不足 111072023 There are no participants in this meeting.:会议中没有与会人 111072024 Operation failed. No sites have joined this meeting.:请确保会议中已有会场入会 111072025 Voice meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot be displayed in custom continuous presence.:手动设置的多画面中无法显示语音会场 111072028 At least one site must have custom continuous presence configured.:手动设置的多画面中需最少设置一个会场 111072029 At most one presentation pane is allowed in custom continuous presence.:手工设置的多画面最多只允许一个辅流子画面 111072030 In the voice-activated continuous presence mode, each pane can only support a single user.:声控多画面模式下,每个子画面最多只允许一个用户 111072031 The number used for the site to join the meeting cannot be left blank.:与会者的入会号码不允许为空 111072032 The number used for the site to join the meeting is too long.:与会者的入会号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072033 The format of the number used for joining the meeting is incorrect. (Correct format: User name name/IP address:Port number or Country code plus phone number):与会者的入会号码格式非法(支持SIP、TEL号码格式) 111072034 Length of site name too long.:与会者的名称长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072035 The site role type is outside the allowed range.:与会者的角色类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072036 Length of site email address too long.:与会者的邮箱地址长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072037 Length of site mobile number too long.:与会者的手机号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072038 The value for whether a site is muted after it first joins the meeting is outside the allowed range.:与会者入会后是否静音的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072039 The value for whether to automatically invite a site is outside the allowed range.:与会者是否自动邀请的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072040 The host's site viewing type is outside the allowed range.:主持人选看类型取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072041 The value of the continuous presence setting mode is outside the allowed range.:设置多画面方式取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072042 The polling time is outside the allowed range.:轮询显示时间取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072043 The pane type cannot be left blank.:画面类型不允许为空 111072044 Invalid pane type.:画面类型非法 111072045 The value of the switch is outside the allowed range.:开关项取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072046 The site name cannot be left blank.:与会者的名称不允许为空 111072047 Site name too long.:与会者的名称超过系统允许的最大值 111072048 Continuous presence is not supported. Ask the administrator to configure related data on the MCU.:不支持多画面,请联系管理员开启MCU配置 111072049 Response timed out. Try again later.:等待响应超时 111072050 Meeting locked.:会议被锁定 111072051 The meeting display mode is empty.:会议显示模式为空 111072052 The meeting display mode is outside the allowed range.:会议显示模式不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072053 The meeting pane type is outside the allowed range.:会议画面类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072054 The banner or caption type is empty.:横幅或字幕类型为空 111072055 The banner or caption content is empty.:横幅或字幕的内容为空 111072056 The banner or caption content cannot exceed 2,000 bytes.:横幅或字幕的内容长度超过2000字节 111072057 The request message body is empty.:请求消息体为空 111072058 The pane index is greater than the total number of panes.:子画面索引大于画面总数 111072059 Meeting has no host.:会议中没有主持人 111072060 Regular participants cannot perform this operation.:当前普通与会方类型不支持该操作 111072061 You have set host polling and cannot select a specific site to view or set continuous presence.:前主持人正在轮询观看会场,不能单独选看其他会场或会议多画面 111072062 You cannot select a site to view on the web page. Perform the operation on the terminal.:当前主持人与会方类型不支持该操作 111072063 Applying for recording resources...:录制资源重新申请错误码 111072064 Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.:会控登录锁定 111072065 The meeting ID or password is incorrect. Check the ID and password and try again.:会议不存在或密码错误 111072066 The enterprise has not purchased any recording storage space.:企业未购买录播空间 111072067 Insufficient enterprise recording storage space.:企业录播空间已满 111072068 Failed to start live broadcast. Try again later.:启动直播失败 111072069 Not allow to hand up for host.:不允许指定会议主持人举手发言 111072070 The operation is not allowed for guest.:来宾不允许进行该操作 111072071 The operation is only allowed for yourself.:仅能对自己进行操作 111072072 Not allow to apply host for attendees who do not have meeting control abilites.:没有会控能力的与会者不允许设置为主持人 111072073 Notify message is expired.:推送消息已过期 111072074 Only participants with a number registered on HUAWEI CLOUD can be set as the host.:云下会场不能成为主持人 111072075 Hung up site for meeting ended.:会议结束挂断会场 111072076 Hung up site by host.:主持人挂断会场 111072077 Hung up site because host deleted site.:主持人删除会议挂断会场 111072078 Hung up site because meeting is recreated.:重建会议挂断会场 111072079 Hung up site for moving site failed.:移动会场失败挂断会场 111072080 Hung up site for inviting site cross region failed.:跨region邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072081 Hung up site for invitation exception.:邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072082 Hung up site for joining meeting repeatedly.:会场重复入会挂断会场 111072083 Lock sharing failed.:锁定共享失败 111072084 This site does not support 1-screen layout.:云下会场禁止设置在多画面一画面中 111072085 Not support realtime subtitle.:会议不支持实时字幕 111072086 Realtime subtitle pid is null.:会议实时字幕指定发言人列表为空 111072087 Invalid realtime subtitle pid.:会议实时字幕指定发言人ID有误或已离会 111072088 Failed to set realtime subtitle.:会议实时字幕设置失败 111072089 Not allow audience to change speaker status.:不允许观众解闭音 111072090 Allow/forbid audience to speak only for audience.:主持人允许/禁止观众说话接口只能操作观众 111072091 This meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation.:会议不支持同声传译 111072092 Interpreter group is empty.:会议当前传译组为空,请先配置传译组 111072093 This meeting has not enable simultaneous interpretation.:会议未开启同声传译 111072094 This site is not interpreter.:当前会场非传译员 111072095 This site has not yet confirmed interpreter identity.:传译员未确认身份 111072096 Invalid site language.:会场选择的语言非法 111072097 This site is confirmed interpreter.:当前会场是已确认的传译员 111072098 This site listen channel is different from speak channel.:普通会场听说频道不一致 111072099 Failed to set interpretation languages. Try again.:设置会议语言频道失败 111072100 Failed to set interpretation channel. Try again.:设置会场语言频道失败 111072101 Max participant amount reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111072102 Max allowed handup amount reached.:观众超过最大允许举手数 111072103 Max allowed speaking amount reached.:观众超过最大允许发言数 111072104 Failed to set virtual audio CSD site.:设置级联通道虚拟语言会场失败 111072105 This meeting does not support cohost.:该会议未启用联席主持人 111072106 This site does not support cohost.:该会场不支持联席主持人 111072107 Host cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置主持人为联席主持人 111072108 Audience cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置观众为联席主持人 111072109 Need to check cohost permission.:需要去主会议所在region判断是否为联席主持人 111072110 Cohost cannot operate host.:联席主持人不能操作主持人 111072111 This site does not support share invitation.:当前会场不支持邀请共享能力 111072201 Hung up site because heart beat failed.:与终端心跳中断导致挂断会场 111072202 Insufficient audience cloud meeting room logic resources.:观众数超过VMR套餐中的观众最大并发资源数 111072203 Insufficient participant cloud meeting room logic resources.:主持人与嘉宾超过VMR套餐中的最大并发资源数 111072204 Insufficient webinar resources, so started failed.:网络研讨会套餐已经有在线会议,被占用,激活失败 111072205 Only RTC conf support local record.:非RTC会议不支持本地录制 111072206 Invalid E2E encryption parameter.:端到端加密参数非法 111072207 Not allow to switch role in webinar.:网络研讨会不允许进行角色转换 111072208 The client version used by the user is too early. Cannot start local recording.:客户端不支持本地录制 111072211 Meeting is under AR assist.:会议已经在进行AR协作 111072213 Audience cannot be set to host.:观众不能设置为主持人 111072214 Rename param contains sensitive words.:改名涉及敏感词错误 111072222 Indicates record start exception.:启动云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072223 Indicates record paused exception.:暂停云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072224 Indicates record stop exception.:停止云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072225 Indicates live start exception.:启动直播失败,请联系管理员 111072226 Indicates live stop exception.:停止直播失败,请联系管理员 111072227 Indicates sensitive words.:信息中包含敏感词 111072403 Not support AUX conf.:不支持新辅流会议 111072504 Max participants in a single meeting reached.:达到系统单个会议人数上限 111072507 waiting room user is leaved.:等候室准入用户已经离会 111072508 waiting room user is joined.:等候室准入用户已经准入 111072512 This site does not support screen shots.:当前会场不支持禁止截屏 111072516 This apply for new mmrId reach limit.:请求更换mmrId达到上限 111072520 Turn on Prohibit mobile viewing and sharing, and prohibit inviting mobile sharing.:开启禁止移动端看共享,禁止邀请移动端共享 111072521 Not allow invitation from external organization.:当前被邀用户不允许被外部成员呼叫入会 111072531 Not allow join external crop conf.:企业已限制加入外部会议,可联系企业管理员处理 111072532 Not allow invitation from external crop.:当前被邀用户所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072599 Conference manager is valid, not support offline join.:当前管理面正常,不允许离线操作 111073001 User does not exist.:用户不存在 111073002 Department does not exist.:组织不存在 111073003 Invalid username format.:用户非法 111073004 Invalid department name format.:组织非法 111073005 Could not query department.:查询组织失败 111073006 Application for anonymous user failed.:申请匿名用户失败 111073007 Invalid cloud meeting room package status.:VMR套餐状态非法 111073008 Failed to Release anonymous user.:释放匿名用户失败 111073009 Not support cycle meeting for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约周期会议 111073010 Not support cloud meeting room for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约VMR会议 111073011 Failed to get Welink token.:获取WeLink Proxy Token失败 111073012 Failed to Get M to M token.:获取机机账号Token失败 111073013 Invalid webinar cloud meeting package status.:网络研讨会VMR套餐状态非法 111073014 Max extend times for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长次数超出VMR试用套餐可延长的最大次数 111073015 Max extend duration for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长时间超出VMR试用套餐单次会议最大时长 111073016 Not support auto extend meeting for cloud meeting trial version.:VMR试用套餐不支持自动延长 111074001 This meeting host already exists.:IDO主持人已经存在 111074002 No meeting host permissions.:无IDO主持人权限 111074003 Failed to extend the meeting. Max meeting duration reached.:延长会议失败,会议已达到最大时长 111074004 Failed to extend the meeting. The service processing is abnormal.:延长会议失败,服务处理异常 111075001 Failed to start timer.:启动定时器失败 111075002 Failed to end timer.:停止定时器失败 111075003 Json parse failed.:json转换异常 111076001 Released by host.:会场被终端主持人挂断 111076002 Released by portal host.:会场被portal主持人挂断 111076003 Max number of participants reached.:超出VMR最大方数 111076004 Insufficient enterprise resources.:企业并发数不足 111076005 Not answered.:会场无响应 111076006 User does not exist.:会场不存在 111076007 Offline.:会场离线 111076008 Busy.:忙 111076009 Rejected by user.:拒接 111076010 Released by user.:会场挂断 111076011 Insufficient meeting resources in the system.:媒体资源不足 111076012 Outbound calling disabled.:PSTN服务未开通 111076013 Application for address token failed.:申请地址本鉴权信息失败 111076014 Call failed.:SIP呼叫超时 111076015 Max number of participants reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111076017 Invalid user.:用户失效 111076018 Invalid enterprise.:企业失效 111076019 Invalid SP.:SP失效 111076022 Not allow joining by scanning for hard device.:企业配置来宾不允许扫码邀请硬终端入会* 111076028 Not allow conf control.:会议正在进行AR协作,禁止共享/分组会议/释放主持人等会控操作* 111076029 Not allow AR Assist.:会议正在进行共享/分组会议, 禁止进行AR协作* 111076040 Network error need restart share.:网络异常,需要重新发起共享 111076045 Invite user expiration.:被叫用户失效 111076099 Common error.:通常失败 111077001 RSE server info does not exist.:RSE录播相关错误码 111077101 Not support AI record.:会议不支持AI会议纪要 111077102 Reapplying for AI record resource.:正在重新申请会议纪要资源 111077103 Insufficient AI record resource.:AI会议纪要资源不足 111077104 In AI recording, the meeting cannot stop live or recording.:会议处于AI会议纪要状态,不允许停止录制/直播 111077201 Record file does not exist or have no permission.:录播文件已删除或您无权观看,请确认后重试 111077202 RSE authentication failed.:RSE机机鉴权失败 111078000 No available region in multi region.:没有可用Region 111078001 No available global in multi region.:没有可用Global 111078002 Dispatch region error in multi region.:多region 分发region错误 111079000 Failed to phrase big data param query xml.:大参数查询xml解析失败 111079001 Failed to phrase anonymous assign xml.:匿名账号分配xml解析失败 111080001 Bad request.:请求消息参数错误 111080002 Insufficient permissions.:用户无权限进行该操作 111080004 Site data not found or deleted.:会场不存在或已被删除 111080090 Common error.:IM通用错误 111080096 The sender information is invalid.:IM发送者信息非法 111080097 Basic conference information is missing.:会议基础信息缺失 111080098 User site information is missing.:用户会场信息缺失 111080099 Invalid IM channel.:IM频道非法 111080100 Forbid chat.:禁止聊天 111080101 Invalid chat target.:聊天目标非法 111080102 Allow public chat only.:仅允许公开聊天 111080104 Invalid msgId.:查询msgId非法 111080105 Invalid message type.:消息类型非法 111080106 The message content is too long.:消息内容过长 111080205 Message sending is controlled.:消息发送被流控 111081001 Site is inviting.:会场正在通话中 111081002 Site meeting does not exist or is ended.:会场所在会议不存在或已结束 111081003 Failed to apply site resource.:申请会场资源失败 111081004 Failed to release site resource.:释放会场资源失败 111081005 Failed to apply site media resource.:申请会场媒体资源失败 111081006 Authentication failed.:认证失败 111081007 Meeting is locked.:会议已经被锁定 111081009 Login is locked because max authentication times reached.:会议鉴权失败次数已达上限被锁定 111081010 Waiting user restrictions.:等候用户限制 111082001 Not support this control.:不支持该会控 111082002 No response.:无响应 111082003 Site not exist.:会场不存在 111082004 Site unavailable.:会场离线 111082005 Site busy.:会场正忙 111082006 Site refused.:会场拒接 111082007 Site leave.:会场挂断 111082008 PSTN service is closed.:PSTN服务关闭 111082009 SIP invitation timeout.:SIP呼叫超时 111083001 RSE does not exist.:RSE设备不存在 111084001 Failed to execute DTMF.:执行DTMF失败 111084002 Get started meeting exception.:启动会议异常 111084003 Call MCU side exception.:呼叫MCU端异常 111084004 Join call exception.:加入呼叫异常 111084005 Invite exception.:邀请异常 111084006 Call terminal side exception.:呼叫端侧异常 111084007 Answer exception.:应答异常 111084008 Common CTL exception.:通用CTL异常 111084009 Hangup exception.:挂断异常 111084010 Notify capability exception.:通知能力异常 111084011 Update MT exception.:更新MT异常 111084012 Negotiate exception.:协商异常 111084013 Not support this meeting.:不支持该会议 111084014 Not allowed join meeting in RTC inviting because guests are not invited.:RTC外邀入会,来宾不在被邀请名单中,拒绝入会 111089002 Failed to phrase URI join xml.:链接入会XML解析失败 111090001 Failed to join data meeting.:数据入会失败 111090002 Join data meeting overtime.:数据入会超时 111100001 Failed to get slider image.:获取滑块图片失败 111100002 Slider check failed.:滑块校验失败 111100003 Invalid random number.:无效的随机数 111100004 Invalid slider token.:无效滑块token 111100005 Need to check slider.:需要滑块校验 111100006 Invalid SMS phone number.:非法的手机号 111100007 Failed to send verification code.:发送验证码失败 111100008 Verification code expired.:验证码已过期 111100009 Verification code error.:验证码错误 111100010 Max verification code check times reached.:验证码错误超过最大次数 111100011 The uuid is invalid, you need to re-verify the phone number.:uuid无效,需要重新验证手机号 111100012 The meeting is not on this site.:会议不在本站点 111100013 Need to verify the mobile phone number. Overseas access to China, free enterprises need to verify the mobile phone verification code.:需要验证手机号,海外接入国内,免费企业需要进行手机验证码校验 111110001 Failed to add IM group.:添加群组失败 111110002 Failed to disband IM group.:删除群组失败 111110003 Failed to add IM member.:添加成员失败 111110004 Failed to remove IM member.:删除成员失败 111111007 hangup for rejoin mmr failed.:mmr重入会失败挂断 111111008 hangup for joinconf conflict.:多端入会冲突,导致离开会议 111112001 Failed to enter the waiting room.:入等候室失败 111112002 Failed to exit the waiting room.:出等候室失败 111112003 Waiting room cache operation failed.:等候室缓存操作失败 111112004 Co-hosts cannot be moved into the waiting room.:联席主持人不能被移入等候室 111112005 Not allowed to enable waiting room.:不允许启用等候室 111112008 Not support this feature according to