
  • 代码样例 hbase.root.logger=INFO,console,RFA //hbase客户端日志输出配置,console:输出到控制台;RFA:输出到日志文件 hbase.security.logger=DEBUG,console,RFAS //hbase客户端安全相关的日志输出配置,console:输出到控制台;RFAS:输出到日志文件 hbase.log.dir=/var/log/Bigdata/hbase/client/ //日志路径,根据实际路径修改,但目录要有写入权限 hbase.log.file=hbase-client.log //日志文件名 hbase.log.level=INFO //日志级别,如果需要更详细的日志定位问题,需要修改为DEBUG,修改完需要重启进程才能生效 hbase.log.maxbackupindex=20 //最多保存的日志文件数目 # Security audit appender hbase.security.log.file=hbase-client-audit.log //审计日志文件命令
  • 代码样例 下面代码片段在com.huawei.bigdata.hbase.examples包的“TestMain”类的init方法中。 private static void init() throws IOException { // Default load from conf directory conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); //In Windows environment String userdir = TestMain.class.getClassLoader().getResource("conf").getPath() + File.separator;[1] //In Linux environment //String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator; conf.addResource(new Path(userdir + "core-site.xml"), false); conf.addResource(new Path(userdir + "hdfs-site.xml"), false); conf.addResource(new Path(userdir + "hbase-site.xml"), false); } [1]userdir获取的是编译后资源路径下conf目录的路径。初始化配置用到的core-site.xml、hdfs-site.xml、hbase-site.xml文件,需要放置到"src/main/resources/conf"的目录下。
  • 注意事项 注[1]:创建联合索引 HBase支持在多个字段上创建二级索引,例如在列name和age上。 HIndexSpecification iSpecUnite = new HIndexSpecification(indexName); iSpecUnite.addIndexColumn(new HColumnDescriptor("info"), "name", ValueType.String); iSpecUnite.addIndexColumn(new HColumnDescriptor("info"), "age", ValueType.String);
  • 代码样例 以下代码片段在com.huawei.bigdata.hbase.examples包的“HBaseSample”类的testDelete方法中 public void testDelete() { LOG .info("Entering testDelete."); byte[] rowKey = Bytes.toBytes("012005000201"); Table table = null; try { // Instantiate an HTable object. table = conn.getTable(tableName); // Instantiate an Delete object. Delete delete = new Delete(rowKey); // Submit a delete request. table.delete(delete); LOG.info("Delete table successfully."); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Delete table failed " ,e); } finally { if (table != null) { try { // Close the HTable object. table.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Close table failed " ,e); } } } LOG.info("Exiting testDelete."); } 如果被删除的cell所在的列族上设置了二级索引,也会同步删除索引数据。
  • 代码样例 以下代码片段在com.huawei.bigdata.hbase.examples包的“HBaseSample”类的dropTable方法中 public void dropTable() { LOG.info("Entering dropTable."); Admin admin = null; try { admin = conn.getAdmin(); if (admin.tableExists(tableName)) { // Disable the table before deleting it. admin.disableTable(tableName); // Delete table. admin.deleteTable(tableName);//注[1] } LOG.info("Drop table successfully."); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Drop table failed " ,e); } finally { if (admin != null) { try { // Close the Admin object. admin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Close admin failed " ,e); } } } LOG.info("Exiting dropTable."); }