HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Test Agreement
HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Test Agreement
- This Agreement is subject to the HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Agreement you accepted. (The acceptance form includes but is not limited to the seal and signature of both parties offline, or you click online to agree when registering or ordering services.), including the Acceptable Use Policy, Site Terms, Privacy Statement, and relevant Service Level Agreements (SLAs) incorporated by reference into the HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Agreement, and other agreements and policies specified on the HUAWEI CLOUD service website (collectively, the "Cloud Service Agreement"). The URL for the website agreement link is .
- You use your account which registered on the HUAWEI CLOUD official website ( ) to test the cloud services specified by us. Based on your intention to purchase HUAWEI CLOUD service, we provide test coupons of a specific amount. Test coupons can be used only at a specified time, in a specified region, in a specified product scope, in a specified billing mode, and in a specified site. Test coupons expire immediately after the coupons expire or the quota is used up, or you notify us of the end of the test. No reissue, no cash. Once you use HUAWEI CLOUD test coupons, you have accepted the do’s and don’ts of the coupons: .
- You acknowledge and agree that test resources are not readily available for the purpose of protecting commercial users. In addition, we may change or stop providing the test at any time without notice.
- You acknowledge and agree that we shall provide reasonable assistance for the problems that occur during your test, but shall not be liable for your business, your users, or third parties. The SLA and warranty clauses specified in the HUAWEI CLOUD Customer Agreement do not apply to this test agreement.
- You acknowledge and agree that we has the right to release or delete your resources at any time without notice after you notify us in writing to end the test or after the quota of test coupons is used up. For details, you should follow the rules of the grace period and retention period specified on the HUAWEI CLOUD official website ( ). If you purchase or use HUAWEI CLOUD services using the expenditure quota, you need to pay the service fee according to the price and payment method specified on the HUAWEI CLOUD official website (
- You acknowledge and agree that all test coupons provided by us to you are subject to this Agreement.
- Others
7.1 Without the permission of us, you shall not publicize or disclose the relevant contents of this Agreement.
7.2 Other matters not covered shall be settled by both parties through friendly negotiation. In case of failure of negotiation, a lawsuit shall be filed with the court of Ireland.
Last Updated: September 14, 2023