Why Huawei Cloud APIG?
3-in-1 Architecture for Cost Efficiency
Security gateway: access control and audit.
Traffic gateway: cross-domain forwarding, policy-based routing, rate limiting and circuit breaker, backend signature, and load balancing.
Microservice gateway: service discovery, traffic labeling, gray release, and gRPC.

Highest Concurrency for a Single Gateway
Flexible gateway specifications for seamless scaling to demands of any scenario.
Responsive to traffic peaks with up to 80,000 TPS for a single gateway.

Multi-Level Protection for Core Services
Anti-replay, anti-tampering, certificate management, and trusted access.
Multiple authentication ways: black/whitelists and custom and third-party authentication.
Request throttling by application, API, user, and IP address, and automatic circuit breaking of backend access for security.

API Configuration in Minutes and Visualized O&M
One-click import of API definitions, easy configuration of open APIs, online API debugging, and quick migration of applications to the cloud.
One-stop and real-time API monitoring, smart alarms, and quick exception analysis.

All-Scenario Coverage for System Traffic Governance
Industry Recognition
Industry Recognition
First "Advanced" API Full Lifecycle Management Service
The first and only service of this level recognized by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
"Extended" Cloud Native API Gateway
Awarded for the basic and expansion capabilities by CAICT
More Services
More Services
Event-driven service without server provisioning or management
Distributed Message Service (DMS) for Kafka
A fully managed, highly reliable message middleware service
Distributed Cache Service (DCS) for Redis
An in-memory caching service compatible with Redis