client capabilities.:客户端能力不支持此特性 111113001 can not find application.:找不到应用信息 111113002 application exist.:应用已存在,目前一个会议只能关联一种应用 111113003 not required to create application.:无权限创建应用 111113004 need verify id.:应用操作需要实名认证(用户需要绑定手机) 111113005 get token failed.:获取应用用户token失败 111113006 url illegal.:应用服务URL地址非法 111113101 shimo doc has not used.:石墨文档应用未启用 111113102 call shimo doc server failed.:调用石墨文档服务失败 111113103 get shimo token failed.:获取石墨应用级token失败 111113104 not in conf,has no right to apply.:用户不在会议中,无权限申请权限 111113105 account has been stoped.:企业账号被停用 111114001 projection link verify failed.:投屏链路校验失败 111114020 content moderation failed.:内容审核不通过 111500301 breakout conf surpass limit.:分组会议子会议超过上限 111500302 breakout conf name error.:分组会议子会议名称错误 111500303 breakout Start failed.:分组会议启动失败 111500304 breakout not exist when delete:分组会议中没有子会议(删除) 111500305 breakout not exist when start.:分组会议中没有子会议(启动) 111500306 breakout is closing by host:分组会议结束中(主持人停止) 111500307 breakout is closing by host:分组会议已经结束或未启动(加入时) 111500308 Attendee in target conf:移动用户在目标分组 111500309 Chair in current conf:主持人在当前分组中(请求帮助) 111500310 not support breakout conf:不支持分组会议(启动时 启动接口) 111500311 breakout conf starting or started:分组会议已经启动或启动中(重复启动) 111500312 subconf not exist:子会议不存在 111500313 not support in mainconf:主会中用户不支持此操作(请求帮助) 111500314 breakout conf state illegal:分组会议状态异常(缓存误删) 111500315 action forbidden by status:分组会议静态、动态操作由于状态原因,不支持当前操作 111500316 apply chair failed due to host in subconf:主持人在分组中,不能申请为主持人 111500317 apply sub conf id failed:申请分组的会议id失败 111500318 query main conf failed:获取主会议信息失败 111500319 attendee not found:没有找到用户信息 111500320 sub conf stop failed:分组会议停止失败 111502000 subject faile and leave conf start:订阅失败需要离会的错误码起始值 111502099 subject faile and leave conf end:订阅失败需要离会的错误码结束值 112010001 Common failure.:通用失败 112010002 Null param.:参数为空 112010003 Participant not found.:未找到参与者 112010004 Meeting not found.:会议不存在 112010005 SIP invite information timeout.:invite消息超时 112010006 SIP invite information failed.:invite消息失败 112010007 SIP information timeout.:info响应超时 112010008 SIP information failed.:info响应失败 112010009 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010010 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010011 Failed to invite MRS.:呼叫mrs失败 112010012 Failed to invite participant.:呼叫终端失败 112010013 Data meeting join information failed.:数据入会Info失败 112010014 Failed to start meeting.:召开会议失败 112010015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 112010016 User rejects.:用户拒绝 112010017 User is busy.:用户忙 112010018 No call permission.:没有呼叫权限 112010019 Unknown callee.:未知被叫人 112010020 No user response.:没有用户响应 112010021 Join meeting timed out.:加入会议超时 112010022 Session has been released.:会话已释放 112010023 Callee is not registered.:被叫人未注册 112010024 SIP invite timed out.:SIP邀请超时 112010025 User Session timer times out and hangs up.:用户Session timer 超时挂断 112010026 The participant bye hangs up on the MRS side.:与会者腿MRS侧bye挂断 112010027 The participant bye hangs up on terminal side.:与会者腿终端侧bye挂断 112010028 No RTP stream hang up.:无码流挂断 112030001 No Upscale vmr.:无高档可用的VMR资源 112100000 Sysportal exception.:系统异常 112100001 Bad request.:请求异常 112100002 Illegal request.:非法请求 112100003 Data not found.:数据未获取到 112100004 Data duplication.:数据重复 112100006 The requested type is not supported.:请求的类型不支持 112100007 Failed to save notification template.:保存通知模板失败 112100008 Failed to save data.:保存数据失败 112100009 Failed to query data.:查询数据失败 112100010 Failed to delete data.:删除数据失败 112100011 Password reset required.:需要重置密码 112100012 Incorrect old password.:旧密码错误 112100013 The new password cannot be the same as the old password.:新密码不能与旧密码相同 112100014 Insufficient password complexity and low security.:密码复杂度不够,安全性低 112100015 The length does not meet the requirements.:长度不符合要求 112100016 RSE is in meeting.:RSE在会议中 112100017 RSE to be deleted.:RSE待删除 112100018 Failed to query the meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 112100019 User has been locked out. Try again later.:用户已被锁定,请稍后重新登录 112100022 The live room channel name exists.:频道名称已存在 112100023 Failed to modify system configuration items for duplicated meeting ID prefix.:修改系统配置项失败,会议ID前缀重复 112100024 CONFID prefix can only be added, not modified or deleted.:CONFID前缀只能增加,不能修改和删除 112100025 The live room channel url exists.:直播房间地址已存在 112100026 The live room has been occupied.:直播房间已被使用 112100027 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 112100028 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 112100029 The request is missing header or param.:请求缺失头域 112100030 The Live main stream URL already exists.:音视频推流地址已存在 112100031 The Live auxiliary stream URL already exists.:辅流演示推流地址已存在 112100032 Password is weak.:密码为弱密码 112100033 The live room is occupied.:直播房间被占用 112100034 Save part of attendees since max attendees size reached.:因为与会者数量超出上限只保存部分 112100035 Failed to export data.:导出数据失败 112100036 Failed to import data.:导入数据失败 112100037 Max file size reached.:文件大小超出上限 112100038 LVS target address exists.:lvs的目标地址已存在 112100039 LVS port existed.:lvs端口重复 112100040 Not allow to modify global standby config.:Global只有主机可以修改配置; 112100041 MCU insulation IP address exists.:mcu隔离的IP已经存在 112100042 MCU insulation IP address cannot be modified.:mcu隔离的IP不能修改 112100043 SBC address exists.:SBC配置的地址已经存在 112100044 Internal exception.:内部错误异常 112100045 System config delete exception.:系统配置不允许被删除 112100046 No ISBC access address.:企业id无法获取关联SBC地址 112100047 Media type need to be HD because the organization enable Full HD capability.:企业已开启全高清功能,媒体设置不能低于1080P/8M 112100061 Same interpreter language abbreviation exists.:语言缩写重复 112100062 Same interpreter language name exists.:语言名称重复 112100063 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured, or MCU meeting exsists when modifying mcu connection settings.:修改MCU连接配置告警,以下两种场景会导致:1.MCU存在会议 2.修改类型为MIXED未配置隔离 112100064 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured when adding mcu connection settings.:新增MCU连接配置告警,MCU类型为MIXED且未配置隔离 112100065 MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation config or disbanding enterprise.:修改MCU隔离配置时,解除企业绑定时MCU类型为MIXED 112100066 MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation config.:删除MCU隔离配置时,MCU类型为MIXED 112100067 This gateway type is incompatible with MCU.:MCU与网关类型不兼容 115021001 Insufficient media resource.:媒体资源不足 115021002 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 115021003 Media resource does not exist.:媒体资源不存在 115021005 Insufficient media bandwidth resource.:带宽资源不足 115021006 Media device fault.:设备故障 115022000 Insufficient common logic resource.:通用的逻辑资源不足 115022001 Insufficient meeting resources in the enterprise.:企业会议并发方数不足 115022002 Insufficient logic port resource.:逻辑资源端口资源不满足 115022003 Live broadcast resources have not been purchased or are insufficient.:企业直播推流方数不足 115022004 Media device does not exist.:媒体设备不存在 115022005 The cloud recording ports purchased by enterprises have been used up.:企业购买的云录制端口已经用完 115023001 Insufficient ID resources.:ID资源不足 115024001 RMS service exception.:RMS服务异常 115025001 The live room has already been occupied.:直播房间已经被使用 115025002 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 115025003 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 115026001 MCU meeting exists.:MCU有会议 115029001 Invalid common parameter.:通用参数值不合法 115029002 Null parameter.:参数值为空 115029003 service is not available.:服务不可用 115029004 Configuration exception.:配置异常 115029005 Duplicately apply resources.:重复申请资源 115029006 Waiting for applying resources.:等待申请资源中 115029999 Unknown error.:未知错误 118000000 User authentication failed.:用户鉴权失败 118000001 User token authentication failed.:usg token 鉴权失败 118000002 User authentication account lockout.:usg鉴权账号锁定 200000001 Server is busy. Please try again later.:服务器正忙 请稍后再试 200000002 Internal error. Please contact SRE.:服务器正忙 请联系SRE 200000003 Invalid parameter. Please check whether the parameters are valid.:请求参数错误 请检查参数是否合法 200000004 Illegal request. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:非法请求 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 200000005 Forbidden access during the version upgrade.:系统正在升级,暂时不可访问。如对您造成不便,十分抱歉 200000026 Url permission valid failed.:分权分域接口权限校验失败 200000030 No department permission.:分权分域部门权限校验失败 201020023 This user is already the owner of another corporation and cannot create a new corporation for it.:该用户已经是其他企业的所有者,无法为其创建新的企业 201040005 Max number of users reached. Please check the purchased meeting users.:用户总数超过限制,请检查购买的会议用户 201040016 Password security is low. Please set another password.:密码安全性低,请设置其他密码 201040031 Activation code overdue.:激活码过期 201040033 The device under this enterprise has been activated and cannot be reactivated.:该企业下设备已激活,不可再次激活 201040034 This device has been activated in another enterprise and cannot be reactivated again.:该设备在其他企业下已激活,不可再次激活 201040037 The number of activation codes has reached the resource limit.:激活码数量已达资源上限 201040041 User not activated.:用户未激活 201040042 Pre-authentication expired.:预验证失效 201040043 This user is the owner of another corporation and cannot be invited.:该用户是其他企业的所有者,暂无法邀请 201040044 Invalid invite connection.:邀请连接非法 201040045 User is already in waiting list.:用户已经在等待列表 201040046 User already exists.:用户已存在 201040047 Account modification is not allowed.:不允许修改账户 201040049 IdeaHub resource exceeds the inactive limit.:IdeaHub资源超过非激活数量限制 201040063 The user name cannot contain sensitive words..:用户名称不能包含敏感词 201050004 The device does not support active codes.:设备类型不支持激活码 201050010 The maximum number of device activation code resets within one day has been reached.:一天内重置设备激活码次数已达到最大值(5次) 201050012 Activation code does not exist.:激活码不存在 201050015 Invalid activation code.:激活码错误 201050016 Trial activation code cannot be deleted.:试用激活码,不可删除 201050021 Activation failed.:激活失败 201050022 Terminal does not allow unbinding.:终端不允许解绑 201050027 IdeaManager not enabled.:未启用IdeaManager 201080000 VMR resource unavailable.:云会议资源不可用 201080006 The host password and the guest password cannot be the same. Please confirm the input parameters.:主持人密码和来宾密码不能相同 请确认输入参数 201080017 Same as meeting password.:和会议密码相同 201510001 No invite permission to get an invite code.:没有邀请权限去获取邀请码 201510003 Invalid application.:申请失效 205030005 The device type does not exist.:设备类型不存在 206010000 User name or password error.:用户名或密码错误 206010007 Account is not activated, no permission to log in.:账号未激活,无权限登录 206010008 User information does not exist or is not activated, no permission to log in.:用户信息不存在或者未激活,无权登录 206010010 Failed to get verification code, Please contact SRE.:获取验证码失败 请联系SRE 206010011 Verification code must be filled.:验证码不能为空 206010012 Verification code check failed.:验证码校验失败 206010013 Jump login failed. Please contact SRE.:跳转登录失败 请联系SRE 206010014 Domain not exist.:企业域名不存在 206010022 SSO login failed. Please contact SRE.:SSO登录失败 请联系SRE 206010023 SSO login is not supported.:不支持sso登录 206010024 Invalid authentication type.:认证类型非法 206010025 APPID verification failed.:APPID校验失败 206010027 Authentication type error.:校验类型错误 206010029 Network error.:网络异常 206010030 APPID does not allow automatic registration.:APPID不允许自动注册 206010031 APPID auto registration failed.:APPID自动注册失败 206010036 Normal users cannot log in.:普通用户无法登录 206010042 Huawei account authentication failed.:华为账户认证失败 206010057 APPID authentication expires.:APPID认证过期 206010058 APPID account is not bound.:APPID账户未绑定 206010064 Site mismatch.:站点不匹配 206010065 Phone number conflict.:电话冲突 206010066 E-mail conflict.:邮箱冲突 206010070 The number of users has reached the maximum.:用户数超过上限 206010071 WeChat authentication failed.:微信鉴权失败 206010074 International sites support site changing re-login.:国际站点支持切站点重登 206010075 Account has been unbound.:账号已经解绑 206010079 no fixed link found:设备和大屏没有建立固定链路 206010080 jwt invalid:jwt Token 失效 206010090 Need agreed sign privacy:需要同意签署隐私协议,返回的信息data中携带第三方用户缓存信息key 206010091 Third user info has invalid:第三方用户缓存信息失效 206020000 Invalid authentication information. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:鉴权信息无效 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 206020001 Token is created by disaster recovery site.:token是容灾站点创建 206020002 Token is invalid due to being kicked.:token由于被踢失效 206030000 The user does not exist.:系统中不存在该用户 206030001 The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Please obtain a new one.:验证码错误或失效,请重新获取 206030002 Incorrect verification code.:验证码错误 206030003 Failed to send the verification code.:发送验证码失败 206030004 Try to get a new verification code 180s later.:请在180秒后重新发送验证码 206030005 The password cannot be changed.:系统不支持修改密码 206030006 The old password is incorrect.:旧密码错误 206030007 The length of the new password does not meet the requirements.:新密码长度不符合要求 206030008 The password complexity does not meet the requirements.:密码复杂度不满足要求 206030009 The new password must be different from the previous old passwords.:设置的密码不能与最近旧密码相同 206030010 The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively.:密码不能包含3个以上重复字符 206030011 The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change.:修改密码后,5分钟内不能更新密码 206030012 The password cannot contain the account or the reverse order of the account.:密码不能与账号或其逆序账号相同 206030013 At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords.:新密码相较于旧密码至少要有两个不同的字符 206030014 Invalid password format.:密码格式不正确 206030015 The user is locked and will be locked in 60s.:用户已被锁定,请60秒后重试 206030016 Have no right to reset other's password.:没有权限重置密码 206030018 The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum(10 times).:一天内忘记密码次数达到最大值(10次) 206030019 The number of incorrect verification code input has reached the maximum, Please get it again.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 206030023 Failed to send verification code. Please contact SRE.:发送验证码失败 请联系SRE 206030028 The system has enabled SSO login and does not support changing the password. Please retry after the system has disabled SSO login.:系统已开启SSO登录,不支持修改密码 系统关闭SSO登录后重试 206030031 Forgot password for Huawei account.:华为账号忘记密码 206040000 No corresponding terminal type.:无对应的终端类型 206060008 Sending verification code is locked.:发送校验码锁定 206060009 Slider verification required.:需要滑块校验 206060010 Invalid slider token.:滑块token非法 206060011 Request parameter arror.:请求参数错误 206060012 Sending SMS is not supported.:不支持发送短信 206060013 Repeated sending is not supported.:不支持重复发送 206060014 Invalid verification code.:验证码非法 206060015 Max verification codes check times reached.:验证码次数超过最大次数 206060017 Failed to bind Huawei account.:华为账户绑定失败 211000062 verify activation credential failed.:二维码已过期 211000092 not allow activate device.:企业开启第三方2C自运营模式后禁止扫码激活设备 211030046 Not the ideahub activation code.:不是ideahub激活码 211030050 auth fail too many times, locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已锁定 211030052 auth fail too many times, permanently locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已永久锁定 211060003 The maximum times of log uploads has been reached.:日志上传次数达到最大限制 222020001 not allow cross copr pair.:不允许跨企业配对 222020002 The device has been bound.:其他设备已绑定该大屏 222020003 pair failed double check:二次验证码失效 222020004 pair code invalid.:配对码失效 222020005 offine pair already exist.:已有离线临时链路 222020006 offine fixed pair already exist .:已有离线固定链路 222020010 projection code illegal .:投屏码非法 222020011 ip has been locked.:ip锁定 222020012 Cross corp .:跨企业 222020013 double check reach max time.:二次验证码输入错误次数达到上限 225020001 obs upload image not exist.:obs上传的图片对象不存在 225030002 obs upload image is repetition.:obs上传的图片唯一标识符重复, 同一图片重复发起审核任务 230010001 not support.:不支持当前业务 230010002 verify code and business mismatch.:验证码和业务不匹配 230010003 need user not exist.:用户不存在 230010004 try again later.:请稍后尝试 230010005 verify code is invalid.:验证码失效 230010006 verify code error.:验证码错误 230010007 get new verify code.