直播带货风格文案 哈喽哈喽,宝宝们晚上好呀,欢迎来到我们的直播间。 爱吃的宝宝们一定要认准我们的直播间,喜欢快乐购物的也要关注我们哦! 今天咱们刚刚开播,给大家带来了超多福利,是你想不到的优惠! 在直播间的宝宝可以扣个一,让我看到你们。 废话不多说,我们先来一波抽奖! 当前在直播间的宝宝,我们先来抽五个人免费送一波福利! 今晚的美食专场有饼干,有薯片…还有我也非常喜欢吃的麻辣香锅。 不过数量都比较少,真的要拼手速宝宝们! 今天直播间会有超级秒杀价,比双十一还要便宜哦! 今天我们的直播时间是八点到十二点,宝宝们有任何疑问都可以打在公屏上。 欢迎新进直播间的宝宝们,还没关注主播的可以先点一点左上方的关注。 右下角的点赞也可以一起点起来!今天我们直播间会有不定时的点赞抽奖活动哦! 来,先给大家上一款减脂期可以解馋的饼干。 这个包装看起来就非常有食欲对不对? 这款饼干真的非常适合喜欢吃零食,但又想控制热量的宝宝。 平常的饼干只能吃一包,现在你能吃三包! 这个饼干三包加起来的热量,才顶上平常一包饼干的热量! 并且这款饼干是无添加剂的,给大家看看成分哈,无任何添加剂。 放心吃,还不易长胖,是不是很赞! 这款饼干不添加油,还能吃出油的香味,健康和口味都给大家兼顾到了。 非油炸、无添加剂的饼干,根本不用担心吃多了上火、长痘这些问题。 追剧、逛街、或者是上班时下午饿了,来上一包都好。 这款饼干味道真的很特别,也很香,连我们不爱吃零食的同事都说好吃! 宝宝们听好了,今天主播是来给你们送福利的对不对? 所以今天这个价格,我们肯定也是不一样的。 常吃我们家饼干的宝宝应该知道,平常我们是七块九得一包。 所有宝宝听好了,今天在我们直播间,四十九块九发十包! 在十包的基础上,主播额外再加赠两包! 没错,相当于四十九块九得十二包!今天的价格真的非常给力! 折算下来四块多一包对不对,相当于半价啊宝子们! 但是今天只有五百份,所以宝子们,你们要拼手速了。 来,宝宝们话不多说,我们准备给大家上链接了,五、四、三、二、一 宝宝们,饼干已经上架了,在小黄车的一号链接。 今天这个价格,半价都不到,真的,只有在直播间才能享受到! 四十九块九到手十二包,比双十一价格还低,真的非常划算了! 今晚直播间只有五百份,抢完就没了…… 宝宝们一定要秒拍秒付,别等会想拍没有了。 拍好的宝宝们记得回来说一下,给大家备注优先发货。 我们所有产品都是经过食品安全检测的,大家可以放心下单! 大家看下我们家饼干的评价就知道了,真的是好产品! 没有付款的宝宝抓紧时间去下单啦!我们的福利价都是直播的时候才能享受的! 喜欢的宝宝可以直接去拍,下单就送运费险,大家放心大胆地去拍! 趁着我们今天直播间有优惠先拍下来,先把便宜占下来! 今天这个饼干我们真的加不了单哦,再跟大家说一遍真的加不了。 还没拍的抓紧时间啦,再过五秒钟,主播就要给大家过款了! 过款就恢复原价咯,等会想拍也没有了。 来,倒计时五秒钟,五、四、三、二、一,上下一款…… 接下来给大家推荐的是一款我自己也非常爱吃的麻辣香锅! 这个麻辣香锅是我吃过所有香锅中最让我惊艳的。 今天给大家准备了两种不同口味,有酱香味的和麻辣味的。 想吃麻辣香锅但又不太能吃辣的宝宝们有口福了。 不能吃辣的宝宝,等会下单的时候选酱香口味。 辣的和不辣的都想尝试的宝宝可以分别选择哈,喜欢哪个就选哪个。 他家麻辣香锅的特点就是: 第一、麻辣鲜香,香而不咸 第二、里面的配菜非常丰富量也很足,有乌冬面、蔬菜、鱼丸、素毛肚…… 第三、蔬菜非常新鲜,藕片什么的吃起来还是很脆的口感 给大家来看看我们麻辣香锅里面都有什么东西。 我们首先的话,是有一个水包, 这个水包是纯净水、直饮水,不是自来水哈,直接喝都是可以的。 菜包里面给大家做到有荤有素,做到营养均衡搭配。 并且都是采用新鲜食材,让你在吃的美味、吃的健康的同时吃的放心。 所以你尽管放心的去拍,我们的食品都有食品检测证书, 安全到小孩可以吃,安全到老人可以吃,都是没有任何问题的。 甚至说我们连餐盒都是加大成本的,我们做的是铝箔餐盒。 你可以去对比任何在市面上买得到的自热产品,他们基本上都是塑料盒子, 塑料盒子加热有异味,无论是自己吃,还是给到家人吃都是不太放心的。 我们的铝箔餐盒加热之后,无毒、无味、无害,放心加热使用! 我们一个麻辣香锅的重量都是有四百五十克的,差不多一斤,可以让你吃饱! 主播我是能做到吃饱后都还有得剩的,所以量上你不用担心。 保质期有八个月哦宝宝,放心囤货, 囤在家里常温保存,不需要占用冰箱容量,常温保存就可以。 像我们上班族的宝宝,上一天班本身就已经很辛苦很累了。 咱回到家不需要再去买菜做饭,不需要再用到电、用到气。 只需要一杯冷水,十五分钟,就可以吃上美味的麻辣香锅! 今天麻辣香锅的价格也非常给力。平常都要二十九块九的一盒对不对? 今天在我们直播间,第一盒二十九块九,第二盒十九块九,第三盒不要钱! 三盒只要四十九块八,平均下来只要十六块六一盒! 倒计时五、四、三、二、一上链接,来,什么都不要管,拍三盒,拍三盒是最优惠的…… 喜欢吃的宝宝抓紧时间去下单,有什么问题打在评论区就可以。 今天直播间下单平均下来一盒只要十六块六! 你在外面吃一顿麻辣香锅的价格可以在我们直播间吃十顿! 吃起来也是非常的简便快捷,还非常的经济划算。 现在拍下二号链接的宝宝,都会额外再送出泡发河粉一个,再送三个响铃卷! 这几个赠品单去购买都要花上十多块的价格才能够买得到。 但是今天在咱们直播间拍下来就直接送给大家, 赠品库存有限,咱先到先得! 这波赠品库存仅剩最后几单,全凭手速,手快有手慢无! 你再犹豫你再纠结,就被拍完、就被抢完了哈! 有任何问题都可以直接来直播间找到客服的,我们做到售后无忧有保障。 现在在直播间下单的宝子,主播都可以帮你安排明天提速发货的。 新进直播间的宝宝们,动动你们的小手给主播点点赞,点赞过万就抽奖 接下来我们要来抽奖啦,还没关注的宝宝一定要关注起来,不关注是没办法抽奖的哦! 我们直播间每天都会有很多抽奖福利,每天晚上八点都可以来看直播哦! 大家刷一下我们的抽奖暗号“我想要”,大家可以刷屏刷起来啦! 我们给刚进来的宝宝几秒钟的时间关注和刷屏…… 好的,现在倒计时五秒抽奖, 五、四、三、二、一 宝宝们,我们的直播还有十分钟就要结束了,大家还有什么疑问都可以打在公屏上! 没有领到券的宝宝可以先把我们直播间的专属券领一领,等会主播下播后就无法领了哈。 我们准备下播咯,跟大家预告一下明天我们的开播时间是晚上八点,记得来看哦!拜拜 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
