
  • 修饰器 speed 用途:设定动作主体actor 在当前阶段的速度. 可以修饰初始动作assign_init_speed . 参数: 表1 speed参数 Parameter Type Mandatory Description speed speed no A target speed value, including a speed unit. faster_than entity no set the speed target faster than another entity. slower_than entity no set the speed target slower than another entity. same_as entity no set the speed target same as another entity. faster_than、slower_than和same_as必须设置且仅设置一个. 使用faster_than和slower_than时配合speed来设置相对速度. 使用speed+faster_than cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_speed() with: speed(speed: 5mps, faster_than: Ego) 使用speed+slower_than cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_speed() with: speed(speed: 5mps, slower_than: Ego) 使用same_as cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_speed() with: speed(same_as: Ego) 父主题: 修饰器 Modifiers
  • 修饰器 lane 用途:设定动作主体actor 所处的车道.可以修饰初始动作assign_init_position. 参数: 表1 lane参数 Parameter Type Mandatory Description lane int no Relative value of the target lane_id. same_as entity no Option to specify that the vehicle must be in the same lane as the referenced vehicle. side_of entity no Option to specify that the vehicle must be in another lane than the referenced vehicle. side side_left_right no Depending on the value the actor shall be on the right or left side of the referenced entity. How many lanes right or left of that entity is specified by the lane-parameter. offset length no Lateral offset to the target lane. side_of和same_as必须设置且仅设置一个. 使用side_of来设置车道时,必须同时使用lane和side. 使用lane+side_of m_left: side_left_right = left cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_position() with: lane(lane: 1, side_of: Ego, side: m_left) position(distance: 85.0m, behind: ego) 使用same_as m_left: side_left_right = left cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_position() with: lane(same_as: Ego) position(distance: 85.0m, behind: ego) 父主题: 修饰器 Modifiers
  • 修饰器 speed 用途:设定动作主体actor 在当前阶段的速度. 可以修饰初始动作assign_init_speed . 参数: 表1 speed参数 Parameter Type Mandatory Description speed speed no A target speed value, including a speed unit. faster_than entity no set the speed target faster than another entity. slower_than entity no set the speed target slower than another entity. same_as entity no set the speed target same as another entity. faster_than、slower_than和same_as必须设置且仅设置一个. 使用faster_than和slower_than时配合speed来设置相对速度. 使用speed+faster_than cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_speed() with: speed(speed: 5mps, faster_than: Ego) 使用speed+slower_than cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_speed() with: speed(speed: 5mps, slower_than: Ego) 使用same_as cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_speed() with: speed(same_as: Ego) 父主题: 修饰器 Modifiers
  • 修饰器 lane 用途:设定动作主体actor 所处的车道.可以修饰初始动作assign_init_position. 参数: 表1 lane参数 Parameter Type Mandatory Description lane int no Relative value of the target lane_id. same_as entity no Option to specify that the vehicle must be in the same lane as the referenced vehicle. side_of entity no Option to specify that the vehicle must be in another lane than the referenced vehicle. side side_left_right no Depending on the value the actor shall be on the right or left side of the referenced entity. How many lanes right or left of that entity is specified by the lane-parameter. offset length no Lateral offset to the target lane. side_of和same_as必须设置且仅设置一个. 使用side_of来设置车道时,必须同时使用lane和side. 使用lane+side_of m_left: side_left_right = left cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_position() with: lane(lane: 1, side_of: Ego, side: m_left) position(distance: 85.0m, behind: ego) 使用same_as m_left: side_left_right = left cut_in_vehicle.assign_init_position() with: lane(same_as: Ego) position(distance: 85.0m, behind: ego) 父主题: 修饰器 Modifiers