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 411000001 Common failure.:失败 411000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 411000003 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 411000004 A meeting already exists.:已经有会议存在 411000005 Meeting state error.:会议状态异常 411000006 Failed to get device.:获取设备异常 411000007 Failed to set device.:设置设备异常 411000008 No device available.:无可用设备 411000009 This operation is only supported on mobile.:只有移动端支持该操作 411000010 Network access error.:网络接入错误 411000011 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 411000012 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 411000013 Initialization failed.:初始化失败 411000014 User does not exist.:用户不存在 411000015 Did not join the data meeting.:未加入数据会议 411000016 Neither meeting nor call exists.:会议和呼叫均不存在 411000017 SVN port detection failed.:svn端口探测不通 411000018 Failed to write file.:写文件失败 411000019 RTC does not support STG mode.:RTC不支持STG模式 411000020 Failed to load RTC library. RTC meeting is not supported.:rtc库加载失败,不支持rtc会议 411000021 The meeting is in the audience pause state when changing roles.:转角色的时候会议正处于观众暂停观看状态 411000022 Not in call.:不在呼叫中 411000023 Meeting or call does not exist.:会议或者呼叫不存在 411000024 Pairing state not allowed.:配对状态不允许 411000025 Pairing request failed.:配对请求失败 411000026 Pairing exceeds limit.:配对超出限制 411000027 Pairing common error.:配对通用错误 411000028 Pairing and joining the meeting failed.:配对入会失败 411000029 Pairing and joining the meeting is busy.:配对入会忙 411000030 Pairing and joining the meeting is invalid.:配对入会无效 411000031 Multiple clicks at the same time to pair and join the meeting error.:同时多次点击入会错误 411000032 Pairing is not established or is being established.:配对未建立或正在建立中 411000033 The camera is not turned on in the third-party capture mode.:第三方采集模式下摄像头未打开 411000034 RTC engine creation failed.:RTC 引擎创建失败 411000035 Not in a meeting.:不在会议中 411000036 mute self failed.:静音自己失败并且采用了保护 411000037 still in setting language channel:当前正处于切换频道中, 请稍后重试 411000100 End the meeting with no stream due to disconnection of network.:无码流结束会议网络断开 411000101 End the meeting with no stream because fail to re-join meeting.:无码流结束会议重入会失败 411000102 Null pointer exception.:空指针异常 411000103 Parameters cannot be empty.:参数不许为空 411000104 Indicates encrypt and decrtpt func not match.:加解密算法不匹配 411000105 Indicates Loading User-Defined DLLs failed .:加载用户自定义dll失败 411000106 Indicates Applition not support shimo docs .:企业配置不支持打开石墨文档 411000107 Indicates notification of render fail .:数据会议UI渲染失败 411000108 End the meeting with mmr media rejoin failed.:mmr重入会失败 411000109 Audio is disconnected.:音频断开中 411000110 Second monitor disconnected.:共享副屏的时候,副屏被断开 412100001 The message processing thread is not initialized.:消息处理线程未初始化 412100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412100003 Timeout.:超时 412100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 412100005 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100006 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 412100007 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 412100008 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 412100009 Server error.:服务器异常 412100010 Account is locked.:账号被锁定 412100011 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 412100012 Server CA certificate verification failed.:服务器CA证书校验失败 412100013 Network error.:网络异常 412100014 Server redirect.:服务器返回重定向地址 412100015 Account is not activated.:账号未激活 412100016 JSON parsing error.:JSON解析失败 412100017 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 412100018 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 412100019 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 412100020 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 412100021 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 412100022 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 412100023 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 412100024 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve gateway.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析网关 412100025 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve host.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析主机 412100026 The authentication process failed. Unable to connect.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法连接 412100027 The authentication process failed. Operation times out.:认证鉴权过程失败,操作超时 412100028 Message length too long.:消息长度太大 412100029 Base64 encryption failed.:base64加密失败 412100030 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100031 Secure function error.:安全函数失败 412100032 Firewall detection parameter error.:防火墙检测参数错误 412100033 Failed to create STG tunnel.:创建STG隧道失败 412100034 Failed to update STG service.:更新STG服务失败 412100035 Encryption failed.:加密失败 412100036 Do not allow duplicate downloads.:不允许重复下载 412100037 File operation failed.:文件操作失败 412100038 The request message returns empty.:请求消息返回空 412100039 The number of detection servers is 0 error.:探测服务器数为0错误 412100040 Failed to get local IP address.:获取本地IP失败 412100041 XXX.:登录模块消息未初始化 412100042 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 412100043 Not logged in, not available:此业务未登录不可用 412100044 manger server degrade,you can still join conf in this case.:服务器降级,接入方收到该错误码可以继续调用入会接口离线入会 412100045 XXX:升级版本过程中取消下载 412200001 Internal error.:内部错误 412200002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412200003 Network timeout.:网络超时 412200004 Network Error.:网络错误 412200005 Need to bind mobile phone.:需要绑定手机 412200006 Need to bind email.:需要绑定邮箱 412200007 Has initialized already.:重复初始化 412200008 State machine execution failed.:状态机执行失败 412200009 Failed to start timer.:开启定时器失败 412200010 The user is prompted to change the password when logging in for the first time.:首次登录,提示用户修改密码 412200011 Unknown authentication type.:未知鉴权类型 412200012 need repair controller:需要重新配对 412200013 need repair controller:验证后重新请求 412200014 need repair controller:换取凭证失败失败需要重新配对 412200015 not support media separate:环境不支持媒体分离 412200016 media separate plugin disconnect:媒体分离插件未连接 412200017 request media separate log timeout:收集媒体分离日志超时 412200018 request media separate log failed:收集媒体分离日志失败 412200019 request media separate log is already start:收集媒体分离日志已经开始 412200020 tc module version is not support request media separate log:tc插件版本不支持收集媒体分离日志 413000001 Common error.:一般错误 413000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 413000003 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 413000004 System error.:系统错误 413000005 Message sending error.:发送消息错误 413000006 Get system configuration error.:获取系统配置错误 413000007 Physical network error.:物理网络错误 413000008 Network access error.:网络接入错误 413000009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 413000010 Call state error.:呼叫状态错误 413000011 Other operation in progress error.:正在进行其他操作错误 413000012 Requesting the master to start call error.:请求主控进行呼叫开始错误 413000013 Requesting audio resource error.:申请音频资源错误 413000014 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 413000015 Record call error.:记录通话记录错误 413000016 Media process error.:媒体进程返回的错误 413000017 Maximum number of calls reached.:超过最大呼叫路数 413000018 SIP account ID does not exist.:SIP账户ID不存在 413000019 Call ID does not exist.:呼叫ID不存在 413000020 Failed due to registering.:正在注册中导致失败 413000021 Registration failed.:注册失败 413000022 Deregistration failed.:注销失败 413000023 Setting account information error.:设置账户信息错误 413000024 Setting SIP account error.:设置SIP账号失败 413000025 Reporting SIP account information error.:上报SIP账号信息失败 413000026 Server information error.:服务器信息错误 413000027 SIP account information error.:账户信息错误 413000028 SIPC execution error.:SIPC执行错误 413000029 Not registered error.:未注册错误 413000030 Call Sip interface to subscribe error.:调用Sip接口订阅失败 413000031 Canceling subscription error.:注销订阅中错误 413000032 Subscribing error.:订阅中错误 413000033 Only one local meeting is allowed.:只允许一个本地会议 413000034 Local meeting is not created.:本地会议未创建 413000035 The participant line does not match the chair account.:与会者线路与主持人账户不匹配 413000036 Local meeting state error.:本地会议状态错误 413000037 Failed to report the linkage state of the IP Phone.:IP Phone端联动状态上报失败 413000038 Meeting ID does not exist.:会议ID不存在 413000039 Video hold error.:视频保持失败 413000040 Video unhold error.:视频恢复失败 413000041 The maximum number of server meeting reached.:服务器会议个数超出 413000042 Get AA random number error.:获取AA随机数失败 413000043 AA login error.:AA登录失败 413000044 Meeting type mismatch.:会议类型不匹配 413000045 Failed to start video meeting.:视频会议开启失败 413000046 AA no master server.:AA无主服务器 413000047 Password error.:密码错误 413000048 Username error.:用户名错误 413000049 User is logged in.:用户已登录 413000050 Account is locked.:账户已锁定 413000051 Terminal type mismatch.:终端类型不匹配 413000052 Parsing XML error.:解析XML错误 413000053 Connecting to server error.:连接服务器错误 413000054 Get media configuration error.:获取媒体配置失败 413000055 Get service permission error.:获取业务权限失败 413000056 Insufficient service permission.:业务权限不足失败 413000057 Network environment error.:网络环境错误 413000058 Service conflict.:业务冲突 413000059 Connection timeout.:连接超时 413000060 Unknown error.:未知错误 413000061 Add ringing information error.:添加振铃信息失败 413000062 Delete ringing information error.:删除加振铃信息失败 413000063 Create ringing number error.:创建振铃号码失败 413000064 VVM parameter error.:VVM参数错误 413000065 Getting registered service error.:获取登记业务错误 413000066 Getting voicemail error.:获取语音邮箱错误 413000067 Attendee already exists.:与会者已经存在 413000068 Attendee does not exist.:与会者不存在 413000069 Create server video meeting window error.:创建服务器视频会议窗口失败 413000070 Video window already exists.:视频窗口已存在 413000071 Getting meeting list error.:获取会议列表失败 413000072 Operating requires host privileges.:需要主持人权限才能操作 413000073 No video device to operate.:没有视频设备可以操作 413000074 Refresh registration is not turned off.:没有关闭刷新注册 413000075 Online state report error.:在线状态上报失败 413000076 Network address subscription report error.:网络地址本订阅notify上报失败 413000077 Telepresence account was force unregistered. Information report error.:智真账号被踢,info上报失败 413000078 TLS root certificate error.:TLS根证书错误 413000079 AD authentication error.:AD鉴权失败 413000080 Meeting list is getting.:会议列表正在获取中 413000081 Prohibited calls.:禁止呼叫 413000082 The maximum number of calls has been reached.:呼叫数达上限 413000083 The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached.:加密呼叫数达上限 413000084 The maximum number of video calls has been reached and needs to downgrade to audio.:超出视频呼叫数,需要降为音频 413000085 H323 account ID does not exist.:H323账户ID不存在 413000086 H323 account information error.:H323账户信息错误 413000087 H323 account information report failed.:H323账号信息上报失败 413000088 Insufficient local resources.:本端资源不足 413000089 The calling protocol is not supported.:不支持该呼叫协议 413000090 Setting H323 account information error.:设置H323账户信息错误 413000091 Mediax meeting access number reporting failed.:mediax会议接入号上报界面失败 413000092 Mediax VMR information reporting failed.:上报Mediax VMR信息到界面失败 413000093 IMS meeting list information reporting failed.:上报获取IMS会议列表信息到界面失败 413000094 TUP initialization is not complete.:tup初始化未完成 413000095 Message return value error.:消息返回值错误 413000096 Message content too large error.:消息内容太大错误 413000097 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 413000098 message response is empty error.:消息响应为空错误 413000099 Account is not enabled.:账号未启用 413000100 Create call control implement error.:创建呼叫控制类错误 413000101 Already in call.:已经在呼叫中 413000102 Call does not exist.:呼叫不存在 413000103 Failed to get media configuration information.:获取媒体配置信息失败 413000104 Failed to set third-party capture. Calling HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU failed.:设置第三方采集失败, 调用HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU返回失败 413000105 not config call ability.:企业没有配置点对点能力 413000106 not mcu call and conf.:不支持MCU呼叫和会议能力 414100001 Common error.:一般错误 414100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 414100003 Timeout.:超时 414100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 414100005 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 414100006 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 414100007 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 414100008 Server error.:服务器异常 414100009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 414100010 Start timer error.:开启定时器错误 414100011 The meeting control block is full. Please release the control block that is not in use.:会控控制块已满,请释放没在使用的控制块 414100012 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 414100013 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 414100014 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 414100015 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 414100016 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 414100017 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 414100018 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 414100019 Curl proxy exception.:curl代理异常 414100020 Curl host exception.:curl主机异常 414100021 Curl connection exception.:curl连接异常 414100022 Curl operation timed out.:curl操作超时 414100023 Message length too long.:会控消息内容过大 414100024 Failed to create thread.:创建线程失败 414100025 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 414100026 JSON parsing failed.:解析json体失败 414100027 WS token is empty.:ws token值为空 414100028 Return JSON data error.:返回json数据异常 414100029 Failed to create meeting control block.:创建会议控制块失败 414100030 Failed to get meeting control block.:获取会议控制块失败 414100031 Failed to get meeting control block by CallId.:通过CallId获取会议控制块失败 414100032 Destroying the meeting control block failed.:销毁会议控制块失败 414100033 Temporary creating meeting information not found.:找不到创会临时信息 414100034 Failed to get participant ID.:获取参会者ID失败 414100035 Failed to get MT by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取MT失败 414100036 Failed to get self information by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取selfinfo失败 414100037 Failed to get participant information by MT.:通过MT获取会议成员信息失败 414100038 Manual invitation required.:需要手动邀请 414100039 The major parameters of the meeting have been reported.:已上报过会议大参数 414100040 Subtitles are not supported.:不支持字幕 414100041 Meeting Hang Up - Timeout.:会议挂断 - 超时 414100042 Meeting Hang Up - No Streaming.:会议挂断 - 无码流 414100043 Meeting hung up - Hung up by the host.:会议挂断 - 被主持人挂断 414100044 Meeting Hang Up - Meeting has ended.:会议挂断 - 会议已结束 414100045 End of meeting due to leave meeting.:离会导致的会议结束 414100046 Message queue processing function registration failed.:消息队列处理函数注册失败 414100047 Message queue processing function deregistration failed.:消息队列处理函数去注册失败 414100048 Meeting ended due to reject meeting.:拒绝会议导致的会议结束 414100049 Meeting ended by self.:自己结束会议导致的会议结束 414100050 The meeting control module is not initialized.:会控模块未初始化 414100051 The watching special site reaches the maximum.:选看的特殊会场超过限制 414100052 The watching HD site reaches the maximum.:选看的高清会场超过限制 414100053 The watching SD site reaches the maximum.:选看的标清会场超过限制 414100054 The watching specification reaches the maximum.:选看的规格超过限制 414100055 Watching internal errors.:选看内部错误 414100056 Duplicated watch render.:选看的句柄重复 414100057 HTTP request error.:HTTP请求错误 414100058 Websocket request timeout.:websocket请求超时 414100059 Loading failed.:加载错误 414100061 The meeting ends due to the timeout of guest waiting before meeting or the timeout of the meeting control heartbeat.:会前等待页面时间超时或者会控心跳超时导致的会议结束 414100062 The meeting ends due to being canceled.:会议被取消预约导致的会议结束 414100063 The meeting ends due to network error when guest waiting before meeting.:会前等待页面网络异常导致的会议结束 414100064 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 414100065 self is chairman.:已是主持人 414100066 self is cohost.:已是联席主持人 414100067 no cohost and chairman.:无主持人和联席主持人 414100068 no supported cohost and chairman.:无支持的主持人和联席主持人 414100069 Invalid user, enterprise or SP.:用户,企业或SP失效 414100070 not support offline join.:当前不支持离线入会 414100071 start confctrl websocket failed.:会控websocket建链失败 414100072 offline join query user token failed.:离线入会获取用户token失败 414100073 offline join query conference information failed.:离线入会获取会议信息失败 414100074 Chair end conf.:主持人结束会议 414100075 Timeover end conf.:会议到时间结束会议 414100076 callee refused.:被叫拒接 414100077 callee