新闻播报风格文案 我国是世界上首个国内发明专利有效量超三百万件的国家, 我国发明专利有效量已位居世界第一。 截至二零二二年底,高价值发明专利拥有量达到一百三十二点四万件, 占发明专利有效量的比重超过四成。 我国正在从知识产权引进大国向知识产权创造大国转变, 知识产权工作正在从追求数量向提高质量转变。 近日,关于互联网电视收费乱象的话题不断冲上热搜, 互联网电视平台套娃式的充会员看视频的模式让不少网友直呼太反感。 随着版权保护意识的加强,用户已经愿意以付费方式来收看影视内容, 可商家在收费之余却忽视了消费者的观看体验。 视频平台应该更多的向自身挖掘内容,而不是一味的向用户涨价。 无论哪方都需要多方面考量,结合多终端兼容的市场需要, 为人民带来更加丰富的资源,才能走得长远。 网络暴力是当前社会面临的一大问题。 在社交媒体上,人们可以随意发表言论, 但是也需要意识到这些言论所带来的后果。 预防和治理网络暴力是一个需要全社会共同关注和解决的庞大课题, 除了平台方需要倾注努力,还需监管部门、用户、媒体等多方主体的协作支持、共同参与。 在一场网络暴力事件中,用户可能是直接施暴者、直接或间接传播者,也可能是受害者。 用户应注重规范自身“文明上网”的行为习惯, 严守言论自由的义务边界,提高对于网络暴力行为的识别能力, 及时举报相关内容,学习了解有关平台防范网络暴力的功能机制, 做好自我防护,避免网络暴力再次发生。 近日,旅美大熊猫丫丫因恶劣的健康状况,引发了网友的大量关注和担忧。 多方纷纷站出来为丫丫发声,盼望它早日归来。 从网友的评论中和声援中,感受到了华人的温度, 前路依然充满荆棘,但我们绝不放弃,永不退缩。 “熊猫外交”也增强了国家文化的生命力、创新力、凝聚力和传播力。 八月二十四日中午十二时,日本福岛第一核电站启动核污染水排海。 海洋是全人类赖以生存的蓝色家园, 不顾大众反对坚持将核污染水排海这一自私行为,会使海洋受到严峻挑战。 爱护海洋,是当今每个国家义不容辞的责任, 保护海洋就是守护我们共同家园,造福后代。 日本排污未经得大众同意,此行为必将受到严厉谴责, 海洋安全也将受到不可估量的破坏。 心软的神终于又拿起了拯救世人的手术刀, 天才眼科医生陶勇,医术高超的他,一天甚至可以做八十六台手术, 到现在为止,让一点五万患者重获光明。 他却被自己治愈的患者砍伤,无法再拿起手术刀。 可他忍着剧痛,日复一日做手部康复训练, 在每一日的痛苦哀嚎背后,是他想要重回手术台,救助更多患者的决心。 只要有烟火,黑暗终究被驱散, 终于,他花了三年时间,在那条看不清未来的路上,找到了光。 这位心软的神,又来缝缝补补这个世界了! 小男孩,今年七岁, 在前不久落幕的湖南省青少年锦标赛中,他一举拿下五金两银。 他说,梦想是长大后成为奥运冠军。 他的父母均是残障人士,全家生活困苦。 生活的艰辛,训练的困苦,他都没有退缩, 功夫不负有心人,他取得了亮眼的成绩, 他双眼炯炯有神,说长大后要成为奥运冠军! “五一”黄金周迎来旅游热潮, 无论是从游客出行距离,消费活跃度还是客流量来看, 今年的旅游热度均创下近年来的历史新高。 便利快捷的交通出行方式,让民众实现旅游自由, 多样化的旅游选择,满足各类民众的游玩需求, “五一”旅游热潮,无疑成为各地经济发展的有效“助推器”。 中国梦的本质是国家富强,民族振兴,人民幸福。 实现伟大梦想,必须进行伟大斗争、建设伟大工程、推进伟大事业。 青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。 广大青年要勇做时代的弄潮儿, 在实现中国梦的实践中放飞青春梦想,在为人民利益的奋斗中书写人生华章。 三月二日,神舟十五号乘组进行了二次出舱活动, 在轨三个月取得多项阶段性成果。 自二零二一年神舟十二号载人飞行任务以来, 四个航天员乘组累计开展十次出舱活动,突破掌握了一系列关键技术, 目前出舱活动已成为在轨员的例行性工作, 后续将根据任务需要继续常态化开展。 第三十一届世界大学生运动会在成都隆重开幕,市民健康跑迎接大运会。 青春绽放势不可挡,青年力量如日中天。 各国青年健儿汇聚在成都大运会的舞台上, 用汗水浇灌最美好的梦想,用奋斗绘就最亮丽的底色,共赴一场盛大的“青春之约”。 同时也激励着我们树立远大理想,练就自身本领, 在人生的赛道上不懈奋斗,以青春的活力促进国家繁荣与民族复兴。 俗话说得好:读万卷书,不如行万里路。 “课本游”作为一种旅游新模式,不仅能丰富旅游内涵、提高旅游质量; 更能让孩子切身实地的感受到学习与实践的知行合一,提高学习兴趣与效率, 同时也能在他们心里埋下一颗文化传承的种子, 有助于我国优秀传统文化的弘扬与传播。 黑猩猩是与人类一样能够直立行走的动物, 喜欢集群生活,能使用简单工具,是已知仅次于人类的最聪慧的动物。 其行为和社会行为都更近似于人类,在人类学研究上具有重大意义。 从中国音乐家发布的数据来看,国内有超过四千万孩子学习钢琴。 占全球总数的百分之八十,且每年以百分之十的速度增长。 近日,中国探月航天形象太空兔正式对外公布名称, 中文名“兔星星”。 据悉,今年上半年,中国造船三大指标全面增长, 造船完工量,新接订单量,手持订单量,三大指标的国际市场份额均为全球第一。 二零二三年八月十五日,著名学术期刊《科学通报》刊发了最新研究成果, 中国科学家实现了从二氧化碳到糖的精准合成,人工合成糖迈出关键一步。 八月十五日,自然资源部发布《中国生态保护红线蓝皮书》, 这是我国首次以蓝皮书形式发布的生态保护红线成果。 蓝皮书表示,全国划定生态保护红线面积合计约三百一十九万平方公里, 涵盖我国全部三十五个生物多样性保护优先区域,百分之九十以上的典型生态系统类型。 九月四日,贵州茅台和瑞幸联名推出的“酱香拿铁”咖啡正式上线, 交警提示大家:为了安全,喝了含有酒精的饮品禁止开车。 今年第十一号台风“海葵”在今日早晨五点前后登陆福建省东山县沿海地区, 中心附近最大风力有八级(二十米/秒),中心最低气压为九百九十五百帕。 今日,福州全市中小学、幼儿园决定停课一天。 近期台风频发,希望大家一切安好! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
