Document Database Service (DDS)

Document Database Service (DDS)

Instance Types

Instance Types

  • Replica Set
  • Cluster

Why Huawei Cloud DDS?

Diversified Instance Types for Any Scenario

Diversified Instance Types for Any Scenario

  • A cluster instance consists of a config node, multiple mongos and shard nodes. Cluster instances offer more robust performance and more flexible scaling options than replica set instances. The high-availability and flexible scaling they provide make them an excellent candidate for larger enterprises.

  • A replica set instance consists of three nodes: primary, secondary, and hidden. The architecture of the three-nodes is set up automatically. Replica set instances offer high availability and disaster recovery switchover that are best-suited to small- and medium-sized enterprises.

Simple O&M, Fast Setup, Cost Saving, and Flexible

Simple O&M, Fast Setup, Cost Saving, and Flexible

  • Cost Saving: Start with instances that have a low specification and work your way up, so that you don't have to pay for instances that you don't end up using.

  • High Availability: If the primary node becomes faulty, services can be quickly and automatically switched to a secondary node.

  • Easy Management: A web-based console provides comprehensive monitoring, making operations easy and visual.

  • Elastic Scaling: You can flexibly scale resources to meet business needs and pay for only what you use.

Multi-Layer Data Protection

Multi-Layer Data Protection

  • Data Security: A security system consists of VPCs, subnets, security groups, storage encryption, DDoS protection, and SSL, which can collectively defend against a wide range of attacks and keep your data secure.

  • Operation Auditing: An audit log records operations performed on your databases and collections. Auditing logs can enhance your database security and help you analyze the cause of failed operations.

  • Fine-grained Permissions Control: Fine-grained permissions control is provided for managing your databases and collections.

Abundant O&M Tools to Slash Costs

Abundant O&M Tools to Slash Costs

  • Backup and Restoration: DDS provides automated backups as well as incremental backups and restorations. An automated backup can be retained for up to 732 days.

  • Intelligent O&M: Databases can be monitored, diagnosed, and tuned. With Data Admin Service (DAS), you can manage your DB instances from an intuitive web-based console.

  • Monitoring and Alarm Reporting: View monitoring metrics and set alarm rules to create custom monitoring objects and notification policies.

Comprehensive Solutions

Comprehensive Solutions

Flexibility: Gaming

Data is crucial to making online games engaging, especially multiplayer games where players are all around the world. DDS stores gaming data as JSON-like documents, so that you can update data and the latest features fast.

Ten Times Faster than MongoDB

Optimal backup and restore performance handles game saving bugs caused by improper online operations, helping game vendors end losses in a timely manner.

Fast Data Read and Write

With all kinds of data embedded in a single document, applications can quickly retrieve data with fewer queries. DDS offers a flexible schema to store and combine any type of data and dynamically modify the schema without experiencing application downtime.

Excellent Scalability

Each sharded cluster is comprised of one config node and multiple shards and mongos nodes. The cluster can be easily scaled to enhance read and write performance.

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Performance: IoT and Big Data
IoT and Big Data

As DDS is MongoDB-compatible, it allows you to store any kind of data, analyze it in real time, and change the schema flexibly to address ever-changing requirements. It can dynamically increase the number and specifications of mongos and shard nodes in DDS clusters to handle sudden spikes in demand.

Speed-of-Thought Data Analysis

DDS sharded clusters provide high write performance and MongoDB-compatible MapReduce aggregation to enable speed-of-thought analysis.

Horizontal Scaling in Minutes

DDS provides horizontal scaling and sharding to keep up with sudden changes in demand. The cluster and replica set design ensures high availability in any environment. If the primary node fails, the secondary node takes over services immediately, without any impact on applications.

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Scalability: Internet Applications
Internet Applications

Internet applications need to store a wide range of data types and analyze great volumes of data concurrently. DDS uses a three-node replica set architecture to deliver the highest possible availability and reliability.

Concurrent Reads and Writes of Massive Data

Internet services, such as e-commerce and check in/out systems require high database concurrency and performance.


You can write your own query statements or scripts to distribute requests to DDS for multidimensional analysis.

Excellent Scalability

DB instances can be flexibly scaled to support growing data volumes in content management systems.

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