timeout.:被叫超时 414100078 force open camera conf hangup.:强制视频会议挂断 414100079 signal proxy address is not matched with site url.:信令代理与站点地址不匹配 414100080 conf end for projection failed.:投屏失败导致会议结束 414100081 conf end for projection end.:投屏结束导致会议结束 414100082 conf end for cancel..:投屏协商中大屏取消 414100083 Indicates end projection by sender with two members.:两方投屏端结束投屏 414100084 Indicates end projection by receiver.:大屏端结束投屏 414100085 projection by sender with multi members.:多方投屏会议投屏端结束投屏 414100086 Opposite end hung up.:对端已挂断 415000001 DB is not initialized.:db未初始化 415000002 Common failure.:失败 415000003 Proxy detection has not been completed.:代理探测还没有完成 416000001 Invalid parameter.:参数错误 416000002 Track module is not initialized.:打点模块未初始化 416000003 Track event does not exist.:打点事件不存在 416000004 Not logged in.:未登录 416000005 Upload is not enabled.:未开启上传 419100001 Invalid parameter.:错误参数 419100002 Incorrect URI.:错误号码 419100003 Memory allocation failed.:内存分配失败 419100004 SDP error.:SDP错误 419100005 Connection does not exist.:连接不存在 419100006 Connection failure.:连接失效 419100007 Operation forbidden.:禁止操作 419100008 State error.:状态错误 419100009 No corresponding line data.:无对应线路数据 419100010 No corresponding registered instance.:无对应注册实例 419100011 No corresponding call instance.:无对应呼叫实例 419100012 No corresponding subscription instance.:无对应订阅实例 419100013 No corresponding Refer instance.:无对应Refer实例 419100014 No corresponding DIM instance.:无对应DIM实例 419100015 Failed to create header.:创建头域失败 419100016 Failed to parse header.:解析头域失败 419100017 Header not found.:没有找到头域 419100018 No SDP message body.:没有sdp消息体 419100019 Failed to get capability.:获取能力失败 419100020 Failed to compare capability.:比较能力失败 419100021 Failed to open logical channel.:打开逻辑通道失败 419100022 Encoding SDP failed.:编码SDP失败 419100023 Decoding SDP failed.:解码SDP失败 419100024 Negotiate to unsupported SDP.:协商到不支持的SDP 419100025 TPTD initialization failed.:TPTD初始化失败 419100026 TPT initialization failed.:TPT初始化失败 419100027 TXN initialization failed.:TXN初始化失败 419100028 UA initialization failed.:UA初始化失败 419100029 GLUE initialization failed.:GLUE初始化失败 419100030 HLLM initialization failed.:HLLM初始化失败 419100031 VCOM initialization failed.:VCOM初始化失败 419100032 SDP initialization failed.:SDP初始化失败 419100033 Multiple instance error.:多实例错误 419100034 Insufficient registration control blocks.:注册控制块不足 419100035 Insufficient subscription control blocks.:订阅控制块不足 419100036 Insufficient call control blocks.:通话控制块不足 419100037 Insufficient IM control blocks.:对话外控制块不足 419100038 Failed to parse URI xml to string.:解析xml的uri失败 419100039 Encryption negotiation failed.:加密协商失败 419100040 Local capabilities are not configured.:没有设置本地能力 419100041 BFCP token error.:bfcp令牌错误 419100042 DNS resolution error.:dns解析错误 419100043 Failed to get subscription state.:获取订阅状态失败 419100044 IPv4 is not supported.:不支持IPv4 419100045 IPv6 is not supported.:不支持IPv6 419100046 Unsupported host type.:不支持的主机类型 419100047 Failed to get timer.:获取定时器失败 419200001 Failed to get memmory.:内存不足 419200002 Msg is mull.:消息空指针 419200003 Invalid msg.:消息无效 419200004 Failed to receive.:消息接收失败 419200005 Time out.:消息处理超时 419200006 Not init.:未初始化 419200007 No dest:没有接收端 419200008 No app name.:无应用名称 419200009 Rehandle.:重复处理 419200010 Trace msg.:trace信息 419200011 Failed send.:消息发送失败 419200012 Bad func.:函数异常 419200013 Msg notify.:消息通知 419200014 Failed find.:无法查找到 419200015 no msg.:没有消息 419200016 Failed to get module Id.:无法找到模块ID 419200017 tag not exist.:标签不存在 419200018 Queue has full:队列已满 419200019 tag already exist.:标签已存在 419200020 unknow error.:未知错误 420000001 Cannot receive sharing invitations.:无法接收共享邀请 420000002 ReportDTO parameter verification failed.:reportDTO参数校验失败 420000003 Report folder creation failed.:举报文件夹创建失败 420000004 Report folder compression failure.:举报文件夹压缩失败 420000005 The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty.:待上传的ZIP文件路径为空 420000006 The size of the ZIP file to be uploaded reaches the maximum.:待上传的ZIP文件大小超过限制 420000007 The same person reported more than 100 times within 24 hours.:同一个人24小时内举报次数超过100次 430100001 Common Error.:通用错误 430100002 Invalid parameters.:参数错误 430100003 SIP connection check failed.:SIP连接检查失败 430100004 Timeout.:超时 430100005 In process.:接口正在处理中 430100006 Not initialized or initialization is not complete.:未初始化或初始化尚未完成。 430100007 Not supported in this release.:此版本不支持。 430100008 Operation interrupt.:操作中断。 430100009 Contact not found.:联系人不存在 430100010 Args length overrun.:参数长度超限 430100011 APPID info illegal.:APPID 信息入参不合法 430100012 E2EEncrypt algorithm error.:端到端加密算法不对称 430200001 unlogin.:未登录 430200002 Repeated login.:重复登录 430200003 SIP connection timeout.:SIP连接超时 430200004 Invalid login password.:用于登录的密码参数不合法 430200005 Password or account empty.:账号或密码不能都为空 430300001 The calling number, account number or third-party account number cannot be empty.:呼叫号码、账号或者第三方账号不能为空 430300002 Call account empty.:点对点呼叫账号为空 430300003 Call nickname empty.:点对点呼叫名字为空 430400001 Password required to join the meeting.:加入会议需要密码 430400002 Time zone error.:时区错误 430400003 The meeting duration is less than 1.:会议时长小于1 430400004 Joining the conference is interrupted.:入会被中断 430400005 Password input at least 4 digits.:密码输入至少4位 430400006 User voluntarily cancels.:用户主动取消 430400007 The guest password illegal.:来宾密码非法 430400008 Not in conference or in call.:不在会议或呼叫中 430400009 Already exist conf or call.:已存在一路会议或呼叫 430400010 ConfId empty.:会议id不能为空 430400011 Subject too long.:会议主题长度不能超过50 430400012 VMR host password length illegal.:主持人密码长度不合法 430400013 VMR name empty.:VMR名字为空 430400014 Conf starttime early.:会议的开始时间早于当前时间 430400015 Share is locked.:共享被锁定 430400016 Not in data conference.:不在数据会议中 430400017 Role not support operation:角色不支持该操作 430400018 Scan code expired:二维码过期 430400019 Scan code not support:二维码不支持 430400020 Version is outdated:大屏版本低 430500001 HTTP request, server exception.:HTTP请求,服务器异常 430500002 HTTP request, Connecting to the server times out.:HTTP请求,连接服务器超时 430500003 network unavailable.:网络不可用 430500004 file type illegal.:文件类型不合法 430600001 Leave conf due to background freezing.:应用后台冻结导致离会 600000001 video layout mode is not supported.:视频布局模式不支持 600000002 pair erro.:配对错误 600000003 pair link is not exist.:配对链路不存在 600000004 cmd is not support.:命令不支持 600000005 action is running.:正在执行 600000006 mcu is not supported.:不支持mcu 600000007 operate mic error not in conf.:不在会议中 600000008 operate mic error no permission .:没有操作麦克风权限 600000009 operate mic error not allow unmute.:不允许取消静音 600000010 operate mic error audience not allow speak.:不允许开麦 600000011 operate camera error no permission.:观众无开启摄像头权限 600000012 operate camera error not allow open.:不允许开启摄像头 600000013 operate camera error not allow open low video bw.:低带宽不允许开启摄像头 600000014 param is incorrect.:音量参数不对 600000015 operate camera error require all attendees to open camera.:关闭摄像头失败,当前会议强制开启摄像头 600000016 Low performance cloud desktop devices will have restrictions on opening cameras.:低性能云桌面设备会中限制打开摄像头 600000017 spk sys api error.:扬声器系统api调用出错 510000403 Server forbidden.:服务器拒绝 510000404 Not found.:未发现 510000480 Temporary unavailable.:临时失效 510000486 Busy here.:这里忙 510000487 Request terminated.:请求终止 510000488 Request is not acceptable here.:这里请求不可接受 510000603 Decline.:丢弃 510000841 Hangup without toast.:挂断不弹框 510000842 Conference is locked.:会议被锁定 910000001 Server error.:服务器异常 910000002 SFU service failure.:sfu服务故障 910000003 Service unavaliable 503.:服务不可达503 910000004 Internal error.:内部错误 910000005 Kicked off.:被踢 910000006 Signature expired.:签名过期 910000007 Reconnect timeout.:重连超时 910000008 Network detection.:网络检测,UI不需要关注该错误码,不对外体现 910000009 User is removed.:用户移除 910000010 The room is dismissed.:房间解散 910000013 The app sleeps for a long time.:App长时间休眠 910000014 Auth failed.:鉴权失败 910000015 Auth retry.:鉴权重试 910000016 Auth clock sync.:时钟同步 910000017 Url not right.:Url错误 990000001 Internal error.:内部错误 990000002 Message too large.:消息长度太大 990000003 Insufficient memory.:内存不足 990000004 Failed to send message synchronously.:同步发送消息失败 990000005 Parameter error.:参数错误 990000006 Call ID order error.:呼叫ID时序错误 990000007 Failed to set local screen.:设置本端画面失败 990000008 Failed to open remote screen.:开启远端画面失败 990000009 Device configuration failed.:设备配置失败 990000010 Initializing.:初始化中 990000011 Deinitializing.:去初始化中 990000012 Uploading log.:正在日志上传中 990000013 Failed to get media port.:获取媒体端口失败 990000014 The maximum number view window reached .:选看窗口超过规格数 990000015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 990000016 Server no response.:服务器没有响应 990000017 Role switch failed.:角色切换失败 990000018 Failed to join room.:加入房间失败 990000019 Failed to join room. Status is busy.:非空闲状态 990000020 Failed to join room. Server error.:加入房间失败,服务器异常 990000021 Failed to join room. Service unavaliable.:加入房间失败,服务不可达 990000022 Failed to join room. Authentication failed.:加入房间失败,鉴权失败 990000023 Failed to join room. Authentication retry.:加入房间失败,鉴权重试 990000024 Failed to join room. Clock synchronization.:加入房间失败,时钟同步 990000025 Failed to join room. URL error.:加入房间失败,url错误 990000026 Kicked off.:被踢 990000027 Share failed.:共享失败 990000028 Currently in external media output mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为外部媒体输出模式,禁用该操作 990000029 Reconnection failed.:重连失败 990000030 Server break down.:服务器宕机 990000031 Signature has expired.:签名已过期 990000032 Failed to set remote window mode.:设置远端窗口模式失败 990000033 Failed to subscribe or unsubscribe audio.:订阅或取消订阅音频失败 990000034 Failed to connect to other room.:连接其他房间失败 990000035 Failed to disconnect other room.:断开连接其他房间失败 990000036 Role switching is not allowed.:不允许角色切换 990000037 Currently in third-party capture mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为第三方采集模式,禁用该操作 990000038 Failed to set third-party audio capture.:设置第三方音频采集失败 990000039 Failed to set third-party video capture.:设置第三方视频采集失败 990000040 Failed to set share sound switch.:设置共享声音开关失败 990000041 Failed to start or stop upstream audio stream.:启停上行音频流失败 990000042 Failed to start or stop upstream video stream.:启停上行视频流失败 990000043 User is removed.:用户被移除 990000044 The room is dismissed.:房间被解散 990000045 Failed to set remote View.:设置远端View失败 990000052 Failed to join room because room full.:房间已满,加入失败 990000053 mmr network error.:mmr网络问题
  • 自定义菜单设置 示例代码 1 2 3 4 ToolBarMenuProxy toolBarMenuProxy = new ToolBarMenuProxy(); toolBarMenuProxy.setConfAudioToolbarHandle(new CustomConfAudioToolbarHandle()); toolBarMenuProxy.setConfVideoToolbarHandle(new CustomConfVideoToolbarHandle()); sdkConfig.setToolBarMenuProxy(toolBarMenuProxy);
  • 开发环境准备 在开发的过程中请满足如下环境要求。 表1 环境要求 环境和工具名称 版本要求 说明 操作系统 见表2 硬件要求: CPU:i5-2400四核 3.1GHz及以上。 内存:4GB及以上。 浏览器 见表2 - TypeScript 如果客户端用TypeScript开发,TypeScript的版本不低于3.8.3。 - 华为云会议资源 - 开通方法请参见“开发前准备”。 App ID申请 - App ID的介绍及申请请参考“App ID鉴权介绍”。 表2 浏览器支持 OS Windows Mac Android iOS 14.3+ 浏览器版本 Chrome 73+ Safari 13+,Chrome 73+ 手机微信浏览器(Wechat 8.0+) 手机微信浏览器(Wechat 8.0+) 视频(查看) √ √ √ √ 摄像头 √ √ √ √ 麦克风 √ √ √ √ 扬声器 √ √ √ √ 屏幕共享(查看) √ √ √ √ 屏幕共享(发起) √ √ × ×
  • 错误码表 表1 错误码说明 错误码 错误描述 -1 Unknown error.:未知错误 0 Success.:成功 100000429 server flow control.:服务端流控错误 111070001 Request error.:请求错误 111070002 Insufficient permissions.:权限不足 111070003 System processing failure.:系统处理失败 111070004 Meeting authentication failed.:校验失败 111070005 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 111070006 Personal cloud meeting room does not exist.:个人云会议室不存在 111070007 Meeting access number does not exist.:会议接入号不存在 111070008 Meeting notification could not be sent.:会议通知模板配置错误 111070009 Meeting password cannot be left blank.:会议密码不能为空 111070010 Insufficient permissions to view this meeting.:权限不足,无法查看会议 111070100 Get started meeting exception.:获取召开会议异常 111070101 Start meeting exception.:开始会议异常 111070102 Apply IVR resource exception.:申请IVR资源异常 111070103 Start IVR meeting exception.:开始IVR会议异常 111070104 Apply site resource exception.:申请会场资源异常 111070105 Start sub meeting exception.:开始子会议异常 111070106 Add channel exception.:创建级联通道异常 111070107 Move and apply site resource exception.:移动会场申请资源异常 111070108 Start meeting exception.:开启会议异常 111070109 Get started cloud meeting exception.:获取召开云会议室会议异常 111070110 Invite site exception.:邀请会场异常 111070111 Request token is null.:请求token为空 111070112 Rename site exception.:重命名会场异常 111070113 Hangup site exception.:会场挂断异常 111070114 Mass hangup site exception.:会场批量挂断异常 111070115 Delete attendee exception.:删除与会者异常 111070116 Mass delete attendee exception.:批量删除与会者异常 111070117 Book cycle meeting exception.:预定周期会议异常 111070118 Modify cycle meeting exception.:修改周期会议异常 111070119 Create cycle meeting exception.:创建周期会议异常 111070120 Region data not found.:区域信息获取失败 111070121 Forbidden subscribe.:禁止订阅 111070122 Cancel subscribe fail.:取消订阅失败 111071001 Sysportal service exception.:Sysportal服务运行异常 111071002 Conf service exception.:Conf服务运行异常 111071003 Failed to create the meeting. Try again later.:创建会议失败,请稍后重试 111071004 This cloud meeting room does not allow guests to join before the host.:VMR会议不允许来宾在主持人入会前入会 111071005 This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议时间冲突,该时间段此会议室已有预约会议 111071006 Insufficient cloud meeting time.:VMR会议时长不足 111071007 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约关系不存在 111071008 Cannot query meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 111071009 Cannot change cloud meeting into immediate meeting.:不支持修改VMR会议为立即会议 111071010 Cannot modify cloud meeting flag.:不支持修改云会议室标识 111071011 The cloud meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:VMR会议未到准备时间点 111071012 Not cloud meeting.:非VMR会议 111071013 Start time less than current time.:会议开始时间不能早于系统当前时间 111071014 Start time over max schedule time.:会议开始时间超出最大预订时间范围 111071015 Duration over range.:时长超出范围 111071016 Cycle ID list null exception.:取消周期会议ID列表不能为空 111071017 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出范围 111071018 Invalid media type.:媒体类型非法 111071019 Invalid meeting type.:会议类型非法 111071020 Cycle params null exception.:周期会议时,必须携带周期会议参数 111071021 Duration over range.:会议时长超出范围 111071022 Subject length too long.:会议主题超长 111071023 Group URI length too long.:groupuri超长 111071024 Invalid email address format.:邮箱地址不合法 111071025 Invalid mobile number format.:手机号不合法 111071026 Department name too long.:部门名称过长 111071027 Invalid welcome voice enable value.:入会欢迎词开关不在范围内 111071028 Invalid enter voice enable value.:入会提示音开关不在范围内 111071029 Invalid leave voice enable value.:离会提示音开关不在范围内 111071030 Invalid reminders value.:会议提醒非法 111071031 Invalid allow record value.:会议是否启用网络录制取值非法 111071032 Invalid auto record value.:会议是否自动启动录制取值非法 111071033 Invalid user type value.:会预定者的用户类型非法 111071034 Invalid encrypt mode value.:加密类型非法 111071035 Invalid language value.:语言非法 111071036 Invalid auto prolong value.:是否自动延长会议取值非法 111071037 VmrID too long.:vmrid超长 111071038 Invalid record type value.:录播类型非法 111071039 Live address too long.:主流直播地址超长 111071040 Aux address too long.:辅流直播地址超长 111071041 Null start date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,起始日期为空 111071042 Null end date for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,结束日期为空 111071043 Invalid cycle type value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,周期类型非法 111071044 Invalid interval for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,interval非法 111071045 Null point for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point为空 111071046 Invalid point value for cycle meeting.:周期会议时,point非法 111071047 Invalid vmr flag value.:vmrFlag非法 111071048 Invalid record auxStream.:recordAuxStream非法 111071049 Invalid multiStream flag.:multiStreamFlag非法 111071050 Invalid audience flag.:audienceFlag非法 111071051 Invalid liveChannel ID.:liveChannelID不存在 111071052 Anonymous login is locked. Try again later.:匿名登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071053 Link login is locked. Try again later.:链接登录锁定,请稍后重试 111071054 Not enough Meeting ID.:会议ID不足 111071055 Failed to apply meeting ID.:会议ID申请失败 111071056 Failed to release meeting ID.:会议ID释放失败 111071057 Live room is used.:直播房间已被占用 111071058 The meeting has not yet started. Please