营销宣传风格英文文案(100句) 1. Grasp the future, right before your eyes - Unveiling the mysterious veil of new intelligent technology products. 2. In this rapidly changing world, technology has become an indispensable element in our lives. 3. It constantly drives our social progress and changes our way of life. 4. Now, an intelligent product that leads the wave of technology and embodies numerous cutting-edge technologies is about to emerge! 5. Home robots are a brand-new intelligent device that incorporates numerous top-notch technologies. 6. It can help you easily accomplish various tasks and bring you a more convenient, comfortable, and intelligent living experience. 7. Home robots are equipped with rich functions and applications to meet your diverse needs. 8. It can seamlessly connect with your home devices, allowing you to easily complete various household chores through voice control. 9. Home robots are your best assistant in life, bringing you a more intelligent, convenient, and comfortable living experience. 10. Such an intelligent living experience not only makes your life more convenient but also makes your home more warm and harmonious. 11. From the perspective of technological innovation, home robots are innovative in many aspects. 12. It adopts a concise and stylish appearance design, which is not only beautiful but also easy to use and operate. 13. It can be connected to smart home devices to achieve smart home control. 14. In terms of leading the trend of technology, home robots focus on continuous technological updates and upgrades. 15. It will continuously launch new functions, technologies, and services to meet the ever-changing needs of users. 16. Next, we will introduce this home robot to you in detail from its functions and performance. 17. Home robots have multiple functions such as intelligent cleaning, smart kitchen, smart housekeeping, safety guard, and life companion. 18. These functions make home robots a highly practical and convenient smart home product. 19. Whether it is cleaning or mopping, home robots can complete tasks with astonishing speed and efficiency. 20. It can avoid obstacles and efficiently clean every corner of your home, ensuring thorough cleaning. 21. Smart robots can also choose the most suitable cleaning mode based on their preferences and home environment. 22. During home cleaning, smart robots can provide multiple functions to help you complete various cleaning tasks in different areas. 23. Smart robots have efficient cleaning capabilities. 24. Smart robots use advanced vacuuming technology and efficient rotating brushes to complete cleaning tasks in a shorter time. 25. They can also remove various impurities, dust, and pet hair from floors and carpets, making your home cleaner and tidier. 26. Smart robots use advanced sensors and navigation technology for intelligent navigation. 