wait.:当前会议还未召开,请耐心等待 111071059 Meeting size over range.:与会方数超出上限 111071060 The enterprise cannot create meetings because it has not purchased any concurrent meeting resources.:企业未配置并发会议资源,无法使用个人会议ID和随机会议ID发起会议 111071061 Parameter verify failed.:参数校验失败 111071062 Json conversion failed.:JSON转换失败 111071063 Not cloud meeting room owner.:非云会议室拥有者 111071064 This cloud meeting room has been started for another meeting during this period.:VMR会议冲突,当前已有会议正在召开 111071065 This meeting cannot be modified because it is already started.:正在召开会议,无法编辑会议详情 111071066 Attendees amount over range.:与会方数量超出上限 111071067 This meeting cannot be canceled because it is already started.:会议正在召开中,不允许取消会议 111071068 Meeting password encrypt failed.:会议密码加密失败 111071069 No meeting during this period.:选定的时间中没有会议 111071070 Sub cycle meeting cannot modify live room.:周期会议子会议不允许修改直播房间 111071071 Stop online meeting exception.:结束会议失败 111071072 Meeting is ended.:会议已经结束 111071073 Not allow anonymous user.:会议不允许匿名用户呼入 111071074 Only allow user in organization.:会议只允许企业内用户呼入 111071075 Only allow invited user.:会议只允许被邀请用户呼入 111071076 Batch export task for history meeting list during this period.:当前有正在执行的批量导出任务 111071077 Only allow invited user and user in organization.:会议只允许被邀请或者企业内用户用户呼入 111071078 Max current participants amount reached.:企业单会议并发方数已达上限 111071079 Invalid CTD param.:ctd会议参数不合法 111071080 Invalid guest password.:来宾密码不合法 111071081 Guest password conflict with meeting ID.:来宾密码与会议ID冲突 111071082 Max meeting amount reached.:会议数达到上限 111071083 Invalid meeting random number.:无效的会议随机数 111071084 Max export history meeting list times reached.:导出历史会议次数超出允许的值 111071085 Max multi view layouts reached.:会议多画面布局超出限制 111071086 Max multi view invalid manual type.:会议多画面模式非法 111071087 Max multi view sub view amount reached.:会议多画面子画面个数超出限制 111071088 Max multi view sub view numbers reached.:会议多画面子画面会场数超出限制 111071089 Webinar and common meeting cannot be converted to each other.:网络研讨会不能修改为普通会议,普通会议也不能修改为网络研讨会 111071090 Not allow add audience.:不支持添加观众 111071091 Meeting password authentication failed.:密码错误 111071092 File export task failed.:导出文件任务失败 111071093 File export task is downloading.:导出文件正在处理中 111071094 Not allow audience to join.:会议不允许观众入会 111071095 Need to get WEBINAR_CONF_DTO object.:需要获取WEBINAR_CONF_DTO对象 111071096 User-defined languages over range.:自定义语言个数超出范围 111071097 Your enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation.:企业不支持同声传译 111071098 Need to set interpreter groups.:需要设置传译组信息 111071099 Invalid interpretation language.:传译组语言非法 111071100 Max languages in a meeting are reached.:单会议最大支持16种语言 111071101 This interpreter group ID already exists.:传译组的组号重复 111071102 Max interpreters in the interpreter group reached.:传译组中传译员的个数达到上限 111071103 This interpreter already exists in an interpreter group.:传译员重复 111071104 Invalid interpreter account.:传译员账号不存在 111071105 Guest password conflict with chairman password.:来宾密码与主持人密码冲突 111071106 Meeting is holding.:云会议室已有会议正在召开 111071107 Invalid audience password.:观众密码不合法 111071108 Audience password conflict with meeting id.:观众密码与会议ID冲突 111071109 Audience password conflict with chairman password.:观众密码与主持人密码冲突 111071110 Only RTC meeting support E2E encrypt.:非RTC会议不支持端到端加密 111071111 Audience password conflict with guest password.:观众密码与来宾密码冲突 111071112 Cloud meeting room ID type cannot be modified.:不支持修改会议ID类型 111071113 Cloud meeting room type cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR类型 111071114 Cloud meeting room flag cannot be modified.:不支持修改VMR标识 111071116 conf number over max allowed.:超出最大在线会议数限制 111071119 Sub cycle meeting modify time over range.:周期会议修改时间超出范围 111071147 Server region is change.:服务器站点变更 111071151 Share VMR not enough.:无共享云会议室资源 111071152 not allow join external crop conf.:被呼叫方所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072001 Application for meeting resources failed.:申请资源失败 111072002 Failed to release meeting resources.:释放资源失败 111072003 The meeting is ending.:会议正在结束 111072004 The meeting is starting.:会议正在开始 111072005 The meeting has not yet started.:会议还未开始 111072006 The meeting has ended.:会议已经结束 111072007 Site invitation failed.:邀请会场失败 111072008 Site does not exist.:会场不存在 111072009 Failed to disconnect the site.:挂断会场失败 111072010 Coming soon...:功能暂未支持,敬请期待... 111072011 Meeting status incorrect.:会议状态非法 111072012 Site control operation failed.:会场会控操作失败 111072013 The cloud meeting room is in use by another meeting.:当前VMR会议非目标会议 111072014 The meeting has ended.:VMR会议已过期 111072015 The meeting has not yet started.:VMR会议还未开始 111072016 Meeting does not exist.:VMR预约记录不存在 111072017 Meeting has no attendee.:会议与会者不存在 111072018 Application for chairman password exception.:申请主持人密码错误 111072019 Not found site which can be moved exception.:没有找到可以移动的会场 111072020 The current meeting is not a recording meeting. Recording is not supported.:非录播会议不支持录制 111072021 System processing failure.:录播调度失败 111072022 Insufficient recording resources in the system.:录播资源不足 111072023 There are no participants in this meeting.:会议中没有与会人 111072024 Operation failed. No sites have joined this meeting.:请确保会议中已有会场入会 111072025 Voice meeting does not support this function.:语音会议不支持该功能 111072026 The voice site does not support this operation.:语音会场不支持该操作 111072027 Voice sites cannot be displayed in custom continuous presence.:手动设置的多画面中无法显示语音会场 111072028 At least one site must have custom continuous presence configured.:手动设置的多画面中需最少设置一个会场 111072029 At most one presentation pane is allowed in custom continuous presence.:手工设置的多画面最多只允许一个辅流子画面 111072030 In the voice-activated continuous presence mode, each pane can only support a single user.:声控多画面模式下,每个子画面最多只允许一个用户 111072031 The number used for the site to join the meeting cannot be left blank.:与会者的入会号码不允许为空 111072032 The number used for the site to join the meeting is too long.:与会者的入会号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072033 The format of the number used for joining the meeting is incorrect. (Correct format: User name name/IP address:Port number or Country code plus phone number):与会者的入会号码格式非法(支持SIP、TEL号码格式) 111072034 Length of site name too long.:与会者的名称长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072035 The site role type is outside the allowed range.:与会者的角色类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072036 Length of site email address too long.:与会者的邮箱地址长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072037 Length of site mobile number too long.:与会者的手机号码长度超过系统允许的最大值 111072038 The value for whether a site is muted after it first joins the meeting is outside the allowed range.:与会者入会后是否静音的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072039 The value for whether to automatically invite a site is outside the allowed range.:与会者是否自动邀请的取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072040 The host's site viewing type is outside the allowed range.:主持人选看类型取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072041 The value of the continuous presence setting mode is outside the allowed range.:设置多画面方式取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072042 The polling time is outside the allowed range.:轮询显示时间取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072043 The pane type cannot be left blank.:画面类型不允许为空 111072044 Invalid pane type.:画面类型非法 111072045 The value of the switch is outside the allowed range.:开关项取值不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072046 The site name cannot be left blank.:与会者的名称不允许为空 111072047 Site name too long.:与会者的名称超过系统允许的最大值 111072048 Continuous presence is not supported. Ask the administrator to configure related data on the MCU.:不支持多画面,请联系管理员开启MCU配置 111072049 Response timed out. Try again later.:等待响应超时 111072050 Meeting locked.:会议被锁定 111072051 The meeting display mode is empty.:会议显示模式为空 111072052 The meeting display mode is outside the allowed range.:会议显示模式不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072053 The meeting pane type is outside the allowed range.:会议画面类型不在系统允许的取值范围内 111072054 The banner or caption type is empty.:横幅或字幕类型为空 111072055 The banner or caption content is empty.:横幅或字幕的内容为空 111072056 The banner or caption content cannot exceed 2,000 bytes.:横幅或字幕的内容长度超过2000字节 111072057 The request message body is empty.:请求消息体为空 111072058 The pane index is greater than the total number of panes.:子画面索引大于画面总数 111072059 Meeting has no host.:会议中没有主持人 111072060 Regular participants cannot perform this operation.:当前普通与会方类型不支持该操作 111072061 You have set host polling and cannot select a specific site to view or set continuous presence.:前主持人正在轮询观看会场,不能单独选看其他会场或会议多画面 111072062 You cannot select a site to view on the web page. Perform the operation on the terminal.:当前主持人与会方类型不支持该操作 111072063 Applying for recording resources...:录制资源重新申请错误码 111072064 Too many failed login attempts. Try again later.:会控登录锁定 111072065 The meeting ID or password is incorrect. Check the ID and password and try again.:会议不存在或密码错误 111072066 The enterprise has not purchased any recording storage space.:企业未购买录播空间 111072067 Insufficient enterprise recording storage space.:企业录播空间已满 111072068 Failed to start live broadcast. Try again later.:启动直播失败 111072069 Not allow to hand up for host.:不允许指定会议主持人举手发言 111072070 The operation is not allowed for guest.:来宾不允许进行该操作 111072071 The operation is only allowed for yourself.:仅能对自己进行操作 111072072 Not allow to apply host for attendees who do not have meeting control abilites.:没有会控能力的与会者不允许设置为主持人 111072073 Notify message is expired.:推送消息已过期 111072074 Only participants with a number registered on HUAWEI CLOUD can be set as the host.:云下会场不能成为主持人 111072075 Hung up site for meeting ended.:会议结束挂断会场 111072076 Hung up site by host.:主持人挂断会场 111072077 Hung up site because host deleted site.:主持人删除会议挂断会场 111072078 Hung up site because meeting is recreated.:重建会议挂断会场 111072079 Hung up site for moving site failed.:移动会场失败挂断会场 111072080 Hung up site for inviting site cross region failed.:跨region邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072081 Hung up site for invitation exception.:邀请会场失败挂断会场 111072082 Hung up site for joining meeting repeatedly.:会场重复入会挂断会场 111072083 Lock sharing failed.:锁定共享失败 111072084 This site does not support 1-screen layout.:云下会场禁止设置在多画面一画面中 111072085 Not support realtime subtitle.:会议不支持实时字幕 111072086 Realtime subtitle pid is null.:会议实时字幕指定发言人列表为空 111072087 Invalid realtime subtitle pid.:会议实时字幕指定发言人ID有误或已离会 111072088 Failed to set realtime subtitle.:会议实时字幕设置失败 111072089 Not allow audience to change speaker status.:不允许观众解闭音 111072090 Allow/forbid audience to speak only for audience.:主持人允许/禁止观众说话接口只能操作观众 111072091 This meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation.:会议不支持同声传译 111072092 Interpreter group is empty.:会议当前传译组为空,请先配置传译组 111072093 This meeting has not enable simultaneous interpretation.:会议未开启同声传译 111072094 This site is not interpreter.:当前会场非传译员 111072095 This site has not yet confirmed interpreter identity.:传译员未确认身份 111072096 Invalid site language.:会场选择的语言非法 111072097 This site is confirmed interpreter.:当前会场是已确认的传译员 111072098 This site listen channel is different from speak channel.:普通会场听说频道不一致 111072099 Failed to set interpretation languages. Try again.:设置会议语言频道失败 111072100 Failed to set interpretation channel. Try again.:设置会场语言频道失败 111072101 Max participant amount reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111072102 Max allowed handup amount reached.:观众超过最大允许举手数 111072103 Max allowed speaking amount reached.:观众超过最大允许发言数 111072104 Failed to set virtual audio CSD site.:设置级联通道虚拟语言会场失败 111072105 This meeting does not support cohost.:该会议未启用联席主持人 111072106 This site does not support cohost.:该会场不支持联席主持人 111072107 Host cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置主持人为联席主持人 111072108 Audience cannot be set to cohost.:不支持设置观众为联席主持人 111072109 Need to check cohost permission.:需要去主会议所在region判断是否为联席主持人 111072110 Cohost cannot operate host.:联席主持人不能操作主持人 111072111 This site does not support share invitation.:当前会场不支持邀请共享能力 111072201 Hung up site because heart beat failed.:与终端心跳中断导致挂断会场 111072202 Insufficient audience cloud meeting room logic resources.:观众数超过VMR套餐中的观众最大并发资源数 111072203 Insufficient participant cloud meeting room logic resources.:主持人与嘉宾超过VMR套餐中的最大并发资源数 111072204 Insufficient webinar resources, so started failed.:网络研讨会套餐已经有在线会议,被占用,激活失败 111072205 Only RTC conf support local record.:非RTC会议不支持本地录制 111072206 Invalid E2E encryption parameter.:端到端加密参数非法 111072207 Not allow to switch role in webinar.:网络研讨会不允许进行角色转换 111072208 The client version used by the user is too early. Cannot start local recording.:客户端不支持本地录制 111072211 Meeting is under AR assist.:会议已经在进行AR协作 111072213 Audience cannot be set to host.:观众不能设置为主持人 111072214 Rename param contains sensitive words.:改名涉及敏感词错误 111072222 Indicates record start exception.:启动云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072223 Indicates record paused exception.:暂停云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072224 Indicates record stop exception.:停止云录制失败,请联系管理员 111072225 Indicates live start exception.:启动直播失败,请联系管理员 111072226 Indicates live stop exception.:停止直播失败,请联系管理员 111072227 Indicates sensitive words.:信息中包含敏感词 111072403 Not support AUX conf.:不支持新辅流会议 111072504 Max participants in a single meeting reached.:达到系统单个会议人数上限 111072507 waiting room user is leaved.:等候室准入用户已经离会 111072508 waiting room user is joined.:等候室准入用户已经准入 111072512 This site does not support screen shots.:当前会场不支持禁止截屏 111072516 This apply for new mmrId reach limit.:请求更换mmrId达到上限 111072520 Turn on Prohibit mobile viewing and sharing, and prohibit inviting mobile sharing.:开启禁止移动端看共享,禁止邀请移动端共享 111072521 Not allow invitation from external organization.:当前被邀用户不允许被外部成员呼叫入会 111072531 Not allow join external crop conf.:企业已限制加入外部会议,可联系企业管理员处理 111072532 Not allow invitation from external crop.:当前被邀用户所在企业限制加入外部会议 111072599 Conference manager is valid, not support offline join.:当前管理面正常,不允许离线操作 111073001 User does not exist.:用户不存在 111073002 Department does not exist.:组织不存在 111073003 Invalid username format.:用户非法 111073004 Invalid department name format.:组织非法 111073005 Could not query department.:查询组织失败 111073006 Application for anonymous user failed.:申请匿名用户失败 111073007 Invalid cloud meeting room package status.:VMR套餐状态非法 111073008 Failed to Release anonymous user.:释放匿名用户失败 111073009 Not support cycle meeting for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约周期会议 111073010 Not support cloud meeting room for welinkC.:WeLinkC 不支持预约VMR会议 111073011 Failed to get Welink token.:获取WeLink Proxy Token失败 111073012 Failed to Get M to M token.:获取机机账号Token失败 111073013 Invalid webinar cloud meeting package status.:网络研讨会VMR套餐状态非法 111073014 Max extend times for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长次数超出VMR试用套餐可延长的最大次数 111073015 Max extend duration for cloud meeting trial version reached.:会议延长时间超出VMR试用套餐单次会议最大时长 111073016 Not support auto extend meeting for cloud meeting trial version.:VMR试用套餐不支持自动延长 111074001 This meeting host already exists.:IDO主持人已经存在 111074002 No meeting host permissions.:无IDO主持人权限 111074003 Failed to extend the meeting. Max meeting duration reached.:延长会议失败,会议已达到最大时长 111074004 Failed to extend the meeting. The service processing is abnormal.:延长会议失败,服务处理异常 111075001 Failed to start timer.:启动定时器失败 111075002 Failed to end timer.:停止定时器失败 111075003 Json parse failed.:json转换异常 111076001 Released by host.:会场被终端主持人挂断 111076002 Released by portal host.:会场被portal主持人挂断 111076003 Max number of participants reached.:超出VMR最大方数 111076004 Insufficient enterprise resources.:企业并发数不足 111076005 Not answered.:会场无响应 111076006 User does not exist.:会场不存在 111076007 Offline.:会场离线 111076008 Busy.:忙 111076009 Rejected by user.:拒接 111076010 Released by user.:会场挂断 111076011 Insufficient meeting resources in the system.:媒体资源不足 111076012 Outbound calling disabled.:PSTN服务未开通 111076013 Application for address token failed.:申请地址本鉴权信息失败 111076014 Call failed.:SIP呼叫超时 111076015 Max number of participants reached.:超过设置的会议方数 111076017 Invalid user.:用户失效 111076018 Invalid enterprise.:企业失效 111076019 Invalid SP.:SP失效 111076022 Not allow joining by scanning for hard device.:企业配置来宾不允许扫码邀请硬终端入会* 111076028 Not allow conf control.:会议正在进行AR协作,禁止共享/分组会议/释放主持人等会控操作* 111076029 Not allow AR Assist.:会议正在进行共享/分组会议, 禁止进行AR协作* 111076040 Network error need restart share.:网络异常,需要重新发起共享 111076045 Invite user expiration.:被叫用户失效 111076099 Common error.:通常失败 111077001 RSE server info does not exist.:RSE录播相关错误码 111077101 Not support AI record.:会议不支持AI会议纪要 111077102 Reapplying for AI record resource.:正在重新申请会议纪要资源 111077103 Insufficient AI record resource.:AI会议纪要资源不足 111077104 In AI recording, the meeting cannot stop live or recording.:会议处于AI会议纪要状态,不允许停止录制/直播 111077201 Record file does not exist or have no permission.:录播文件已删除或您无权观看,请确认后重试 111077202 RSE authentication failed.:RSE机机鉴权失败 111078000 No available region in multi region.:没有可用Region 111078001 No available global in multi region.:没有可用Global 111078002 Dispatch region error in multi region.:多region 分发region错误 111079000 Failed to phrase big data param query xml.:大参数查询xml解析失败 111079001 Failed to phrase anonymous assign xml.:匿名账号分配xml解析失败 111080001 Bad request.:请求消息参数错误 111080002 Insufficient permissions.:用户无权限进行该操作 111080004 Site data not found or deleted.:会场不存在或已被删除 111080090 Common error.:IM通用错误 111080096 The sender information is invalid.:IM发送者信息非法 111080097 Basic conference information is missing.:会议基础信息缺失 111080098 User site information is missing.:用户会场信息缺失 111080099 Invalid IM channel.:IM频道非法 111080100 Forbid chat.:禁止聊天 111080101 Invalid chat target.:聊天目标非法 111080102 Allow public chat only.:仅允许公开聊天 111080104 Invalid msgId.:查询msgId非法 111080105 Invalid message type.:消息类型非法 111080106 The message content is too long.:消息内容过长 111080205 Message sending is controlled.:消息发送被流控 111081001 Site is inviting.:会场正在通话中 111081002 Site meeting does not exist or is ended.:会场所在会议不存在或已结束 111081003 Failed to apply site resource.:申请会场资源失败 111081004 Failed to release site resource.:释放会场资源失败 111081005 Failed to apply site media resource.:申请会场媒体资源失败 111081006 Authentication failed.:认证失败 111081007 Meeting is locked.:会议已经被锁定 111081009 Login is locked because max authentication times reached.:会议鉴权失败次数已达上限被锁定 111081010 Waiting user restrictions.:等候用户限制 111082001 Not support this control.:不支持该会控 111082002 No response.:无响应 111082003 Site not exist.:会场不存在 111082004 Site unavailable.:会场离线 111082005 Site busy.:会场正忙 111082006 Site refused.:会场拒接 111082007 Site leave.:会场挂断 111082008 PSTN service is closed.:PSTN服务关闭 111082009 SIP invitation timeout.:SIP呼叫超时 111083001 RSE does not exist.:RSE设备不存在 111084001 Failed to execute DTMF.:执行DTMF失败 111084002 Get started meeting exception.:启动会议异常 111084003 Call MCU side exception.:呼叫MCU端异常 111084004 Join call exception.:加入呼叫异常 111084005 Invite exception.:邀请异常 111084006 Call terminal side exception.:呼叫端侧异常 111084007 Answer exception.:应答异常 111084008 Common CTL exception.:通用CTL异常 111084009 Hangup exception.:挂断异常 111084010 Notify capability exception.:通知能力异常 111084011 Update MT exception.:更新MT异常 111084012 Negotiate exception.:协商异常 111084013 Not support this meeting.:不支持该会议 111084014 Not allowed join meeting in RTC inviting because guests are not invited.:RTC外邀入会,来宾不在被邀请名单中,拒绝入会 111089002 Failed to phrase URI join xml.:链接入会XML解析失败 111090001 Failed to join data meeting.:数据入会失败 111090002 Join data meeting overtime.:数据入会超时 111100001 Failed to get slider image.:获取滑块图片失败 111100002 Slider check failed.:滑块校验失败 111100003 Invalid random number.:无效的随机数 111100004 Invalid slider token.:无效滑块token 111100005 Need to check slider.:需要滑块校验 111100006 Invalid SMS phone number.:非法的手机号 111100007 Failed to send verification code.:发送验证码失败 111100008 Verification code expired.:验证码已过期 111100009 Verification code error.:验证码错误 111100010 Max verification code check times reached.:验证码错误超过最大次数 111100011 The uuid is invalid, you need to re-verify the phone number.:uuid无效,需要重新验证手机号 111100012 The meeting is not on this site.:会议不在本站点 111100013 Need to verify the mobile phone number. Overseas access to China, free enterprises need to verify the mobile phone verification code.:需要验证手机号,海外接入国内,免费企业需要进行手机验证码校验 111110001 Failed to add IM group.:添加群组失败 111110002 Failed to disband IM group.:删除群组失败 111110003 Failed to add IM member.:添加成员失败 111110004 Failed to remove IM member.:删除成员失败 111111007 hangup for rejoin mmr failed.:mmr重入会失败挂断 111111008 hangup for joinconf conflict.:多端入会冲突,导致离开会议 111112001 Failed to enter the waiting room.:入等候室失败 111112002 Failed to exit the waiting room.:出等候室失败 111112003 Waiting room cache operation failed.:等候室缓存操作失败 111112004 Co-hosts cannot be moved into the waiting room.:联席主持人不能被移入等候室 111112005 Not allowed to enable waiting room.:不允许启用等候室 111112008 Not support this feature according to client capabilities.:客户端能力不支持此特性 111113001 can not find application.:找不到应用信息 111113002 application exist.:应用已存在,目前一个会议只能关联一种应用 111113003 not required to create application.:无权限创建应用 111113004 need verify id.:应用操作需要实名认证(用户需要绑定手机) 111113005 get token failed.:获取应用用户token失败 111113006 url illegal.:应用服务URL地址非法 111113101 shimo doc has not used.:石墨文档应用未启用 111113102 call shimo doc server failed.:调用石墨文档服务失败 111113103 get shimo token failed.:获取石墨应用级token失败 111113104 not in conf,has no right to apply.:用户不在会议中,无权限申请权限 111113105 account has been stoped.:企业账号被停用 111114001 projection link verify failed.:投屏链路校验失败 111114020 content moderation failed.:内容审核不通过 111500301 breakout conf surpass limit.:分组会议子会议超过上限 111500302 breakout conf name error.:分组会议子会议名称错误 111500303 breakout Start failed.:分组会议启动失败 111500304 breakout not exist when delete:分组会议中没有子会议(删除) 111500305 breakout not exist when start.:分组会议中没有子会议(启动) 111500306 breakout is closing by host:分组会议结束中(主持人停止) 111500307 breakout is closing by host:分组会议已经结束或未启动(加入时) 111500308 Attendee in target conf:移动用户在目标分组 111500309 Chair in current conf:主持人在当前分组中(请求帮助) 111500310 not support breakout conf:不支持分组会议(启动时 启动接口) 111500311 breakout conf starting or started:分组会议已经启动或启动中(重复启动) 111500312 subconf not exist:子会议不存在 111500313 not support in mainconf:主会中用户不支持此操作(请求帮助) 111500314 breakout conf state illegal:分组会议状态异常(缓存误删) 111500315 action forbidden by status:分组会议静态、动态操作由于状态原因,不支持当前操作 111500316 apply chair failed due to host in subconf:主持人在分组中,不能申请为主持人 111500317 apply sub conf id failed:申请分组的会议id失败 111500318 query main conf failed:获取主会议信息失败 111500319 attendee not found:没有找到用户信息 111500320 sub conf stop failed:分组会议停止失败 111502000 subject faile and leave conf start:订阅失败需要离会的错误码起始值 111502099 subject faile and leave conf end:订阅失败需要离会的错误码结束值 112010001 Common failure.:通用失败 112010002 Null param.:参数为空 112010003 Participant not found.:未找到参与者 112010004 Meeting not found.:会议不存在 112010005 SIP invite information timeout.:invite消息超时 112010006 SIP invite information failed.:invite消息失败 112010007 SIP information timeout.:info响应超时 112010008 SIP information failed.:info响应失败 112010009 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010010 System processing failed.:系统处理失败 112010011 Failed to invite MRS.:呼叫mrs失败 112010012 Failed to invite participant.:呼叫终端失败 112010013 Data meeting join information failed.:数据入会Info失败 112010014 Failed to start meeting.:召开会议失败 112010015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 112010016 User rejects.:用户拒绝 112010017 User is busy.:用户忙 112010018 No call permission.:没有呼叫权限 112010019 Unknown callee.:未知被叫人 112010020 No user response.:没有用户响应 112010021 Join meeting timed out.:加入会议超时 112010022 Session has been released.:会话已释放 112010023 Callee is not registered.:被叫人未注册 112010024 SIP invite timed out.:SIP邀请超时 112010025 User Session timer times out and hangs up.:用户Session timer 超时挂断 112010026 The participant bye hangs up on the MRS side.:与会者腿MRS侧bye挂断 112010027 The participant bye hangs up on terminal side.:与会者腿终端侧bye挂断 112010028 No RTP stream hang up.:无码流挂断 112030001 No Upscale vmr.:无高档可用的VMR资源 112100000 Sysportal exception.:系统异常 112100001 Bad request.:请求异常 112100002 Illegal request.:非法请求 112100003 Data not found.:数据未获取到 112100004 Data duplication.:数据重复 112100006 The requested type is not supported.:请求的类型不支持 112100007 Failed to save notification template.:保存通知模板失败 112100008 Failed to save data.:保存数据失败 112100009 Failed to query data.:查询数据失败 112100010 Failed to delete data.:删除数据失败 112100011 Password reset required.:需要重置密码 112100012 Incorrect old password.:旧密码错误 112100013 The new password cannot be the same as the old password.:新密码不能与旧密码相同 112100014 Insufficient password complexity and low security.:密码复杂度不够,安全性低 112100015 The length does not meet the requirements.:长度不符合要求 112100016 RSE is in meeting.:RSE在会议中 112100017 RSE to be deleted.:RSE待删除 112100018 Failed to query the meeting list.:查询会议列表失败 112100019 User has been locked out. Try again later.:用户已被锁定,请稍后重新登录 112100022 The live room channel name exists.:频道名称已存在 112100023 Failed to modify system configuration items for duplicated meeting ID prefix.:修改系统配置项失败,会议ID前缀重复 112100024 CONFID prefix can only be added, not modified or deleted.:CONFID前缀只能增加,不能修改和删除 112100025 The live room channel url exists.:直播房间地址已存在 112100026 The live room has been occupied.:直播房间已被使用 112100027 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 112100028 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 112100029 The request is missing header or param.:请求缺失头域 112100030 The Live main stream URL already exists.:音视频推流地址已存在 112100031 The Live auxiliary stream URL already exists.:辅流演示推流地址已存在 112100032 Password is weak.:密码为弱密码 112100033 The live room is occupied.:直播房间被占用 112100034 Save part of attendees since max attendees size reached.:因为与会者数量超出上限只保存部分 112100035 Failed to export data.:导出数据失败 112100036 Failed to import data.:导入数据失败 112100037 Max file size reached.:文件大小超出上限 112100038 LVS target address exists.:lvs的目标地址已存在 112100039 LVS port existed.:lvs端口重复 112100040 Not allow to modify global standby config.:Global只有主机可以修改配置; 112100041 MCU insulation IP address exists.:mcu隔离的IP已经存在 112100042 MCU insulation IP address cannot be modified.:mcu隔离的IP不能修改 112100043 SBC address exists.:SBC配置的地址已经存在 112100044 Internal exception.:内部错误异常 112100045 System config delete exception.:系统配置不允许被删除 112100046 No ISBC access address.:企业id无法获取关联SBC地址 112100047 Media type need to be HD because the organization enable Full HD capability.:企业已开启全高清功能,媒体设置不能低于1080P/8M 112100061 Same interpreter language abbreviation exists.:语言缩写重复 112100062 Same interpreter language name exists.:语言名称重复 112100063 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured, or MCU meeting exsists when modifying mcu connection settings.:修改MCU连接配置告警,以下两种场景会导致:1.MCU存在会议 2.修改类型为MIXED未配置隔离 112100064 MCU type is MIXED and insulation config is not configured when adding mcu connection settings.:新增MCU连接配置告警,MCU类型为MIXED且未配置隔离 112100065 MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation config or disbanding enterprise.:修改MCU隔离配置时,解除企业绑定时MCU类型为MIXED 112100066 MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation config.:删除MCU隔离配置时,MCU类型为MIXED 112100067 This gateway type is incompatible with MCU.:MCU与网关类型不兼容 115021001 Insufficient media resource.:媒体资源不足 115021002 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 115021003 Media resource does not exist.:媒体资源不存在 115021005 Insufficient media bandwidth resource.:带宽资源不足 115021006 Media device fault.:设备故障 115022000 Insufficient common logic resource.:通用的逻辑资源不足 115022001 Insufficient meeting resources in the enterprise.:企业会议并发方数不足 115022002 Insufficient logic port resource.:逻辑资源端口资源不满足 115022003 Live broadcast resources have not been purchased or are insufficient.:企业直播推流方数不足 115022004 Media device does not exist.:媒体设备不存在 115022005 The cloud recording ports purchased by enterprises have been used up.:企业购买的云录制端口已经用完 115023001 Insufficient ID resources.:ID资源不足 115024001 RMS service exception.:RMS服务异常 115025001 The live room has already been occupied.:直播房间已经被使用 115025002 The live room does not exist.:直播房间不存在 115025003 Live room release failed.:直播房间释放失败 115026001 MCU meeting exists.:MCU有会议 115029001 Invalid common parameter.:通用参数值不合法 115029002 Null parameter.:参数值为空 115029003 service is not available.:服务不可用 115029004 Configuration exception.:配置异常 115029005 Duplicately apply resources.:重复申请资源 115029006 Waiting for applying resources.:等待申请资源中 115029999 Unknown error.:未知错误 118000000 User authentication failed.:用户鉴权失败 118000001 User token authentication failed.:usg token 鉴权失败 118000002 User authentication account lockout.:usg鉴权账号锁定 200000001 Server is busy. Please try again later.:服务器正忙 请稍后再试 200000002 Internal error. Please contact SRE.:服务器正忙 请联系SRE 200000003 Invalid parameter. Please check whether the parameters are valid.:请求参数错误 请检查参数是否合法 200000004 Illegal request. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:非法请求 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 200000005 Forbidden access during the version upgrade.:系统正在升级,暂时不可访问。如对您造成不便,十分抱歉 200000026 Url permission valid failed.:分权分域接口权限校验失败 200000030 No department permission.:分权分域部门权限校验失败 201020023 This user is already the owner of another corporation and cannot create a new corporation for it.:该用户已经是其他企业的所有者,无法为其创建新的企业 201040005 Max number of users reached. Please check the purchased meeting users.:用户总数超过限制,请检查购买的会议用户 201040016 Password security is low. Please set another password.:密码安全性低,请设置其他密码 201040031 Activation code overdue.:激活码过期 201040033 The device under this enterprise has been activated and cannot be reactivated.:该企业下设备已激活,不可再次激活 201040034 This device has been activated in another enterprise and cannot be reactivated again.:该设备在其他企业下已激活,不可再次激活 201040037 The number of activation codes has reached the resource limit.:激活码数量已达资源上限 201040041 User not activated.:用户未激活 201040042 Pre-authentication expired.:预验证失效 201040043 This user is the owner of another corporation and cannot be invited.:该用户是其他企业的所有者,暂无法邀请 201040044 Invalid invite connection.:邀请连接非法 201040045 User is already in waiting list.:用户已经在等待列表 201040046 User already exists.:用户已存在 201040047 Account modification is not allowed.:不允许修改账户 201040049 IdeaHub resource exceeds the inactive limit.:IdeaHub资源超过非激活数量限制 201040063 The user name cannot contain sensitive words..:用户名称不能包含敏感词 201050004 The device does not support active codes.:设备类型不支持激活码 201050010 The maximum number of device activation code resets within one day has been reached.:一天内重置设备激活码次数已达到最大值(5次) 201050012 Activation code does not exist.:激活码不存在 201050015 Invalid activation code.:激活码错误 201050016 Trial activation code cannot be deleted.:试用激活码,不可删除 201050021 Activation failed.:激活失败 201050022 Terminal does not allow unbinding.:终端不允许解绑 201050027 IdeaManager not enabled.:未启用IdeaManager 201080000 VMR resource unavailable.:云会议资源不可用 201080006 The host password and the guest password cannot be the same. Please confirm the input parameters.:主持人密码和来宾密码不能相同 请确认输入参数 201080017 Same as meeting password.:和会议密码相同 201510001 No invite permission to get an invite code.:没有邀请权限去获取邀请码 201510003 Invalid application.:申请失效 205030005 The device type does not exist.:设备类型不存在 206010000 User name or password error.:用户名或密码错误 206010007 Account is not activated, no permission to log in.:账号未激活,无权限登录 206010008 User information does not exist or is not activated, no permission to log in.:用户信息不存在或者未激活,无权登录 206010010 Failed to get verification code, Please contact SRE.:获取验证码失败 请联系SRE 206010011 Verification code must be filled.:验证码不能为空 206010012 Verification code check failed.:验证码校验失败 206010013 Jump login failed. Please contact SRE.:跳转登录失败 请联系SRE 206010014 Domain not exist.:企业域名不存在 206010022 SSO login failed. Please contact SRE.:SSO登录失败 请联系SRE 206010023 SSO login is not supported.:不支持sso登录 206010024 Invalid authentication type.:认证类型非法 206010025 APPID verification failed.:APPID校验失败 206010027 Authentication type error.:校验类型错误 206010029 Network error.:网络异常 206010030 APPID does not allow automatic registration.:APPID不允许自动注册 206010031 APPID auto registration failed.:APPID自动注册失败 206010036 Normal users cannot log in.:普通用户无法登录 206010042 Huawei account authentication