27. The robot will not touch furniture or other obstacles, nor will it enter areas it should not. 28. Smart robots also have automatic charging function. 29. When the battery is low, it can automatically return to the charging station and start charging. 30. Smart robots can also be controlled by voice commands. 31. Smart robots have multiple cleaning modes to choose from. 32. You can choose the most suitable cleaning mode based on your preferences and home environment. 33. Smart robots provide you with fast, efficient, and convenient home cleaning services. 34. With a home robot, your kitchen will be refreshed! 35. Whether it's cooking delicious food or cleaning the kitchen, home robots can easily handle it. 36. They can adjust the heat, time, and cooking method according to your taste and needs, helping you cook a variety of delicacies. 37. Whether it's a feast, fast food, or special taste, you only need to give simple instructions, and the robot can complete it for you. 38. While enjoying delicious food, you can also interact more with family and friends, creating precious family time. 39. Smart kitchen is an innovative way to combine intelligent technology with kitchen equipment. 40. Smart kitchens can change traditional cooking methods to make them more convenient, fast, and healthy. 41. Intelligent robots are equipped with multiple sensors that can accurately control parameters such as heat, time, and cooking methods. 42. They can also understand your needs through natural language processing technology and automatically adjust cooking parameters based on your taste preferences. 43. Intelligent robots can also achieve more intelligent cooking modes by connecting with smart ovens, smart refrigerators, and other devices. 44. Smart robots can automatically cook delicious food according to your taste and needs. 45. They can provide nutritional information and recipe suggestions for the ingredients you use by recognizing them. 46. They can also automatically add the required ingredients and seasonings based on your desired taste and recipe. 47. They can recommend dishes and recipes that are suitable for you based on your personal preferences and history. 48. The emergence of smart kitchens not only improves cooking efficiency and quality, but also provides a new concept of healthy eating. 49. Smart kitchens make our lives more convenient, efficient, healthy, and delicious. 50. Home robots are not only your capable assistants, but also caring household managers. 51. They can help you remember important matters, schedule appointments, and remind you to take care of things in a timely manner. 52. They are able to answer your questions, provide weather forecasts, play music, and perform various entertainment functions. 