failed.:华为账户认证失败 206010057 APPID authentication expires.:APPID认证过期 206010058 APPID account is not bound.:APPID账户未绑定 206010064 Site mismatch.:站点不匹配 206010065 Phone number conflict.:电话冲突 206010066 E-mail conflict.:邮箱冲突 206010070 The number of users has reached the maximum.:用户数超过上限 206010071 WeChat authentication failed.:微信鉴权失败 206010074 International sites support site changing re-login.:国际站点支持切站点重登 206010075 Account has been unbound.:账号已经解绑 206010079 no fixed link found:设备和大屏没有建立固定链路 206010080 jwt invalid:jwt Token 失效 206010090 Need agreed sign privacy:需要同意签署隐私协议,返回的信息data中携带第三方用户缓存信息key 206010091 Third user info has invalid:第三方用户缓存信息失效 206020000 Invalid authentication information. Please check the value of the request header field X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token.:鉴权信息无效 请检查请求头域X-Auth-Token或X-Access-Token的值 206020001 Token is created by disaster recovery site.:token是容灾站点创建 206020002 Token is invalid due to being kicked.:token由于被踢失效 206030000 The user does not exist.:系统中不存在该用户 206030001 The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Please obtain a new one.:验证码错误或失效,请重新获取 206030002 Incorrect verification code.:验证码错误 206030003 Failed to send the verification code.:发送验证码失败 206030004 Try to get a new verification code 180s later.:请在180秒后重新发送验证码 206030005 The password cannot be changed.:系统不支持修改密码 206030006 The old password is incorrect.:旧密码错误 206030007 The length of the new password does not meet the requirements.:新密码长度不符合要求 206030008 The password complexity does not meet the requirements.:密码复杂度不满足要求 206030009 The new password must be different from the previous old passwords.:设置的密码不能与最近旧密码相同 206030010 The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively.:密码不能包含3个以上重复字符 206030011 The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change.:修改密码后,5分钟内不能更新密码 206030012 The password cannot contain the account or the reverse order of the account.:密码不能与账号或其逆序账号相同 206030013 At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords.:新密码相较于旧密码至少要有两个不同的字符 206030014 Invalid password format.:密码格式不正确 206030015 The user is locked and will be locked in 60s.:用户已被锁定,请60秒后重试 206030016 Have no right to reset other's password.:没有权限重置密码 206030018 The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum(10 times).:一天内忘记密码次数达到最大值(10次) 206030019 The number of incorrect verification code input has reached the maximum, Please get it again.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 206030023 Failed to send verification code. Please contact SRE.:发送验证码失败 请联系SRE 206030028 The system has enabled SSO login and does not support changing the password. Please retry after the system has disabled SSO login.:系统已开启SSO登录,不支持修改密码 系统关闭SSO登录后重试 206030031 Forgot password for Huawei account.:华为账号忘记密码 206040000 No corresponding terminal type.:无对应的终端类型 206060008 Sending verification code is locked.:发送校验码锁定 206060009 Slider verification required.:需要滑块校验 206060010 Invalid slider token.:滑块token非法 206060011 Request parameter arror.:请求参数错误 206060012 Sending SMS is not supported.:不支持发送短信 206060013 Repeated sending is not supported.:不支持重复发送 206060014 Invalid verification code.:验证码非法 206060015 Max verification codes check times reached.:验证码次数超过最大次数 206060017 Failed to bind Huawei account.:华为账户绑定失败 211000062 verify activation credential failed.:二维码已过期 211000092 not allow activate device.:企业开启第三方2C自运营模式后禁止扫码激活设备 211030046 Not the ideahub activation code.:不是ideahub激活码 211030050 auth fail too many times, locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已锁定 211030052 auth fail too many times, permanently locked.:身份验证失败次数太多,已永久锁定 211060003 The maximum times of log uploads has been reached.:日志上传次数达到最大限制 222020001 not allow cross copr pair.:不允许跨企业配对 222020002 The device has been bound.:其他设备已绑定该大屏 222020003 pair failed double check:二次验证码失效 222020004 pair code invalid.:配对码失效 222020005 offine pair already exist.:已有离线临时链路 222020006 offine fixed pair already exist .:已有离线固定链路 222020010 projection code illegal .:投屏码非法 222020011 ip has been locked.:ip锁定 222020012 Cross corp .:跨企业 222020013 double check reach max time.:二次验证码输入错误次数达到上限 225020001 obs upload image not exist.:obs上传的图片对象不存在 225030002 obs upload image is repetition.:obs上传的图片唯一标识符重复, 同一图片重复发起审核任务 230010001 not support.:不支持当前业务 230010002 verify code and business mismatch.:验证码和业务不匹配 230010003 need user not exist.:用户不存在 230010004 try again later.:请稍后尝试 230010005 verify code is invalid.:验证码失效 230010006 verify code error.:验证码错误 230010007 get new verify code.:验证码输入错误次数超过最大值,请重新获取 411000001 Common failure.:失败 411000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 411000003 Meeting does not exist.:会议不存在 411000004 A meeting already exists.:已经有会议存在 411000005 Meeting state error.:会议状态异常 411000006 Failed to get device.:获取设备异常 411000007 Failed to set device.:设置设备异常 411000008 No device available.:无可用设备 411000009 This operation is only supported on mobile.:只有移动端支持该操作 411000010 Network access error.:网络接入错误 411000011 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 411000012 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 411000013 Initialization failed.:初始化失败 411000014 User does not exist.:用户不存在 411000015 Did not join the data meeting.:未加入数据会议 411000016 Neither meeting nor call exists.:会议和呼叫均不存在 411000017 SVN port detection failed.:svn端口探测不通 411000018 Failed to write file.:写文件失败 411000019 RTC does not support STG mode.:RTC不支持STG模式 411000020 Failed to load RTC library. RTC meeting is not supported.:rtc库加载失败,不支持rtc会议 411000021 The meeting is in the audience pause state when changing roles.:转角色的时候会议正处于观众暂停观看状态 411000022 Not in call.:不在呼叫中 411000023 Meeting or call does not exist.:会议或者呼叫不存在 411000024 Pairing state not allowed.:配对状态不允许 411000025 Pairing request failed.:配对请求失败 411000026 Pairing exceeds limit.:配对超出限制 411000027 Pairing common error.:配对通用错误 411000028 Pairing and joining the meeting failed.:配对入会失败 411000029 Pairing and joining the meeting is busy.:配对入会忙 411000030 Pairing and joining the meeting is invalid.:配对入会无效 411000031 Multiple clicks at the same time to pair and join the meeting error.:同时多次点击入会错误 411000032 Pairing is not established or is being established.:配对未建立或正在建立中 411000033 The camera is not turned on in the third-party capture mode.:第三方采集模式下摄像头未打开 411000034 RTC engine creation failed.:RTC 引擎创建失败 411000035 Not in a meeting.:不在会议中 411000036 mute self failed.:静音自己失败并且采用了保护 411000037 still in setting language channel:当前正处于切换频道中, 请稍后重试 411000100 End the meeting with no stream due to disconnection of network.:无码流结束会议网络断开 411000101 End the meeting with no stream because fail to re-join meeting.:无码流结束会议重入会失败 411000102 Null pointer exception.:空指针异常 411000103 Parameters cannot be empty.:参数不许为空 411000104 Indicates encrypt and decrtpt func not match.:加解密算法不匹配 411000105 Indicates Loading User-Defined DLLs failed .:加载用户自定义dll失败 411000106 Indicates Applition not support shimo docs .:企业配置不支持打开石墨文档 411000107 Indicates notification of render fail .:数据会议UI渲染失败 411000108 End the meeting with mmr media rejoin failed.:mmr重入会失败 411000109 Audio is disconnected.:音频断开中 411000110 Second monitor disconnected.:共享副屏的时候,副屏被断开 412100001 The message processing thread is not initialized.:消息处理线程未初始化 412100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412100003 Timeout.:超时 412100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 412100005 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100006 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 412100007 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 412100008 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 412100009 Server error.:服务器异常 412100010 Account is locked.:账号被锁定 412100011 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 412100012 Server CA certificate verification failed.:服务器CA证书校验失败 412100013 Network error.:网络异常 412100014 Server redirect.:服务器返回重定向地址 412100015 Account is not activated.:账号未激活 412100016 JSON parsing error.:JSON解析失败 412100017 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 412100018 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 412100019 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 412100020 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 412100021 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 412100022 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 412100023 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 412100024 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve gateway.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析网关 412100025 The authentication process failed. Unable to resolve host.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法解析主机 412100026 The authentication process failed. Unable to connect.:认证鉴权过程失败,无法连接 412100027 The authentication process failed. Operation times out.:认证鉴权过程失败,操作超时 412100028 Message length too long.:消息长度太大 412100029 Base64 encryption failed.:base64加密失败 412100030 XML parsing error.:XML解析出错 412100031 Secure function error.:安全函数失败 412100032 Firewall detection parameter error.:防火墙检测参数错误 412100033 Failed to create STG tunnel.:创建STG隧道失败 412100034 Failed to update STG service.:更新STG服务失败 412100035 Encryption failed.:加密失败 412100036 Do not allow duplicate downloads.:不允许重复下载 412100037 File operation failed.:文件操作失败 412100038 The request message returns empty.:请求消息返回空 412100039 The number of detection servers is 0 error.:探测服务器数为0错误 412100040 Failed to get local IP address.:获取本地IP失败 412100041 XXX.:登录模块消息未初始化 412100042 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 412100043 Not logged in, not available:此业务未登录不可用 412100044 manger server degrade,you can still join conf in this case.:服务器降级,接入方收到该错误码可以继续调用入会接口离线入会 412100045 XXX:升级版本过程中取消下载 412200001 Internal error.:内部错误 412200002 Parameter error.:参数错误 412200003 Network timeout.:网络超时 412200004 Network Error.:网络错误 412200005 Need to bind mobile phone.:需要绑定手机 412200006 Need to bind email.:需要绑定邮箱 412200007 Has initialized already.:重复初始化 412200008 State machine execution failed.:状态机执行失败 412200009 Failed to start timer.:开启定时器失败 412200010 The user is prompted to change the password when logging in for the first time.:首次登录,提示用户修改密码 412200011 Unknown authentication type.:未知鉴权类型 412200012 need repair controller:需要重新配对 412200013 need repair controller:验证后重新请求 412200014 need repair controller:换取凭证失败失败需要重新配对 412200015 not support media separate:环境不支持媒体分离 412200016 media separate plugin disconnect:媒体分离插件未连接 412200017 request media separate log timeout:收集媒体分离日志超时 412200018 request media separate log failed:收集媒体分离日志失败 412200019 request media separate log is already start:收集媒体分离日志已经开始 412200020 tc module version is not support request media separate log:tc插件版本不支持收集媒体分离日志 413000001 Common error.:一般错误 413000002 Parameter error.:参数错误 413000003 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 413000004 System error.:系统错误 413000005 Message sending error.:发送消息错误 413000006 Get system configuration error.:获取系统配置错误 413000007 Physical network error.:物理网络错误 413000008 Network access error.:网络接入错误 413000009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 413000010 Call state error.:呼叫状态错误 413000011 Other operation in progress error.:正在进行其他操作错误 413000012 Requesting the master to start call error.:请求主控进行呼叫开始错误 413000013 Requesting audio resource error.:申请音频资源错误 413000014 Other supplementary service is running.:正在进行其他补充业务 413000015 Record call error.:记录通话记录错误 413000016 Media process error.:媒体进程返回的错误 413000017 Maximum number of calls reached.:超过最大呼叫路数 413000018 SIP account ID does not exist.:SIP账户ID不存在 413000019 Call ID does not exist.:呼叫ID不存在 413000020 Failed due to registering.:正在注册中导致失败 413000021 Registration failed.:注册失败 413000022 Deregistration failed.:注销失败 413000023 Setting account information error.:设置账户信息错误 413000024 Setting SIP account error.:设置SIP账号失败 413000025 Reporting SIP account information error.:上报SIP账号信息失败 413000026 Server information error.:服务器信息错误 413000027 SIP account information error.:账户信息错误 413000028 SIPC execution error.:SIPC执行错误 413000029 Not registered error.:未注册错误 413000030 Call Sip interface to subscribe error.:调用Sip接口订阅失败 413000031 Canceling subscription error.:注销订阅中错误 413000032 Subscribing error.:订阅中错误 413000033 Only one local meeting is allowed.:只允许一个本地会议 413000034 Local meeting is not created.:本地会议未创建 413000035 The participant line does not match the chair account.:与会者线路与主持人账户不匹配 413000036 Local meeting state error.:本地会议状态错误 413000037 Failed to report the linkage state of the IP Phone.:IP Phone端联动状态上报失败 413000038 Meeting ID does not exist.:会议ID不存在 413000039 Video hold error.:视频保持失败 413000040 Video unhold error.:视频恢复失败 413000041 The maximum number of server meeting reached.:服务器会议个数超出 413000042 Get AA random number error.:获取AA随机数失败 413000043 AA login error.:AA登录失败 413000044 Meeting type mismatch.:会议类型不匹配 413000045 Failed to start video meeting.:视频会议开启失败 413000046 AA no master server.:AA无主服务器 413000047 Password error.:密码错误 413000048 Username error.:用户名错误 413000049 User is logged in.:用户已登录 413000050 Account is locked.:账户已锁定 413000051 Terminal type mismatch.:终端类型不匹配 413000052 Parsing XML error.:解析XML错误 413000053 Connecting to server error.:连接服务器错误 413000054 Get media configuration error.:获取媒体配置失败 413000055 Get service permission error.:获取业务权限失败 413000056 Insufficient service permission.:业务权限不足失败 413000057 Network environment error.:网络环境错误 413000058 Service conflict.:业务冲突 413000059 Connection timeout.:连接超时 413000060 Unknown error.:未知错误 413000061 Add ringing information error.:添加振铃信息失败 413000062 Delete ringing information error.:删除加振铃信息失败 413000063 Create ringing number error.:创建振铃号码失败 413000064 VVM parameter error.:VVM参数错误 413000065 Getting registered service error.:获取登记业务错误 413000066 Getting voicemail error.:获取语音邮箱错误 413000067 Attendee already exists.:与会者已经存在 413000068 Attendee does not exist.:与会者不存在 413000069 Create server video meeting window error.:创建服务器视频会议窗口失败 413000070 Video window already exists.:视频窗口已存在 413000071 Getting meeting list error.:获取会议列表失败 413000072 Operating requires host privileges.:需要主持人权限才能操作 413000073 No video device to operate.:没有视频设备可以操作 413000074 Refresh registration is not turned off.:没有关闭刷新注册 413000075 Online state report error.:在线状态上报失败 413000076 Network address subscription report error.:网络地址本订阅notify上报失败 413000077 Telepresence account was force unregistered. Information report error.:智真账号被踢,info上报失败 413000078 TLS root certificate error.:TLS根证书错误 413000079 AD authentication error.:AD鉴权失败 413000080 Meeting list is getting.:会议列表正在获取中 413000081 Prohibited calls.:禁止呼叫 413000082 The maximum number of calls has been reached.:呼叫数达上限 413000083 The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached.:加密呼叫数达上限 413000084 The maximum number of video calls has been reached and needs to downgrade to audio.:超出视频呼叫数,需要降为音频 413000085 H323 account ID does not exist.:H323账户ID不存在 413000086 H323 account information error.:H323账户信息错误 413000087 H323 account information report failed.:H323账号信息上报失败 413000088 Insufficient local resources.:本端资源不足 413000089 The calling protocol is not supported.:不支持该呼叫协议 413000090 Setting H323 account information error.:设置H323账户信息错误 413000091 Mediax meeting access number reporting failed.:mediax会议接入号上报界面失败 413000092 Mediax VMR information reporting failed.:上报Mediax VMR信息到界面失败 413000093 IMS meeting list information reporting failed.:上报获取IMS会议列表信息到界面失败 413000094 TUP initialization is not complete.:tup初始化未完成 413000095 Message return value error.:消息返回值错误 413000096 Message content too large error.:消息内容太大错误 413000097 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 413000098 message response is empty error.:消息响应为空错误 413000099 Account is not enabled.:账号未启用 413000100 Create call control implement error.:创建呼叫控制类错误 413000101 Already in call.:已经在呼叫中 413000102 Call does not exist.:呼叫不存在 413000103 Failed to get media configuration information.:获取媒体配置信息失败 413000104 Failed to set third-party capture. Calling HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU failed.:设置第三方采集失败, 调用HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU返回失败 413000105 not config call ability.:企业没有配置点对点能力 413000106 not mcu call and conf.:不支持MCU呼叫和会议能力 414100001 Common error.:一般错误 414100002 Parameter error.:参数错误 414100003 Timeout.:超时 414100004 Memory allocation error.:分配内存错误 414100005 DNS resolution error.:DNS解析异常 414100006 Request message failed.:请求消息异常 414100007 Authentication failed.:鉴权失败 414100008 Server error.:服务器异常 414100009 Create timer error.:创建定时器错误 414100010 Start timer error.:开启定时器错误 414100011 The meeting control block is full. Please release the control block that is not in use.:会控控制块已满,请释放没在使用的控制块 414100012 The proxy communication times out and the TCP link building fails. Probably because the proxy configuration is incorrect.:代理通信超时,tcp建链失败,大概率是代理配置错误 414100013 Disconnected by the proxy. Probably because the server address is misconfigured.:接被代理断开,大概率是服务器地址配置错误 414100014 The TCP link establishment timed out. Probably because the proxy domain name or port configuration is incorrect.:tcp建链超时,大概率是proxy域名或者端口配置错误 414100015 The authentication process failed. The user does not have proxy permission and needs to apply for proxy permission.:认证鉴权过程失败,用户没有proxy权限,需要申请proxy权限 414100016 The authentication process failed. The proxy user name or password is incorrect.:认证鉴权过程失败,代理用户名或者密码错误 414100017 The authentication process failed. Incorrect authentication type. User name and password are required. The user needs to be prompted for input.:认证鉴权过程失败,错误的认证类型,同时需要用户名、密码,需要提示用户输入 414100018 The authentication process failed. Other unknown errors. It may be that the authentication method is not supported. The user needs to be prompted to try again.:认证鉴权过程失败,其他未知错误,有可能是不支持认证方式,建议弹框提示用户重新发起 414100019 Curl proxy exception.:curl代理异常 414100020 Curl host exception.:curl主机异常 414100021 Curl connection exception.:curl连接异常 414100022 Curl operation timed out.:curl操作超时 414100023 Message length too long.:会控消息内容过大 414100024 Failed to create thread.:创建线程失败 414100025 Secure function error.:安全函数返回错误 414100026 JSON parsing failed.:解析json体失败 414100027 WS token is empty.:ws token值为空 414100028 Return JSON data error.:返回json数据异常 414100029 Failed to create meeting control block.:创建会议控制块失败 414100030 Failed to get meeting control block.:获取会议控制块失败 414100031 Failed to get meeting control block by CallId.:通过CallId获取会议控制块失败 414100032 Destroying the meeting control block failed.:销毁会议控制块失败 414100033 Temporary creating meeting information not found.:找不到创会临时信息 414100034 Failed to get participant ID.:获取参会者ID失败 414100035 Failed to get MT by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取MT失败 414100036 Failed to get self information by participant ID.:通过ParticipantId获取selfinfo失败 414100037 Failed to get participant information by MT.:通过MT获取会议成员信息失败 414100038 Manual invitation required.:需要手动邀请 414100039 The major parameters of the meeting have been reported.:已上报过会议大参数 414100040 Subtitles are not supported.:不支持字幕 414100041 Meeting Hang Up - Timeout.:会议挂断 - 超时 414100042 Meeting Hang Up - No Streaming.:会议挂断 - 无码流 414100043 Meeting hung up - Hung up by the host.:会议挂断 - 被主持人挂断 414100044 Meeting Hang Up - Meeting has ended.:会议挂断 - 会议已结束 414100045 End of meeting due to leave meeting.:离会导致的会议结束 414100046 Message queue processing function registration failed.:消息队列处理函数注册失败 414100047 Message queue processing function deregistration failed.:消息队列处理函数去注册失败 414100048 Meeting ended due to reject meeting.:拒绝会议导致的会议结束 414100049 Meeting ended by self.:自己结束会议导致的会议结束 414100050 The meeting control module is not initialized.:会控模块未初始化 414100051 The watching special site reaches the maximum.:选看的特殊会场超过限制 414100052 The watching HD site reaches the maximum.:选看的高清会场超过限制 414100053 The watching SD site reaches the maximum.:选看的标清会场超过限制 414100054 The watching specification reaches the maximum.:选看的规格超过限制 414100055 Watching internal errors.:选看内部错误 414100056 Duplicated watch render.:选看的句柄重复 414100057 HTTP request error.:HTTP请求错误 414100058 Websocket request timeout.:websocket请求超时 414100059 Loading failed.:加载错误 414100061 The meeting ends due to the timeout of guest waiting before meeting or the timeout of the meeting control heartbeat.:会前等待页面时间超时或者会控心跳超时导致的会议结束 414100062 The meeting ends due to being canceled.:会议被取消预约导致的会议结束 414100063 The meeting ends due to network error when guest waiting before meeting.:会前等待页面网络异常导致的会议结束 414100064 http return 429 error.:http 返回429错误 414100065 self is chairman.:已是主持人 414100066 self is cohost.:已是联席主持人 414100067 no cohost and chairman.:无主持人和联席主持人 414100068 no supported cohost and chairman.:无支持的主持人和联席主持人 414100069 Invalid user, enterprise or SP.:用户,企业或SP失效 414100070 not support offline join.:当前不支持离线入会 414100071 start confctrl websocket failed.:会控websocket建链失败 414100072 offline join query user token failed.:离线入会获取用户token失败 414100073 offline join query conference information failed.:离线入会获取会议信息失败 414100074 Chair end conf.:主持人结束会议 414100075 Timeover end conf.:会议到时间结束会议 414100076 callee refused.:被叫拒接 414100077 callee timeout.:被叫超时 414100078 force open camera conf hangup.:强制视频会议挂断 414100079 signal proxy address is not matched with site url.:信令代理与站点地址不匹配 414100080 conf end for projection failed.:投屏失败导致会议结束 414100081 conf end for projection end.:投屏结束导致会议结束 414100082 conf end for cancel..:投屏协商中大屏取消 414100083 Indicates end projection by sender with two members.:两方投屏端结束投屏 414100084 Indicates end projection by receiver.:大屏端结束投屏 414100085 projection by sender with multi members.:多方投屏会议投屏端结束投屏 414100086 Opposite end hung up.:对端已挂断 415000001 DB is not initialized.:db未初始化 415000002 Common failure.:失败 415000003 Proxy detection has not been completed.:代理探测还没有完成 416000001 Invalid parameter.:参数错误 416000002 Track module is not initialized.:打点模块未初始化 416000003 Track event does not exist.:打点事件不存在 416000004 Not logged in.:未登录 416000005 Upload is not enabled.:未开启上传 419100001 Invalid parameter.:错误参数 419100002 Incorrect URI.:错误号码 419100003 Memory allocation failed.:内存分配失败 419100004 SDP error.:SDP错误 419100005 Connection does not exist.:连接不存在 419100006 Connection failure.:连接失效 419100007 Operation forbidden.:禁止操作 419100008 State error.:状态错误 419100009 No corresponding line data.:无对应线路数据 419100010 No corresponding registered instance.:无对应注册实例 419100011 No corresponding call instance.:无对应呼叫实例 419100012 No corresponding subscription instance.:无对应订阅实例 419100013 No corresponding Refer instance.:无对应Refer实例 419100014 No corresponding DIM instance.:无对应DIM实例 419100015 Failed to create header.:创建头域失败 419100016 Failed to parse header.:解析头域失败 419100017 Header not found.:没有找到头域 419100018 No SDP message body.:没有sdp消息体 419100019 Failed to get capability.:获取能力失败 419100020 Failed to compare capability.:比较能力失败 419100021 Failed to open logical channel.:打开逻辑通道失败 419100022 Encoding SDP failed.:编码SDP失败 419100023 Decoding SDP failed.:解码SDP失败 419100024 Negotiate to unsupported SDP.:协商到不支持的SDP 419100025 TPTD initialization failed.:TPTD初始化失败 419100026 TPT initialization failed.:TPT初始化失败 419100027 TXN initialization failed.:TXN初始化失败 419100028 UA initialization failed.:UA初始化失败 419100029 GLUE initialization failed.:GLUE初始化失败 419100030 HLLM initialization failed.:HLLM初始化失败 419100031 VCOM initialization failed.:VCOM初始化失败 419100032 SDP initialization failed.:SDP初始化失败 419100033 Multiple instance error.:多实例错误 419100034 Insufficient registration control blocks.:注册控制块不足 419100035 Insufficient subscription control blocks.:订阅控制块不足 419100036 Insufficient call control blocks.:通话控制块不足 419100037 Insufficient IM control blocks.:对话外控制块不足 419100038 Failed to parse URI xml to string.:解析xml的uri失败 419100039 Encryption negotiation failed.:加密协商失败 419100040 Local capabilities are not configured.:没有设置本地能力 419100041 BFCP token error.:bfcp令牌错误 419100042 DNS resolution error.:dns解析错误 419100043 Failed to get subscription state.:获取订阅状态失败 419100044 IPv4 is not supported.:不支持IPv4 419100045 IPv6 is not supported.:不支持IPv6 419100046 Unsupported host type.:不支持的主机类型 419100047 Failed to get timer.:获取定时器失败 419200001 Failed to get memmory.:内存不足 419200002 Msg is mull.:消息空指针 419200003 Invalid msg.:消息无效 419200004 Failed to receive.:消息接收失败 419200005 Time out.:消息处理超时 419200006 Not init.:未初始化 419200007 No dest:没有接收端 419200008 No app name.:无应用名称 419200009 Rehandle.:重复处理 419200010 Trace msg.:trace信息 419200011 Failed send.:消息发送失败 419200012 Bad func.:函数异常 419200013 Msg notify.:消息通知 419200014 Failed find.:无法查找到 419200015 no msg.:没有消息 419200016 Failed to get module Id.:无法找到模块ID 419200017 tag not exist.:标签不存在 419200018 Queue has full:队列已满 419200019 tag already exist.:标签已存在 419200020 unknow error.:未知错误 420000001 Cannot receive sharing invitations.:无法接收共享邀请 420000002 ReportDTO parameter verification failed.:reportDTO参数校验失败 420000003 Report folder creation failed.:举报文件夹创建失败 420000004 Report folder compression failure.:举报文件夹压缩失败 420000005 The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty.:待上传的ZIP文件路径为空 420000006 The size of the ZIP file to be uploaded reaches the maximum.:待上传的ZIP文件大小超过限制 420000007 The same person reported more than 100 times within 24 hours.:同一个人24小时内举报次数超过100次 430100001 Common Error.:通用错误 430100002 Invalid parameters.:参数错误 430100003 SIP connection check failed.:SIP连接检查失败 430100004 Timeout.:超时 430100005 In process.:接口正在处理中 430100006 Not initialized or initialization is not complete.:未初始化或初始化尚未完成。 430100007 Not supported in this release.:此版本不支持。 430100008 Operation interrupt.:操作中断。 430100009 Contact not found.:联系人不存在 430100010 Args length overrun.:参数长度超限 430100011 APPID info illegal.:APPID 信息入参不合法 430100012 E2EEncrypt algorithm error.:端到端加密算法不对称 430200001 unlogin.:未登录 430200002 Repeated login.:重复登录 430200003 SIP connection timeout.:SIP连接超时 430200004 Invalid login password.:用于登录的密码参数不合法 430200005 Password or account empty.:账号或密码不能都为空 430300001 The calling number, account number or third-party account number cannot be empty.:呼叫号码、账号或者第三方账号不能为空 430300002 Call account empty.:点对点呼叫账号为空 430300003 Call nickname empty.:点对点呼叫名字为空 430400001 Password required to join the meeting.:加入会议需要密码 430400002 Time zone error.:时区错误 430400003 The meeting duration is less than 1.:会议时长小于1 430400004 Joining the conference is interrupted.:入会被中断 430400005 Password input at least 4 digits.:密码输入至少4位 430400006 User voluntarily cancels.:用户主动取消 430400007 The guest password illegal.:来宾密码非法 430400008 Not in conference or in call.:不在会议或呼叫中 430400009 Already exist conf or call.:已存在一路会议或呼叫 430400010 ConfId empty.:会议id不能为空 430400011 Subject too long.:会议主题长度不能超过50 430400012 VMR host password length illegal.:主持人密码长度不合法 430400013 VMR name empty.:VMR名字为空 430400014 Conf starttime early.:会议的开始时间早于当前时间 430400015 Share is locked.:共享被锁定 430400016 Not in data conference.:不在数据会议中 430400017 Role not support operation:角色不支持该操作 430400018 Scan code expired:二维码过期 430400019 Scan code not support:二维码不支持 430400020 Version is outdated:大屏版本低 430500001 HTTP request, server exception.:HTTP请求,服务器异常 430500002 HTTP request, Connecting to the server times out.:HTTP请求,连接服务器超时 430500003 network unavailable.:网络不可用 430500004 file type illegal.:文件类型不合法 430600001 Leave conf due to background freezing.:应用后台冻结导致离会 600000001 video layout mode is not supported.:视频布局模式不支持 600000002 pair erro.:配对错误 600000003 pair link is not exist.:配对链路不存在 600000004 cmd is not support.:命令不支持 600000005 action is running.:正在执行 600000006 mcu is not supported.:不支持mcu 600000007 operate mic error not in conf.:不在会议中 600000008 operate mic error no permission .:没有操作麦克风权限 600000009 operate mic error not allow unmute.:不允许取消静音 600000010 operate mic error audience not allow speak.:不允许开麦 600000011 operate camera error no permission.:观众无开启摄像头权限 600000012 operate camera error not allow open.:不允许开启摄像头 600000013 operate camera error not allow open low video bw.:低带宽不允许开启摄像头 600000014 param is incorrect.:音量参数不对 600000015 operate camera error require all attendees to open camera.:关闭摄像头失败,当前会议强制开启摄像头 600000016 Low performance cloud desktop devices will have restrictions on opening cameras.:低性能云桌面设备会中限制打开摄像头 600000017 spk sys api error.:扬声器系统api调用出错 510000403 Server forbidden.:服务器拒绝 510000404 Not found.:未发现 510000480 Temporary unavailable.:临时失效 510000486 Busy here.:这里忙 510000487 Request terminated.:请求终止 510000488 Request is not acceptable here.:这里请求不可接受 510000603 Decline.:丢弃 510000841 Hangup without toast.:挂断不弹框 510000842 Conference is locked.:会议被锁定 910000001 Server error.:服务器异常 910000002 SFU service failure.:sfu服务故障 910000003 Service unavaliable 503.:服务不可达503 910000004 Internal error.:内部错误 910000005 Kicked off.:被踢 910000006 Signature expired.:签名过期 910000007 Reconnect timeout.:重连超时 910000008 Network detection.:网络检测,UI不需要关注该错误码,不对外体现 910000009 User is removed.:用户移除 910000010 The room is dismissed.:房间解散 910000013 The app sleeps for a long time.:App长时间休眠 910000014 Auth failed.:鉴权失败 910000015 Auth retry.:鉴权重试 910000016 Auth clock sync.:时钟同步 910000017 Url not right.:Url错误 990000001 Internal error.:内部错误 990000002 Message too large.:消息长度太大 990000003 Insufficient memory.:内存不足 990000004 Failed to send message synchronously.:同步发送消息失败 990000005 Parameter error.:参数错误 990000006 Call ID order error.:呼叫ID时序错误 990000007 Failed to set local screen.:设置本端画面失败 990000008 Failed to open remote screen.:开启远端画面失败 990000009 Device configuration failed.:设备配置失败 990000010 Initializing.:初始化中 990000011 Deinitializing.:去初始化中 990000012 Uploading log.:正在日志上传中 990000013 Failed to get media port.:获取媒体端口失败 990000014 The maximum number view window reached .:选看窗口超过规格数 990000015 Media negotiation failed.:媒体协商失败 990000016 Server no response.:服务器没有响应 990000017 Role switch failed.:角色切换失败 990000018 Failed to join room.:加入房间失败 990000019 Failed to join room. Status is busy.:非空闲状态 990000020 Failed to join room. Server error.:加入房间失败,服务器异常 990000021 Failed to join room. Service unavaliable.:加入房间失败,服务不可达 990000022 Failed to join room. Authentication failed.:加入房间失败,鉴权失败 990000023 Failed to join room. Authentication retry.:加入房间失败,鉴权重试 990000024 Failed to join room. Clock synchronization.:加入房间失败,时钟同步 990000025 Failed to join room. URL error.:加入房间失败,url错误 990000026 Kicked off.:被踢 990000027 Share failed.:共享失败 990000028 Currently in external media output mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为外部媒体输出模式,禁用该操作 990000029 Reconnection failed.:重连失败 990000030 Server break down.:服务器宕机 990000031 Signature has expired.:签名已过期 990000032 Failed to set remote window mode.:设置远端窗口模式失败 990000033 Failed to subscribe or unsubscribe audio.:订阅或取消订阅音频失败 990000034 Failed to connect to other room.:连接其他房间失败 990000035 Failed to disconnect other room.:断开连接其他房间失败 990000036 Role switching is not allowed.:不允许角色切换 990000037 Currently in third-party capture mode, this operation is forbidden.:当前为第三方采集模式,禁用该操作 990000038 Failed to set third-party audio capture.:设置第三方音频采集失败 990000039 Failed to set third-party video capture.:设置第三方视频采集失败 990000040 Failed to set share sound switch.:设置共享声音开关失败 990000041 Failed to start or stop upstream audio stream.:启停上行音频流失败 990000042 Failed to start or stop upstream video stream.:启停上行视频流失败 990000043 User is removed.:用户被移除 990000044 The room is dismissed.:房间被解散 990000045 Failed to set remote View.:设置远端View失败 990000052 Failed to join room because room full.:房间已满,加入失败 990000053 mmr network error.:mmr网络问题
  • windows平台集成ElectronSDK后启动失败,报错HwmUisdk.node is not a valid Win32 application 客户案例: windows平台在集成Electron SDK后启动失败,报错HwmUisdk.node is not a valid Win32 application。 原因分析: 该问题有2种原因导致:1、系统缺失所需的运行时库 2、dll和.node文件的位数不一致 解决方案: 通过运行官网windows C++ Demo安装包来区分是上述哪种原因导致: 1、如果c++ demo运行失败,报错应用程序无法正常启动(0xc000007b),则明确是原因1导致,需要下载对应版本的运行时库 2、如果c++ demo运行成功,则参照electronSDK快速入门操作重新集成,保证dll和.node文件位数一致 父主题: Electron SDK
  • 集成服务端REST API 下载服务端集成开发工具以及二次开发文档。 在集成开发服务端API的过程中,除本开发指南外,开发者还需要参考《服务端API参考》。 准备开发环境。 订购华为云会议服务,基于业务账号调用服务端API,接入地址是“https://api.meeting.huaweicloud.com”。 集成登录鉴权。 第三方系统在直接调用云会议功能前,需要先调用鉴权接口,完成第三方应用账号向会议服务端的鉴权。详细开发方法参见《服务端API参考》中的“登录鉴权”章节。 图17 服务端鉴权集成 调用REST接口集成开发。 在完成鉴权调用后,开发者可以在第三方应用系统上集成华为云会议的服务端功能接口。 详细开发方法参见《服务端API参考》。 功能调试。 开发完成后,可以接入华为云会议调试环境(https://api.meeting.huaweicloud.com)进行功能调试。 华为云会议提供的每个服务端REST API都可以在华为云的 API Explorer 上调试。