53. No matter where you are located, with a single command, the robot will respond immediately and provide truly personalized services. 54. Smart assistants can interact and converse with you or your family members through voice recognition and natural language processing technology. 55. You simply need to tell it what you need, and it will immediately execute it. 56. Whether it's booking laundry services, ordering food, adjusting home temperatures, or other household chores, smart assistants can handle them easily. 57. Smart assistants can help you manage your schedule, recording and reminding you of important meetings, appointments, birthdays. 58. Tell it your schedule, and it will remind you at the appropriate time to ensure that you don't miss anything important. 59. Smart assistants can also monitor and record your health data, such as heart rate, sleep quality, etc. 60. Provide personalized health advice and recommendations to help you better manage your own health. 61. After connecting with health devices, it will transmit data in real-time and generate health reports, allowing you to fully understand your health status. 62. The smart butler can also connect with smart home devices to achieve remote control and automation operations. 63. Through mobile phone commands, you can adjust the brightness, color, and volume of home devices. 64. The smart butler can also provide personalized shopping and takeaway services for you. 65. It will recommend suitable products or dishes for you and help you complete the order and payment. 66. Home robots provide intimate and personalized home services and life management for you through intelligent technology. 67. With the help of the smart butler, you can enjoy a more comfortable and convenient life experience. 68. Home security is one of the most concerned issues for every family member. 69. Home robots will become your capable assistant, escorting your family's safety. 70. The robot is equipped with various sensors and cameras that can constantly monitor the condition of your home. 71. Once it detects any abnormal situations, it will immediately send alert notifications to you and take appropriate actions. 72. Whether you are at home or away, you can have peace of mind knowing the security status of your home. 73. The robot can check if doors and windows are closed, detect any unauthorized individuals entering, and identify potential dangers like smoke or fire. 74. Upon detecting any abnormal situations, the robot will promptly sound an alarm and notify you and your family members. 75. They can patrol around the living area to ensure the safety and privacy of your home. 76. The robot can also monitor parameters such as air quality, temperature, and humidity in your home, safeguarding the health of your family. 77. It can detect indoor environments and temperatures, promptly identifying fire and other hazardous situations. 78. They can also be equipped with water spraying devices or fire extinguishers to take quick action in case of a fire, preventing its spread. 79. The robot can provide daily assistance for your family members, such as offering care services for the elderly. 80. It can help protect the security of your home network, preventing hacker intrusions and data breaches. 81. They can monitor network traffic, track abnormal activities, and provide encryption and secure data storage solutions. 82. Overall, domestic robots possess various functions in terms of security protection and assistance services. 83. Domestic robots are not only your trustworthy assistants, but also your closest home managers and loyal companions. 84. They accompany you during lonely moments, providing friendly communication and exciting entertainment, so you never feel lonely again. 85. Whether it's dancing, chatting, or watching movies with the robot, they can become your company during happy moments. 86. Domestic robots can become your life partners, interacting and communicating with you. 87. They can tell jokes, sing songs, tell stories, and even dance and play instruments. 88. You can communicate with the robot through voice and ask questions such as weather forecasts, news information, recipes, etc. 89. Domestic robots can help you monitor health data and provide health advice. 90. Robots can become your learning companions, providing knowledge and educational support. 91. They can answer your questions, explain concepts, and teach subject knowledge. 92. To thank our valued customers, our brand is now offering a limited-time discount promotion! 93. Purchase a home robot and enjoy a great discount! Limited quantity, first come first served! 94. With just one click to order, you can enjoy doorstep installation and thoughtful after-sales service, leaving you with no worries. 95. Don't hesitate any longer, now is the best time to buy! Don't miss out on this limited-time offer! 96. We promise that after purchasing a designated home robot, you will enjoy high-quality after-sales service and protection. 97. We will provide you with comprehensive support and protection to ensure that you have the best experience and satisfaction during use. 98. Home robots purchased during the promotion period will enjoy after-sales service and upgrade support. 99. The low price is tempting. What are you waiting for? 100. Take action now, bring home a home robot, and start a new chapter in smart home living! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)